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  • in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147430

    I only ever read one of these books, but I was wondering – why didn’t imposter Moody give Harry a portkey on some quiet prearranged day in his office at the start of term? Why make the dude wait until June and make the most melodramatic portkey possible? And if portkeys work (or fireplace travel to go home on christmas) why have a train? And when the spells reversed in the graveyard, why didnt the horcrux spell from killing the riddles emerge too?

    Ps that last question came from the person looking over my shoulder.

    in reply to: shaving for a chol hamoed date #1035873

    Boys should put a picture on their resumes of themselves clean shaven, and then go out on Chol Hamoed. Or bring a picture on the date to hold over his face when he meets her.


    in reply to: How to get a permit in Monsey #1034969

    $50 and three Rabbis saying “mutar lach” permits about anything.

    in reply to: Cool stuff to do in/around Yerushalayim on chol hamoed #1035920

    There’s also a little cave you could go inside.

    <evil cackle>

    in reply to: Blood-Red Moon this Pesach= War? #1100980

    This eclipse will not be on succos… its erev succos tomorrow. If you’re on the east coast make sure you have a high vantage of the horizon or you’ll see nothing.

    Enjoy the spectacle and remember lo s’nachashu.

    in reply to: Do Sensitive Boys Exist? #1036735

    Just marry a normal boy and then fix him until he’s sensitive.

    in reply to: #1034863


    in reply to: #1034858

    Yeah really, is anyone going to say that they like grumpy, cynical, self-absorbed people with short fuses?

    in reply to: who watches your children on days off from yeshiva? #1034113

    The best people to ask about babysitting are the ones who work in the school. Their availability coincides with your needs. Call your rebbi, morah, assistant rebbi, assistant morah, resource room, administrator, assistant administrator, principal, asisstant principal, etc. and ask them what theyre doing today.

    in reply to: Smartphones and Shabbos #1034179

    Thats funny because the Shabbos App does exactly the opposite.

    in reply to: Source in Torah and/or Gemara for Kapparos #1034360

    Another current thread with sam trying to fix yiddishkeit un ken hashkafa. I dont care to bring up all the past examples. Even if someone were to have encyclopedic knowledge of the torah it means nothing without a mesorah and hashkafa rebbi to talmid. Torah tapes are not a rebbi (as should be obvious but nevertheless explicitly stated in the gemara that one needs to see the rebbi teaching).

    And lulei dmistafina isn’t just some rhetoric like nisht oif shabbos geredt.

    in reply to: Having a girl first #1033960


    in reply to: Yom Kippur Havdala #1034092

    Oh sam when will you stop trying to undermine yiddishkeit. If not using a ner sheshavas fhen there is no purpose in using aish at all. Nothing shver about it at all. Yiddishkeit was fine before your ilk started trying to reinvent it to compete with sincere chumros. It seems like every post you make here has some reference to how you are improving yiddishkeit in your shiur cafes.

    in reply to: Having a girl first #1033956

    Don’t worry where it comes from. Its just to make people feel better about drawing the short straw.

    in reply to: J'accuse NASI #1033943

    If NASI had any integrity and truly meant that their initiatives were developed based on the studies they claim are the foundation, then they would have shut down and/or commissioned a real study when I told this to Pogrow all those years ago after the fateful Agudah convention.

    Ela mai, they are intentional manipulators with an agenda that they will pursue at all cost whether right or wrong.

    in reply to: J'accuse NASI #1033942

    Summarize the Pew study please.

    It is a statistical fact that results of statistical analysis have virtually no secondary applications. That means you cannot extrapolate to a different situation. I have zero doubt that whatever this Pew study shows, it will not be valuable to the issue at hand.

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035789

    Frankly it doesn’t really matter if Rechnitz claims the RY know the issues or not. Rechnitz himself is a hopeless layman in these areas of knowledge, I don’t see why his endorsement adds any credibility to the issue. Perhaps we should get Derek Jeter to opine as well, since he is an even bigger celebrity than Rechnitz and has even more money (though nothing in the charity department).

    You know what type of person (in terms of background and training) we should be seeing these articles from, but none have ever come forward. And it is glaring.

    in reply to: J'accuse NASI #1033935

    DY: you linked to AZs post that establishes the foundation being in the Avi Chai study. There were two studies, done 3 years apart. The total number of students in say grade 2 day schools in 2005 were x% more than the number of students in grade 2 in 2002. Hence there must have been a growth rate of x/3. Simple.

    But the number of students in grade 5 in 2005 sbould equal the number of students in grade 2 in the 2002 study. It does not equal. Not for any grade in the study. Enough said.

    in reply to: J'accuse NASI #1033934

    “Because of” macht nisht ois. But you yourself would admit that your understanding of demography is limited. And that your expertise in analyzing data is somewhat, um, also limited. And the data itself is somewhat, um- let’s not mince words- flawed to nonexistent. Yet you “know” what’s going on. Yeah.

    Anyone who says “its as simple as” is being simple minded.

    In G-d we trust. Everyone else, bring me data.

    in reply to: J'accuse NASI #1033930

    popa – welcome to my team. Drinks on me anytime.

    Daas Yochid is as ever farkoift v’echol, farkoift u’shesay.

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035761

    More like, as leaders of klal yisroel their names are rubber stamped onto anything an asskan is passionate enough about whether they have enough information or not to put their name behind it.

    in reply to: Things people in the CR find offensive #1038575

    Well I take umbrage with those who misunderstand my usage of the word offend. Gotta be real specific with this crowd.

    And yes, I’ve also been offended by toddlers walking by, but no one mentioned toddlers until now. While we’re expanding the list, lets add homeless folks, push wagons, bikes, skateboarders, and the occassional distracted (woman) driver.

    in reply to: Things people in the CR find offensive #1038571

    I am offended by double strollers. Often. Sidewalks are just not wide enough for them and me.

    in reply to: Things people in the CR find offensive #1038550

    Sorry you feel that way. Older is relative. Compared to you they are young, but they are not comparing to you.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah and women #1035635

    Every man is tamay niddah?

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035740

    Agree with DY that the RY don’t believe in sacrificing the yochid for the greater good. And b”h for that, because the grounds for manipulating peoples’ life decisions here are far too shaky.

    And in response to gavra, the girl had better not have that attitude, because she could as easily rechin that she is a reject of the entire yeshiva world (none of them were willing to marry her). Better to focus on each other’s positives and admit to one’s self that you may not be worthy of first cut (and better yet, expand your own worldview of what first cut means- that is not someone else’s job).

    A girl can reasonably remain “idealistic” about learning only boys for a couple of years at best. After that, its time to broaden the search or be damned.

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035734

    Gotta give credit where its due…. at least one of Rechnitz’s “steps” is very worthwhile- I call attention to #2. Full time shadchanim to locate and match older girls with “Bachelors who didn’t necessarily learn in those yeshivos that girls imagine their husbands to have learned in”.


    This addresses a huge problem in our community which I believe has an enormous hand in the shidduch crisis, namely the disappearing middle class boy. Admittedly this Step does nothing to fix the problem itself (which is the pressure forcing all boys to be bnei yeshiva full time or be relegated as bums or even otd) but by fixing the girls’ attitude we can get closer to dealing with the real issue. A girl who watches her prime years pass by because she only considers Lakewood and no college has herself to blame. If the girls can be taught the value of the more worldly boys then those boys wont have to hide. If we as a society can learn to value them then hopefully we can hold on to more of them and even out the numbers gap.

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035731

    Why is Rechnitz even a topic for discussion? What is he adding? The theory he is touting is the same old, and throwing money at it? Same old. So why does the same spiel coming from Rechnitz cause a revival of the tired old Pogrow quasi-arguments?

    in reply to: Holy Writ #1032650

    Interesting that you think this was personally motivated. I disagree with the message as a blanket statement, yes, but I am not bothered by it personally. As far as the Rashba goes, his commentary on Shas is indeed part of our Torah, but not any of the death threats he wrote. They should label these PSAs as celebrity endorsements, which is what they are, and not as Holy Writ.

    in reply to: Stress relievers #1032586


    in reply to: Remember the Old Timers? #1106172

    charlie brown, a KVCh”T!

    in reply to: Yomim Noraim davening #1100574

    “I will be davening for the amud this year on the Yomim Noraim”

    And I hope the amud has a fantastic year, but you may want to think about davening for yourself too. After all, it is not inanimate objects that are judged on R”H. Either way, focus on the songs because we all secretly wish we were at a concert.

    in reply to: Remember the Old Timers? #1106166

    In memory of old timers? Well, I heard Arnold Fine ran out of jokes.

    in reply to: self squashing and growth #1034794

    Try HGH

    in reply to: I am a tailor #1090991

    After this thread we say al chait.

    in reply to: How do you translate your Hebrew name? #1034320

    How do you spell I told you so?

    in reply to: Jokes #1202527

    Breslov batman would go,

    nananananananananananana uman

    Not sure thats good either in writing (ie without the tune).

    Either way, sodium is en ay, not na. Or natrium. None of this is funny, even if its being told right. But why are we focusing on the one dud in the mix?

    in reply to: Im Going to Uman.I will pray for you there. #1038457

    My makom kavua is standing in front of my fridge. So I don’t even need popas vacation excuse. Thanksomuch

    in reply to: Jokes #1202522

    The batman one is trying too hard. Who pronounces abbreviations? Some good classics among the others though. Skoyach

    in reply to: Expanding on the Shidduch Crisis Math (Catastrophe) #1036564

    What’s black and crispy, and hangs from a chandier? An amateur electrician. (Also a decent joke)

    Re Torah’s solution: I think NASI should have to pay a knas of $1000 every time the phrase age gap is mentioned.

    in reply to: pizza shop names #1030308

    At least I appreciated it. Audience of 1.

    in reply to: pizza shop names #1030303

    Popa clearly made up his answer, but he is close. The first pizza pie was made in America back in 1692 in Salem Village, Mass. by a group of teenage girls. The townspeople (correctly) assumed that such an amazing culinary invention was ung-dly and could have only come from the devil and consequently these girls, imbued with the knowledge of the devil, must be witches. They were put on trial and sentenced, though some did escape and went on to create a new village in New England to freely practice their creative witchcraft called Salem’s Lot. (Side note here- as many people know, the very next foodthing they tried to invent turned out to not be a foodthing at all but instead caused the people who were there to test it to never be able to eat food again. They developed a taste for circulatory fluid instead.)

    After pizza was declared to be devilish, no g-d fearing christian would stand for it and only the Jews continued to make it in secret (These Jews later became known as Marinaros, named after the sauce they used between the dough and the topping. Some of them moved to Spain after that to open pizza shops there). When the Founding Fathers learned that Jews were still making this food in their basements, they immediately added a footnote to the Constitution requiring all pizza made by Jews to be labeled “Salem’s Pizza”, so that g-d fearing christians would know it was devilish and not try it (Salem was a word everyone recognized, pizza was a more obscure word). The Jews added back the prefix to the name Salem (Jerusalem) to help boost sales. This was ruled by an appelate court to be legally sound (even back then the Jews were ripping through the Constitution). Hence, every Jewish pizza shop is named Jerusalem Pizza (or ‘2’ since that is also legal). Even the ones that are not named so on their business cards still must have the words Jerusalem Pizza printed on the counter or behind it. Next time you are in a pizza shop look for it.

    The law was removed from the Constitution in 1954 out of embarrassment (they no longer believed in witches, the devil, or in G-d). But it can still be seen in the original copy, which they keep moving around the country so that you can never see it. “Oh, did you come here to see the Constitution? It just was removed from this museum an hour ago. Its going to be in transit for the next nine months while Congress takes summer vacation and then it will be viewable in Area 51 for one week. Yes, you do need military clearance to get in, but you don’t need military clearance to view the document, no. Why don’t you try Boston? Yes its a boat, but most people don’t know the difference. Thank you for visiting, hahaha.”)

    Source: US Library of Congress 82-4529-56701b

    in reply to: Overprotective Parents in the Brooklyn Jewish Community #1029430

    Are these the same overprotective parents who leave their babies on the avenue while they shop?

    in reply to: Chabad of…South Dakota? #1030022

    If there’s no Chabad House you can bet it’s for a good reason, and here’s one possibility. The nearest neighbor to the House would be at least 500 miles away. Because it’s South Dakota. And the only time 10 people are gathered in any proximity is on election day.

    Seriously, get your ice water and get out. Or better yet, fly over 🙂

    in reply to: Does anyone know mekubalim in NY? #1029358

    I am one, but I charge extra because of my convenient location. Still comes out cheaper than flying to Israel AND buying snake oil.

    in reply to: Rechnitz – There is no Shidduch Crisis #1043178

    At this point, I’m actually rooting for this age gap theory garbage to be fully embraced and implemented. That way, at least in 20 years from now the endless bleating about the age gap will stop and you all will be forced to actually think about the real problems with the shidduch system (unless someone invents a new blame-free theory).

    Good intent and reasoning cannot compete with celebrity endorsements, and with no horse in the race I resign. All the celebrities in the world jumping on the bandwagon don’t change the facts, but we live in an American Idol world. Good luck to all, even though I’ll never understand why people are blinding themselves to everything but the age gap.

    in reply to: Non-halachic question #1024349

    Wow, you used the word ubermensch.(?)

    in reply to: Non-halachic question #1024345

    If you have to ask for the address, you don’t belong. Stay away you untermensch.


    in reply to: the shidduch system #1203016

    If that poor girl ever does end up getting married, her husband will definitely need to have her institutionalized within the year.

    in reply to: life as an actuary #1023655

    “Insurance companies, on the other hand, are almost always 9 to 5.”

    So now we know popa works for an insurance company.

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