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  • in reply to: So today, I was Popa #1141806

    Were you Popa again though?

    To all those asking why is looking in womens section: just how high and opaque do you think the mechitza is in this shul? And its kind of hard to not notice a torah being taken to women’s section. Give the guy a break.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071305

    On shabbos. About 1230-115 pm

    in reply to: Simchas Torah and women #1035709

    I did tahaluchah this simchas torah. Walked 8 miles. But not to a shul.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071301

    All of them.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071299

    I carried deliberately in brooklyn today, outside the eruv. I must be a rasha like the wolf.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036436

    Yes Lior, because the torah says lo tonu.

    So are you oveid Hashem or rabbi miller?

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036430

    Not really Ivory. They could just keep giving it to kids, and also not give it to single men over 18.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036423

    JF: I don’t think that’s a very fair remark to make without taking sides.

    It kinda feels like you’re taking sideways shots to try to undermine one’s position.

    A bit like the guy who trips one of two people in a fight, and then says he has nothing to do witht he fight.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036421

    Yes quite serious oomis.

    Take a step back and reconsider.

    Connsider if you really do believe in respect. Or if you just couch your opinions in terms of respect.

    in reply to: Songs according to kids #1035137

    Yes, like or people who sing “mitzva b’gadol l’yabeim”, even when daf yomi is learning sukka.

    in reply to: Totally Random Thread Title Just to Confuse PAA #1061317

    Agree with goq.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036416


    Yes, but in your standing up for respect, you have ignored the very basic level of respect that op is looking for.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036404

    Yes, I would be happy for zeidy78 to be my zeidy. I would even buy him gelila.

    At my aufrauf they gave me gelila because they thought it was funny. It was.

    in reply to: ADHD and Shiduchim #1034965

    Obviously I am not basing my decision off the YWN coffee room!

    I don’t believe you.

    in reply to: ADHD and Shiduchim #1034960

    Probably not a problem.

    Here are the relevant questions you should be asking:

    1. Are you ok with the person he is if he is not taking it? If not, what are the chances he will need to stop taking it.

    Since it is a boy, you don’t have to worry about effects in pregnancy (which even for a girl are not very concerning in this case, by the way), so it is unlikely he’d ever need to stop taking it. But to make yourself satisfied, you could ask him to not take it on dates after a couple of dates.

    2. Are there long term health effects?

    So this drug has been around for a very long time, and there really are not long term health effects. So you can feel pretty good on that score also.

    in reply to: Miami- mutar or assur for bachurim #1034999

    I have heard there are actually yeshivos there.

    Probably next there will be one in Vegas.

    in reply to: Totally Random Thread Title Just to Confuse PAA #1061308

    oops, I didn’t read the whole quote; I thought writersoul was only referring to the vile wretch.

    I’m sorry. I’m sure you knew he was paraphrasing chazal. I don’t care to speculate whether you learn mussar.

    in reply to: Totally Random Thread Title Just to Confuse PAA #1061302

    Well I don’t think R’ Chaim Brisker spoke such an eloquent English or even English at all. I was quoting his grandson, R’ Yosef Dov Haleivi Soloveitchik, who was saying over what R’ Chaim had said, using his own eloquent English.

    He was paraphrasing the tana d’vei rabi yishmael “im pagah b’cha menuval, mashcheihu l’veis hamedrash.”

    (As someone who learns mussar would know)

    in reply to: Totally Random Thread Title Just to Confuse PAA #1061299

    Nu, my rosh yeshiva used to say that the “torah tavlin” is actually talking about mussar.

    So I quite think he argued substantively with what you’re citing from Rav Chaim

    in reply to: The Kid Gloves are Off.. #1066653

    That’s a good answer also.

    But tos should still ask the question later in the mesechta where we talk about like a tzaras sotah, etc.

    in reply to: Seminary vs Sherut Leumi #1037478

    I meant leshitasi.

    in reply to: Chupa songs #1037752

    Everybody (DY) knows there’s only one song worth walking to the chuppah to.

    in reply to: Seminary vs Sherut Leumi #1037475

    As mentioned, living in E”Y in these times is, at most, an optional mitzva. Again, even Rabbi Schachter from YU states in that Israeli Independence Day lecture from this past year, that if a person’s ruchnius, children’s chinuch, etc. would suffer from going to live in E”Y, then the person should stay in America and NOT move to E”Y.

    I’ve never heard of an optional mitzva. If you mean to say that it is balanced by other considerations, that is one thing. But if you mean that one can just choose to not do it, that seems odd…

    in reply to: Do Sensitive Boys Exist? #1036738

    You mean like me?

    in reply to: Are white skirts not tzanuah? #1034520

    The answer is fairly obvious. I was too busy to respond seriously.

    in reply to: Are white skirts not tzanuah? #1034518

    I was too busy to respond when this thread was active. But here is my response.

    Unlike most laws, tznius is not a set of rules; the spirit is actually what counts. And tznius cannot be broken down to a set of hard and fast rules either.

    Are tight clothes tznius? Depends how tight.

    Are bright clothes tznius? Depends how bright.

    But even more importantly, it depends how bright AND tight.

    See what I mean? Tight is a factor, and bright is a factor. The same tightness that is tznius in purple might not be tznius in yellow, and the same yellow might be tznius if looser but not tighter.

    There are a million factors that go into it, and most of them cannot be dropped into little binary yes and no checkboxes.

    In my opinion, white is less tznius than other colors, when combined with some other factors. I think that often a skirt that is tznius in brown is not tznius in white. But that doesn’t mean that “white skirt=non-tznius.”

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054264

    That’s an awful lot of posts about nothing, Smile

    in reply to: Childhood Traumas #1035834

    You don’t need to feed me. You haven’t seen enough to notice yet, but I feed myself.

    in reply to: The Kid Gloves are Off.. #1066647

    I’m sure there’s a note about it in my old gemara. I’m sure my old gemara exists somewhere.

    in reply to: Seminary vs Sherut Leumi #1037457

    It is abundantly clear from chazal that it is appropriate to love eretz yisroel. But at least you should concede that there is no intrinsic value that says we should “hate” eretz yisroel.

    also: Simply speaking, living in E”Y is for those whose avodas Hashem will be best there.

    Yeah, also that there’s a mitzva to…and all that. Is shaking a lulav for those whose avodas Hashem will be bettered by it?

    in reply to: The Kid Gloves are Off.. #1066645

    I don’t do rashi.

    Because your brother had kids then–your wife. But maybe your wife is dead and now the brother has no kids left?

    Ok, pretty good answer. I suppose you can say it was obvious to tosfos that yom kippur is not domeh to achos isha, but nidda was less obvious.

    in reply to: The Kid Gloves are Off.. #1066641

    of course, but meanwhile do you like my yom kipper kasha?

    in reply to: Childhood Traumas #1035831

    I used to bring herring spread sandwiches to school, and the kids were like “ew!!!!! You LIKE it????” holding their noses and inching away….

    I used to do that!

    Were you in my class?

    in reply to: The Kid Gloves are Off.. #1066639

    So like for example, today’s daf took about 3 minutes.

    And that included:

    Remembering that a niddah falls to yibum because it isn’t domeh to an achos isha, i nami because darchei noam.

    Wondering why tosfos didn’t ask about a yevama who falls on yom kippur and according to rabi akiva.

    Trying to remember whether a chayvei lav falls to yibum according to rabi akiva.

    Remembering there’s a tosfos on 9a that has a teima about it, and looking it up and confirming that chayvei lavin don’t fall.

    in reply to: The Kid Gloves are Off.. #1066637

    fakert. This is much easier.

    1. We’ve learned it before in yeshiva.

    2. There are less words on each page.

    3. The concepts are familiar. Everyone knows what yibum is and tzaras ervah is, and who the arayos are. I certainly didn’t know where the mizbeach goes relative to the little roommy things (yoma).

    in reply to: Totally Random Thread Title Just to Confuse PAA #1061295

    There is only one in Queens. And he’s been the mashgiach for like 60 years.

    You really should quit while you’ve only made a 99% fool out of yourself.

    in reply to: Chupa songs #1037736

    Yes, I’m aware of it. That isn’t “ilan ilan.” It’s just another song with the same words.

    in reply to: Chupa songs #1037733

    What has shwekey to do with ilan ilan? Its an abie rotenberg song from eish.

    in reply to: Chupa songs #1037728

    Well, that doesn’t make any sense. The chazal clearly wasn’t intended to apply to the entire older generation of every generation!!

    in reply to: Chesed on the CR #1067195

    Dumb idea

    in reply to: Chupa songs #1037726

    You don’t like Ilan Ilan?

    Not at all. It is “fake emotion” at its best.

    You see these people shuckling and furrowing their brow and chocking out the words as they sing them, at a kumzitz or someat. And what are they being so emotional about? A song about a tree? A contextless application?

    It’s just manufactured emotion. Completely silly. It’s a dumb song.

    in reply to: Chupa songs #1037722

    My sister is getting married now – does anybody have any recommendations for songs at the Chupa?

    How about, when the grandparents walk down, you can play “ilan ilan”?

    Cute idea, no?

    (Get it, it’s like you’re saying that the grandparents are the tree in the moshol and the kids are the netiyos. It isn’t an exact comparison because usually the grandparents are not so completely perfect and have such completely perfect lives that you can’t think of anything to bless them with. But nobody probably except me will think of that, because they’ll be too busy smiling at your brilliance application of the worst song in modern music.)

    in reply to: #1034866

    PBA- I’m shaking my head in disapproval. Why would u wanna fool anybody, kal vchomer a moron? That’s no kintz.

    While you’re running around looking for kuntzen, I’m smiling to myself that I sent you on a wild goose chase looking for kuntzen and have some peace and quiet.

    in reply to: Smartphones and Shabbos #1034195

    I’m not at all condoning a shabbos app but I’m sure people said the same thing about lights etc before we got used to it. What? Keeping lights on on shabbos!

    ok, so now you sound like a tzeduki.

    in reply to: #1034864

    My fave are morons. you can fool them into doing all sorts of stuff for you

    in reply to: #1 on your shidduch list #1187524

    Let’s put divorce aside. If someone comes from a more “violent culture”, thus resulting in more domestic violence than other communities, that in itself indicates less happier marriages. So domestic violence rates would be a good indicator even if you’re dismissive of divorce rates.

    It would not at all, joe. Because suppose two communities have the same marriage happiness rate (60% very happy, 20% moderately happy, 10% neutral, and 10% horrible), you might find in one community there is no domestic violence and in the other there is 10% domestic violence. But it shows nothing about the happiness of their marriage.

    in reply to: Totally Random Thread Title Just to Confuse PAA #1061291

    false joker: you have no idea what you are talking about.

    And for blazes sake, why would you write “false,” and then end your sentence with “I think”.

    mussar seder in CC is from 300 to 330 every day after mincha which is at 245. If you hang out in the coffee room, Rabbi Niman will grab you by the elbow and say “what about the mussar seder?” Then if you try to make excuses “I have a date in 14 minutes with a 22 year old nebach older single,” he will say “I have a one track mind, mussar seder.”

    So here’s my advice to you: don’t tell people they are wrong about things you are clueless.

    in reply to: Torah codes #1034154

    I don’t trust scientific papers when dealing with anything controverisal. They use scientific babble to mask the stuff that the are pulling out of their shin daled (see megilla end of third perek).

    For example, see the stupidity that passes for science among the global warming cult.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah and women #1035702

    I feel an outpouring of spiritual joy and pride when I get in a fight with people who want the women to dance with the torah.

    just sayin’

    in reply to: Chavrusas #1034228

    I usually used to pick the guy with the worst middos. I figured he’d always be getting in fights with his wife, and then would be on time to seder and not in a rush to leave and not texting her the whole time.

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