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  • in reply to: whats the defenition of HOCK or a HOCKER #759555

    I knew an owner of a non-kosher butcher shop & they sold “Ham Hock”….apparently, it’s a piece of an animal’s leg.

    in reply to: being followed #763534

    Yoyo, I’m really proud of you for telling them. I think that was a big step.

    At least you got that out of the way, but do you feel any better about the rest of the situation?

    in reply to: who are you #760085

    Females may use more punctuation…buT mails right beter.Dats how i figoor it owt

    in reply to: shidduchim and weight….. #906540

    Well, here is a comment from a guy…since I am a guy.

    First, (I’m not looking to get married at the moment, but) when I was in the military, I was engaged (but it got broken off due to issues of, well, being in the military) to a girl that was 5’8″ 180lbs. I’m 5’11 & was 165lbs at the time. So, don’t assume that EVERY guy is looking for a skinny gal.

    Different guys are attracted to different girls; average guys look for average girls & since you mentioned you have good middos, then you probably weren’t looking for an average guy in the first place. So who cares what average girls look like since they only attract average guys to begin with.

    Second, this post has helped me to have a little more faith in finding someone. My situation is like this: I’ve been told that I’m good-looking, strong & have a great character and women usually tend to fall in love me right off the bat…until they find out that I do NOT have MILLIONS of dollars and/or that I have no golden lineage that is full of rabbis that date straight back to the time of Rashi….it seems that many of the woman that I’ve met(apparently not the ones on this board, though), don’t put the same amount of appreciation on a person that agonizes to serve their Creator versus someone that agonizes at work to make an extra $50,000 a year.

    Third, have you thought of keeping a journal? What I mean is that let’s say this time next year you are married. You’ll probably be going about your life without thinking back to how you agonized over this situation in the CR.

    BUT if you kept a journal, then maybe you could look back to it & maybe write a small book for the women that will be going through these tough times. You could describe the emotions & thoughts that you had before & after. And this could be a great way to help those women in the future to have more faith. Just a thought.

    in reply to: #759151

    Wow, this recipe is a keeper.

    A little complicated towards the end, but I think I can manage.

    in reply to: QUOTES #850327

    “The grass may be greener…but you still got to mow it”

    “If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?”

    “Whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. And since not lifting weights doesn’t kill us. Therefore not lifting weights makes us stronger.””

    “When is Math going to grow up & start solving his own problems?”

    “I’m a Vegatarian. Not because I LOVE animals. But because I HATE plants!” ~Some bumper sticker I read.

    “Guns don’t kill people…the bullets however…”

    in reply to: being followed #763525

    Maybe you can try telling your parents BOTH concerns: the concern about being followed & the concern that you might not be allowed out of the house anymore. To me, assuming that someone IS following you, I would say that both of these concerns are very real concerns….but I don’t know your family & how they would react. Hopefully, they are very considerate & thoughtful & will think of the perfect solution.

    in reply to: Insomnia #758929

    If you still can’t sleep & are tired at work, you may want to try this: wait til the next night & crawl into bed, but imagine that it’s STILL noon & that you’re STILL at work & that you STILL have a lot of things to do & that you STILL just reaaaally want to take a nap. This has worked for me before.

    in reply to: CASH #758754

    How much does one charge for “schlepping services”? I once had someone offer to carry my stuff for me in Israel & didn’t know how much I should’ve offered to pay (I think I ended up overpaying).

    in reply to: how did U find out about cr?? #758713

    I was actually looking for the bathroom, but opened the wrong door.

    in reply to: being followed #763503

    That would be a start.

    in reply to: Jury duty (shakes fist) :( #758076

    This story was a letdown for me because when I read “I’m surrounded by weirdoes and I’m starving!” I thought the story was going to get really good, really quick……but apparently, you didn’t eat them.

    in reply to: How to remain neutral with the boys in college #758833

    @Bubble. I applaude you for your stance.

    My Rabbi is a doctor & he never shakes the hand of any woman. He stops & explains to them it’s his religious beliefs.

    He told me that he actually finds that many women rather have him as a doctor since they now that he will NOT touch them unless he absolutely NEEDS to.

    in reply to: ebay #758046

    @ronsr, there is actually a category called “everything else” that ebay offers. It’s usually were you find the strange auctions & I believe that ebay uses it as a good way to bring people onto their site.

    in reply to: being followed #763472

    Are you saying that you have actually spotted a certain someone watching you? Or are you saying that you have paranoia & want help?

    I’m just confused as to what is going on with such little info.

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