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Itche and Pops and other defenders of MO
I have nothing against Modern Orthodox, and in fact I know some modern Orthodox people who are well versed in Torah, however if you have a shittah that it is permitted to watch movies, have girlfriends and do other dvarim assurim, you aren’t modern “Orthodox” you are just plain a modern day mumar lteyavon.
You are telling us that the music that you listened to in a Starbucks for a year was all Kosher or even mostly Kosher and the music is not about lust? Maybe your standards aren’t very high or you dont think about the words and what they mean…if your ears are open its not hard to get what’s beneath the songs. Im sure anyone with a clean neshomah would be repulsed by any of the songs on the current top 100 or top 40 or whatever they call it these days…
“but it’s not easy to find someone frum in this crazy world.”
Maybe im making a snap judgement but it seems like frumkeit played a major role in the split. I agree that its hard to find genuinely frum people today. Im just wondering, what was it in his frumkeit that turned you off?
WIYMemberSister Bear
I am not a girl so I can’t say I fully understand female thinking, but I do have common sense, and common sense tells me that most women, who do not work with their husbands and in many cases the husband leaves early to work and comes home late so he rarely sees his wife all dressed up so she’s not doing it for him. Maybe she does it for herself because it makes her feel good when she looks to kill, but its not for him.
Even songs that don’t use vulgar terms which are quite rare, are referring to a lustful romance, and as far as I know romance is not a kosher concept. Its a concept made up by non Jews as a euphemism in mamah lushin its a way to fool a girl into thinking you care about her so she lets her guard down and you can go take advantage of her.
Love on the other hand, is a kosher concept and has nothing to do with what the non Jews sing about.
If you spent a year listening to that garbage no wonder you don’t understand what’s wrong with it. My skin crawls when I hear the songs today in a supermarket or from a ups truck or whatever…
Try to detox and then you will be able to understand. When you are in the mud you have a hard time seeing through it and you become used to it. When you go a month without movies tv and any of the non Jewish music and media garbage and also learn Torah and mussar you wont ask these questions.
When I hear non Jewish songs I also think about Hashem but Im sure its not what you think….
Why don’t you ask Amy whinehouse what the songs are about? Oh sorry too late she already Overdosed because of all the “love” she was getting. Gimme a break.
August 7, 2011 9:02 pm at 9:02 pm in reply to: how do u find out on a date if the spouse is humble? #795445WIYMemberHaleivi
Pathetic thing to name your child after don’t you think?
The non Jewish concept of love and the Jewish one are polar opposites. Non Jewish love is about trying out the model first and if you like it you keep. Its based on selfish lusting for the opposite gender. Jewish marriage and relationships are about selflessness and giving.
Even what you do in the bedroom is about giving and the chiyuv on the man is to give to his wife its not about getting your tayvos fulfilled.
I can’t even believe I need to point this out to someone who claims to have semicha.
WIYMemberWhy do people name their kids weird names? Its mamish assur as it makes them objects of ridicule. (I saw it in a halacha Sefer)
I don’t know your age, but I doubt there is much out there in enjoyable non Jewish music that would appeal to a teen or someone in their 20s that is squeaky clean. Yeah if you go through all the non Jewish music of the last 50 years you may find some clean songs, but I don’t think there’s any one group who made a cd that is “kosher” and enjoyable to listen to for todays generation.
This may sound like obvious advice, but the key to not getting hurt is to get to know a lot about the person through conversation PRIOR to engagement. Most people don’t get to know their Chassan/Kallah until after they are engaged. Talk about all the things that you think are vitally necessary to know about the other person. You could find out what he likes to eat after the engagement lol.
Im pretty sure that the language Adam Harishon and his children spoke was Loshon Hakodesh.
August 7, 2011 8:06 pm at 8:06 pm in reply to: how do u find out on a date if the spouse is humble? #795443WIYMemberYou can tell by HOW a person talks about themselves and HOW MUCH if they are humble. It comes across very openly.
WIYMemberBurn some paper or tissue. It doesn’t have to come from anything specific.
WIYMemberIts funny how the word dolt is getting a revival here. I wouldnt be surprised if most people under the age of 20 if not oldernever heard of the word.
You are welcome, however I didn’t write it. I cut and pasted it from its a website with many inspirational divrei Torah on it on various topics and on all parshiyos and moadim.
WIYMemberThe name Getzel is Gevaldig!
Obviously not everyone cares…sigh.
Might I recommend spending less time in front of the computer to make it easier?
WIYMemberSister Bear
Any woman who dresses provocatively on the street is NOT doing it for her “husband” because her husband is at work! Not only that, but most women are no longer in their provocative clothing by the time the husband comes home. They are at home wearing something comfortable and probably not that attractive looking.
Who are you fooling?
Any Halachic Shaila should be asked to a competent Rav, if you have many questions theres nothing wrong with having the phone number of a few different Rabbanim so you dont feel like you are always asking the same one all your shailos and being a burden.
This is still the YESHIVA world news site…
If you had true Bitachon you wouldn’t need such stories…
They WANT people to think they are Jewish. They are twisted evil people who believe that its a Mitzvah to make Jews into Christians.
Not so sure listening to non Jewish music is a habit. Its certainly appealing as the music and voices in many cases is better and more professional.
If you know something is not permitted you must stop doing it, for some, going cold turkey and quitting on the spot works best for others, a gradual cutting down until stopping totally works best.
Now if you have non Jewish cds at home or have the files as mp3s on your player, the best move is if you plan on going cold turkeyis to GET RID OF THEM. If you don’t have them you can’t listen. However if you primarily listen to the radio then that’s tougher.
Give us more info to better advise you.
WIYMemberThis thread makes some of us sound like spoiled brats with no respect for our traditions. If the Muslims can fast for 40 days we can go 9 days without meat (not including Shabbos night and day when we are allowed meat)! My gosh I can’t even believe some of the comments here!
Good point. Sometimes one needs to refrain from doing things that are technically muter if they don’t feel right. These feelings are from the neshama, they are stirrings of kedusha. If one ignores these “feelings” enough times they just go away and one doesn’t want that. Often if it feels wrong it is wrong. Only people who still have a concept of kedusha will have these feelings. Its a good sign if you have them and its wise to take them into consideration.
August 4, 2011 4:53 am at 4:53 am in reply to: What is the funnest thing you'll be doing this summer? #795025WIYMemberUrsula
So your id means momma bear?
Why isn’t it with a patch as in Raah-bee?
WIYMemberMazel Tov! That is beautiful.
August 3, 2011 2:48 pm at 2:48 pm in reply to: Using children to collect charity for organizations or families! #793646WIYMemberI think its a nice idea but the children should do it in groups of 3 minimum for their own safety.
You are welcome. Hatzlacha!
Do you speak to your Ittisa in Aramaic?
Its the 9 days. Maybe its better to ask this question after Moshiach comes this Tisha Bav.
WIYMemberIts sad that someone can be so bored…
August 3, 2011 5:08 am at 5:08 am in reply to: What we CAN easily DO to change and improve PRACTICAL #793417WIYMemberAll those who thanked me are welcome, and Im glad that my idea has inspired some people. Baruch Hashem I had the idea and put it out there when I did.
Or maybe we forget that we have the power to help ourselves! If we can save a Neshama that is no longer here we certainly can save our own Neshama and the Neshamos of others who are alive!
WIYMemberI guess this is what we get for not doing enough Kiruv outreach.
WIYMemberOn the ball
If you are on the ball how did you manage to miss the point?
WIYMemberLearn, schmooze with family/friends some, sometimes eat a little something.
August 2, 2011 4:17 am at 4:17 am in reply to: Instilling a love of Yiddishkeit in our children #793524WIYMemberMomma
I would recommend you go to and find shiurim on the subject. There are a few from Rabbi Rietti who is a master mechaneich and a tremendous talmid chacham and great speaker.
You can search the words Chinuch, children, child… there should be some great shiurim popping up from the likes of Rabbi Wallerstein, Rabbi Donny Frank and other chashuv Rabbanim and mechanchim. You can’t go wrong with anything from those 3 names.
WIYMemberWhat happened to squeak?
WIYMemberMomma it was a typo its fixed now
WIYMemberThe Sfardim respect their Shul and Tefillah and do not speak in Shul. They have proper decorum and it is a beautiful thing to see.
WIYMemberGarti scrambled is Taryag but I think you knew that.
August 1, 2011 3:35 pm at 3:35 pm in reply to: I saw a printed wallhanging in a Dining Room titled Lachash Ayin Hora #792584WIYMemberNot sure, but the best thing against Ayin Hora is not splashing what you have in the face of those who have less like those who have wonderful kids shouldn’t go on and on about them in front of those who have kids off the derech.,.or those who just made a shidduch shouldn’t go on and on in front of singles or others who have been struggling for years to find a shidduch for themselves or their children.
Also, if you live Lishmah as much as possible you wont have Ayin Hora because what you have is for Hashem so Hashem will see no reason to diminish it as it is for His glory, not yours.
I think the Yesod to having feeling by Davening is dependent on 3 things,
1. Thorough understanding of what the words mean.
2. A recognition of the fact that you are standing in front of Hashem and talking directly to Him.
3. A feeling of appreciation for what Hashem does for you and provides you with every second of every day. He owes us NOTHING. We owe Him EVERYTHING. Appreciation is the key to unlocking your feelings for Judaism in general. The more you appreciate the gifts Hashem has given you, the more you will feel indebted to Him and want to do His will because of His overwhelming constant kindness to you and your family, friends…
WIYMemberAyin Hora is real and is often the cause of why bad things happen to people who are wealthy…and flaunt it.
Your story gave me a good laugh. Thanks!