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  • in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152560

    About Time: “A proud talmid of R’ Shmuel Berenbaum”


    “R’ Shmuel Berenbaum said…”

    in reply to: You're mistake is thinking its either or when its more or less #1056517


    in reply to: Kollel Life – Reality? #1065809

    whats the heter to date in 9th grade? is there one, or to ppl just to it? or do you guys really thinking about marriage in 9th grade?

    in reply to: Kiryas joel granted lead agency status #1057289

    i seriously doubt that making more houses willruin the makom torah aspect of kj

    in reply to: Vitamins #1058423

    PBA: lol

    in reply to: Kollel Life – Reality? #1065797

    FFBBT: im just a young kid without much experience in the world, and therefore, while i wish you the greatest hazlacha in life, i dont really have any good advice.

    however, im a little confused about your situation. are you thinking about going to seminary next year? if so that would put you in 12th grade. that seems a little early to get married, unless you are now chassidish (which is not the way your story sounds). and even if you think you are ready to get married now, how to you know this boy if your in 12th grade? the only possibility i can think of is that he, like you, moved over from left to right, and you know him from your MO days.

    if you already the normal age to get married, wouldnt it be to late to go to sem?

    whatever age you are, are you sure this boy would marry you? are you sure hes ready to get married? have you/are you dated/dating him?

    have you discussed marriage wit your parents yet?

    in reply to: You're mistake is thinking its either or when its more or less #1056515

    Veltz Meshugener: Maskim. one case where this is especially true is yeshishness. ones either more yeshivish, or less yeshivish. more modern, or less modern. there is no set threshold for “yeshivish”, it all depends on perspective.

    in reply to: How are some people ALWAYS so organized??? #1056973

    CIJ: turn off your phone for weeks at a time! how can anybody manage?

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057083

    (i sincerely hope that was sarcasm)

    which google do you use?

    because that not what it says on mine.

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057081

    i dont think Rabbi Dovid Meisels was saying that one should only eat foods that our ancestors ate. i think that he was saying that the food served at melava malka should be like the food served st the shabbos meals. therefore if one would have sushi at their shabbos meal, they could have sushi at melava malka. as he says “The melava malka meal should have the character of a Shabbos meal”

    rema & YYBC: srry, my second post got approved before the first one, so originally you only saw the second post, not the first. but anyways, one should not think that e-cigs are harmless.

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057058

    srry i meant Rema711 not YYBC

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057057

    yayin yashan bkli chadash:

    at least the ecigarettes don’t cause u cancer

    debatable. a new study just came out that vaping in fact does cause cancer.

    from New England Journal of Medicine

    by R. Paul Jensen, B.S.

    Wentai Luo, Ph.D.

    James F. Pankow, Ph.D.

    Robert M. Strongin, Ph.D.

    David H. Peyton, Ph.D.

    in english

    Formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen found in cigarette smoke, also dwells in the vaporized liquid of popular electronic or e-cigarettes, researchers said Wednesday.

    E-cigarette sales are booming in the United States and many hoped so- called “vaping” would replace tobacco smoking and be a panacea for the nearly 160,000 lung cancer deaths associated with conventional cigarettes.

    But according to an analysis published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, the exposure to formaldehyde from e-cigarettes, based on similar chronic use as tobacco, could be five to 15 times higher than from smoking cigarettes.

    “It’s way too early now from an epidemiological point of view to say how bad they are,” said co-author James F. Pankow, professor of chemistry and engineering at Portland State University in Oregon. “But the bottom line is, there are toxins and some are more than in regular cigarettes. And if you are vaping, you probably shouldn’t be using it at a high-voltage setting.”

    Pankow and his colleagues analyzed aerosolized e-liquid in “tank system” e-cigarettes to detect formaldehyde-releasing agents in “hidden” form at various voltages.

    They found that vaping 3 milligrams of e-cigarette liquid at a high voltage can generate 14 milligrams of loosely affiliated or “hidden” formaldehyde. Researchers estimated a tobacco smoker would get .15 milligrams of formaldehyde per cigarette or 3 milligrams in a 20-pack.

    Pankow said that those numbers “may be conservative.”

    There are more than 8,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, so it’s hard to pinpoint whether formaldehyde is the main culprit in cigarette-related cancers.

    “A lot of people make the assumption that e-cigarettes are safe and they are perfectly fine after using for a year,” said Pankow. “The hazards of e-cigarettes, if there are any, will be seen 10 to 15 years from now when they start to appear in chronic users.”

    E-cigarettes were first invented in China in 2003, but they started appearing in the United States around 2006. A five-pack of flavor cartridges costs about the same as a pack of cigarettes and starter kits can cost between $30 and $100.

    A cartridge or tank contains a liquid of propylene glycol, glycerol, or both, as well as nicotine and flavoring. These chemicals are heated to the boiling point with a battery-operated atomizer, creating a smokeless vapor that is inhaled.

    in reply to: Is this allowed according to halachah #1055627


    Rema711 -“an orthodox teacher”

    He’s Not Orthodox! He [sic] doesn’t keep Halacha.

    have you ever made a mistake in halacha in your life? i think so. does that make you non-orthodox? i think not.

    The prob you have is that you don’t know whose Really Frum & who isn’t!

    what are you trying to say? that the conservative rabbi is frum?

    even if he is a Tinnuk Shenishba, hes still not frum.

    or are you trying to say that the orthodox jew who tried balling him out isnt frum? not knowing how to give mussar dosnt make one non-frum.

    or are you tring to say that the teacher isnt frum? see above.

    in reply to: how to make a subtitle #1055384

    just post what you want to say to the mod with “mods/mod/moderator(/mods only, if you don’t want anybody except the mods to see your post)” b4 it.

    e.g. “mods can you make my subtitle <insert desired subtitle here>”

    or “mod only: why was my post blocked?” (although they don’t like that particular question).

    remember, the mods moderate everything you post, so they will see your request.

    in reply to: Am I Allowed to Knock Out My Neighbor's Teeth? #1054667

    if hes your slave, dont do it 😉

    in reply to: Thank You HaShem for… #1051938

    on a more serious note, i thank the bori olom for every single thing that happened/is happening/will happen to me and to all. i am eternally grateful and in debt to HBKH, and i appreciate all the good He does to me.

    in reply to: Thank You HaShem for… #1051937

    “…kosher pizza and for creating swimming pools. thank you for latkes and for patchkes, and for snowstorms that keeps us home from school”

    in reply to: Don't pay back a Band-Aid with a Band-Aid of your own. #1049503

    RY: lol, really funny

    in reply to: Glasses in the dark in the rain. #1049524

    or just get contact lenses

    in reply to: Teaching kid shomer negiah? #1049957

    i think the answer of mdg, among others is not applicable here.

    from what i understand, brotherofurs can not change this kids lifestyle by dictating who he should hang out with or change what society he is part of. yet brotherofurs want to teach this kid that even though others are not shomer, he should be. the question is how to teach him.

    in reply to: #1049520

    i have also heard that the tune for barachu on the yamim noraim are from har sinai. i quote takahmamash “Is it true? Who knows?”

    in reply to: Fast songs #1072188

    what is it?

    in reply to: Chanuka Lights #1048012

    streekgeek: very nice. i know which email list ur on, i get it also ;), were on the same boat. good idea to share it with the cr.

    in reply to: In advent of Tuesday afternoon #1048001

    <finger wag> tisk tisk tisk.

    in which book is ur quote mentioned

    in reply to: In advent of Tuesday afternoon #1047999

    i also believe that in the footnotes of “Lords and Ladies” Terry Pratchett actually invents the new york second

    “* The shortest unit of time in the multiverse is the New York Second, defined as the period of time between the traffic light turning green and the cab behind you honking”

    -Terry Patchett, Lords and Ladies

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047808

    Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.

    in reply to: In advent of Tuesday afternoon #1047994

    and lord and ladies 😉

    in reply to: In advent of Tuesday afternoon #1047988
    in reply to: Teaching Emunah and Connection #1047044

    totally agree to the theme of this tread. but one of the best ways to teach hashkofos and emuna is to have a rebbi who really belives and wants to share his emunah

    in reply to: chanukah gift for 15yo boy #1046447

    i dont think that a “boro park yeshiva boy” would want a pair of beats

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044667

    guys lets remember that it is usser to ever hate another jew. even when the torah tells us to hate a mumar or other jew who dosnt follow the torah (source anybody?), the mitzva is to hate when a person does an averia, not to C”S hate the acutal jew himself. so while NKs svarous are krum, this does not give anyone reshus to hate a supporter of NK, only to hate the svarous of NK.

    so lets not insult other jews, rather lets have a torahdik conversation.

    (mods if another post already went through from me this night on this tread, pls delete this post)

    in reply to: Question for people like Little Froggie and OURTorah #1044140

    OURtorah: wow, gr8 perspective!

    in reply to: Why you should be happy that you aren't in high school #1044367

    “That’s cuz you can choose what to see, yesterday I had stuff that any normal person would of seen as bad, but after thinking about it, Hashem handed me nisyonos that are helping me work on myself, stuff that I told HASHEM erev rosh chodesh that I want to work on this month.

    Didn’t expect such hard tests so immediate, what can I say? Hashem loves me! ;)”

    shopping613: wow, great attitude! thats the true way to look at life!

    i find that when im mekabel on myself to do X, almost right away a nisonoy in that area comes. i think i heard this yesod bshem somebodygr8, thought i forgot who.

    “showjoe is right, but also wrong.”

    on what part?

    in reply to: Why you should be happy that you aren't in high school #1044362

    looking4sem: im a boy in hs.

    NO i do not mean that other boys are off the d c”v. i mean while some boys enjoy hs on a day to day basis (me included B”H), others do not enjoy hs on a day to day basis. but that does not mean that they are off the d, it just means that they might have similar thoughts to Shopping613.

    in reply to: Why you should be happy that you aren't in high school #1044357

    “high school is great. maybe for a boy it’s different.

    i happen to agree, i love hs.

    but other boys aren’t as happpy in hs.

    i dont thing it has to do with boys/girls, rather on the persons experience in hs. (though the first two parts dont apply to boys, there are other problems that boys have.)

    in reply to: The YWN Shudder-Room #1043014

    why is today Shudder day?

    in reply to: Why Do You Post? #1043489

    1) and B).

    also, i like hearing everyone’s opinion on different issues. it opens up my mind to viewpoints other than my own.

    in reply to: What is the stupidest thing invented? #1042815

    “Arabs and the Yetzer Hora’ah “

    no, they each have their own tachlis.

    this thred reminds me of the medresh(?) of david hamelech, the mosquito and the shoteh. i think that evreything Hashem makes in this world has a reason.

    in reply to: Have some respect, please! #1043867

    in this weeks parsha, yitzchok tells avimelech,: “why have you come to me? you hate me, and drove me away from you!” i am not sure if this is a valid comparison, but avimelech was definitely at one point yitzchoks king.

    in reply to: Lashon Hora in the CR #1073864

    but i think that my theory still stands

    in reply to: Lashon Hora in the CR #1073863

    “Showjoe answers yes to the original question, to which I say: Says which posek? I wouldn’t just assume this.”

    my previous post was badly worded and did not reflect my intentions. when i saw my post tonight, even before i saw your post, i cringed, realizing that my words meant something other then my intentions.

    i did not mean to pasken the shaila, rather i meant to give my viewpoint and to say that this would lechora be the answer.

    the last sentence of my last post should have said “so therefore the L”H would be non-anonymous type and according to this theory be assur.”

    in reply to: Mishpacha vs. Family First #1043732

    “And controversy sells and they supply plenty of it.”

    agreed, i feel that ami goes for the more controversial approach to any issue than the mispacha.

    in reply to: Have some respect, please! #1043863

    catch yourself: “Nevertheless, as a head of state, he was to be addressed with respect.”

    an absolute king is different than a president.

    also, from the way i see it, to disrespect a king back in ????s day was a much bigger disrespect and severe than it is now. it could even be looked at as treson and rebellion. now, insulting an offical is a common event, and dosnt really insult the official.

    as for your racist point, i completely agree. i do not think the color of ones skin matters when pertaining to such important matters such as running the country.

    in reply to: Lashon Hora in the CR #1073854

    and the L”H said here would also defame the persons “name” here in the cr. so even the people who dont know who the user is in real life, still know the “cr person”. so therefore the L”H would be non-anonymous type and be assur.

    in reply to: Mishpacha vs. Family First #1043708

    im a teen, and i read “grown up” (for lack of a better word) magazines and books, and i enjoy them more than YA books and magazines (though all jewish teen magazines are for girls, and i am a boy, so i dont really read teen magazines)

    in reply to: Dr. Toast #1042269

    and were not scared of Dr. PBA either, if oomis is correct

    in reply to: Dr. Toast #1042268

    SDD: no of course not,hes our favorite docter!

    and were not scared of “dr.” scares driver delight either;)

    in reply to: Mod1097's former subtitle #1042396

    4)all the mods have an unique style of posting that us mortals do not have. by saying he wasnt even “close” to being a mod, the mod was saying that this fake mods style was so far removed from the style of the mods when posting. but had he imitated this “mod style” of posting, he would have been “close” to being a mod.

    in reply to: Shmiras Ainayim #1042168

    lg and lior: maskim to both of you

    in reply to: This actually makes sense in context. Can you guess how? #1042276

    im a big cah fan myself,

    when i was younger, i read and reread all of them

    (dont worry i still read them now, just not as often)

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