Forum Replies Created
YW Moderator-💯Moderator
If anyone wants to post a name for Tehillim without using their regular username, they can post: “Can a moderator please post:”, with the name, and I (or another moderator) will bl”n delete that post and then post the name.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThat would require exchange of contact information, and we do not do that. It is not a good idea, especially since there are many sensitive and volatile topics discussed here.
There is this, though:
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorStaten Island, New York
Rav Reuvein Feinstein Shlit”a
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorDoesn’t mean it’s not a good thing for other people in moderation.
Where can I get a prescription?
February 24, 2016 10:58 pm at 10:58 pm in reply to: If Bernie Sanders is Jewish, I'm a Christmas Tree #1139581YW Moderator-💯ModeratorI hereby inform you that your subtitle was changed.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorMazel Tov!
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorI do not understand what you are saying.
January 12, 2016 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm in reply to: Are Kollel Folks Better Jews Than The Rest Of us? #1174543YW Moderator-💯Moderatorsqueaky clean
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorBigger Bump
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorJust the post. I will often go to the thread to see the context before approving.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorShe is a troll.
January 4, 2016 4:42 am at 4:42 am in reply to: Is anyone else being strongly reminded of this poster? #1120484YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYes
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorThe more screen names, the better.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorOy.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorI thought about it. There is still some valid discussion. See posts above yours [which were not yet visible when you posted].
November 29, 2015 1:05 am at 1:05 am in reply to: Favorites lines from Shmuel Kunda Z"L tapes #1210966YW Moderator-💯ModeratorI think The Royal Rescue.
Welcome to the CR.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorOr a bill requiring moderators get paid at least as well as fast food workers?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThank you.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorNot that I am aware of.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThat was posted on 08/08/2013.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorQuick – I am on now. Post!
October 28, 2015 4:53 pm at 4:53 pm in reply to: Lose weight fast! Read: Some gross stuff happening behind closed doors of… #1110816YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThank you, Golfer.
October 28, 2015 3:12 pm at 3:12 pm in reply to: Lose weight fast! Read: Some gross stuff happening behind closed doors of… #1110813YW Moderator-💯ModeratorTaken under advisement.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThere are 20,501, including closed topics, but not including deleted topics.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorIt is open.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorWhich topic?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYou did, but it was deleted.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThe name I have, which was forwarded from a local school, is
???? ????? ?? ???? ????.
July 7, 2015 3:12 am at 3:12 am in reply to: Why haven’t the Gedolei Hador & Leaders of Klal yisroel made a zman Teshuva with #1098973YW Moderator-💯ModeratorIt is good to know that you agree with yourself.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorOld man, your “reply” was not a response to anything. Feel free to discuss the issue.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYou would not think so if you saw the deleted posts.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorWe do not have time to email an explanation every time we edit or delete a post.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorI just received an email with the following information:
Updated Kashrus Alert [3/9/15]
[Courtesy of Rabbi Gershon Bess]
The following liquid medications do not contain any animal ingredients. The glycerin is vegetable based:
[Artificial flavor]
[All flavors including Dye-Free] [Artificial flavor]Tylenol Infant drops – Cherry or Grape [Artificial flavor] NOT Dye-Free
[Artificial flavor] NOT Dye-Free
The following liquid medications do contain animal ingredients. The glycerin is animal based:
Tylenol Infant Drops – Cherry Dye Free
Store brands of Suspensions should not be used since glycerin is commonly derived from animal sources.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThe link is embedded in his post, in the words, “Link, moderation permitting”.
Click on any letter on that page for a pdf of roshei teivos for that letter.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorGood job.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorWhat’s your address?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorWhew… finally found that tenth piece.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorKeep on davening for ??? ????? ?’ ????? ???? ?? ???
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorHere it comes…
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorImportant Tips for Those Who Drink on Purim
The following directions can prevent or reduce the unpleasant side effects of drinking. They are based on reliable medical sources, and have been proven in practice.
Before drinking:
1. Eat a lot. Fatty foods (or foods mixed with olive oil), fried foods and starchy foods (made of flour, potatoes, rice, etc.) are especially good.
2. Eat burnt toast. The carbon in it aids greatly in the digestion of alcohol.
3. Drink water or other non-alcoholic beverages, especially those containing vitamins. Taking a multi-vitamin is also a good idea.
Though eating may slow the effect of the alcohol, it will not prevent intoxication. Drinking and eating will prevent dehydration, and help the body absorb the alcohol properly, preventing feelings of nausea.
While drinking:
2. Stick to one type of drink. Only drink beverages derived from the same source of alcohol (e.g. grape, grain or other fruits). Definitely do not drink wine after beer.
Waiting will not prevent your intoxication.
4. Accompany your alcoholic drinking with more food and non-alcoholic beverages (burnt toast is particularly helpful). It is best to drink at least one light beverage with every alcoholic drink you have.
6. It is advisable to avoid caffeinated beverages like cola, coffee, or tea.
If you start feeling nauseous, stop drinking alcohol, drink lots of water, and eat starchy foods. The food will absorb the toxins of the alcohol-not eating is a big mistake.
After drinking:
It is important to help the body continue to digest the alcohol within it, and to replenish its store of vitamins. Therefore you should continue drinking water and other beverages containing salt, sugar, and vitamins (especially vitamin C and potassium). You may also want to take a multi-vitamin.
A freilichen Purim.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorBUMP!!!