Forum Replies Created
February 13, 2012 5:23 pm at 5:23 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868548WolfishMusingsParticipant
(I believe she meant “spite”, not literal murder.)
“Retzicha” means “spite?”
The Wolf
February 13, 2012 5:22 pm at 5:22 pm in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851425WolfishMusingsParticipantYou are rabbiofberlin? (since in the post you linked us to it was ROB who was called the “koifer”)
No, I’m not. But if he was called a “kofer” for refusing to believe the story of a 73-year-coma, there’s no reason to think that the person who made the accusation would think any different of me considering that I was even more strident in my disbelief than RabbiOfBerlin.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWell, then, if you believe that I am lying, then I guess there’s nothing more to say to you. Believe what you will.
Lord knows I have my faults. I’m a mechallel Shabbos and a moser. I violate halacha by talking to my wife about matters extraneous to the running of the household (“al tarbeh…”). I’ve been called an apikorus. I’ve been told numerous times by various people that I have no Olam Habah for one reason or another and that I should not count for a minyan. But I am not a liar.
If you choose to believe otherwise, then there’s nothing more to say to you. Good day, sir.
The Wolf
February 13, 2012 4:12 am at 4:12 am in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851422WolfishMusingsParticipantBe careful, everyone. Don’t you know that one of the ikkarei emunah is to believe every gadol story as it is related. I doubted a story about a woman being in a coma for 73 years and was called a Kofer for it.
So, if I’m an apikorus for doubting that story, I suppose that I am apikorus for having even the slightest doubt about this one. Just another sign that I am the worst person on the face of the planet.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantyou lied about talking during krias haTorah since you don’t
We can quibble about whether or not the *content* of my speech during Krias HaTorah is permitted or not, but it is an indisputable fact that I regularly *do* talk during Krias HaTorah. That is NOT a lie.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantUm…we’re not the same person. I’m not even sure why you think that. You don’t have to take our word for it, though – I’m sure the mods could tell you as much.
It doesn’t matter. Considering the fact that I’ve already admitted to much larger sins, there’s no reason the poster wouldn’t think that I’m also lying as well.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAnother practice of ours that was adopted by early (and later) Christians is the practice of punishing suicides by not allowing them to be buried in a proper cemetery and punishing the family by not allowing them to mourn for the suicide.
However, I will grant that there are some differences. For example, under early Church law, a failed suicide would be executed. We would not do that (as there is apparently no punishment in the Torah for attempted murder. We would just release the attempted suicide to try again). Likewise, in many jurisdictions, a suicide’s property was forfeit; we do not do that as well, as we allow a suicide’s estate to pass on to his heirs as in a “normal” death.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe Ramchal did not live to see Soros, Chomsky, Levi Aron or Dwrek.
Or me.
The Wolf
February 13, 2012 12:35 am at 12:35 am in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868542WolfishMusingsParticipantThe retzicha with which she talks about b’davka eating crabcakes
While we may all agree that eating crab cakes is bad, please tell me by what stretch of the imagine talking about eating crabcakes in any manner can be considered “murder.”
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantSince no one here truly knows the Ultimate fate of anyone (except, perhaps, themselves) there is little point in speculating about where Hitler’s Eternal residence is.
The Wolf
February 12, 2012 5:08 pm at 5:08 pm in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852006WolfishMusingsParticipantAnd which halachos will you be whipping me and beating me up for breaking? The halacha against wearing jeans? The halacha against eating OU-D? The halacha against talking during laining? The halacha against mistakenly pronouncing a sheva-nach with a sheva-na last night during davening? The halacha against speaking to my wife in the street? The halacha against having pictures of my wife and daughter in my home? Because I’ve been told that all of those are violations of halacha in one way or another.
So, please, bring your cat-o-nine-tails, your goon squad and your enforcers. I’m ready for whatever punishments you want to mete out to me. Come on… I’m wearing jeans right now.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantthe truth is, I am rather certain that your usename belong’s to OneOfMany’s though
I am willing to swear to you that I am not OneofMany. And then you may execute me since you obviously will believe that I have made a false oath and taken the name of HKBH in vain, even though that is not the case.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantsocializing with the wrong people
Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to make sure that your kids don’t socialize with mine (i.e. the wrong people).
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou should look atractive, not attracting.
Please explain the difference between the two, considering the fact that the root of both words is “attract.”
Failing that, please explain how you apply the difference in your everyday life.
The Wolf
Are you a bt?
Yes and no.
Became frum when I was ten. So, not FFB, but not a BT in the classic sense either, in that I did grow up frum. So, I’m neither this nor that — a mongrel, if you will.
Why? What difference does that make?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI heard B’shem Rav Shteinman (Israeli Mishpacha, for what that is worth) that buying life insurance removes Zechusim from others, as the children no longer will need to collect Tzedaka after the parent is dead. Therefore one should not buy life insurance.
By the same argument, some people should stop working so as to provide zechsim to people who will give Tzedaka to them.
Likewise, people should stop going to the doctor for preventive medicine so as to provide zechusim to people who will daven for them when they develop an illness.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI thank you for your concern.
My one and only response in this thread will be as follows:
— Aldous Huxley
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantMaster of Business Administration.
I hold one.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantand when you have toooooooo many usernames I’d call that habits too.
Are you making an accusation? Because I will tell you now that on these boards, I have one and only one username.
The Wolf
February 9, 2012 11:02 pm at 11:02 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868463WolfishMusingsParticipantI will tell you in my field, it is proven that a degree does NOT guarentee anyone a job today.
In no field does a degree guarantee anyone a job.
The Wolf
February 9, 2012 9:53 pm at 9:53 pm in reply to: Now we can't write Shmuel or Refoel any more? #850537WolfishMusingsParticipantNone of these names are meant to be Hashem’s name, so they should be written out completely.
And, of course, spoken. For example, there is no problem whatsoever with the place name “Beis El” in Israel. One is not required (and, perhaps to TheReader’s point, should not) say “Bais Keil.”
Of course, I’m reminded of the old joke about a girl who goes out on a date and introduces herself as “BasKah.” He smiles and introduces himself as “Kelikaku.”
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI dont know anyone who does that, everyone buys that in the store
Actually, I *do* know people who do it.
But apparently, the OP seems to feel that I have no appreciation of Pesach because I don’t trust myself to be able to make completely chometz-free matzah.
Oh well, that’s just another reason why I’m a menuval.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou seem to have misunderstood me,
My apologies on the misunderstanding.
The Wolf
February 9, 2012 9:17 pm at 9:17 pm in reply to: Now we can't write Shmuel or Refoel any more? #850532WolfishMusingsParticipantWho said you can’t write them? Just because someone else chose to abbreviate it doesn’t meant that you can’t.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWho dethroned MBD?
Here we go… >:)
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantA child is Mechuyav to Mezakeh the parents -that’s why they say Kaddish. Tell her to marry a learning guy for you.
You don’t get it, do you?
I would never presume to dictate to anyone — my child or otherwise, whom to marry. So, I will not be doing so. If she marries someone who learns, wonderful. If not, that’s also wonderful.
And if the fact that I won’t dictate my daughter’s choice of spouse makes me a rotten, horrible Jew, then so be it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipant:: sits back, grabs the popcorn and waits for the fireworks to begin ::
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolf – If you want Zecusim because you are so bad -marry your daughter to a learning guy and give him all your money. 🙂
My daughter will marry whom she wants to marry, not whom I pick for her. And I have no money to give away anyway.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantthe wolf: because i am not married
That’s not evidence of anything beyond a possible *personal* shidduch crisis. It’s certainly not evidence of a larger shidduch crisis that is getting “worse and worse” every day.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantFor us to properly answer this question, you would have to define, exactly, what “the ultimate of the experience” is.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhen we got married, we got a two bedroom apartment right away (with the idea that we wouldn’t have to move when we begin having kids).
I suppose that’s another halacha that I violated. 🙁
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI was just about to write the same.
Ah, someone else who knows what a rotten, pathetic excuse for a human being I am.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAn optimist will tell you the glass is half full. A pessimist the glass is half empty.
What if it was half-filled with arsenic? Then what would the optimist say?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHe awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as simple as it sounded and as impossible as it actually was, happy. And during the course of each day his heart would descend from his chest into his stomach. By early afternoon he was overcome by the feeling that nothing was right, or nothing was right for him, and by the desire to be alone. By evening he was fulfilled: alone in the magnitude of his grief, alone in his aimless guilt, alone even in his loneliness. I am not sad, he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convince himself. Or fool himself. Or convince others–the only thing worse than being sad is for others to know that you are sad. I am not sad. I am not sad. Because his life had unlimited potential for happiness, insofar as it was an empty white room. He would fall asleep with his heart at the foot of his bed, like some domesticated animal that was no part of him at all. And each morning he would wake with it again in the cupboard of his rib cage, having become a little heavier, a little weaker, but still pumping. And by the midafternoon he was again overcome with the desire to be somewhere else, someone else, someone else somewhere else. I am not sad.
? Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything is Illuminated
The Wolf
February 9, 2012 6:54 pm at 6:54 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868451WolfishMusingsParticipantIf you are stupid,
Oh, that condition certainly evaluates to “true.”
it probably makes there be less of a taina on you for your aveiros.
No, it doesn’t. I’m stupid, but not mentally incompetent. In no way am I a halachic “shoteh” that I should be exempt from the mitzvos.
Oh well, maybe you aren’t the worlds biggest rasha–just among the biggest.
I never stated that I was the “worlds [sic] biggest rasha.” I simply asserted that I am, according to various shittos, in violation of some of our most basic, cherished principles.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantPlease provide evidence for your assertion that “it is getting worse and worse every day.”
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipanti hate this dor. i hate this dor. this is the worst dor i ever lived in. pttht. i spit on this dor. gross. worstest most disgusting dor ever. pththt.
It’s true that this is the worst generation, but that’s only because I’m in it.
The Wolf
February 9, 2012 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868448WolfishMusingsParticipant“First all of all, she has a college degree…”
I’m not impressed.
You shouldn’t be. I have two degrees and I’m the stupidest person on the face of the planet.
That being said, having a degree != smart. Likewise, not having a degree != stupid. But, that being said, with certain exceptions, the fact that a person earns a degree does indicate some degree of brain power.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantPlease provide at least two examples in Navi/Kesuvim of people where the pasuk *explicitly* states that they lived longer than 120 years.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantInterestingly, I was in the only place in the United States where people drive on the left side of the road: The U.S. Virgin Islands. When I drove on St. Thomas and St. John, I had to remember to drive on the left rather than on the right… and that it was when turning *right* that I had to watch for oncoming traffic. 🙂
The Wolf
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhy do people use the terms “underground” and “underwater” when they clearly mean “in the ground” and “in the water?”
Why is this thread titled “Random Questions…” when the questions are not at all random?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI allow my daughter (teenage) to wear nail polish, as long as it’s not loud and tasteless. Yes, I know that means that I’m a horrible parent.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolf, if you don’t think you did anything wrong then you are a shogeg.
I didn’t say that I don’t believe I did anything wrong. I said I don’t regret what I’ve done wrong. It’s a huge difference.
Example: I’ve been told that I am a moser because I called the cops when a neighbor’s car went off at 2AM and wouldn’t shut off for two hours. (No, I don’t know whose car it was… so I couldn’t just go tell the neighbor — and yes, given where I live, the overwhelming odds were that it was a Jew’s car.) Yes, halacha says I should have gone to a bais din before calling the cops (since I wasn’t in any physical danger), but I chose not to wake rabbonim at 4AM. As such, I am a moser. Nonetheless, I don’t regret the fact that I’ve called the cops.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantyou said the wolf is just a ‘habbbbit’, but it seams to be OneOfMany other ‘habits’, given your confession list.
What you are is not a habit.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantdont come here and belittle that which is holy. You are very clearly oiver on Leitzanus with these types of snide comments.
My comments are not snide but are meant with complete sincerity. Trust me, when I mean to make fun of something, you’ll know it. If there’s one thing that I’m good at, it’s expressing myself through humor.
You bang Latznu once or 2x every day in Ashamnu (if you say Tachanun) it means Leitzanus.
Wrong! I say Tachanun and I do NOT bang at all, nor do I say “Ashamnu” at all on a regular weekday.
Now you know what to have in mind over there when you bang your chest and say that word so that you wont be lying to Hashem to His face.
I have not lied about anything. I have many faults, but deliberate lying is not one of them. Don’t make me worse than I am by accusing me of being a scoffer or a liar. I’m bad enough, thank you very much. There’s no need to make me worse than the already horrible disgusting excuse for a human being that I am.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantwhy don’t you change that to “over a thousand years now”, it would have the same meaning, no?
I have no idea what you mean by this.
the wolf is a non-kosher animal. call yourself ‘the sheep’. it will have a positive effect on your character.
Sorry. My name is my name.
is that list also Just habbitS??
I have no idea what you mean by this either.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantnot only do we hve MO pple here, we’ve got Christian converts too…lol
I am NOT a Christian. It’s bad enough that I am what I am. Don’t make it worse by accusing me of things that are NOT true.
Even if you are allowed to say lashon harah about one such as me, I highly doubt that you’re allowed to actively spread lies about me.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThis isn’t a confession booth and we don’t do that in our religion.
In Catholicism, they do that for absolution. I am not seeking absolution as I know that there is no absolution possible for one such as me.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantwhy do you sign almost all your post with
“The Wolf”? what are you trying to get accross?
Just a habit. I’ve been active on online message boards for over a dozen years now and I *always* sign my name.
There’s no other message.
“Yes, I am.”
can you prove that to us?
You mean aside from the fact that I (according to various shittos) am a mechallel Shabbos, an apikores, a moser, worship Avoda Zara, eat tarfus and am not eligible for a minyan?
The Wolf