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  • in reply to: All you students that went to Yeshiva/Seminary in Eretz Yisroel #819967

    nechoma- there are other chinuch issues here that are equally as difficult, albeit not as spiritually harmful. before you make a lifelong decision and commitment, speak to grounded, down-to-earth americans (not the floaty type) who have a graspo on the whole picture. im not saying your wrong, C”S i love it here, but maybe in 3 years youll change your song. just cautioning.

    in reply to: Drinking on Simchas Torah #820426

    sam2- the refernces in moreh nevuchim and orchas tzaddikim are against being drunk. not having 2 or 3 shots. so why do you say so?

    in reply to: Kiruv Question #819939

    cinderalla- ive worked extensively with kids who arent frum or think they are but dont care to put on tfillin ie theyre not. the first thing you have to establish here is: what role are you playing now? parent? or friend?at this point it doesnt matter too much but it will later. all you can do in this sitch is to keep listening, regardless of the topic, because right now its about building a positive, healthy relationship. DON’T push anything ie torah, stories about gedolim etc.; thats not what she needs. she needs someone who is gonna listen to her and love her. and in regard to the spiritual pitfalls she is in middle of now, i know this sounds nuts but in the big picture it doesnt matter. what matters is in 10 years if because of you she’ll be keeping mikva, and the dangers now are the small picture. just love, dont press, dont judge, be there for her. DON’T press. she didnt ask for a mashgiach.

    in reply to: Drinking on Simchas Torah #820417

    itche- we can. i think we all do. the point of contention, i believe, is that some people are against drinking on their own morals, nothing to do with judaism. if eliyahu hanavi said to drink they would still feel bad. they cloak these feelings in a guise of leshem shomayim and say how terrible it is and how bad these people are. the RY they speak of put thought into it. even if he loves to drink, he would still assur it because he holds that on a spiritual level, its bad for his guys. fine. but some people, my rabbeim included, hold that, in moderation, whiskey is a good thing. if its not coming from hashkafos hatorah, rather from personal preference, then we may as well make the thread about doing drugs on simchas torah, and their point would be the same.

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820184

    yes mdd, those are amoro’im. please keep the difference in status in mind.

    in reply to: Eating on the Street #820497

    yit- alot of mione arent going through either. i think this sites got hacked

    in reply to: Neve Yerushalayim question #820316

    my wife says for sure. i dont know why comments of mine like this are being deleted. could a mod please enlighten me?

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820178

    to those who think the issue is whehter the rebbe is dead or not or if hes moshiach, thats not really the bigger issue. go google “hiskashrus” to understand what were really dealing with.

    in reply to: Making Fun of Rabbis in Purim Plays/Comedies/Videos #819592

    one of my rabbeim, a close talmid of R Gifter ztl, told me that he was ok with leitzonus being made at purim shpiels.i guess he held it was ok. once when a talmid took it too far R Gifter stood up and yelled at him, “ploini, arois fun yeshiva!!” guess you have to know where it stops.

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821373


    in reply to: Things to do in baltimore #820620

    eat cicadas!! fill up for another 19 (17?) years!

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820174

    did anyone explain yet why hiskashrus isnt kfira?

    in reply to: Rotten meat #1110992

    popa- aged meat is a delicacy. enjoy!

    in reply to: Drinking on Simchas Torah #820396

    sam2- give up. really big rabbis do it and give to their talmidim. your indignance doesnt make you right.

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820173

    i say the same. have chabad come out that a.hes dead. and b. not alive, and c.not moshiach.

    then there will be sholom.

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821166

    Hey 80 nice to hear from you. its been a while.

    in reply to: Campaign to bring the Joseph #989093

    LOL. ive never written lol. but i like it. i think cuz im a student of the same school of thought.

    in reply to: should intellectual debates be allowed in the CR? #819820

    im not discussing. im winning. duh.

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820165

    yossi- after he passed away, a number of publications from lubavitch that held ha had died published articles sourcing that dead eople can be moshiach.

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820164

    yossi- i cant understand. you expect everyone to accept what you are saying that roiv lubobs are normal,nonyechiniks. what the world sees isnt so. in order to fix the worldwide “misconception” on lubavitch (for the record ive seen enough evidence live that i dont believe you) it would take a concious movement by a large number of people. yet you claim that the rebbe wouldnt agree to it. so what youre saying is- the rebbe wouldnt have agreed to fight a movement that he would vehemently oppose. im sure mra”h also didnt like fighting; neither did shevet levi, but by the eigel they still cried mee laShem elay. and killed there own family members. theres no excuse. until i see lubavitchers making a movement stating that the rebbe isnt moshicah and you cant daven to him ill remain unmoved in my position that ALL lubavitchers are affected by this madness. i also the video of cunin saying quite clearly that he runs the world. and he corrected himself when he messe up a couple times on other words; but not on that sentence. and why do the regular lubobs allow the yechinkis to hold powerful and influential positions in their mosdos and organizations? if its kfira and a”z YOU should get on a soapbox and haruange away. no siree, a bunch of crazies it is.

    in reply to: Dolphin Bubbles #821321

    very cool

    in reply to: How Do People Choose CR Names #819883

    mexi- you mean 20 bucks a shicken, eh?

    in reply to: Gog vs. uMagog = Modern orthodoxy vs. Charaidism #819416

    ilthinker- if the gedolim of the previous and current generations came out against the things you demand we read your not going to make much headway.

    in reply to: #819441

    sam2- thats ridiculous.its a minhag and everyone i know knows that. its quacky. its not really even a chura in the true sense of the word, rather a chashash. a chumrah, limashal, is being makpid on 1st zman krias shma.

    in reply to: #819430

    yit and sam2- i have no objection to learning up a possuk and sugya and coming to a maskana. thats the correct approach to judaism and toarh. learn a gemarah with intellectual honesty and come to a conclusion. what i mean to say is- dont make a screen name that proposes an agenda, then go look for raayos and pretend like its lishaim shomayim. i also agree with not being wqacky with chumros(see what i posted on the other chumra thread today)but it bothers me when it becomes an indignant religious campaign against it. its not because your a purist- its because you have an agenda- and thats not the right approach. chap?

    in reply to: Mistaken Lyrics #1087780

    in shwekeys “shema”

    Yet one image lingered, the tears on her face

    and mother’s words FUMM their last embrace…

    Go listen to it. theres no R.

    in reply to: A Suitable Match? #819839

    youre right. go marry a carrot.

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia #1217490

    well done ayc

    in reply to: R' Jonathan Sacks #832635

    less- it quite sensible, as this source holds a public position and if i didnt name him than obviously i feel that info this sensitive could potentially harm him and i dont want that to happen.2. the more yeshivish less zionist crowd.

    in reply to: Drinking Away a Bad Date #973393

    maskim to be good. its very easy for the bashers to bash. faced with a nisayon of similar proportion what would you do? and im sure that you guys do something else when youre down that others wouldnt, ie listen to something objectionable or watch something etc. you just think alcohol is worse and this dude doesnt. so lay off and chill.

    in reply to: #819425

    42- every choshuv RY or rov ive ever heard talk about the avos or dor hamidbar has given a minute long disclaimer as to how far removed we are from them and how we cannot understand them to be able to criticize. we should learn these parshiyos and try to understand them, bearing in mind the whole time that the madreiga of these people is beyond our scope of appreciation. that being said its foolish to promote an agenda and to criticize these people, because my understanding of them, and yours, is pitiful. and therefore im being mocheh. do not make fun, poke fun, or have fun, with the maasim we read in sefer beraishis. it is foolish and foolhardy.

    in reply to: Chumras #819853

    ok. get a grip. all of our gedolim argue on you. just stop before you get further behind.

    in reply to: #819423

    lesschumras and sam2- it would be prudent to remember that you are poking fun at adam harishon. and thats pretty dumb.

    in reply to: R' Jonathan Sacks #832633

    all i know about him is from an insider source; a source highly respected who is one of the bigest poskim in england. he said that R J sacks constantly makes problems for the right wing community.

    in reply to: nachlas??? #819356

    you must be really smart. how many grades did you skip?

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia #1217488

    3 people in tanach that lived to 137

    in reply to: Jackie Mason #820646

    the Chofetz Chaim says its a mitvza to speak bad about someone who went off the D and coulod be influential, in order to stop people from looking up to him. i got this psak from a rov when i asked about a family member in the same position and lchoirah it would apply here too.

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820125

    yossi you still havent answered my taanos.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820928

    i read about R yosef chaim sonnenfeld zt”l that he gave alot of weight to gematrias and even made decisions al pi the ones he thought of himself. i think it was in artscrolls biography. a”sh

    in reply to: Checkout Line Busybodies #818903

    maybe he was hungry. i often am.

    in reply to: When Moshiach Comes… #819056

    and those who sing and dance all day now wont be there to see him.

    in reply to: Plant A Tree *Free* In Honor of Gilad #818850

    yay. tree.

    in reply to: Gog vs. uMagog = Modern orthodoxy vs. Charaidism #819397

    abe- except that jb admitted he was wrong, and the president of yu called hareidim cavemen. we’re not. why be so narrow minded?

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820116

    yossiu- i cant understand. you expect everyone to accept what you are saying that roiv lubobs are normal,nonyechiniks. what the world sees isnt so. in order to fix the worldwide “misconception” on lubavitch (for the record ive seen enough evidence live that i dont believe you) it would take a concious movement by a large number of people. yet you claim that the rebbe wouldnt agree to it. so what youre saying is- the rebbe wouldnt have agreed to fight a movement that he would vehemently oppose. im sure mra”h also didnt like fighting; neither did shevet levi, but by the eigel they still cried mee laShem elay. and killed there own family members. theres no excuse. until i see lubavitchers making a movement stating that the rebbe isnt moshicah and you cant daven to him ill remain unmoved in my position that ALL lubavitchers are affected by this madness. i also the video of cunin saying quite clearly that he runs the world. and he corrected himself when he messe up a couple times on other words; but not on that sentence. and why do the regular lubobs allow the yechinkis to hold powerful and influential positions in their mosdos and organizations? if its kfira and a”z YOU should get on a soapbox and haruange away. no siree, a bunch of crazies it is.

    in reply to: Becoming Chareidi or MO? #819020

    sam2- i used to think you were one of those on here who had there head on straight, was reasonable, and was committed to truth. i see i was wrong. i still dont see whay you and others feel the need to defend an institution so skewed in its view and approache to judaism that the gedolim of the previous generation stood up and publicly decried everything it stood for.

    in reply to: Are you allowed to wash after chatzos on erev Yom tov? #818471

    yes, you may.

    in reply to: Plant A Tree *Free* In Honor of Gilad #818841

    yay. tree.

    in reply to: Woman and Teffilan and Woman in a sukka #818470

    abe-there are gemaros that say womenshouldnt wear tefillin. theres also the prob. og guf naki. theres no problem for other mitzvos.

    in reply to: Was Mishpacha Magazine Really Put in Cheirem? #818518

    ovktd- dont presume to understand why gedolim who percieve things differnetly than you and are a lot smarter,wiser, more experienced, frummer, holier, and higher than you do things you dont like or understand and then you get mad cuz of lack of farshtan. your like the 2 yo who cnat understand for the life of him why tatty doesnt let him put his finger in the socket. theyre not as dumb as you think. and they dont let themselves get as manipulated as you think. grow up.

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820108

    yossi- your answer is typical- he didnt really like it but we dont like fighting, i cant prove it. i went through and there are personal witnesses to pre-death yechi. with the rebes encouraqgement. they also explain what non yechi is. that it just means to wait and let the world see w/o active promotion, but hes still moshiach. and besides all this i never knew about hiskashrus. well i know now. and im dead scared this could be considered legit. forget the messianism. its a bunch of crazies.

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