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  • in reply to: R Avigdor Miller Shiurim #943593

    You can google torah lectures and get the website done by the Yehuda Mond Foundation, they have shiurim there by Rabbi Avigdor Miller. Addidtionally you can google Simchas Hachaim Foundation and buy an ipod loaded with his shiurim on their website.

    in reply to: Shield Star K #998915

    Ruchi I didn’t say anything about Rabbi Silver.I said that I don’t think the hechsher is reliable. I think you should direct your comment at rebdoniel.

    in reply to: Are the Chasam Sofer hechsherim reliable? #946729

    I think I have an answer, but I’m not 100% positive that’s why. If you look on the package it’s made in Switzerland. It says on the package certified kosher by the Rabbanut of Switzerland.

    in reply to: Shield Star K #998910

    If you google shield star k you’ll get a forum from imamother discussing whether it’s good. It’s npt on the Kosherquest site either which makes it seem that it’s not recommended.

    in reply to: Are the Chasam Sofer hechsherim reliable? #946727

    If you don’t hold of the B’B one, how do you eat Mentos(the round candies)? (I think I have an answer, but I want to see what everyone else thinks.)

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1191280

    charliehall, In the rules of scrabble it says that you write to record the score. It may even come with a pad of scorecard sheets. If you usually use that to record the score then it would be assur miderabanon. If you normally don’t, then I think it’s muttar, but I could be wrong. There’s an Israeli version of scrabble, it’s called Blanko, I think there’s a different way how to record the score there. In deluxe scrabble, there are places where the blocks are held in place. The poskim as Sam2 mentioned say that’s forming a word and it’s assur mideoraisa. I don’t remeber the Rema offhand, but the gemaras in shabbos and gittin discusses whether you’d be chayiv m’deoraisa for writing two letters. That doesn’t matter English, Hebrew or any language. In any case the Rabbonon assur’d even one letter.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1191275

    talmud- it’s in R’ Dovid Ribiat’s sefer Sefer Lamed Tes Melachos The 39 Melachos Vol. 4 page 978. On pages 954-955, he also writes about scrabble if you want to look it up.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1191265

    Sam2-who is matir scrabble? The Chachamim made a gezeira that you can’t do things that normally involve writing because it may lead to writing. In regular scrabble, you record the score. It’s assur miderabanon. In Scrabble, the pieces interlock, it’s really writing and it’s assur mideoraisa.

    I would recommend to play on shabbos

    risk- but that can get boring after awhile.

    chess-some poskim say if you will have agmas nefesh if you lose, you shouldn’t play.


    Quick Shtick (I don’t know if this game is around anymore.)



    Outburst (I’m not sure if that can be played on shabbos, but I think it’s fine)


    in reply to: New Fresh Joke Thread #1027366

    Notasheep, I heard the joke about snoring in regard to something else. I was at a camp in the Catskills, it was sort of in the middle of nowhere, and there was a sign that read,”My wife told me that if I go to the camp one more time, I’m going to leave you. I’m sure going to miss her.”

    in reply to: Jewish Dance Machine #942741

    There was a thread about listening to music when exercising during sefira

    Also Halachically speaking by R’ Moshe Dovid Lebovitz also talks about this. I’ll copy and paste it, but if you want you can see it also by googling Halachically Speaking and going to the archives It’s Volume 5 Issue 9.

    Without Intent

    Many cases of listening to music are not because one wishes to enjoy the music. For example, one who is exercising and wishes to listen to music to make the exercising better is permitted to do so since his intent is not to enjoy the music.

    Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, see Shiurei Halacha (Harav Felder Shlita) page 26.

    in reply to: Tzitzis in or Tzitzis out? #984341

    HolyMoe, are you sure of this? The Mishna Berura clearly states when he brings the lashon of the Magen Avraham ??????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ????”? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ????. The lashon of ??? ?? ???? is mashma even under the shirt.

    in reply to: Good Communities Outside of NY #1153509

    midwesterner, I can see why you thought that what’s I meant but that’s not what I meant. What I meant was is that there are different hashkafic points at this area. Both schools are very frum. One happens to be more yeshivish than the other.

    in reply to: Beitar Illit Boys Fall Into Pit #942568

    You probably saw this already because its in the comments of the article but just in case you didn’t the names to daven for are eliyohu ben devora yocheved.

    in reply to: Tzitzis in or Tzitzis out? #984319

    The Mishna Berura says you should wear it out.

    in reply to: Good Communities Outside of NY #1153484

    gavra at work- The pizza shop in denver is good but it has very crazy hours. The joke is that its open from 7:00 to 7:01.

    in reply to: YWN Log-on adverstisement #963258

    It can be annoying but YWN is doing that for us to stay on. Without advertisements, YWN can’t be totally free.

    in reply to: Good Communities Outside of NY #1153475

    MorahRach, I visited the jewish community in washington dc about 9 years ago, there was one shul in Georgetown which is a suburb, the community was older, the restaurants that were there had all closed up. It wasn’t a very yeshivish community either. I wouldn’t recommend moving there unless its changed within 8 years.

    Vogue, what you said about hanna sacks was loshon hora and could have even been motzi shem ra. I know the several people on the administration personally and they are wonderful people. If you want to know the difference between hanna sacks and bais yaakov high school, I’ll tell you what I think the diffrenece is. Bais Yaakov High school is extremely yeshivish and very strict,. The principal’s husband is the Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe Chicago. It’s that hashkafa. Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov is extremely frum but only to a certain extent. They say you need to look proper and be human.

    in reply to: Bracha on Matzah Brei #941736

    Sam2- shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Kuf samech ches seif yud. You can also look at the brachos sefarim, they bring it down (Vezos Habracha, R’ Forst’s sefer,R’ Bodner’s etc)

    in reply to: Bracha on Matzah Brei #941730

    Sam2-When you boil bread (or in this case matza), it loses the shem hamotzi and turns into mezonos.

    in reply to: Not Looking At Monkeys While Pregnant #1123071

    I think it’s all animals. Halachacally Speaking by R’ Moishe Dovid Lebovitz brings down a machlokes. I’ll try to copy and paste it, or if you want you can google halachically speaking and find it in the archives on the website so you could see it yourself.

    Visiting a Zoo


    However, others are lenient with this. Bunei Beischa page 332, Opinion of Harav Felder Shlita, see Ashrei Yiladito page 31:footnote 25 who is lenient

    in reply to: Making Up Divrei Torah At The Seder #941385

    PBA, The Slonimer Rebbe says similiar to your vort. He says sometimes we act like the Chacham, sometimes we act like the Rasha, sometimes we act like the Tam, and sometimes we act like the Sheaino Yodea Lishol. Whichever son you’re acting like, Hashem always wants to have a connection with you. That’s why we say Baruch Hamakom

    in reply to: Pesach Divrei Torah #1149670

    I want to thank everybody who posted a dvar torah on here. They enhanced my seder.

    in reply to: When Did Haman Die? #943851

    If I remember correctly, Esther invited Achasveirosh and Haman to the party, Esther told Achasveirosh that Haman was plotting to kill out Am Yisroel, Charvonah told Achashveirosh that Haman made a gallows for Mordechai, Achashveirosh said Hang him, and they hung him on that day. It’s the last pasuk in Perek Ches (I think it’s ches) and then afterwards Esther went to Achashveirosh, changed the gezeira and they hung the 10 sons of Haman on Purim.

    in reply to: Chag Kosher V'Sameach! #940920

    Chag Kasher V’sameach to everyone in the CR and gantz klal yisroel!

    in reply to: Haggadah vorts #940603

    check out the nightly dvar torah on page 35. Additionally check out this thread

    in reply to: Concerta/Ritalin on Pesach- Urgent #940450

    It doesn’t specify whether regular or ER, it just says Methylphenidate Tablet. And it doesn’t mention the one made by Watson.

    in reply to: Concerta/Ritalin on Pesach- Urgent #940447

    I don’t think you can download R’ Bess’s list online, you’ll have to call them. Google Kehilas Yaakov and that’s their website. It says you have to contact them to receive a list. I have the booklet in front of me and it says

    Methylphenidate Tablet made by Malinckrodt/tyco,

    concerta tablets made by Ortho-Mcneil Jannsen.

    in reply to: Can anyone tell me what songs Yisroel Werdyger is singing here? #940408

    At 4:03 he starts Yisroel B’tach bashem which was a niggun by Shlomo Carlebach. At 4:46 he starts Ki lo Yitosh.

    in reply to: Can anyone tell me what songs Yisroel Werdyger is singing here? #940404

    The first one is called Elaka D’meir Aneini. The third one is called Ashrei Mi Shegadloi Batorah. The last one is called Yisroel B’tach Bashem.

    in reply to: Coming to shachris #941049
    in reply to: plug in #939630

    I think you need the windows media player plugin. You can google it and download it. First check the add ons and plugins in the options of your browser.

    in reply to: Video of Lipa in Budapest #939498

    A mixed audience can be a problem. You’re right they’re not dancing together but it’s better if there’s a mechitza than if there’s family seating. What several venues have is that there’s family seating and seperate seating as well if you want that.

    A frum concert unfortunately nowadays can become a problem. Several years ago I was at a concert where the performers-it was a band had a really good song where the guys went up to the dance. They got into it, and then it started dying down so they started going back to their seats. Then the girls decided they wanted to go up so several girls went up and started dancing and making their own circle. (The concert was sponsored by a modern coed school so that was probably why they started going up. But still the performers were frum people and most of the people there were frum)The performers kept right on singing

    Several years ago, a friend of mine was at a world famous concert (it made it onto CD/DVD) and left when there started to be mixed dancing.

    Most of the time this doesn’t happen. But it can happen

    in reply to: Video of Lipa in Budapest #939493

    It’s not the problem that he sings for mixed audiences but the fact that the audience is mixed, there’s no mechitza and if someone sings for mixed audiences it means that he’s participating in it and he supports that. I never understood what lipa does because when he first started singing i heard that his rebbe told him not to sing for mixed audiences and that’s why he did videos for hasc so he wouldn’t be there. However, later on in his career he started singing for mixed audiences, so I don’t really know what’s going on, it’s not really my business to know what he does. However, that’s one of the reasons why rabbonim today have assur’d concerts, because usually it’s a mixed audience.

    in reply to: Elal VS. Swiss #939594

    Swiss is based out of Switzerland. Aerosvit is a totally different airline based out of Ukraine.

    in reply to: Elal VS. Swiss #939586

    farrockgrandma- That was awhile ago wasn’t it?

    in reply to: Elal VS. Swiss #939583

    I flew swiss about six months ago. They allowed one checked bag. I took along a second bag and they charged me $100. It’s a nice airline, comfortable seats (if you care there are games you can play) but I think elal also has that. It is true that elal has better security there are pros and cons to each one.

    in reply to: Rav Chaim Stein #939051

    I heard this story from a grandson of R’ Chaim Stein.

    R’ Chaim got a call when that an einekel was niftar. He was 90 years old, he had gone through the war losing family members and now he got this call that his grandson was niftar. After he got the call, he sat down, he could barely stand. He asked a grandson who was in the room to help him stand up. He helped him stand up, and R’ Chaim made the brocha of Dayan Haemes, sat back down, and then he started crying. He held in the crying until after the bracha.

    The grandson who told this over said that he thinks what happened here is that R’ Chaim zatzal went through the war,and tragedies fell upon him. He always wanted to reaffirm ol malchus shamayim. Now he’s 90 years old and another tragedy happened he wanted to reaffirm ol malchus shamayim. Once he did that, Now he can start crying.

    in reply to: Where to Meet Friends During Bein Hazmanim #939098

    You can go to a museum or somewhere indoor

    in reply to: Books: Recs and Where To Buy Hebrew Softcover #1004980

    There are some really goood haggadas out there that have commentaries in english. Rabbi Yechiel Spero has one called Touched by the Seder, Rabbi Twerski has one called From Bondage to Freedom,The Sfas Emes Haggada etc. the list goes on.

    in reply to: Alaskan Amber Ale and the daf #938377

    YW Moderator-127 Thanks

    in reply to: New Fresh Joke Thread #1027319

    In Judaism there are 4 types of fish: Gefilte Fish, Salmon, Whitefish and Litvish. Gefilte Fish goes onto the stove, Salmon goes into the oven, whitefish goes into the fridge and Litvish goes into the freezer.

    in reply to: Alaskan Amber Ale and the daf #938375

    It’s good that you’re doing some learning on your vacation. I just signed back on last week so there was probably several threads about this but when and why was your name changed?

    in reply to: New Fresh Joke Thread #1027280

    There was a man who tried finding every kula (leniency) he could find. When he went up to shamayim they told him “You’re going to Gan Eden.” When he got to Gan Eden, he saw a dark prison cell with bread and water. He said “This is Gan Eden?!” They answered him, “According to some shitos.”

    in reply to: Addresses of Current Gedolim #990187

    Inquirerr what’s his mother’s name? For a choleh it goes by the mother’s name.

    in reply to: Difference between ???? ???? ?????? #937653

    ????- a carriage

    ????- a box

    ????- a closet

    from the Artscroll Gemara. It comes up in Gittin when you enter chutz laaretz in one of these things if you’re tamei or not. It also comes in bava kamma and in hilchos tumah (as we see in gittin)

    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1155197

    I googled yesh tikva benny friedman and i got this from a jewish lyrics blog.

    ????? ?? ???

    ????? ?????

    ?? ????, ?????

    ????? ????

    ?? ?? ???? ?? ????

    ?? ?? ?? ?????

    ???? ?????

    ?? ?’ ?????


    ?? ????

    ?? ???? ????? ???

    ?? ????? ???? ??? ????

    ?? ????, ?? ????

    ?? ????? ?? ???

    ?? ??? ?’ ???

    ???, ???

    ??? ????

    ??? ??? ????

    ?? ????, ?? ????

    ?? ???? ?? ???

    ????? ???? ???

    ?? ????? ????

    ??? ???? ????

    ????? ????

    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1155196

    I googled lyrics to Light up the nights miami boys choir and found this.

    The scene was set back when,

    A group of fearless men

    Stood up for their beliefs

    and risked their lives.

    They acted with one voice,

    and firmly made a choice,

    this nation be ensured,

    That it survive.

    Their prayers were answered each day,

    Their minds fixed on their destination,

    With victory they made their way,

    No longer deprived,

    At last they arrived,

    To a miracle lasting for all generations!

    1, 2, 3, Fo-ur, 5, 6, 7, 8!


    Light up the nights!

    The candles burning bright,

    On the festival of lights,

    here on Chanukah

    Our nation as a whole,

    Can reach a common goal

    With the fire in our souls,

    the light of Chanukah!

    2nd time – Chorus

    We answer to one name,

    Our Heritage the same,

    The power of the flame,

    The light of Chanukah

    We face a daunting task,

    One that we cannot mask,

    A danger just as real as it was then.

    lets stand with open eyes,

    To hear our brothers cries

    And courage now is needed once again

    Let’s carry our banner with pride,

    For this freedom how long we have waited.

    With the words of the torah our guide,

    If we stand as one, It can be undone,

    Just think of the wonders that can be created!

    in reply to: Any book on how to enjoy/love learning gemora? #899280

    Mishnas R’ Aharon, but it might be complex

    in reply to: Beha"b #899089

    147, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. It’s the Monday Thursday Monday of the week after Rosh Chodesh which is Parshas Lech Lecha and Vayera

    in reply to: Beha"b #899085

    Sorry to disappoint you, but behab doesn’t start until the Monday after Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan which is next week. Basically behab doesn’t start for another week and a half.

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