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  • in reply to: Do We Believe in Heroes? #1222005

    lets start working on ourselves towards hero’s or role models by removing ourselves from this temporary physical world & focusing on a life of spirituality & the future world like our forefathers & gedolim that were pure & holy & almost completely removed from physicality

    may YOU one day reach this high level & feel so close to Hashem like they did

    in reply to: What did the color yellow do? #1222502

    not the same without it

    in reply to: New voicemail message #1220511

    call you cell phone from any other phone & don’t answer your phone so you can hear your new voicemail message

    in reply to: Bochurim who smoke #1220349

    depending how many years he smoked before stopping to smoke, it takes time to rejuvenate until it feels like he never smoked & his body is fully healthy like he never smoked at all

    in reply to: ???? ???? ???? #1219923

    drinking doesnt have a starting date.

    you don’t need to drink alchohol (or drugs etc…) to be happy. just have bitachon & emunah in Hashem & in return Hashem gives you the priceless gift of Happiness cause you will see that nothing.noone in the world can touch or effect you without Hashems permission thus you will always be such a happy person 24/7

    hodu L’hashem, how thankful i am to Hashem for everything Hashem gives & continues to give me. i am blessed to not need, liquor, smoking, drugs, music etc… to make me happy. I am bentched with the gift of happiness 24/7 because my entire trust is in Hashem & no one else or anything else.

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220418

    wow they let internet in Lakewood? i thought its not kosher

    in reply to: Kosher dolls #1219737

    I THOUGHT that we are all male & female dolls. the way we take life like a joke & take it for granted, by simply letting it slip by & wasting our precious time on unimportant things. “Uvacharta B’chaim…” choose life i.e. don’t waste your precious gift of life and appreciate every moment we are given the gift of life by Hashem-by spending your time wisely. Wisely does not need to mean davening & learning, going shopping & spending some family time is also called spending your time wisely

    May you all be benched to start appreciating every moment of life before you start reaching your 60’s & 70’s or older. life is too precious to simply be wasted & thrown down the drain

    in reply to: Providing rides as chesed #1219541

    sorry my mistake. translated it wrong as YOU have car I will drive

    in reply to: Providing rides as chesed #1219537


    he doesnt have a car

    in reply to: Is Rabbi Yaakov Hillel a mekubal? #1220983

    best help you can get for any issues in all situations is: go straight to Hashem for help & call out to him for your heart. Hashem does not turn anyone away unanswered. as we say in Ashrei Karov Hashem…. Hashem is close to all who call upon him to those who call upon him with truth & Sincerity

    Hatzlacha Rabba

    in reply to: What I learned from the Turx Controversy #1219475


    Its vice versa Turx national c hillul Hashem not talking in shul

    in reply to: What I learned from the Turx Controversy #1219469

    Being Jewish i learn to lay low and not attract attention to myself. As a reporter i do want to grow but not at the price of others or at the price of c hillul Hashem

    in reply to: What's the Point of Having People Like the President Now? #1218463

    he is not even fully setup with his new government since becoming president. Wait until everything is up & running & then see how he is doing but currently he is under alot of pressure based on many things, first for just starting & seeing how he will do, second for surprises like flynn that he was not prepared for & many other things that are preventing him from doing his job in full control & running.

    lets wait till he is up & running with all new positions in place & then see how he is doing.

    NJ Governor just agreed to join his government with a job

    in reply to: National Day Without Immigrants #1216918

    Hashem runs the world & your personal business not you. just a reminder

    in reply to: chesed car rides #1216319

    why not allowed? you have 1 interest & it is the chesed of giving him a ride. he doesnt belong chatting in you & your friends conversation neither in listening. he should just sit & appreciate the free ride he is getting

    in reply to: chesed car rides #1216303


    theres no need to give the keys to him especially if he doesnt drive yet & just needs a ride to his mesivta etc…

    i got rides for many years before i started driving with at least %25 from ladies & i just sat in the back & also didn’t talk with them unless they asked questions versus a man was more likely to chat with me. before leaving i thanked them greatly to make sure my tznius of not speaking with them should not sound like i do not appreciate the ride she gave me & as we drove to my location i didnt look at driver in front i just looked at street from window as we got closer to my destination.

    in reply to: chesed car rides #1216290

    let the boy sit in the back seat, versus in front beside her or if it were a man & he would then sit up front


    If a woman is uncomfortable speaking with a rav she can approach the ravs rebbetzin and ask her to please ask her husband the rav on her behalf and get back to her

    in reply to: Simple Luxuries #1215951

    the longer version of my message above

    BOTTOM LINE: there is always a way to look at every situation in the positive way (from a big water bill in the mail to other sad situations or any other situation a person is in.)

    in reply to: Simple Luxuries #1215950

    how thankful i am to Hashem that i was blessed that everything is a luxury to me. you probably wonder how can someone be so fortunate when its human nature to take things for granted.

    while many lessons in life take weeks & months to learn this will only take 1 hour. take anything away from you WHEN YOU NEED IT. rather its a cell phone or your eyes by closing it & open it up in one hour later. your Thanks to Hashem will be endless. you will start to see the beauty of every product of the amazing world we are in that Hashem created. From technology to your garbage can how each thing is made with so much wisdom. (that sadly human nature makes us take it for granted.

    i say hodu L’hashem for everything Hashem gives us & continues to give us non-stop & how much we owe Hashem 24-7

    in reply to: When did hats get so big? #1216886

    brims on hats are getting SMALLER today with added designs like feathers or needle that used to only be on hats that werent fetedoras

    in reply to: did you make a shehecheyanu on carob? #1222919

    Harav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L would make a shehecheyanu every year on tu b’shvat always on Buckser, cause he was positive that he did not have any the entire year since the previous tu b’shvat

    in reply to: What's a Bungalow Colony? #1219082

    a large yard with 10 trailers & a pool squashed into it. with the price of each rental same as your large home renal in NY but guess its worth it just so you can get the feeling that you got away & can be able to tell your friends that you went away for the summer

    in reply to: How many Gaonim are there? #1215706

    learn your jewish history

    the order was

    ta’naim (compiled mishna)

    amoraim (compiled gemara)




    Acharonim (the generation we are still currently in)

    the generation of Geolim ended many hundreds of years ago

    in reply to: Jewish Music Sometimes Rubs Me the Wrong Way #1216792

    Jewish music today is not the same as the previous generation.

    it has become pure rocken goyish music with a goyish taam-that effects our & our tiere childrens neshamos & ruchnius-with just the words changed into hebrew words ….

    how gedolim allow it shocks me. theres a sefer on all the kinds of different music & how it effects you negatively depending on the kind of music

    in reply to: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community #1215958

    lakewood pricing has gone way up high. try better cleveland or detroit. much more friendly & quiet & roomy. lakewood has become Brooklyn NJ

    in reply to: Bituchin & Emunah #1072577

    Becoming a Baal Betuchen & Emuna (Faith & trust) is no simple matter. A person can’t just say, let me have faith in hashem, it is a long & Difficult journey. Becoming a person of Betuchen & Emuna in Hashem is an average of a 30 year journey minimum. (not from when your born, but from when the journey starts) Do you know what these 30 years are? Only the first 10 percent of the journey is learning every mussar sefer in the world, the other 90 percent of the journey is passing every single Nisayon (test) with Ahava (love) etc… , from accidents to robberies to deaths Chas V’Shalom etc… A true person of Faith knows the mishna in pirkei Avos that says the good & bad is all for the good every minute of the day , 24-7. Every Nisayon that a person gets from Hashem & passes, brings him closer & closer to Hashem & every test that a person experiences gets harder & harder, but a person can never ask Hashem why something bad is happening, because we all know that if a person was not able to pass a test then Hashem would never give it to him. Nothing in the world will effect a person of Bitachon, no matter what happens, cause he knows that everything Hashem does is for the good. Do you know what the reward for being a person of Faith & trust is? The reward is worth more then all the money in the world, the reward is the gift of Happiness, you get to be the happiest person in the world cause nothing in the world will effect you. Now can you tell me a better reward then that?.

    I have assisted many rebbe’s coming to my community & having Tishen as a manager. The same Scene repeats itself every time. i assist the ????? & the rebbe Friday & ??? & then one of them comes over to me during ??? ?????? & said you assisted all of us so nicely you should go to the head of the table & get a ???? from the Rabbi. Do you know what i do every time? I then grabbed him on the shoulder & told him JUST keep your faith in Hashem & everything will be all right rather you got a ???? or not. I agree he is a big Rabbi his blessings can & do help & i should go & get a ???? but just keep your faith in Hashem & everything will be all right. Thats the KEY to success in Judaism if you have faith in Hashem, Hashem has faith in you. (that you will do his????). There’s nothing wrong with getting Chizzuk from a rebbe or a Rosh Yeshiva & learning from their ways etc… theres also nothing wrong with getting a bracha from a rebbe BUT getting a bracha from a rebbe & depending on it AKA: coming home & telling your wife we just got a bracha that were going to have a child or be rich or our daughter is going to have a refu’ah shleima etc… is a lack of Faith in Hashem. The Chovos Halevavos says in the chapter of faith that a person cannot have faith in 2 things (AKA Hashem & a Rebbe, Rav or friend) for when he does, he loses both. (he then brings a mashal (parable) of a Rabbi who needed tapes of his speeches made to sell so he asked 2 of his members to help make them, but he knew if he would ask them together, each one would say the other one is doing it so i don’t need to do it. Instead the Rabbi brought each one in separately & asked each one & was successful.) For when you depend on 2 you lose both.

    in reply to: Hows The Sassoon Family? #1073527

    keep davening for them & beg your family & friends to join you in the pre-geula teshuva movement with klal yisroel together as a nation coming together & doing teshuva so mashiach can come

    in reply to: Yeshivas that offer time for online college #1072650

    what about ner yisroel In Baltimore. they have a lot of bochurim there do it

    in reply to: Orchos Tzadikim on the Redemption #1070422

    First translate it into English to let everyone understand what you wrote then hopefully they will reply back to you


    these messages are really shocking, I hope everyone understands them & returns to the road of teshuva like you wrote.

    May Mashiach come very soon

    in reply to: Things that are avoda zara #1094542

    to sam2

    Who is the one that is ready to be an Employer? Why should someone be chosen to be an employer more then a employee? The one that his money & business won’t effect his relationship with Hashem i.e. he is still going to daven in a minyan every day & have a learning ??? every day. While an employee only works from 9:00AM to 5:00PM this time of work is his fence between him & Hashem telling him its time to go Daven & learn. But the person that realizes this does not need this fence as a reminder to go daven & learn. Hashem sees he gives ???? he Davens & learns everyday why shouldn’t he be a multi millionaire he knows how to spend it right & appreciates that Hashem picked him to be an employer more then an employee. Why don’t jews run the biggest businesses in the world? Because if we do it will effect the relationship between him & Hashem (he will forget to daven & not be ???? ??? etc…) while on the other hand the phone company of IDT is owned by a jew by the name of Howard Jonas. Why is he the owner of such a big company? Why did Hashem pick him? Hashem saw in the future that this man has the potential to be rich & not forget Hashem that put him in this position & still do his ???? (Howard Jonas even has a book he made, the name is I’M NOT THE BOSS.)

    in reply to: Things that are avoda zara #1094539


    Why is the economy so bad today? Why is the whole world going down? For the past thousands of years there was always Avoda zara in the world-from the molech to the baal to the asheira tree etc…-todays avoda zara is MONEY, we are a servant to money, we serve money, we bow down to money, we let money talk & rule us. Thus we leave Hashem no choice but to take it away from us Rachmana L’tzlan. But you can still save yourself from going down. if a person can use his money the right way & remember that it all comes from Hashem & it was just loaned to him (even though he worked for it), then he is the perfect person to continue holding Hashem’s money.

    in reply to: where can i find rabbi yisroel Reisman on the parsha? #1014461

    you can hear him on live satellite every Motzai Shabbos one hour after Shabbos, in a shul in your community, just find out which one. OR

    YOU might be able to find it on torah websites like has thousands of new shmuessen daily on all different topics


    in reply to: Siddur on a Smart Phone #1016344

    Anyone know what it feels like talking to Obama? What about Harav Kanievsky Shlita? would you speak to them while looking at your phone at a game at the same time? What about the KING OF KINGS HASHEM? is there even a doubt that its a pure shame to Hashem & you need to beg Hashem for forgivness?

    the answer isn’t that it doesn’t pay to daven but actually its an embarrassment To HASHEM

    in reply to: Photographers in Brooklyn #1010089

    what do you consider reasonably priced? do you keep in mind expenses that it involves printing & albums etc… or are you just thinking just digital & no prints?

    in reply to: Do people who are uglier have more yiras shomayim? #1002060

    yes actually they do have more yiraas shamayim, but based on a different reason.

    with their low life style & low image they learn how to look at everything positive i.e. look at everything they have & not vice versa, everything they are missing like regular people,

    & appreciate everything Hashem gives them every day.

    to help you understand this better. here is an example:

    in reply to: ???? is 24/7 #1000980

    the complete message from Hashem** is:

    the pasuk in the Torah that says when the Jews said Na’asa V’nishma (we will do & we will hear) in the desert is 24:7 (chapter 24 the 7th sentence) what can we learn from this? what is Hashem’s message? The Torah is a 24-7 job. The Torah is not just a book of 613 laws that Hashem told us to keep. The Torah is not just a book that if we learn it then it keeps yiddishkeit going. The torah is a persons guidebook to life, if a person keeps to the laws of the torah he is guaranteed success from Hashem. Now please tell me, who made it be this pasuk? Was it the Anshei Knesses Ha’gedola, Moshe Rabeinu or did it come straight from Hashem?

    in reply to: Mussar from current events #1001297

    sorry I didn’t reply earlier regarding avoda zara in todays generation:

    Why is the economy so bad today? Why is the whole world going down? For the past thousands of years there was always Avoda zara in the world-from the molech to the baal to the asheira tree etc…-todays avoda zara is MONEY, we are a servant to money, we serve money, we bow down to money, we let money talk & rule us. Thus we leave Hashem no choice but to take it away from us Rachmana L’tzlan. But you can still save yourself from going down. if a person can use his money the right way & remember that it all comes from Hashem & it was just loaned to him (even though he worked for it), then he is the perfect person to continue holding Hashem’s money.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #1165861

    there are lots of future events that are going to happen in the pre-moshiach days that you can find in the sefer of Zecharya Hanavi. Many things that Hashem told him would occur. open one up & see for yourself

    wish we would all do teshuva as a nation already so mashiach would be here already

    in reply to: Which gadol should I get a bracha from? #988296

    not from any Gadol. go straight to Hashem for Help.

    JUST keep your faith in Hashem & everything will be all right rather you get a ???? or not. a big Rabbi, his blessings can & do help & you should go & get a ???? but just keep your faith in Hashem & everything will be all right. Thats the KEY to success in Judaism if you have faith in Hashem, Hashem has faith in you. (that you will do his????). There’s nothing wrong with getting Chizzuk from a rebbe or a Rosh Yeshiva & learning from their ways etc… theres also nothing wrong with getting a bracha from a rebbe BUT getting a bracha from a rebbe & depending on it AKA: coming home & telling your wife we just got a bracha that were going to have a child or be rich or our daughter is going to have a refu’ah shleima etc… is a lack of Faith in Hashem. The Chovos Halevavos says in the chapter of faith that a person cannot have faith in 2 things (AKA Hashem & a Rebbe, Rav or friend) for when he does, he loses both. (he then brings a mashal (parable) of a Rabbi who needed tapes of his speeches made to sell so he asked 2 of his members to help make them, but he knew if he would ask them together, each one would say the other one is doing it so i don’t need to do it. Instead the Rabbi brought each one in separately & asked each one & was successful.) For when you depend on 2 you lose both.

    Perhaps make a learning seder on Chovos Halevovos

    Hatzlacha Rabba

    in reply to: Government shutdown? #976982

    May we all be in Yerushalyim ASAP with mashiach

    in reply to: Should we observe 9/11? #974124

    do you know why 9/11 happened? i.e. every tragedy that occurs in klal yisroel has a wake-up message STRAIGHT from Hashem. do you know what the message of 9/11 is?

    Do you know that 9/11 is our sad day for over 2000 years? ???? ???, 9 is ???? Av is 11 ???? is 12 & ???? is 1, how does that grab you? How does that shock you? what about the phone number 911? that’s also ???? ???. that’s Americas emergency number for a minimum of 50 to 100 years, why didn’t they pick 111? are you going to tell me cause a baby might press 111 by mistake? These 2 tragedies-above-were only hint’s to tisha b’av, but it wasn’t enough to bring klal yisroel to start doing teshuva. So what happened ON tisha b’av 2005, i.e. no more hints to tisha b’av? Gush Katif/the Gaza Disengagement, it was supposed to happen on tisha b’av but they waited until Motzei tisha b’av, they did not even wait till the next morning, which means it was still tisha b’av in Chutz La’aretz (diaspora). Now let me ask you something, are these 3 tragedies-relating to tisha b’av-coincidence or is it a straight message from Hashem that its time for klal yisroel to wake up & do ?????? You think about it, this is not between people, this is between each person & Hashem.

    May we all start doing teshuva ASAP before tragedy strikes again C”V

    in reply to: What can we learn from the hurricane? #907145

    2)many innocent children were niftar (in strange & young ages)

    3) the economy getting closer & closer to crashing & the USA collapsing.

Viewing 44 posts - 301 through 344 (of 344 total)