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  • in reply to: Drafting yeshiva bochurim into IDF #1037286

    A quota? Perfect. The kehilla can hire a few khappers to grab the poor kids and it’ll be just like the alter heim.

    in reply to: Haredim refusing to sit mixed on airplanes #1037050


    All in all, I’d much sooner eat the non-mehadrin meal.

    in reply to: Any miracle stories from gedolim? #1036711

    Because first you needed a tzadik to be gozer that when a tzadik is gozer then it works.

    And they just didn’t think of it.

    in reply to: Haredim refusing to sit mixed on airplanes #1037047

    Because your post is uninteresting.

    in reply to: YWN is good for sholom bayis #1036625

    Good, because every single thing in that thread was true. Best snowboarding trip ever.

    in reply to: YWN is good for sholom bayis #1036622

    Alternatively, I’m telling the truth. I am.

    Just like I was here http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/on-a-plane?view=all#post-363418

    in reply to: YWN is good for sholom bayis #1036618

    I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. For realies. Scout’s honor (if I was a scout).

    One thing I just learned is that sometimes you will be convinced I am trying to be manipulative or clever in some way that I cannot even comprehend, and I should account for that possibility when reading your posts.

    in reply to: YWN is good for sholom bayis #1036616

    Right. So for example, I have no idea what you are trying to say in that last post, Syag. This is a good learning for both of us.

    in reply to: YWN is good for sholom bayis #1036613

    It was.

    And I disagree. My wife could have written the same thread about trying to communicate with men.

    in reply to: Haredim refusing to sit mixed on airplanes #1037027

    Syag, you just inspired a new thread for me. Stay tuned.

    in reply to: Haredim refusing to sit mixed on airplanes #1037022

    Syag: that makes sense, but, as I understand, in most cases it is worked out with no scene at all. Now sometimes, a self-proclaimed activist refuses so that she’ll have a blog post to write, and deliberately makes a scene.

    So now who is making the scene?

    in reply to: Haredim refusing to sit mixed on airplanes #1037014

    Please charlie. Is avi weiss also then an orthodox rabbi who just happens to teach at a reform school?

    Being a meisis u’mediach is not compatible with orthodoxy.

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037270

    Well Spice, I happen to think that “myth” is true.

    But I’ll turn the question to you–you call it a myth implying you are convinced it is not true. How do you know?

    in reply to: Haredim refusing to sit mixed on airplanes #1037004

    Rav moshe wasn’t talking about a 12 hour flight. I don’t know that it doesn’t apply, but its at least worth asking the shaila.

    in reply to: Haredim refusing to sit mixed on airplanes #1036997

    As oomis and sem613 point out, the seating could be pretty problematic, especially on the yeshiva/seminary flights.

    The solutions “charter a flight” are not really feasible, while asking politely is someone would switch does not seem very onerous.

    In this case, it is being reported on kikar hashabas that the 2 hour delay was actually caused by overbooking, and that there was also some seat changing and that is being used as a scapegoat.

    As to the el-al incident, I read a blog posting by a self styled feminist activist who says she davka refused to switch just to make a point and davka got in their face about wanting to switch. One might imagine how the incident proceeded from there. (Agav, she asked how they would feel if a goy didn’t want to sit next to them. I would have answered that I’d switch quite quickly is the goy explained that otherwise he would spend much of the flight wondering if I was more attractive than his wife.)

    in reply to: Any miracle stories from gedolim? #1036707

    When yitzchok couldn’t have children, why didn’t he just ask his father avraham to be gozer that he would?

    Was avraham not a tzaddik?

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037268

    Excellent point Barry

    in reply to: How many hours of sleep do you get in one night? #1036697

    All of them.

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037261

    No, we aren’t disagreeing at all.

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037258

    I disagree. I think it is mostly and maybe all selfishness.

    Moreover, when it is rov selfishness, there is no way that there is any good coming out of it since the kid picks up on that.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040713

    By which I mean, thank you Dr. Hall for confirming that there is no statistics without data.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040712

    Data? Oh no. Shidduch crisis is about people, not data!

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037256

    I agree with that, but despite not having the “right” to have obedient children, I have the obligation to try and be mechanech them to be obedient.

    Of course. But should you teach them that at the expense of teaching good middos and to not be power hungry and petty, and to not get upset when people don’t get upset when people don’t bow to youw whims, and to not use the Torah as a tool for achieving your selfish desires?

    Perhaps a little balance?

    And I will tell you how to teach him to obey Hashem. You obey Hashem.

    in reply to: Sleeping tablets #1037850

    PBA – How many times have you had “morning sickness”?

    Every time I was pregnant!

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037253

    obedient adjective


    obeying or willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority:

    <i>an obedient son.</i>




    characterized by defiance; boldly resistant or challenging:

    <i>a defiant attitude.</i>


    what’s the issue?

    The issue is that you think you have a right for your kids to be “obeying or willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority.” You don’t.

    in reply to: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis? #1071713

    “The current smicha is intended as an imitation of the original smicha. And the current smicha indicates a license to serve as a Dayan.”

    Where are you getting this from? Current Semicha is a certificate that certifies the recipient as knowledgeable in the areas of halacha which are specified in the certificate.

    Saul Lieberman made this argument in his responsa on this issue.

    in reply to: Sleeping tablets #1037847

    Unisom. Works great for morning sickness too.

    in reply to: Soccer #1037770

    I also support ManU and also the Chuddley Cannons.

    Wayne Rooney! Wayne Rooney!

    Saw me mate, the other day,

    said to me, seen the white poley

    said to him, what’s his name

    said to me, wayne rooney

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037245

    The parents who are hung up on having their kids “obey” them make ridiculous demands, and the kids learn that the parents have their own interests in mind, and then don’t obey anything.

    You are all terrible people and terrible parents, and it is your fault that your kids are all keeping half shabbos and going OTD.

    Obedient? Defiant? These are words you use when talking about your kids? Is your kid a pet dog or a horse or a slave that you expect obedience from? Who says you are entitled to obedience from your kids? Who says they shouldn’t defy you?

    You find it annoying when they don’t obey? Too bad on you–your kids’ job is not to make your happy. Your job is to take care of your kids and give to them without expectation of return–just like Hashem gives to us without expectation of return.

    When your newborn cries all night and won’t stop–you take care of him anyway and love him just the same. Well, that’s how you should treat your 20 year old who sneaks out Friday night and drinks beer with his buddies.

    in reply to: Kabbalah #1036471

    There is a famous story that the Baal Shem Tov was once in the oliomus helyonim and he keep right up to Heichel Hamoshiach and he asked him when are you coming, moshiach replied when you guys start learning Kabbalah.

    I’ve never heard that story. And I don’t believe it either. So there. Moshiach said “you guys”? Really? And why when you guys start learning? Why not when you have learnt?

    Anyway, I have a different story, which I also don’t believe. So the rebbe dies and he has two sons. And the one son comes to the other the next morning and says “last night tatte came to me in a dream and said I should be the next rebbe.” And the other son says, “if tatte wanted you to be the rebbe, he should have come to ME in a dream.”

    If Moshiach wanted all the litvaks to learn kabballah, he should have told the Gra or Rav Chaim Volozhin.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036456

    If there are no kids in shul it’s okay for the gabbai to give gelila to an older single? Or must he then give gelila to a married guy but definitely not the single?

    He should definitely make sure to do it in the most outrageous way possible so as to insult the most people. Particularly if that will make him seem very frum.

    Or that’s what I heard in the name of Rabbi Miller once. I don’t think I should believe it though.

    in reply to: It's okay to care about animals #1036953

    Or to have all your ducks lined up in a row.

    in reply to: #1101186

    Well, what was I responding to?

    A poster was blasting people with unfiltered smartphones.

    in reply to: A Different Way to Read Rashi (Parshas Noach) #1189058

    Yah yah, I also hold of messing up grammar to read things how I like.

    For example, you might read “Bereishes bara Elokim: es hashamyim v’es haaretz. Alternatively, Bereisheis bara: …(don’t want to even say it)

    in reply to: #1101181

    What did this thread used to say, before my post?

    A lot of posts complaining about the high cost of cell phone plans. We deleted them when they came out with inexpensive unlimited prepaid.

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037235

    The parents who are hung up on having their kids “obey” them make ridiculous demands, and the kids learn that the parents have their own interests in mind, and then don’t obey anything.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036451

    Oomis, you may join my club. We are the only two posters who have ever conceded to learning anything new in a discussion on the CR.

    For the record: I’m ok with gelilla being a “kid’s kibbud”, the same way shlish is a “choshuv kibbud.” I’m just not ok with single=kid.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036449

    Goq, that’s a good example. And for frum men, communal life is really about what goes on in shul.

    in reply to: chofetz chaim vs. chaim berlin vs. BMG #1035828

    Maybe. Seems like it is making it worse though.

    Maybe it takes a certain maturity to be able to learn mussar, and otherwise you just remain a jerk and also are misgaeh as a “baal mussar.”.

    Joker seems to be about 9 or 10 years old. Way too young for mussar in my opinion. Although, you have said you know who he is, so if he is older, maybe he is just very immature for his age. But that isn’t really his fault either-maybe his father’s.

    in reply to: chofetz chaim vs. chaim berlin vs. BMG #1035827

    I don’t get it.

    I am saying that I don’t blame it on his Yeshivah or on Mussar, but on the fact that he has not yet absorbed the Mussar. Biezras Hashem, he will.

    in reply to: chofetz chaim vs. chaim berlin vs. BMG #1035825

    Oh, Mod 100, don’t be mad at him. This is what he learned in yeshiva to do. I recall he calls it “mussar”.

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036443

    Well, I suppose if you interpreted it as a troll thread to stir up controversy, then your reaction makes sense.

    I happen to think you completely misread it and that op is completely earnest. Having myself been in his situation many times.

    One time I went over to the gabbai afterward and listed off my resume, and then topped it with “but when I come for yontiff they give me gellilah because I’m single”.

    I can assure you 100 percent this op is earnest. Maybe you should at least be mesupek.

    in reply to: Torah Sources in Support of Kollel #1175002

    Very useful thread. I’ll just read through the sources and then I’ll decide who is right

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071323


    You should have been mechalel shabbos to call a doctor.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071318

    DY: in my head, I had decided I would carry even if reshus harabim, but I also figured there was room to rely that it was a karmelis in my situation.

    Also DY: haven’t you ever read a dan l’af zchus story where the guy is fressing chazer and also tells you he doesn’t have an ulcer and he isn’t starving to death and his doctor said he’d better stay away from chazer, and there’s nobody who told him he’d better eat it or he’s dead?

    I was alone. Besides, if my wife was having a baby, you can bet I’d have called a taxi instead of walking. Or an ambulance, as the case may be

    in reply to: baalei batim in eretz yisrael #1035354

    Lol kettle calling the other kettle black.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071313

    No reshus hayachid. Part was a park, but I don’t think it was a karpif. Part was a highway, but I don’t think it was a reshus harabim. So pretty much all standard karmelis, except acc to me that it was all straight up reshus harabim bec was in brooklyn. I was makpid to not stop walking so as not to have a hanacha.

    Boy, its like you folks have never read a dan l’kaf zchus story. If you see a guy fressing treif, you assume he doesn’t have an ulcer? (Bec you get ulcers from fressing treif, if I understood those stories correctly).

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071310

    Riddle? A really easy one if it is.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071307

    No, a shopping bag of stuff.

    in reply to: So today, I was Popa #1141807

    Also, that sounds like more a zecher l’churban than a zecher l’mizbeach to me.

    (That’s how you be Popa)

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