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  • in reply to: Accounting Question #765758

    I am not a CPA, but my answers are:

    A, B, C, D, E, G, H should all be capitalized.

    I think F is not, that seems more like an operating cost.

    I think H is, if you spent money developing a list. If the list just happened itself, then not.

    I don’t know what US GAAP or IFRS are. But I know what the INDOPCO regs are.

    in reply to: Pushover=Tzadeikes? #783402

    It depends if they are a pushover, and really resent it, or if they are actually internalizing the inconvenience and are want to do it anyway.

    in reply to: Who's better #765804

    I’d rather be a man, but I like women waaaay better.

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769068

    Tzniyus is actually getting out of control – and I don’t mean the way our girls dress. I mean the focus on Tzniyus.

    I tend to agree with this. Women and girls think it is the most important thing in the torah.

    It isn’t.

    in reply to: women and girls only please #765778

    There is no better way to get me to click on a thread.

    in reply to: Want to avoid raising spoiled kids? #765628

    Presumably, the reason it is now being distributed, is because he had to to avoid the Rule Against Perpetuities.

    The Rule states, that no grant is valid if it does not vest within 21 years of the death of any living person.

    So he probably specified that 21 years after the death of all his then living descendants, that it should be divided.

    in reply to: shidduch issue #768030

    Move on. No girl is that good, that there isn’t another, when you’ve barely met her.

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769055

    Thanks charlie!

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769050


    I am bothered by this thread. I don’t think anybody has a right to criticize how someone else observes tznius.

    If a school has decided that their standards of tznius are that their young women should not give public speeches in front of their friend’s fathers, that is a perfectly legitimate expression of the school’s standard.

    As it happens, I find it surprising that most of you would not personally have a problem with it. This is a pretty basic standard in our world, that women do not speak at public events before men.

    Why do you think your shul doesn’t have women speakers? (SJS, Charlie, yes, I know your shul does.)

    Is it because they have nothing worth hearing? I doubt it. It is because it is not tznius.

    in reply to: The Difference Between An Argument And An Opinion #765461

    As a professor of mine told us this past semester

    Wolf, have you told us you are in school? What for?

    in reply to: Researching potential shidduchim? #1200362

    popa are you serious?

    the part about where the grandparents are buried.

    Is that the one you thought was the craziest?

    in reply to: Researching potential shidduchim? #1200352

    What size dress does she wear?

    Do they use plastic tablecloths on shabbos?

    Do they use real china even when there are no guests?

    Are the grandparents buried next to each other or in different rows?

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766063

    I think someone is being “toleh buki sruki” on the head of the Ralbag. Where is this alledged Ralbag so that we can learn it for ourselves?

    What did I do to deserve that remark?

    Did you try looking where I said to?

    in reply to: Survey – Teaching Tznius, Which Source #765527

    Read them every single pasuk in 24 sifrei tanach that directly mentions tznius. (There are about 10.)

    Is that how you would teach hilchos shabbos also? (There are about 5.)

    Are we tzeduki (Sadducee)? Do we only believe in what we can read from the words of the chumash?


    From the NY daily news story, it seems it began with a blogger known as F


    in reply to: support #766275

    Thanks DY. (I was going to thank you for the support, but then I noticed the name of this thread, and I don’t do puns.)

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766060


    In that case, we agree.

    I don’t think I need to follow this ralbag. It does not really accord with what I have heard from my rebbeim, and in any event, it has no practical application.

    What bothered me was the possibility that he was being misogynistic.

    in reply to: support #766272


    forgive me for saying this but if one cares about their children, then shouldn’t they care about their children’s children, and so on? Isn’t a big part of Yiddishkeit the continuation of our kind? While this in a a large part means providing for torah study, we should also bear in mind the changes to society’s normalities and their ramifications ie. if we are propagating an unsustainable system?

    It would be different, if we were creating a system whereby we were cutting off options from future generations.

    That is happily not the case. Future generations will make the choices they need to make, and we will make the choices we need to make.

    Even if we were cutting off options from them, I still think I would disagree.

    We need to do what is appropriate today. G-d has enough money in his bank account to take care of our great grandchildren. I don’t think a part of this generations “hishtadlus” is to worry about 4 generations from now.

    in reply to: Survey – Teaching Tznius, Which Source #765521

    My school taught by hiring models



    in reply to: #765131

    This thread makes no sense anymore.

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766058

    It’s ok. No harm, no foul.

    BTW, on a more accusatory note (ha ha)… what do you make of the pasuk in Parshas Emor which we just read last week, Vayikra 24:10, which makes a reference to an isha Yisraelis?

    Ummmmmm. I’ll have to get back to you on that one. I’m very busy, as you can see. Maybe next year.

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769027

    does this mean that none of the Roshei Yeshivah or rabbonim are present at these graduations?

    Yes, it does mean that.

    in reply to: support #766263

    Who’s going to pay their great-grandkids’ yeshiva tuition and pay to marry them off and support them and when they start having kids…

    I really don’t care who is going to pay my great-grandkids tuition.

    I think I am entitled to make decisions for myself, that are good for me and my generation, without worrying about the impact on my great-grandkids.

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766055


    Maybe I’m being hypersensitive, but your tone and style seems a little accusatory?

    You juxtapose my words as if there is some contradiction or new revelation from my later words. I thought it was clear that my first post was not a direct translated quote.

    In any event, I don’t have a ????, and it is really hard to find it on hebrew books, since they have a really old edition.

    Why don’t you put it up? It is in breishis.

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766050

    Even if I accept that SOME men have more seichel than SOME women, women are more intuitive, more highly attuned to nuance, and have bina yesaira. Men do not. And SO WHAT!!!!!!!

    Yes. That is exactly what I am saying.

    I can accept that men and women are not identical, and that each have different strengths and weaknesses, even beyond the obvious physical strengths and weaknesses. That is why I can accept that men have more “???”, whatever that is, and it does not offend me.

    I am curios though, why you say “even if I accept that SOME men”, while at the same time you posit absolutely that “women are more intuitive…”

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766046

    I read it myself. Two of the things I quoted are in breishis, and the one about tzitzis is on the parsha of tzitzis.

    I would post a hebrewbooks link, but they don’t have a good copy.

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766042

    All Torah Scholars were affected by the philosophy of their generations.

    Perhaps. Perhaps not.

    But so what. Do you think they were misogynists? I cannot believe that.

    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765040

    Now I turn the floor to you. What does make a person Jewish? Surely you must know!

    Halacha makes someone Jewish. We pasken that we follow matrilineal descent. Nobody besides me has ever suggest that it makes a difference if you are a man or woman.

    It is actually a bit surprising that matrilineal descent is so accepted, being that this opinion is not unanimous in the gemara.

    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765038

    Who was so ignorant and arrogant that they deleted my father’s account, after he had it reactivated?

    It now says the username does not exist, which means that the user was deleted.

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766039

    “That is why women have more health problems than men”

    This is a highly dubious statement; in almost every country, women are longer-lived than men.

    I’m just paraphrasing what he says. Take it up with him.

    As it happens, my observation is that he is correct. Women are at the doctor 5 times as often as men. (which may also have to do with why they outlive us.)

    in reply to: ???? on women. Not trolling this time. #766038

    Halachically, women can wear tzitzit

    I’m not sure what you are trying to get at. The ralbag is discussing why the mitzva is only incumbent on men. It is only incumbent on men.

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769017

    PBA – if you are not comfortable with girls speaking then you don’t have to sit through

    Perhaps my daughter is not comfortable with you being there.

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769009

    I’m ok with it. I think it is not very tznius for girls to be on stage making speeches to men.

    Even if you think it is ok, you should be able to see how someone else may have an issue with it.

    in reply to: Chasiddus #765533


    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765036

    Mods: Please, you cant let it fall off the page. At least post something and bump it.

    in reply to: single guy and single girl talkin about shidduchim #911515

    Why don’t you just marry her? (the coworker in question).

    How bad could it be already? Worse than being single?

    (Now, this is a typical troll question. Nothing clever, just inflammatory.)

    in reply to: will you marry me? #919746

    idk i think its a lack of tznius……

    Tznius is the “commerce clause” of contemporary Judaism.

    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765034

    I’d also like to mention that I resent my post being called a “typical troll question”.

    There was nothing typical about my question. It was creative and brilliant.

    Who ever thought of asking if women are Jewish?

    Most importantly, what possible non-semantic difference could there be. I never suggested they aren’t chayav in the mitzvos they are chayav in. So who cares what we call them.

    It is like if I would have suggested yisroelim aren’t Jewish because they can’t eat terumah. Who cares? Call them what you want, yehudim, yisroel, bnei yisroel, Jews, zhids, or whatever. It makes no difference.

    I creatively ducked any discussion actual issues, and focused solely on definitions which make no difference.

    It was much better than MosheRose, or OVER 1 MILLION JEWS IN NY. It was sheer brilliance.

    Mod: change it to an atypical troll question, please.

    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765029


    No, not you. sms007

    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765024


    While I’d like to pretend my intentions were that sophisticated, the point really was to have fun.

    And I did have fun. And I think other posters also did. One poster suggested she was insulted, but I am skeptical of that. If she was, I am sorry (but not very. I would do it again. Stay tuned for another slow motzaei shabbos. I have a feeling these things may depend on which moderator is on. It looks like this mornings moderator wasn’t as amused. Or perhaps it was the same one, and s/he thought the joke was over.)

    I even got myself a new subtitle out of it. And so did Bina.

    in reply to: HowManyPostsCanWeGetOnAPeacefulThread? #890565

    Thanks obvious!

    in reply to: HowManyPostsCanWeGetOnAPeacefulThread? #890563

    Well, looks like it got closed.

    That’s ok, I was done with it anyway.

    Everyone: Thanks for an entertaining motzaei shabbos.

    Bina: I didn’t pull a joseph, it really is my father, and I had nothing to do with his post. (I just told him about the thread, as well as everyone else I know.)

    in reply to: Are Women Really Jewish? #1065039

    By the way, is aba bar dad, any relation to pba or just an attempt to copy the origianl?

    It is my father.

    in reply to: Are Women Really Jewish? #1065032

    thank you bina.

    I agree with everything you said except the third line.

    in reply to: Are Women Really Jewish? #1065029

    DY – pba claims that he takes hashkafa and halacha seriously.

    Yes, I suppose this thread puts a bit of question mark on that.

    and he’s too “cool” to ask for his subtitle back. 😉

    Maybe I wanted to earn it back, so that it wouldn’t be ???? ???????.

    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765019

    Yes, the diabetes thread has 20 times as many posts, but they took over a year, while mine has 85 and has been open for only a couple of hours.

    in reply to: Are Women Really Jewish? #1065025

    Is a goy allowed to take challah?

    in reply to: is health gone forever #914272

    Glad to have ya back.

    in reply to: Are Women Really Jewish? #1065008

    It’s because of the nashim tzidkanyos that men were saved from Egypt to become a Jewish nation at Har Sinai…

    I’m not saying they can’t be tzidkaniyos. Goyim can also be tzadikim.

    in reply to: Op Award For Most Posts Per Minute #765014


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