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with this name…a couple of weeks.
with my old one…few months
yogiboobooMemberwhat happens if the girl doesnt have a brother???
yogiboobooMemberit just gets really annoying after a while!
Showerzinger im assuming your in shidduchim..
January 28, 2011 2:51 am at 2:51 am in reply to: Why do we behave better when we go out in the world? #733001yogiboobooMemberi hate it when kids dont behave in general lol
yogiboobooMemberTBT- thats not what im saying. what im saying is its as if ur settling right away with guy number one. when someone never spoke to a guy how does she know what she is doing? so therefore she settles with the first guy.
yogiboobooMember2.journeys-old torah scroll(i think thats the nsme)
yogiboobooMemberheres what i dont understand. you take two people who never spoke to the opposite gender before you have them go out, and then they get enagaged. they were each their firsts. how do they know thats what they want? maybe there was someone better..etc. my husband and i spoke on the phone for a week before we went out had 4 dates btu also spoke a lot in between. thats how we built up our relationship. then u have these boys and girls who do everything thru a shadchan and dont really shmooze with each other unless they are together for 3 hours on a date. again how is that any different. if they would allow the girls and boys to shmooze and get to know each other even on the phone that would be good. Also…what’s the rush you ask? here is a one word answer:PRESSURE!!! pressure from rav, parents, friends and more.
yogiboobooMemberONE MORE THING TO ADD-
if it feels right and the couple have chemistry and dare i say it love each other then there is no reason to wait
yogiboobooMembermy husband and I knew in the middle of the FIRST date that we wanted to marry each other. we shmoozed on the phone A LOT before we met and then fianlly went out. after 4 dates we got engaged. b”H we are very happy. of course u learn new things about each other every day but that only happens after living with someone. you wont know what they are really like till u r married to them because again until u live with them u never really know!
yogiboobooMembergitta-kol hakavod to you! i agree with mike and oomis! and gitta since i know ur granchildren I can say they def have a great bubby! mazel tov mazel tov! at least now ur last child in shidduchim will have a story to tell 🙂
yogiboobooMemberseriously if it was such an issue the rabbanim would ban it!
yogiboobooMembermazel tov! iy”h both the happy couples should have simcha, nachas, mazel, bracha, parnassah, shalom bayis, hatzlacha and goos things ad meah vesrim!!!!!! so exciting!!!!
yogiboobooMemberppl told me i might have it hard bec of my family situation. but i looked passed it and said there is bound to be someone who wont care and will marry me regardless. i davened and lo and behold i met my amazing husband who actually loves my family(despite wat others said!!!!!!) b”H they all get along great! so its never right or fair to judge a person based on their family or past!
yogiboobooMemberit was cool…i know her family
yogiboobooMemberits a chore that i hate therefore i let my husband do it. as well as doing the floors too! i do other things…lots of other things for the household!
yogiboobooMemberthe goq-i know that stinks. they just sent a letter around in my job(and i work in a school btw) saying that unless the teachers have a really good excuse they cant bring their kids to work/school. what i dont get is, parents get the calendar @ the beg of the school year, why cant they put their days in the minute they get the calendar?!?!?
yogiboobooMemberyossi-i get my husband to do a lot of it and hes happy to!
yogiboobooMemberdo you have access to get to nassau county? if so go to long beach they are quick there. you pick up the form, go to any rabbi who knows you and will have a few witnesses there then send back the form to them and within a couple of weeks you’ll have it. or bring it back and you might get it back on the spot. thats what we did!
yogiboobooMemberyogibooboo,yogibooboo, chayav,chayav(except now im going to bed so i cant get out cuz that wouldnt be fair!)
yogiboobooMembertooperfect-let me explain something to you. This girl who is 25…let me tell you what she is like. she has got it made she can have anyone she wants. the problem is is that the guy she wants is 3 guys in 1. meanign she sees how 3 different guys are and she decided she wants all that in 1 which is a very hard situation. then she never knows where she is holding each day and therefore cant decide what she wants. its a very sad sad situation.
oomis-what do you mean?
all in all many girls are being too picky. now another girl i know when i asked her what she wants she said a black hatter. when asked why she says because my father wears one so the guy has to. now if i told you what the father is like, he is far from a typical yeshivish blackhatter. people have got their priorities messed up and that is why there is a shidduch crisis
January 23, 2011 6:06 pm at 6:06 pm in reply to: Did you go Seminary in Eretz Yisroel? What did you gain from it? #730834yogiboobooMemberAside from gaining weight, i really gained a lot out of my two years. I got to be in the Holiest Land, near the kotel! but besides that i gained a lot of knowledge from chumash mainly. (because of what i learned i can give you an indepth analysis of the inyan of yaakov and eisav and yitzchak and rivkah! i can also tell you what i had to learn by being a roomate and it helps with getting married.
I went to Sharfman’s and Neve Yerushalyaim. There were many girls who did the same. in sharfmans i taught myself to cook which was awesome and in neve i was able to go to any type of classes i wanted which was great. i also had a chavrusa with a teacher which i gained a lot from. For certain levels in Neve you get a tutor which i made a great kesher with!
yogiboobooMemberThey say chassidish women do it for the mikvah so that way no hair will be out of the water. Also that way there will never be a reason for them to walk around their homes without their hair covered. the only thing is their husbands dont see their heads uncovered either
yogiboobooMemberCan I make a suggestion for you people who hate cleaning the cholent pot? No, not bags! simply put some oil on the bottom and spray pam on the sides…its helps TREMENDOUSLY!!!!
yogiboobooMemberb & h
yogiboobooMemberOK the way I wrote it came out wrong. I am NOT judging! Let me re-explain. Let’s say your in shul and you are looking over the mechitzah(you are now single again) and are looking to get remarried. You know that there are single men in shul, some divorced some not. Now this new divorcee may want to know about a guy but because since he is wearing a talis she cant inquire about him. That was what I was trying to say. and vice versa for the man
yogiboobooMemberThis may come out wrong and I’m sorry before I say it, but I feel bad. I mean like why should they be skipped over in shul(men) because of it or on the streets(women-not a negative way) etc. If a divorcee asks me to set them up how do I know who else is divorced? The way I’m saying this sounds weird I know but do you get it?
January 20, 2011 2:25 am at 2:25 am in reply to: Elter Zeida & Elter Bubbe; Uncle's & Aunt's #731140yogiboobooMemberI grew up that it was respectful that my aunts and uncles are to be called aunt and uncle. as we got older we’ll say their first names but thats a rare thing. That’s how it always was in my family and thats how it will be with my kids iy”h. I myself do not have siblings but my husband does so his siblings will be aunt and uncle. yet, we have friends and since it is not respect for them to call them by their first names they will be known as aunt and uncle(since they are close with us).
It’s all about respect. the problem with first name basis is that you loose the fact that people are older and that you need to have respect for them and not be chummy chummy(if you know what i mean)
yogiboobooMemberOOMIS- we do it all week! lol
Smart cookie-they really work for us B”H
best ima- i do stove but the oven i havent had to clean bec i put liners down. so i just ahve to throw those out once every 2-3 months
yogiboobooMemberWhat about doing sesame street charecters?(they happen to have cute costumes)
What we are doing iy”h is only going to happen if we find the costume online.(speaking of which ill start looking now) but if i say it people might know who i am so i will watch…lol
Another cute idea is the Flintstones
yogiboobooMemberi dont iron…we buy wrinkle free lol