Forum Replies Created
But is the cop actually wrong for writing the ticket, or is his ability to sense that the light was red based on how soon afterwards his side turned green a fair way to catch someone in the act?
July 13, 2014 2:54 am at 2:54 am in reply to: Riddle: Which food has an option of 5 different Brochos? #1094968squeakParticipantBread has five – hamotzi and four brachos in benching.
squeakParticipantChuck Norris can make early shabbos in the summer and still have a “good job”.
squeakParticipantAgreed. A kiddush club is the only valid reason to daven with a minyiiiiin (did I spell that properly?l
squeakParticipantWell done!
July 3, 2014 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm in reply to: Crazy Speed At Parts Of Davening Blow My Mind #1022795squeakParticipantNo option 3. Its slow enough already without giving these guys control. Doesn’t any shul have rules anymore that everyone has to abide by, or is it a rule that shuls are a free for all?
July 2, 2014 10:45 pm at 10:45 pm in reply to: Crazy Speed At Parts Of Davening Blow My Mind #1022787squeakParticipantStay home. Or become a mooney. Those are your options.
squeakParticipantSo at the wedding last night, somebody slipped up because the two eidim were half brothers (same mother, different last names). This was only discovered after the chuppah and yichud were over. We were all ready to go back out there and do it over but one guest stepped up and spared the tzibbur the extra tircha. Since eid echod neeman b’airusyn, it is not truly eidus and there is no reason to disqualify krovim. She then went up to the couple and made the brocho of matir airusyn and wished them mazel tov.
squeakParticipantWill chuck norris be in middle america this shabbos? I’ll let you know.
squeakParticipantJust came to?
squeakParticipantDo you think akup and uber will agree too? Maybe move to other thread. Only expletives would recommend that book.
squeakParticipantI would cut off 10 cents worth of cup and give it back to the cashier. Its free refills after all, so I don’t mind paying for a smaller cup.
squeakParticipant“The answer to this question is a fact and not an opinion.
I don’t think it can be a fact, but its a probability 🙂
squeakParticipantOpen your own law school. Not only will you rake it in (think of the tuition per student, you only need a couple of students a year to hit your income goal), but the hours are amazing! Your job is under 10 hours a week, and that’s only during the half a year that school is in session.
June 24, 2014 2:52 am at 2:52 am in reply to: What is a reasonable amount for dh to spend on gambling addiction #1020880squeakParticipantHe shouldn’t go to a gambling den at all, its full of pritzus and other bad influences, he should gamble online from home. Then you can serve him his drinks at the cheaper price.
Tell him that if he agrees to only gamble online you will double his monthly budget to $1200. I know you cant afford it but arent you willing to give up $600 for his yiddishkeit? How can you put a price tag on the zechus of sparing him all the nivul peh that he may hear in a casino?
squeakParticipantOorah <> worthwhile tzedaka organization.
June 22, 2014 2:44 am at 2:44 am in reply to: Into Nothingness, which is to say, Everything #1021494squeakParticipantsqueakParticipantI don’t know the exact issur, but I assure you it has something to do with women being inferior (crocheting being maaseh noshim) and zionism being evil.
There. Brought this thread back on track.
squeakParticipantHaha, but I guess it just means I’m living in the past. Theres not a thread less than two years old that I could remember.
June 20, 2014 3:07 am at 3:07 am in reply to: Would U let U'r daughter marry some/1 with that yarmulka? #1020607squeakParticipantDY… having a senior moment?
Don’t worry, happens to all of us. But if you find yourself focusing too much on jelly beans it may be time to give up that drivers license 🙂
squeakParticipantFollow this rule of thumb and you’re in the clear
squeakParticipantA school is not an educator, neither is it a babysitter.
squeakParticipantMaybe the Irish would have better luck if they rebuilt the old Giants stadium and played there again…
squeakParticipantTouring 48 states in the summer? Its possible to be in all 48, but not to tour all of them in so little time. Youll be able to see highways motels and airports, not much more.
squeakParticipantGo Portugal! We’re lucky to have you here. Enjoy beating those leprecauns today but don’t think it will be that easy in the World Cup…
squeakParticipantSuperb analysis 🙂
squeakParticipantpopa bar abba was the funniest character in the gemara I could think of at the time.
If I was picking now, I’d be Chanan bisha. He once slapped someone and was told by beis din to pay half of a certain coin. He pulled out a whole coin and asked his victim for change. The victim didn’t have the change, so Chanan bisha hit him again and gave him the whole thing.
squeakParticipantWar is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Resistance is useless.
(loling myself now, since no one else will)
squeakParticipantHow is a Brisker like the bnos Lot?
Beider meinin az der Tatte iz der einziger in der velt.
squeakParticipantIf the celebration was genuinely l’shem shamayim to give shevach vehoda’a to hashem for delivering the victory, there would be no need to create a new yom tov. We know from chazal that post chazal redemptions are to be celebrated together with the first days of pesach, and days of mourning are to be observed together with the 3 weeks. But that wouldn’t satisfy the narcissism of these atheists- no, they must have their own day- in the middle of sfira no less, to show their disdain for everything chazal taught and religious jews believe in. And then they claim that WE are disparaging THEIR traditions. Arrogant hypocrites!
Then to flaunt their split hooves by claiming the recital of hallel proves their intentions are pure, they must think us stupid to boot. Yom haatzmaut, yom hashoah, yom yerushalayim, these are not holidays for jews, they are meant to REPLACE holidays for jews. So I say to them (and their Religious Zionist followers), “We have seen the likes of you before, from the misyavnim to the reform you are all the same. We do not change to be like you and we will outlast you. Your desire to destroy klal yisroel will fail just as your predecessors did.
squeakParticipant“How can you say that’s kochi v’otzem yodi? Saying Hallel is kochi v’otzem yodi?”
Yes, we can see your split hooves, but we are more discerning.
squeakParticipantThe simple answer is because the celebration is kochi v’otzem yodi. Did you really think its comparable to purim and chanuka?
squeakParticipantWhy cant we all just get along troll
squeakParticipantEfsher al derech ramaii… celebrate the rangers on the day sam is celebrating some atheist holiday and everyone will be happy.
squeakParticipant“4 foot 2”
That’s why no one could find you in the past 100 years! We all thought you were a foot taller.
squeakParticipantHere’s a real #
877 SKIP I95
squeakParticipantAbsolutely not. An officer is the janitor of police hierarchy. Obviously not every jew can be a commissioner, but at a minimum must be at least a lieutenant.
squeakParticipantI also recommend that you not be guided by the nudniks who give advice on this (or any other) web site.
Especially the nudnik who writes this:
I recommend no. 2, focusing on ontology. You can have a nice parnassah taking care of people with cancer.
squeakParticipantI would choose greek literature with a focus on plato. Number one, its way better than the translations, no other language quite captures greek phraseology. Number two, fairy tales by disney are way better than illiads and odesseys (though frum people are slightly gaga over the odessey anyway), but socrates has no equal. Third, plato wrote a story about socrates and mathematics but homer was blind and illiterate. Finally, youll have something in common with your kids who will also like play dough.
squeakParticipantThe towel is the top half of a molotov cocktail (since lighting it with the bottom half attached would be a sakana). In hebrew molotov means ‘full of good’, so the towel is a segula for sefira to be changed from a tome of mourning into a holiday. And the reason only Chassidim do this is because only Chassidim don’t care that the nekudos are wrong.
squeakParticipantCoal produced electricity is a major part of the US total electric output. Just because NY isn’t significantly supplied by coal does not mean the rest of the country could live without it.
Wind is not scaleable. Only some parts of the country have consistent enough wind to generate reliable amounts of electricity, and even in those places original production estimates were overblown (as many VC firms have discovered). And if you were to build enough turbines to generate even a quarter of US electric demand you run the risk of seriously altering weather patterns (factoring in diminishing returns) by introducing such a massive amount of resistance.
squeakParticipantY&P sorry I stole your thunder by anticipating your intent. By all means, jump down my throat for that instead 🙂
squeakParticipantIt is not done. I’m guessing you’re hoping for response saying its not OK so you can jump down everyone’s throats about it, so go for it. I can’t tell you if its a halacha or just customary, but people do not generally greet each other in any significant way at a funeral or a shiva.
May 20, 2014 10:39 pm at 10:39 pm in reply to: Law school graduation: What are you all doing next year? #1015842squeakParticipantI yam werkink on my lawsoot agenst the yesheives that didint edyukate me enuf to do gud in law skul. I had to werk so hard and thats not feer. We ar the smartist nashin but I cudint cumpeet. Wen I win I will hav so much munney. Then I kan ratier and not werk ever egan.
Thats my summer.
squeakParticipant“It’s like something you would read in Medrash.”
Philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes offers a definitive answer to that age old question. Poor guy, life’s not easy for a boy named Rene :). Lucky for us he went the academic route instead of hunting down his father.
squeakParticipantI’ve noticed that ever since YWN removed the blue font, hardly anyone notices links. But my post was a link. You can prove it by clicking it.
squeakParticipantI use Crisco and never have this problem
squeakParticipantThese are really being expressed more as literary similes than analogies.
squeakParticipantIt is even more so assur for a woman to wear a hat or a towel on her head, because they are yarmulkas.