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  • in reply to: Intravenous Fluids on Yom Kippur #1104876

    I would think d’rabbonon, but regardless, his foolishness shouldn’t change the fact that it’s pikuach nefesh.

    It certainly does. The guy who is subject to pikuach nefesh isn’t allowed to decide that he doesn’t want to do any issurim so someone else should do issurim instead.

    I’d assume you’re joking. But there are cases that you’d be right. If the pt. wasn’t in danger until it was too late. Btw, I’ve put in lines for pts. on Erev Yom Kippur.

    I’m not joking at all.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145968

    Popa, sure you are. You’re making it seem as if I didn’t agree with you that there’s a balance, and didn’t say (strongly imply) that it’s important that there be other options and that the kid is not on the street.

    No, because we disagree on what the balance is. And we’re not close either. It’s like I’m in shomayim and you’re in gehenim (example of far away places).

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145957

    Popa, you’re doing precisely what I asked you not to – taking my comment out of the context I put it into.

    I am not.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145953

    Chayecha kodmin l’chayei chaveircha


    That means your life comes before someone else’s life. It doesn’t mean that your kid listening to rolling stones comes before someone else going OTD.

    I am not aware of any yeshivos which routinely kick kids out “all the time”. In the rare cases where kids are kicked out, the negative influence is usually karov l’vaday. Perhaps you are, and then they’re wrong.

    Sure, karov l’vaday. Of what? That the kids in the class will all go OTD? Unlikely. That some of the other kids might also listen to goyish music? Big deal. You’re killing kids over that.

    in reply to: Intravenous Fluids on Yom Kippur #1104870

    If someone needs fluids on yom kippur, and refuses a drink, you don’t give him an IV. You simply let the fool die. Putting an IV in is an issur melacha d’oraisah.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145938

    It does perhaps say that, but it also perhaps says that the parents and administration of that school are less concerned about the inevitable (or possible, if you prefer) negative influence they will have on the other children.

    It’s a balance. The flip side is yeshivos who kick out kids all the time–essentially guaranteeing they will go off the derech–on the safeik that they might negatively influence someone.

    It’s very selfish attitude. You might ask what tenets of chareidi’ism provide that you are supposed to value any amount of risk to your own over any amount of damage to another. I’m not aware of any teaching in the Torah like that, so it must come from outside influences.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145923

    (unless maybe certain areas, i.e. tznius, which as I said before, there is room to be lenient even al pi halacha), R Lichtenstien being a perfect example.

    Certainly with regard to hotzoas shem rah, apparently.

    You BLASTED RASHA!! You just said Rav Lichtenstein is “perfect example” of being lax in tznius! You better go to his grave with and APOLOGIZE!

    in reply to: Present ideas #1104684

    A troll thread dedicated to them. I’ll do it for 499

    in reply to: Sefer on Chanuka Called Lamed Vov Nairos #1104652

    Is it about the 36 hidden reshaim who destroy the world?

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145903

    So? Which part of being chareidi says you should molest kids, or steal, or say lashon hara, or make fun of people on the internet?

    It’s different. Nobody says “I can molest kids, because I’m chareidi, so it’s ok.”

    You’re a moron, because you should have asked about stabbing girls at parades.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145900

    Which part of “madda” is related to not covering hair?

    Which part of “modern” is related to eating milchig and pareve at non-kosher restaurants (yitayningwut’s expertise aside)?

    Which of the Rav zt”l’s (or Rabbi Lamm’s, or Rav Lichtenstein zt”l’s) teachings relate to “not being shomer” (as if its a choice)?

    So? Which part of being chareidi says you should molest kids, or steal, or say lashon hara, or make fun of people on the internet?

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145896

    Let’s be honest.

    DaMoshe and Sam2 are accurately depicting MO at its core.

    Also, MO does not only exist at its core.

    Which part of “madda” is related to not covering hair?

    Which part of “modern” is related to eating milchig and pareve at non-kosher restaurants (yitayningwut’s expertise aside)?

    Which of the Rav zt”l’s (or Rabbi Lamm’s, or Rav Lichtenstein zt”l’s) teachings relate to “not being shomer” (as if its a choice)?

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145894

    That’s all I really need to say on the subject.

    Sam is chareidi. Don’t listen to him.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104931

    Who says you have to like everything in Judaism? Did you like giving your kid a bris?

    Hashem amar. That’s good enough for me.

    in reply to: Need nice niggun for Lecha Dodi.. #1104772

    Amazing grace.

    in reply to: Present ideas #1104676

    A sous vides cooker.

    in reply to: Girls-only birthright #1104619

    I heard they cut off your peyos, just like they did to the teimanim.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227642

    it was head in… parking

    One man’s head is

    in reply to: Present ideas #1104671

    Future ideas.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227638

    Idiot should have overshot the spot and backed in.

    in reply to: Lekach #1101484

    I didn’t see squeak’s post until now.

    in reply to: Topics on dates #1101487

    Here are some guidelines:

    Date 1: Where she went to seminary, what he does in the summer, what she works at or goes to school for, siblings names ages and what they do, weather.

    Date 2: Why she went to that seminary, why he does that in the summer, why she works or goes to school there, whether they like the siblings, weather.

    Date 3: Why she hated that seminary, why he hates what he does in the summer, why she hates where she works or goes to school, who their sibling hate, complain about the weather.

    Date 4: Why she hates herself, why he hates himself, why everyone at work or school hates her, why your siblings hate you, why you hate the weather.

    Date 5: Who her therapist is, who his therapist is, which medications he takes in the summer, which medications she takes at work or school, which medications their siblings take, seasons affective disorder.

    Date 6: Why her therapist say she should like herself and be happy, why his therapist says he should like himself and be happy, why his medications make him happy, why her medications make her happy, why their siblings therapists blah blah blah, picture the weather in the Bahamas.

    Date 7: Why she likes him, why he likes her, why he likes her work or school, why she likes his summer, why you like your siblings, why you like the weather.

    Date 8: Money.

    Date 9: L’chaim! Od Yishama!

    in reply to: Topics on dates #1101486

    Don’t listen to anyone who says that its different for each person or that it depends on situation.

    Like anything else in life, the important things are standard.

    We all need to eat. All need to drink. Doesn’t anyone say, oh, eating? Depends on the situation.

    Does anyone say, oh, sleeping? That’s not for everyone.

    Does anyone say, oh, getting married, that’s not for everyone.

    There are real solid answers for what you should discuss at every step, and don’t let the ignoramouses confuse you.

    in reply to: Hurricane Joaquin #1104839

    Fair point. I’ll stop.

    Folks, please stay safe. Please do evacuate if relevant.

    in reply to: Hurricane Joaquin #1104837

    Yair Hoffman says if your neighbors car blows on top of your house, you are allowed to deflate the tires.

    in reply to: Hurricane Joaquin #1104834

    It is all just liberal propaganda to stop us from eating in the sukka on shmini atzeres.

    Well, it won’t work.

    in reply to: Hurricane Joaquin #1104832

    I’m filling a huge tank with gas, and storing it on my front lawn. I built the tank myself out of kiddie pools.

    in reply to: And Then They Got Two Jerks #1152459


    in reply to: So today, I was Popa #1141836

    Were the women wearing tefilin? Tell them it’s lo sisgodedu.

    in reply to: #1101190

    Respectful is the R word.

    in reply to: So today, I was Popa #1141834

    With torah or without?

    Why don’t they just put a round mechitza around the edge of the room, and the women can walk on the outside of the mechitza, while the men walk on the inside?

    Feminists have zero creativity.

    in reply to: #1101188

    This thread is retarded.

    in reply to: So today, I was Popa #1141832

    Bump. Sam2, please provide an update when you are able.

    in reply to: My segula didn't work #1101058

    This year I have a very large and heavy lulav. Very hard to walk around for hoshanos with it. Perhaps if my aravos wilt and dry it will weigh less.

    in reply to: Getting trampled By Hoshanos #1101061

    Being saved is a zero-sum game. You only get saved if you make it all the way around the bima, and we can’t all make it around.

    Maybe you don’t care about being saved. If so, BACK OFF!!!

    in reply to: what is a "chnyuk" ? #1101004

    Someone who doesn’t go to a yankees red sox game.

    in reply to: Seuda at a Bris #1125799

    Poured it into my mouth while chewing the other stuff, and then chewed it all up together.


    in reply to: what is a "chnyuk" ? #1100997


    in reply to: Seuda at a Bris #1125797

    I went to a bris today. I took a bagel, and lox, and a cinnamon bun, and a coffee. I ate them while driving after I left. And that’s just how it was.

    in reply to: Kapparos #1101160

    who doesn’t think it’s very nice to the chicken to swing it over and around in the first place

    Gimme break. Nobody is “swinging it over and around.” If you can’t make your point without mischaracterizing the other side, it isn’t a good point.

    in reply to: Singing in Davening #1100673

    When the yeshivas were established in Europe, there was a shift of emphasis from choosing a chazzan with a kol na’eh to selecting a tzaddik to lead the davening — regardless of his voice or ability to carry a tune.

    I didn’t know that, but I can bring a smach to that. The sh’atz says in his teffila: ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ????? ????????

    ????????? ????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ??????

    ?????????? ???????? ??? ????????????

    So apparently the assumption is that those are the things that the sh’atz isn’t: a zakein v’ragil, with a nice beard, and a nice voice, and well liked. Rather, they hire a young beardless jerk with a terrible voice who knows the nussach well.

    in reply to: Stampede at the Bais Hamikdash? #1100908

    A young man was tragically killed several months ago by a stampede at Rav Wosner’s levaya.

    in reply to: Kittel Scam #1100651

    I guess it’s a shaatnez shaila if you wear it over your suit, since no way you can get your jacket off without taking off your kittel. But I usually don’t wear my jacket under my kittel. But tallis kotton. I doubt tallis gadol is a problem.

    in reply to: Kittel Scam #1100649

    Not fair. I spent a lot of money on a 100% cotton one, and now you tell me it’s worthless?

    in reply to: Lekach #1101481

    One time they killed him in case there was a gezeirah he should be killed.

    in reply to: Singing in Davening #1100662

    Rambam would never have approved of Anim Zmirot either spoken or sung. I go to a shul that does neither.

    Rambam would have never approved of your shul.

    in reply to: Lekach #1101478

    One year we posted lashon hara on the coffee room, because in case there was a gezeira that we should be reshaim, we’d be yotzei with that.

    in reply to: Kapparos #1101148

    Pardon my ignorance but do the parameters not include not feeding the chickens and not housing them properly?

    Who doesn’t feed the chickens? I’ve seen them feeding the chickens. You think because they aren’t constantly being fed whenever you walk by that they aren’t being fed? Are you constantly eating? Do you believe every blood libel that is thrown at us by the anti-semites?

    Shame on you.

    in reply to: Singing in Davening #1100658

    The shul I was at for YK didn’t sing “ki anu amecha” correctly. Instead of doing the normal tune, they said it responsively (I always wondered how Artscroll got that wrong). And each chazzan had a different sort of chant for it, so nobody had any idea what to do.

    It was the least inspiring version of the most inspiring teffila I’ve ever seen. Weirdest part was they knew the tune, because the did the correct lead in for “selach lanu, mechal lanu, kaper lanu.”

    Also, in my yeshiva, the assarah harugei malchus took like 20 minutes and was the most inspiring part of mussaf. But at my new shul they basically just babble it.

    in reply to: Lekach #1101476

    In case Hashem gave you a gezeira of “matnas bosor v’dom” that you would need to rely on others for sustenance, this should be it.

    One year, we lined up, and he gave each guy smack on the nose. He said in case there was a gezeirah of getting beaten up, this should be it.

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