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“Real Jewish Music is not what we call today “Jewish Music” real jewish music is Klezmer, which is hardly played today, there are a few non-relgious jews who keep klezmer alive but for the most part its dead.”
I have a hard time accepting the definition of what is or isn’t Jewish from someone whose knowledge of ??? ??????, which is described by ???? as ???? ?????, is from, as he himself stated on another thread, his Christian friends.
I had not really read Shir Hashirum too closely until some christian friends I know pointed out some verses
??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMy question remains
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI wonder how much meaningful information and detail can be provided in a 140 character message that a Rov would feel comfortable answering.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIs “Are certain Jewish?” A proper English sentence?
What makes it so?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantA good idea would be to vote for one to replace Lipman and Piron.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantHe’s not chareidi. He’s anti chareidi.
And he was proud to be part of a virulently anti religious party.
Good riddance.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAnd how is Lipman not a rasha for trying to move Israel further away from complying with halacha.
This was not a request of the irreligious, this is his suggestion.
And you are supporting moving Israel further away from halacha as well.
Think about that.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAgain, you haven’t explained how Lipman can suggest changing halachos to accommodate those not keeping halacha.
If they want to get married and are going to convert, then so it the right way. Your comments make no sense at all. None.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantSo you and Lipman feel that the answer to Jews marrying non Jews is to make a fake geirus?
So what have you resolved?
And how can a non religious government, an anti religious government for that matter, make a determination who is Jewish? That is the utmost of a religious decision.
I addition, even if you say that one cannot reject the Shita of R Uziel, clearly, since the overwhelming majority of poskim do not accept his psak, there is no logical way to insist that this should be established as lchatchila.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantPAA & ROB,
The same Lipman’s eitzah which is based on false representation of psokim is the same place that ROB is determining that there is allegedly an issue with the process. There is no safek that Lipman is misrepresenting the actual process as well.
And R Moshe as well as R Ovadyah, zichronam lvrocha reject the notion that this situation is even considered bdieved to even rely on the kulos.
I did not drag MO into the fray at all. The mention of MO was a direct quote of Katz. I should have inserted quotation marks around it, but I did specifically say “to quote”.
That’s one of the issues with posting from a phone while riding public transportation.
It is ludicrous to “intimate” how the process is done in Israel and if it is done appropriately based on an article which is based on false representations.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThere is a thread about YCT teshuvos. The actual teshuva written and posted is even worse than anything there.
Beyond that, the rational posted by Katz proves yet again that YCT, Yeshiva Maharat and OO have abandoned orthodoxy.
To quote:
Aside from the basic Halakhic question-is there a way to exempt a female convert from having to tovel (dunk) in the presence of the three men of the Beit Din?-the issue raises larger philosophical questions:
1) How do we deal with a halakhic requirement that no longer conforms with contemporary notions of ethics and morality?
There was an old Rechnitzer Rejects tape which had a ??? ???? with dyslexia reading. A paraphrase is appropriate here. ????? ???? ????.
Lipman’s suggestion is for the Beis Din not to be in the room at all, at any time. He propose that it be just women in the room.
And he is suggesting this as lechatichila, not b’dieved.
And how can he be relied on for P’sak himself if it is clear that either he did not look at the teshuvos himself or he did and had no clue what he was reading or intentionally misrepresented what is written therein.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIgros Moshe, Yoeh Deah, Chelek 3, siman 109, third part.
It is very clear that Lipman is wrong.
Very wrong.
He has no shimush and no experience with geirus other than the political impact. I read what he said and he alleges that R Moshe would allow this. Unsurprisingly, that is a bald faced lie. It did not take long at all to see that R Moshe says that a Beis Din is a requirement and this is not a heter. Specifically responding to a question if a woman can rely on women to watch her tovel for geirus.
This is political pandering to the anti- halachic groups he associates with.
He can’t be gone soon enough.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI am sure he consulted with Zev Farber.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“English probably is and Hebrew is probably second.
Yiddish has become more of a hidderance than a help and too many speakers of it have very poor english skills”
What do the speakers of “it” have to do with Yiddish speakers? Those are totally different languages.
Do you, perhaps, speak “it”? Are your observations from personal experience?
You seem pretty insistent that DaMoshe should have made a contribution to Avoda Zara. Perhaps you can tell us which Rav YOU have spen to regarding this and in fact all the other “heterim” you are espousing in your comments.
I know that in my office there is a women who does not go to the office parties because of her religious beliefs and no one gives her grief or thinks any less of her because of that. And I am sure she did not ask a Rav.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe Rov of the YI, HoRav Yehuda Kelemer, ?????? is an ??? ???? ???. I’ve had the honor of meeting with him and talking to him and observing him.
I also remember his son from Yeshiva. He was also exceptional. He is a son in law of HoRav Shmuel Kaminetsky ??????.
If the intention was to minimize chillul Shabbos by those who were already texting on Shabbos, why did their initial descriptions use terms and language that was deliberately meant to mock chareidim?
If the intention was to minimize chillul Shabbos by those who already text on Shabbos, why would they charge an outlandish fee for the app (It was originally $45, I think it is still expensive for an app, though I haven’t tracked the latest pricing scam). Those who already text would not pay to do something they have no problem doing. Only those who mistakenly believe that this sham would provide a heter would possibly buy in. Thus it is clear that their intention was to lure additional people into texting on Shabbos, if they were really selling the app. If it was ??? ????, they could have easily secured funding to make distribution free.
The entire marketing scheme was written in way that supported this as a lechatchila, not as a way to minimize chillul Shabbos.
These people are clearly ???????, ????? for whom there is no reason to be ?? ??? ????. In fact any one who does so is themselves suspect.
October 24, 2014 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040726nishtdayngesheftParticipantRabbi Avi Weiss professes belief in Torah Mi Sinai and the authority of Chazal to interpret it.
And now we all know where the term professes comes from. The state things which are clearly and evidentially completely false.
Thanks for the explanation Professor Hall.
October 21, 2014 2:32 pm at 2:32 pm in reply to: The Klinghoffer Opera at Lincoln Center- Where is everybody? #1036390nishtdayngesheftParticipantCharlie,
You just posted “Had I not been at the dentist yesterday I would have been at the protest.”
Yet earlier you posted ” The main effect of these protests is to generate free advertising for an opera that would have played to half-empty houses. The Met isn’t going to cancel the opera as it has too many contractual obligations in the way. “
What gives? There appears to be some huge inconsistency in your stance.
October 21, 2014 12:31 am at 12:31 am in reply to: The Klinghoffer Opera at Lincoln Center- Where is everybody? #1036387nishtdayngesheftParticipantCharlie,
An email and letter campaign will not get them any free advertising. However, it will show the Met that you think this is wholly inappropriate.
On the other hand, a raucous rally, with a loudmouthed publicity hound, shamefully wearing a tallit, hamming it up for the media will generate free publicity for the Opera and negative press for Jews.
BTW, the following was reported today, that Avi Weiss, clad in his ubiquitous shawl, was protesting outside the Met.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantSounds like he was going with wife to hospital to. Have a baby.
October 3, 2014 7:41 pm at 7:41 pm in reply to: Where can I find the "vidui of a shchivmera?" #1034007nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt is in the Artscroll siddur. After ???? ???? which is after ??????.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI have served twice.
I have some interesting things to relate.
Perhaps you can contact me through the moderators. (I think they can arrange).
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt is impossible to make a blanket statement whether it is appropriate to ever withhold a get.
However, the posuk says “sefer krisus” and the gemara learns that it must be a dover hakores and it needs to be a complete krisus.
If there are matters such as child custody or the recovery of assets or other issues (such as lifting restraining orders) then there are still issues which still bind the two. You would not be able to say that there is a krisus.
I am not suggesting that there would be a psul in the get, but I think it is also to simple to say that there are not legitimate reasons to withhold a get.
To me t sounds like you are describing a woman with mental health issues. And perhaps the husband is tolerant of it.
September 3, 2014 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: Do people with Ruach HaKodesh exist today? #1031138nishtdayngesheftParticipantZD,
Your question is beyond silly. Your assumption is that someone who has been zoche to ruach hakodesh automatically knows everything that is going to happen to a person who sees him. You really have to stop basing your understanding of real life on what you read in comic books or other fantasy books that you must frequent.
Further to that is your assumption that such individuals did in fact know of something that was pikuach nefesh and did not share that information. Your whole comment is based upon your own illogical, fantasy book based, assumptions.
Utterly ridiculous.
September 2, 2014 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm in reply to: Do people with Ruach HaKodesh exist today? #1031122nishtdayngesheftParticipantZD,
What a silly comment. Do you think Ruach Hakodesh means that these peo0ple know everything that is going to happen to everyone? Where’d you get that notion? Or that is even what people think it means? Actually, I don’t need Ruach Hakodesh to know why.
Neither did I need Ruach Hakodesh to know what CoW would post. Of course it is nonsensical because it is not at all relevant to the topic at hand. He just wants to let us know how much he abhors talmidei chachomim.
The Ruach Hakodesh of the gemara is apparent when they spoke about the feelings of an am ho’oretz to a talmud chochom.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMay you enjoy a life together full of exclamation points, few question marks and no emoticons.
1) They only want people who are familiar with the area. For safety and efficiency reasons.
2) There are various agencies that are leading the search and guiding the volunteers. Their first language is Ivrit. For safety and efficiency there should only people who will not have communication errors because of mistranslation.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt is required by IRS guidelines for certain long-lived acquisitions as well as by GAAP.
Who said accountants can’t make a joke.
August 12, 2014 4:07 pm at 4:07 pm in reply to: Anyone know where to get cheap six flags Safari ticketsin Lakewood NJ #1027086nishtdayngesheftParticipantGoq,
It takes great “gevurah” to back down or admit an error, certainly on an anonymous forum.
Kol Hakovod to you.
August 12, 2014 2:43 am at 2:43 am in reply to: Anyone know where to get cheap six flags Safari ticketsin Lakewood NJ #1027083nishtdayngesheftParticipantGoq,
As there are all sorts of people of all stripes. The question is why you had to assume that this was something dishonest, specifically because they are frum people. Would you think that is an appropriate assumption to make? Can, or should, we make the same assumption of you? Would that be fair or appropriate?
August 11, 2014 8:40 pm at 8:40 pm in reply to: Anyone know where to get cheap six flags Safari ticketsin Lakewood NJ #1027080nishtdayngesheftParticipantGoq,
The question is why you would make such a disparaging assumption. Particularly when it is easy to verify that is not the case.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantGreat version of the song with Luciano Pavaroti together with James Brown
It needs no explanation. Stop with your silliness.
As far as your story, everyone knows that there was no kabbolas mitzvos, so how can there have been a geirus.
The fact that she has no interest in a get alone is proof that there was no kabbolas mitzvos.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantSo Charlie defends Avi Weiss’ making ?????? because anti halachic individuals and institutions do not like everything the rabbinate does.
And of course the appropriate way to go about this is to use their bastion of truth, the NY Slimes.
Charlie, I have no interest in even looking at anything associated with Broyde.
You silly little comments not withstanding.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe best way to help ?????? is to establish ????? that will
Obviate the issue. Avi Weiss and his ilk’s attempts to reduce or eliminate the system of ?????? in Israel is doing just the opposite.
The damage he is trying to do is almost as bad as Hamas. His actions are destroying future generations.
Is it a wonder why ???? ???? are horrified by him, his actions and his hangers on.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMichael Broyde has passiked himself from any nemanus. There is a reason he was tossed off the BDA. Part of it has to do with trying to create a false precedent by alleging a statement by R Moshe.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantYou can’t compare cases of agunos, real agunos, with other instances of Halacha. By agunos the Halacha is to specifically look for a heter.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantNot sure I would call any halacha trivial
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThere are already filters on cigarettes.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantOne of the ???? of ????? is ????. And that is the ultimate definition of ???? and yet it is a ???? to Shecht and to eat meat. Thus it is clear that shechting and eating meat is not a conflict with ????.
Thus for someone to say that avoiding meat is because of a ??? of ???? they are using an incorrect definition of ????.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI understand the Rambam to be saying that this is not rachmanus.
It is made up rachmanus.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant1) I was responding to “my own kind of Jew” who was calling this a “chumroh”.
2) What type of sensitivity? This does not appear to be a Torah based sensitivity. Different people have all sorts of sensitivities, that does not mean that they are normal sensitivities.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant1) How would have a “chumra” that is directly against certain mitzvos, specifically korbonos. It is not the same as not blowing shofar or taking the arba minim on Shabbos. There you are not saying that there is something wrong with the etzem mitzvah.
2) A chumra is to protect against being oiver an aveitah or being mevatel a mitzvah, what aveirah or mitzvah are you supposedly protecting your self from by not eating meat? There is no issur of tzar baalei chayim when you are shechting. There is no reason to even go into the reason of me’od me’od.
If the person said he is not eating meat because he is concerned about kkashrus, and therefor he is machmir not to eat any meat, that could be a legitimate application of chumra, but that was not the focus of such an alleged chumra, so it is a bogus application of the concept of chumra.