
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: My newest resolution #985235

    I second that! Thank you for doing what you do.

    in reply to: to TAOM: I'm Resisting the Urge… #985870


    Thank you for caring about me! I haven’t got too many caring adults in my life right now so I really appreciate this. OK, s here’s the story. I am going through something so hard, if I wouldn’t know that Hashem exists and I can talk to Him and he cares, and that one day I’ll be paid back for what I’m going through, I would not be able t hold myself back rom committing suicide. And so, I know it sounds awful, but I’m not going to be doubting whether Hashem exists or not. Simply out of pure necessity, I believe in Hashem. It’s kinda hard for me to explain this but that’s the best I can do. Again, thank you for caring.


    I requested that the thread be removed. That’s why you can’t find it.

    in reply to: To the-art-of-moi: (Sorry if I spelled it wrong) #992544

    Oh my gosh, thank you so much Shopping and streekgeek! You’re both the sweetest things!!! I am going through some pretty insane things right now… Your support means a lot to me. With Hashem’s help, things will eventually get better, though not anytime in the forseeable future. BH for the cr to keep me sane! Look, at least I showed Hashem that I care about my relationship with Him enough that I was prepared to give the cr up for it! But right now, it looks like my test is no longer emuna in Hashem because w.o my belief that there is a point to all this pain and I will get paid back someday, I wouldn’t survive and so I’m not going to be doubting Hashem now.

    BTW- Shopping, aren’t you still a teen in school? I am, and btw I’m 15. School is sooooo insane these days! I get home at like 6:30! Not exaggerating! Oh well, if only that would be the hardest thing in my life right now. To all the normal teens out there- PLEASE appreciate your normal lives!

    in reply to: Goodbye Coffee Room! #985087


    I reached out to my school principal, the sweetest and nicest woman I’ve ever met. BH she’s helping me figure things out. I’m gonna be ok with Hashems help.Thank you so much for caring.

    oomis- I’m so sorry such an awful thing like that happened to an amazing person like you! May Hashem give you the strength to overcome this challenge.

    Remember- busha mechaperes. You’ll be rewarded for all the embarresment so keep ur head up and a smile on your face! *hugs*

    in reply to: to TAOM: I'm Resisting the Urge… #985862


    Evidently you missed my thread yesterday. There is a very good reason for my coming back on… I’m really being careful with the threads I read. Thank you for your concern.

    in reply to: Help! I let my wife into the kitchen! #984875


    Another fantastic question about the mysterious and hilarious popa. Will they ever be answered???

    in reply to: Ayin Toiva #985090


    Enough said.


    Welcome to the cr! I love your idea, you sound like a very special person!

    in reply to: When is Rosh Chodesh? #984835



    in reply to: to TAOM: I'm Resisting the Urge… #985858

    Little Froggie- I’m davening I’ll be strong enough to deal with everything. Thanks for the welcome back.

    Saysme- 🙂

    Syag- You’re so nice to me! It’s alright, BH Froggie didn’t see that thread so he’s just being his sweet croaky self. Don’t worry Froggie, I still love ya!

    in reply to: Goodbye Coffee Room! #985075


    Thank you for the support. One of the reasons I asked the mods to remove that thread was because I didn’t want to hurt people. I am sorry that you saw it…I hoe you forgive me. It wasn’t right of me to throw all of my issues on everyone’s shoulders. Have a good night!

    The Goq- Thank you for believing in me. Coming from a special person like you, it means a lot. I’m sorry you saw that thread, it was so wrong of me to make everyone feel the emotions that were raging through my head. Have a good night!

    Bookworm- Thanks for the warm welcome back!

    in reply to: Goodbye Coffee Room! #985068

    After thinking this over, I’ve come to the realization that at this point in my life, I just can’t survive my life without the distraction that the CR offers. I really hope this won’t affect ikno’s decision. I’m sorry, I feel really stupid:(

    Well, at least i thanked all the posters that mean a lot to me!

    in reply to: Goodbye Coffee Room! #985067

    oomis- Thank you.

    Mods- Thanks for helping me out there. I’m truly sorry.

    in reply to: Today I'm in a Mood of: #984585

    Little froggie-

    Yah, I can use some sleep too!

    I like that- LIVE RIGHT!!

    in reply to: Leah Weiss, energy healer? #996409


    Welcome to the cr!


    in reply to: When is Rosh Chodesh? #984832


    Wow, that’s cool! Google to the rescue, huh?

    in reply to: Sun Inside Rain, by M. Bassara #1030450

    I read it- it was amazing! So open minded and it had a fascinating story line! I can’t wait for the new book!!!!

    in reply to: Today I'm in a Mood of: #984581


    You sound so Hallmark!

    I want D, self improvement. LOTS of it.

    Live right-

    *sending virtual hug*

    I hope things are better tommorow!

    in reply to: I Need to Wake Up Soon #984859

    Is the cr ur alarm clock?

    in reply to: Don't try to convince me of what I want! #997739


    I’m sorry- I assumed that seeing as you are on the YESHIVA world, you would have the values that a person in the yeshiva world would have. Seeing as I was mistaken, I respectfully apologize.

    in reply to: Seminary in the chutz la'aretz #984300

    “Ateres Naava is too low”

    Please define low.

    in reply to: Dancing in the Rain #984196

    The author is a new one- Shoshana Mael. She is AMAAAAAAAAZING:)

    in reply to: What is your favorite flavor of soda? #1185067

    Only Goq could start a thread on a topic as inane as this and get 46 responses!

    in reply to: Lahav Seminary #986595

    Here are some old threads about Lahav:

    Here is one post I think you’d want to see, written by bygirl93:

    1st of all it is an AMAZING experience!!! The girls are all pretty typical, not modern but not crazy yeshivish either, more the “middle” of the road, but some can be a little more yeshivish etc then others. You come home towards the end of January, which is a great time to start college or find a job if you want because the work field is not inundated with young girls needing jobs. (but that’s not the reason why I went)You adjust pretty quickly, by the end of the first week almost everyone was fine, while all our friends in other seminaries were all just getting adjusted. and we did not feel like we were leaving in middle of something, we really felt like we got everything we possibly could have. They get the best teachers, they got the top teachers from almost every seminary, and the program itself is really great. Let’s put it this way, I didn’t go because it was a half year, I went because of the program itself and I feel that I got exactly what I went for. The teachers and administration were all warm, open, understanding, and caring. We seriously felt that we could talk to them about anything. 🙂

    That was posted on this

    thread, just wanted to make sure you saw that.

    There are soooo many threads that mention Lahav, those were just a few. Hope this helps! Good luck!

    in reply to: Am I Smart Enough for Law School? #984538


    If I’d have a law school I’d accept you!

    in reply to: What is a purposeless life? #984704


    If you did one mitzvah today, you are not wasting your life. Make someone smile and you will be building your life int eh world to come. Until your life in this world gets better, focus on the next. And don’t forget to ask Hashem for help in everything you do!

    in reply to: The last rebellious thing you did as a teenager. #984567

    always runs-

    That is an excellent act of rebellion!

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1199380

    Wow, a mod is in a good mood! Congrats ikno upon your wonderful new subtitle!

    in reply to: Shabbos guests breaks chair WWYD #983927

    Hope this helps!

    1. Remember, most of them are cowards who’s full of talk. One of the most common reason why people do cyber bullying in the first place is because they have full anonymity with very little ways to get caught. So they know that no one will do anything to them. Also, usually the people who does it is either a bunch of little kids who doesn’t have anything else to do but to be rude towards people online and a bunch of immature adults who never quite grew up and needs to fill an empty void in their hearts by beating people up online without having anything fighting back at them.

    2. Consider psyching them out to make them leave. Most of them are just a bunch of brats who’s just trying to get a rise out of someone over a distance. If they were just a random online bully whom you’ve never met that does nothing but talk then consider psyching them out and mess with their minds really badly by making clever or smart comebacks that makes them want to leave you alone.

    3. Tell someone. Don’t live in the shell of silence. The worst thing you can do is to suffer alone and without support. Speak to your parents or guardians, to a trusted friend, to a counselor, a teacher, anyone who is trustworthy.

    4. Consider ignoring them. Sometimes the best course of option is to just simply ignore them. Because all they will most likely do is to intimidate you and make you feel fear or bad about yourself for absolutely no reason whatsoever and that’s usually the result that they were trying to make you feel.

    5. Get off the website the moment it happens again. Your bully wants you to think this is more real than it is. Stop engaging with this particular person.

    6. Keep records. This is pretty easy to do online, so make a special folder or mail file to keep evidence of the bullying. Show this to the person who is helping you overcome the bullying. If you receive unwanted images or requests for such images, tell the person you trust. It may have to be taken to the authorities if it is really bad.

    7. Take some time off the computer. This will help you to regain your perspective and to distance yourself from the bullying. Sometimes it is easy to get so caught up with a site, forum, chat room etc., that you stop realizing that it should be put in its place. Go out and play ball, take a walk in the park, rediscover the joys of real life.

    8. Many in-game chats have an option of “Ignore”.

    9. Remember, you have the option to block them. It’s a simple solution to make them leave you alone.

    10. In some cases, you have the option of reporting the person who’s cyber bullying. If someone was bullying you online and if they were threatening you or someone that you know or that they they said they will do something that will destroy your life or anything of the sort, you might be able to report the entire thing to the local authorities and allow them to track down who it is.

    11. Cyber bully thrive on your usual reaction and hopes to get a rise out of you. That’s what they feed on and they don’t care nor scared of what you do.

    in reply to: Is it assur to kick a dog? #988604

    I see you’re very into whether it’s assur to do odd things!

    Sorry, I’m not knowledgeable in this area…

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1199378


    Congrats on your new subtitle!

    in reply to: When is Rosh Chodesh? #984829

    sharp and pixelate-

    thanks for responding! I really appreciate that.


    Wow, thanks for the info! That’ll really help me!


    Well, I’m not exactly sure I get your post but it’s awesome to have you starting a thread again. It’s been a while…

    in reply to: Protesting Same-Gender Marriage in New Jersey #986040



    in reply to: Don't try to convince me of what I want! #997722

    The only thing you NEED in a husband is a guy that is emotionally healthy, has good middos, has yiras shamayim, is not controlling, and has a set time to learn every day.

    There are many things you may WANT but it is up to Hashem whether you’ll get them or not.

    in reply to: Shabbos guests breaks chair WWYD #983897


    This thread could be very hurtful to overweight people, and it’s very immature. So many people are being over on an important halachah through a forum that is under your responsibility- it is for your sake that I ask you to please close this thread.


    If you have an issue with the halachos of shmiras halashon, please take it up with your rabbi.

    in reply to: Why I Don't Create New Threads Anymore #983583


    that is false to the highest degree.

    in reply to: Magic #982528



    in reply to: Who wrote this book? #982869

    No, that name doesn’t ring a bell….

    Thanks for trying tho.

    in reply to: Intelligent Thread #983841

    I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.

    in reply to: Another Joke Thread #984813


    in reply to: I need an interesting topic for a report #982622

    Or whether girls should go to sem in israel or not.

    in reply to: Topic help #982872

    Whether people should move to israel after marriage or not and why.

    in reply to: Challah and Hiccups #982582


    in reply to: Whacky 'Dream House' #982565

    The GOQ-

    Evil, aren’t we?

    in reply to: Acting Opportunities #982572

    How about those slideshows that are shown on chol hamoed sometimes?

    in reply to: Challah and Hiccups #982580


    in reply to: #983115

    Umm, anyone lose a goat?

    El Bumpo.

    in reply to: What would you do FIRST if Moshiach came TODAY? #982415

    I’m not sure where, but I heard a Rabbi say that it says somewhere that Persia will be part of the final war before mashiach. That gets me really freaked out, seeing as Iran is (in?) Persia…

    in reply to: Guy who knows everything here; ask me anything #1215230


    Are you a teacher? If you aren’t, you should really become one.

    in reply to: Chayiv Misah as applied Halacha? #982326

    Do you know that mashal about a needlepoint- until you turn it around it looks messy and wrong but once it is turned around we can see that everything Hashem does is for the good and is just a thread in the tapestry of this beautiful world? We can not judge whether Rav Shteinman is chayav skilah until Mashiach comes and the needlepoint is tuned over. To do so is very wrong and it is not our job as humans to do so.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 561 total)