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  • in reply to: Go To Jail and Free Parking #982918

    I have also heard that some people don’t play with fake money on Shabbos and also that it is muttar.

    Do they still sell the standard monopoly?

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Syag! #975860

    May this year bring all of klal Yisroel yeshuos from this galus and it’s side effects. Growth without tzar and brachos to all.

    Thank you Syag. Amein!

    in reply to: Addictions #1002303

    i may aswell ask how once cen get rid of an addiction?

    It’s not as simple as getting rid. You need an enormous amount of willpower, and for proper addictions, the help of a trained professional that specializes in treating addictions.

    in reply to: A moshol #975880

    Nice moshol. Very insightful. I never thought of it that way.

    in reply to: What may I type/calculate on Chol Hamoed? #975852

    There are many people who actually work on Chol Hamoed. They physically go into the office like on a regular day. I think it used to be more common years ago than it is nowadays.

    in reply to: I'm Mamesh Amish! #976023

    Eclipse, this is very short notice. 🙂

    in reply to: I want to work in a kiruv camp…. #975844

    but anyone out there can answer: why do you want to work in a kiruv camp?

    I never did, so I don’t have first-hand experience. But, it can be very rewarding and an opportunity to make a difference in many different ways. However, depending on your position in the camp, I might suggest getting at least a bit of basic training somewhere first. The camp itself might offer training for staff.

    in reply to: Advertisements for a Web Filtering Service #975835

    Unfortunately, this thread has turned into a debate about filters in general. That was not the direction I wished to take this discussion.

    Almost every single thread goes off topic or takes an interesting twist at one point. Some threads went as far as having a totally different topic introduced after a while.

    See the thread titled “Post to Post—-Not” started by BaalHabooze. Popa__bar__abba has a good comment there. (I don’t know how to bring the link here. )

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #975999

    Profanity or not, it’s definitely offensive coming from a Yeshiva Bochur. Or Bais Yaakov girl for that matter.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Simchas Beis Hashoevo #976075

    Sure sure. Crazybrit, we’re waiting for you to start giving out the details to all.

    in reply to: Emotional Punctuation #975620

    Cool. Glad you’re back 😉

    Hope you’ve had a beautiful Yom Tov!

    in reply to: Emotional Punctuation #975616

    Eclipse? Eclipse?!! ECLIIIIPSE?? Eeeeecliiipse???!

    in reply to: Construction #975443

    why do people (read “Yidden”)

    FYI, It’s not only Yidden.

    that just because their neighbors are not Goyim they can build whatever they want, whenever they want,

    Is this somewhere in Israel that they don’t have Goyim neighbors?

    without permits for no one will inform the Dept of Buildings, right?

    If they have a permit, does that change anything for YOU?

    Mmmmm…. I guess this doesn’t frustrate anyone after all then. Perhaps I’ll just go ahead and build a monstrosity all around my property too then. No one would DARE stop me, would they?

    That would probably help you, don’t you think?

    Just out of curiosity, does it also bother you when people drive with an “expired” license? Does it bother you when people build “driveways” without a permit?

    How about, duplicating music CDs? Does that also bother you? I’m also guessing that you don’t ever speed while driving, and never double park.

    Just as a caveat, nothing I said here is to justify the above scenario or the examples in any way, shape or form but you seriously need to re-examine why something bothers you. I highly doubt that after you *honestly* evaluate this, your answer will be *the law*.

    (Somehow your post doesn’t seem so sincere. And you don’t give the impression that you are concerned about the LAW here. Just saying.)

    in reply to: Songs in the sukkah #975491

    Shivti B’veis Hashem

    We want Mashiach now

    Kulam Ahuvim (MBD)

    Vesamachta Bechagecha

    in reply to: Writing lists vs relying on memory #975532

    She has a good memory and therefore doesn’t need to rely on lists so much. Me thinks.

    in reply to: Sukkos is coming, we're so happy! #975337

    Happy Birthday Syag!

    Is your birthday actually on Yom Tov? Makes it all the more special 🙂

    Many more happy and healthy ones.

    in reply to: Sukkos is coming, we're so happy! #975336

    Shopping, so far you got 16 replies on this thread of yours. Sounds pretty neat to me!


    in reply to: Burka #975425

    I don’t think any of us would know what Sara Imeinu wore. Really, now?

    Anyhow, I think today’s burka wearers are trolls.

    in reply to: Fave restaurants #975393

    Shallots Bistro

    in reply to: I Wish I Had a Succah Like… #975322

    My own. Not trading anytime soon.

    in reply to: How do you manage? #975766

    This is a very busy and often stressful time of year with a lot happening at once. Hopefully it’s only temporary and things will get back to normal for you. Good luck 🙂

    in reply to: Getting Married in a state that writes kesubos for mishkav zachar #975077

    I think it is a chillul Hashem to register a marriage in such a state. Like New York (which is similar to old York in that it allows pogroms).

    Unfortunately this is a growing trend, it would be very bad if traditional weddings are not registered as a result. It’s not only New York, you know.

    But when states like New York (and old York) recognize your relationship, they do so in the same way that they recognize the terribly destructive relationships–saying that your relationship has similar ones to those (chas v’shalom). What a terrible chillul Hashem, and what a terrible thing to ask them for that recognition.

    A Chillul Hashem to get married? I don’t see how.

    Nobody is asking for that same recognition. Is it really similar?

    And we don’t have to let them win.

    It’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face. There must be a better way to protest this.

    My grandson-in-law’s rosh yeshiva will not be mesader kiddushin without a marriage license, but ?????? that I would insist on not having one.

    We have no way of controlling this. They really don’t care one way or the other, if we go ahead and obtain marriage licenses or not. So what will that accomplish?

    ????? ??????? ????????


    in reply to: Father-in-law at Aufruf #1150059

    I don’t get it too well. I think this minhag of fathers in law going to the Aufruf should be absolutely abolished.

    FWIW, I think so too.

    in reply to: Friend wants to marry girl he met online #1187449


    in reply to: Friend wants to marry girl he met online #1187444

    It is a bad example to set for young and impressionable children. They should say that her teacher or his Rebbe set them up.

    How absolutely outrageous. Like Torah said, you’ll have to give a cover story to everyone you know so that this unbelievable craziness doesn’t get out.

    Not a good idea to be untruthful to children.

    in reply to: Sukkos is coming, we're so happy! #975325

    Oh shopping. Glad to hear. Keep smiling 🙂

    Love Sukkos too.

    in reply to: Minhag to Drink Motzei Yom Kippur #974889

    Syag, of course not. I was just genuinely happy for popa.

    42, awesome name. You should totally trademark that.

    in reply to: Minhag to Drink Motzei Yom Kippur #974884

    L’chaim, popa. L’chaim!

    in reply to: Talking to Cousins #976361

    If your female cousins are fat, then by all means tell them. 😉

    in reply to: Foods for an easy fast #974766

    I eat like I would on any day. I don’t think it would make a difference for me during the fast if I ate more the day before. That’s just me.

    I also drink all the coffee I usually drink, that way I’m only cranky one day, when I fast instead of weaning off and being cranky for a week.

    in reply to: Friend wants to marry girl he met online #1187423

    But the main problem is that they came over to my house last night and my kids saw them. Before we could discuss it, they told my children that they were engaged. I was upset because they knew that I wasn’t thrilled about the whole thing. At the very least, in MY house they should have asked me before they announced that they were engaged. Now am I supposed to explain to my kids how they met?/

    Hmmm… They must have their own etiquette handbook.

    But as far as your children go, I don’t think they’ll ask anything. Just be as nonchalant around them as you can manage and they won’t think into it too much. On the other hand, if they perceive you as anxious or uncomfortable about the engagement, they might start wondering about it and then start questioning you.

    in reply to: Asifa #974595

    Where is this Asifa and what is it about? Pardon my ignorance.

    in reply to: Advertisements for a Web Filtering Service #975788

    I agree with jbaldy22, I’ve seen that a lot myself.

    The OTD phenomena existed a long time before the worldwide web was in existence.

    Although, I’m not trying to minimize the dangers of the Internet.

    in reply to: Another MBP thread #974310

    What’s the whole problem with NY’s law on mbp? Is it the fact that we must give information to the parents on the potential dangers of mbp? Or is it the fact that they must sign the consent form?

    The problem is that this regulation crosses boundaries and contradicts religious freedom.

    in reply to: I don't like eating silver foil #973376

    WIY- I should have warned you that the parchment paper will be more time consuming. Anyway, so firstly, trim the paper to pan size, that way it cannot float around. If you’re putting it directly on the oven rack, trim to fit the rack.

    Placing the paper on the “wrong” side helps it stay in place because it won’t roll up so easily.

    Also, the paper will turn brown and you need to replace it after every use. The paper will not burn though.

    Also, make sure the paper doesn’t touch the sides or the back of the oven.

    in reply to: I don't like eating silver foil #973373

    Thank you, truthsharer. Sounds delightful 😉

    in reply to: The CR forgiveness thread #973110

    Wishing all a wonderful Yom Tov and a sweet, Gut Yohr. May we all have a meaningful davening.

    At this time, I would like to ask my fellow coffee room members if you are mochel me. I sincerely hope that I didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings here during a disagreement or conversation. If I did, I hope you’re mochel as it was completely unintentional.

    Mochel lach of course, and I don’t think anyone ever hurt me here.

    Ksiva v’Chasima Tova!

    in reply to: #974110

    Or a frog.

    in reply to: I don't like eating silver foil #973368

    Truthsharer, give us directions please 😉

    in reply to: Good Morning Mods! #972868

    Count me in!

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008398

    It’s raining?

    Instead of: Is it raining outside?

    in reply to: I don't like eating silver foil #973357

    Cooking/baking spray. Or try parchment paper instead of aluminum foil.

    in reply to: AP Chem #972974


    in reply to: Eiruv Tavshilin Reminders #1147724

    They’re probably sent out automatically. They set it up when they remember and it gets sent out when necessary.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168714

    Beautiful style, fkelly. VERY poetic!

    Thanks for sharing.

    in reply to: What to pack for Shana Bet #972510

    Everything you packed for Shana Alef, and everything you discovered that you forgot to pack.

    in reply to: For the Jewish Metalhead (I know you're out there). #1023445

    I’m going to have to disagree with you on that. I’m not musically illiterate and many of my friends who listen to rock/metal also are not musically illiterate. It’s all about your tastes.

    Burnt Steak, you can’t compare rock to metal. It’s just not the same. (Unless you meant hard rock, then maybe that’s similar.)

    in reply to: For the Jewish Metalhead (I know you're out there). #1023444

    I personally do not like Jewish music. I find it repetitive and bland. I can see why people like the more classical Jewish music, but I find I like things with more of a beat and less predictable musically.

    Burnt Steak, I wasn’t suggesting that you listen to Jewish music. You were asking whether there are Jewish metal bands to which my response was an explanation as to why you will not find any Jewish bands. I think what you actually meant was “frum” bands. So the reason you will not find any frum Metallica bands is because of the heavy metal culture, which goes against frum ideology.

    I was also surprised that you are so into it to the extent that you wrote metal head. I’m not judging and I’m not suggesting jewish music. There are many options between Jewish music and Metallica.

    in reply to: Struggling Kids and Insensitive Mechanchim #982957

    I hope you have a school guidance counselor that you can turn to for help.


    What can Yeshivos and girls’ schools do to prevent students’ OTD feelings?

    Hiring competent, caring, warm and *qualified* staff would be a nice start. Amen.

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