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tell that to all the rebbes, roshei yeshivas, and mekubals that go there
tell that to the rosh yeshiva of beis moshe chayim
tell that to the rosh kollel of the lakewood kollel
It would be my pleasure to do so. There is more inherent kedusha in dirt the size of my fingernail taken from the shkotziest place in Tel Aviv than there is in all the places you mentioned combined.
There’s a mitzvah to live in E”Y. There’s no mitzvah to live anywhere else.
takahmamashParticipantAsk your LOR, but I believe one may simply wrap them in two plastic bags and dispose of them in the trash.
takahmamashParticipantThere is no kedusha in Miami.
takahmamashParticipantThank you! 🙂
takahmamashParticipantDon’t you think if he’s 15 years old he can decide for himself?
takahmamashParticipantOne friend of mine gives freshly made waffles with syrup and a scotch miniature. It’s become my annual Purim lunch.
Our good idea for this year? We’re only giving two.
takahmamashParticipantMy first date with my wife was dinner at Shmulke Bernsteins, then a walk at South Street Seaport. Hey, I was from OOT and I was hungry!
Everyone knew the local Jewish dialects (e.g. Yiddish), and many knew both the local dialect (e.g. Polish, Ukranian, etc.) . . .
Nitpick: Polish and Ukrainian are languages, not dialects.
And for all ladies out there, it’s a good idea to try to get the Kiddush “schedule” before Shabbos so you can “tweak” your seudah accordingly.
Nonsense. Let the husband show his appreciation by eating less at the kiddish and eating a normal meal at home. Food is always better at home anyway, or at least I think so. My wife is an excellent cook, our kids are learning the art of cooking and baking well, and no food at a kiddish can measure up to what’s on the table at home.
takahmamashParticipantOur shule dues are ?1600, which includes two R”H/Y”K seats. Additional seats are more; there’s a discount for students and chayalim.
takahmamashParticipantThank you! Would Bycc accept a father with colored shirts?
It’s a girls’ school! They won’t accept a father no matter what kind of shirt he’s wearing!
And would you allow children of your elite, and of those less elite, to mingle in the same classrooms?
Absolutely. Maybe if more mingling was allowed between the “elites” and “less elites” there would be less problems between people later on in life.
takahmamashParticipantI can agree with Gafne’s final point (perhaps with a bit of hesitation) that the learners are the elite.
I think the elite ones here are those who are kovea ittim. They are the ones who are up before dawn learning, perhaps learning in the middle of the day, and again running out to learn at night. This is in addition to supporting their families.
takahmamashParticipantRema711, how about the Shabbat of the 27th/28th of this month? How can I get you my name and passport number so you can book my tickets? I’d like an aisle seat, and no airlines that fly over Ukraine, please.
takahmamash ok which shabbos do u want to come
You’re going to fly me in from E”Y? Not that I mind, but I was just in the states in November. You live in Chicago? Can we go to Romanian? I’ve never been there before (Chicago and Romanian both).
takahmamashParticipantThis whole situation is insane.
takahmamash I have had a good vegetable knish, if u don’t believe me come to my place on shabbos and try it
If you give me airfare to where you live, and put me up for Shabbat, I just might take you up on it. 🙂
. . . replace them with 5 mooses . . .
I thought the plural of moose was meese.
Maybe they takeh were all shot.
I didn’t shoot anyone. I don’t even own a gun, much to my chagrin.
takahmamashParticipant<on soapbox> One does not adulterate hummus with avocado any more than one would put broccoli into dough and call it a knish. Hummus does not have avocado, and knishes do not contain anything other than potato or kasha. <off soapbox>
takahmamashParticipantMy wife makes humus weekly. I’ll see if I can get her recipe and post it for you.
takahmamashParticipantMazal tov oomis.
takahmamashParticipantOnce my wife’s boss (at her pre-aliyah job) told her it was OK to wear a hat, the sheitle went in the trash and she hasn’t worn one since. That’s been what, maybe 12 years ago?
takahmamashParticipantTelegrams are long gone. They disappeared a few years ago. The last place to use them was India.
takahmamashParticipant200 gr of melted chocolate, 4 Tbl peanut butter, 1 Rich’s Whip. Mix all together over low fire. Put in pie crust, then put in freezer.
??? ????
takahmamashParticipantRed delicious
takahmamashParticipantThe Shomron; Arvit was at 1730 local time.
January 20, 2015 4:28 pm at 4:28 pm in reply to: Belated Rosh Hashana question – speaking between tekiyos #1053022takahmamashParticipantHow come no-one even brings up this issue between Berocho of “Al Netilas Lulov” and the Hoshanos all the way at end of Mussoph?
Because not everyone does them at the end of musaf?
January 19, 2015 7:48 am at 7:48 am in reply to: Why is there so little CR activity all of a sudden? And… #1054463takahmamashParticipantBecause the internet is assur.
January 18, 2015 10:08 pm at 10:08 pm in reply to: Men.. How Do Make Your Entrance Into Shabbos? #1055013takahmamashParticipantAnyone with kids does not get into shule 2 hours early, or even 30 minutes early. And why does one “huff” into shule if he’s 10 minutes early? I get to shule 5 or 6 minutes before mincha, which is certainly enough time to enter like a mensch – I certainly do not “huff.”
takahmamashParticipantI thought you were going to ask about terms like Harry and tuna bagel. Now those are manly terms worth asking about!
January 8, 2015 11:17 am at 11:17 am in reply to: Should one with a cold attend services in shul? #1051244takahmamashParticipantNope.
Two years ago, my wife came out of our bedroom one Shabbat morning to find me sitting in the living room. She asked me why I was still home, instead of being in shule. I told her that if I were someone else, I wouldn’t want to sit next to me in shule. I sounded (and felt) terrible, so I took the day off.
takahmamashParticipantI spoke to my daughter earlier, and she said, “Abba, we’re going crazy shopping after work tomorrow.” I said, “I hope there’s still stuff for you to buy if you wait that long to go shopping!”
takahmamashParticipantI would not have let my kids marry at 15 years of age no matter how mature they were.
takahmamashParticipantMy favorite part is whatever is edible.
takahmamashParticipantThat post is referring to one person doing it, not multiple people in the same minyan.
takahmamashParticipantThere are all sorts of halachos about what to do if someone omitted Ya’aleh V’yavo; the poskim don’t simply say, “you should have paid better attention, you’re on your own now”.
That’s true; do the poskim say anywhere that people in the minyan should daven certain words out loud during the Amidah?
takahmamashParticipantYou were asleep when your plane landed?
Thank you!
If you were paying proper attention to your davening, you wouldn’t notice the interruption.
I wasn’t the one saying I noticed the interruptions. I was just making a general statement in support of those who are interrupted. The minyanim I attend, in general, don’t have this problem, or at least I haven’t noticed.
takahmamashParticipantJewish Thinker:
. . . but when someone is going to have to redo his entire shemona esrei because he forgot yalleh vyavo and the only way to make sure it doesn’t happen is to say it out loud, it is the correct time to do it.
I strongly disagree. You’re interrupting the davening of the majority for the needs of a few individuals. If they were paying attention to their davening they wouldn’t forget the extras and changes in any amidah. It’s not your responsibility to do the reminding unless you’re the gabbai, and if you’re the gabbai, you’d find a way to remind people without creating a disturbance.
December 24, 2014 8:03 pm at 8:03 pm in reply to: A source for this Chanukah halacha/minhag, please #1049946takahmamashParticipantThe tape that everyone I knew heard over and over as a kid on Chanuka and now we all know by heart.
The only tapes around when I was a kid were reel-to-reel, and my parents did not own a reel-to-reel tape machine.
takahmamashParticipantOne of the chevra, where does this information come from?
takahmamashParticipantOh well, no credit cards accepted. They want bank transfer, Paypal, or Western Union only. I guess I’m out of luck.
takahmamashParticipantI’ve been told that the tune that Yekkies use for ???? ???? before ma’ariv on motzei Shabbat dates from the Beit Hamikdash. Is it true? Who knows?
takahmamashParticipantIf you’re not an Israeli citizen, then your opinion on the matter of Israeli elections isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit.
takahmamashParticipantDepends – do you mean before, during, or after, the date? During the date for sure is a no-no . . .
I wonder how much meaningful information and detail can be provided in a 140 character message that a Rov would feel comfortable answering.
You have text messaging mixed up with Twitter. Tweets (on Twitter) are limited to 140 characters. Text messages and messages on Whatsapp are not.
takahmamashParticipantChosson shas. Just tell him it’s a gift covering the next 10 years.
takahmamashParticipantIt’s not unusual to see chilonim pulling out a Tehillim on a bus or train – I’ve seen many do so. My wife and I once heard an outstanding dvar Torah (about making aliyah) from a bareheaded taxi driver on the way from Hertzaliya to Kfar Saba. I see many chilonim kissing the mezuza on the way into the makolet.
Some time ago, I was at our moetza office filling out some forms, and I mentioned to the chiloni clerk that I had been looking for a job for some time without success. She suggested that I have my tfillin checked. I was surprised at her answer, but she was right – they were overdue to be checked. (And I did find a job about 6 weeks later.)
?? ???? ?????
takahmamashParticipantUtz are the best potato chips.
takahmamashParticipantI don’t work on Friday, so as long as I finish my pre-Shabbat chores (cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the living room and stairs, throwing away old newspapers, setting up the oil and wicks, setting the timers on A/C or heaters, washing the dishes, setting up the plata), and as long as my wife doesn’t need anything else from the makolet . . . I have time.
takahmamashParticipantIt happened to me; the girl broke up with me over the phone after a good amount of dates. I wanted to know why, but she never did tell me. It took a few years, but B”H I found the right one for me. I hope FJG is doing better; she started this thread two months ago.