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Chatzos will vary significantly across the whole time zone. But in any place it will not change significantly.
But noon changes by every time zone by an hour.
Your issue was that someone could not be consistent with “noon’ in a specific area, because you were considered about a train schedule. Which would be a specific place.
The difference in “noon” or, actually, Chatzos only fluctuates by a few minutes throughout the year.
Defining noon is not an issue.
All this focus on trains and their schedules is odd, to say the least.
I have seen the notification on B&H’s website on Erev Shabbos saying that you only have “x” amount of time left to place the order. This is a paraphrase, however it was clear that they were closing down the order module for Shabbos.
They also post notices on their web site and in the store well before Yom Tov that they will be closed.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“If you use Amazon fulfillment there is no way to shut it down for Shabbos”
How does this answer the question?
One would have to ask a Rov familiar with how Amazon fulfillment works (and there are Rabbonimm who are very knowledgeable about the specifics) and the one can get a psak.
Depends on your insurance and if you buy your coffee at Starbucks.
Coffee may be much more expensive.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAvi K,
Yiddish is far from dead, and certainly the brochos offered in yiddish are not dead.
Ah gutten kvittel is not the same as “Choref Tov” it is a totally different bracha. People also wish a Piska Tava.
The yiddish expression which you confused is “ah gezunte vinter”.
“If you let the slaughtered chickens last too long in the sun, then they are spoiled. A regular slaugher house processes the chickens fairly quckly while kaparot on the street does not.”
I have not seen this in the places I’ve been to and the ones that shecht also have a group flecking and koshering the chickens as well.
This is besides have the chickens out of the transport boxes and kept in a gated off area with saw dust, feed and water.
And, have you ever been to a shlachthoiz? Sounds like you have not.
“You have to be careful saying “nefesh nachas nefesh”. there are opinions that Kapparot comes from Avodah Zarah”
Can YOU please cite these opinions?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMost people who are learning, live local to where they learn and thus the commute time is less of a burden.
And I know that ZD is under the impression that learning people are not serious about their time, but I know that where I daven there are number of Kollel yungeliet who learn with working people every morning and they are learning from 5:30 am. And those same yungerliet have full day sedorim and learn to 10 oclock every night, even missing family simchas not to miss sedorim. And they will show up at 6 M on Friday after finishing a Thursday night mishmar at 1AM.
That is beaides a seperate Kollel that learns in the same location which starts davening at 7:15 and stays straight to the end of afternoon Seder.
The hours are longer than almost any working person I know.
And it is even on Sundays.
September 29, 2016 8:38 pm at 8:38 pm in reply to: obtain a beis din's preliminary ruling without actually going to a beis din #1194933nishtdayngesheftParticipantOn the other hand, reading Lenny’s comments, it seems like his wife may have a very valid point. He does seem to want to control her.
September 29, 2016 6:12 pm at 6:12 pm in reply to: obtain a beis din's preliminary ruling without actually going to a beis din #1194921nishtdayngesheftParticipantZD,
Was there a private communication between you and the OP that you know that is the issue? Or are you commenting on something you know nothing about.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Reform and Conservative don’t believe in Yoshke or Shbtai Zvi either, Maybe they decided that was a good derech for them to hold by”
Reform and Conservative do not believe in Torah min hashomayim. Or in Hashem entirely. Your comparison is not in the least congruous.
OO seem to rever yoshke, Avi Weiss has Christian ministers lead singing (yes those are services) in his synagogue. Shlomo Riskin called yoizel a great Rabbi.
Having a course. seminar, sermon on ethics is not sign of a lack of ethics. Quite the contrary, those who are concerned with ethics are those who have classes, sermons, seminars and courses about ethics.
CPA’s, Lawyers, Doctors and many others are required to obtain credits regularly in ethics as a condition to licensure. Is that a sign of a LACK of ethics? (This is for the DdM crowd)
I assume you would refer to Rav Chatzkel or even R Yisroel Salanter as lacking in ethics since they constantly studied mussar (yes that’s ethics).
Quite the contrary, it is those who are against public lectures about ethics who are likely lacking in ethics.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAs I rule, those who are busy saying to Chareidim ” What are you doing on the internet” are those who have no logical response and know they don’t. Thus that is their big, bold refrain.
“The only way to get internet for a few hours is get someone with a smartphone and get them to use the smartphone as a hot spot”
That’s the only way? Really?
“It was a Symposium that was streamed via the internet, How come it wasnt mandatory participation.”
Would you have listened if it were mandatory?
When do you make something on the internet mandatory?
And Apparently it is the MO who make things mandatory, not the Agudah.
“its funny the Agudah had a Yom Imuyun yesterday about the lack of business ethics”
It is a shame that you have to misconstrue the yom iyun. It was not about a lack of ethics, it was about strengthening ethics. A huge difference and even you know the difference.
“Its funny about the generalizing comment, Someone claimed they saw a woman wearing pants at an MO shul and all of a sudden ALL MO women wear pants”
No one said anywhere here that ALL MO wear pants.
However, you are seriously delusional if you are going to say that there is a significant tznius issue in many MO synagogues. And it is not just pants, which actually may be the least of the problems.
And that is in shul, not even talking about outside of shul.
And I am not saying these are bad people, jusyt that there are certain basic halacha that is completely shunned.
Yes there are issues in non MO shuls as well, however tznius is talked about constantly, sop much so that you, yourself complained about how much is focused on.
But there are people whose sum total knowledge is from Google.
And we see what they infer from their sources is wrong.
and many of those who use Rabbah Google are apparently incapable of discerning the truth. And yet they remain completely sure that they are now meivinim.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“anyone can google stuff nowadays, better they hear it from you, than from googling”
And we’ve seen on these comment boards how off base is the Judaic and halachic knowledge of people whose knowledge is from Rabbah Google.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIf the person is indigent, they should be eligible for Medicaid if it is a medical issue or needs some form of medical inpatient care.
Residential is different from inpatient. Residential is typically for maintenance, while inpatient is for acute care.
in NYS OPWDD or OMH may have funding.
There are too many details missing here.
Perhaps Pesach Tikvah in Williamsburg may be a source of help.
ZD, FYI, there are baalei tzedakah who do provide such amounts.
However, there may be programs to pay for the treatments or hospitalization under regular or waivered programs.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“There was a terrorist attack in jerusalem a couple of years ago. I think 4 men were stabbed by the terrorist. It seems the shul emnployed a cell phone jamming device and people could not call for help.”
What an inane comment.
According to you, a person should not turn off his phone when going to shul to daven and should actually constantly look and check their phone, incase there may be an emergency.
That’s is patently ridiculous.
Also, then everyone should take a cell phone with them everywhere, even on Shabbos, Yom Tov, Yom Kippur.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“And its not true you cant use the phone on shabbos, You can use it for an emergency”
So in case of an emergency, you can open the siddur app on Shabbos?
And you’ve seen that done?
Because the poster was talking about, using the siddur app on the phone.
And as far as the phone being ossur in case of emergency, that is dependent on whether Shabbos is hutrah or hudcha.
September 20, 2016 11:45 am at 11:45 am in reply to: Take the TV out of the Restaurant or we will shut you down #1181041nishtdayngesheftParticipantZD,
There is at least one sports bar on 59. To the best of my knowledge there are no Shuls. Perhaps there is a Chabad house.
However, that wouldn’t be comparable to one with a hashgocha. Not even close.
I suspect that a bar would be shut down very quickly if it opened on Main Street in Monsey.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI wonder what would happen if you ran it back through Translate to Chinese.
It seems it is you who has a lack of comprehension. The question was whether either of the candidates are good. Not whether if they were the same. They are clearly not the same.
Returning to the original question, would you like to offer your opinion on the original question.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Kasher of a Maaser”
I’ve never heard this.
And nothing turns up even in a Google search that seems to make sense.
Can you explain this?
September 13, 2016 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm in reply to: Why Brooklyn Bais Yaakovs Need Unity Now #1178825nishtdayngesheftParticipantGAW,
Unless youy are really as stupid as you are making yourself out to be, you know clearly that Joseph did not mean it as “holier than thou”. You know that he meant that a child of a family who defines themselves as frum and wants to go to yeshiva will go.
There are multiple organizations, people and schools that will make it happen if the reason for exclusion is because the parents cannot afford tuition,.
On the other hand, people who buck the schools’ policies and constantly holler that the school’s are strictly “holier than thou” will have a problem getting children into school because the schools know that they will be fighting a losing battle trying to teach children whose parents are doing the utmost to undo the school’s work.
September 13, 2016 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm in reply to: Why Brooklyn Bais Yaakovs Need Unity Now #1178820nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Hence “Frum” as a pejorative.”
Willing to struggle and go through the hardship of making sure your children go to a Yeshiva or Bais Yaakov is not “Showing on the outside that you are holier”.
That is a despicable comment to make.
I didn’t say he did. I suspect the ZD had no idea of the meaning of his words.
But had he been aware of the history of such statements, he would realize it was not something that is appropriate for sarcasm.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Dont you know that if you decide to learn Nach instead of Gemorah, you are OTD”
I know you thought you were being sharp, however, making light of learning gemara and saying focus specifically on Nach was very much what the Reform movement would say.
And, following in their Footsteps(That’s called dual purposing) Dov Lipman wrote an article saying that Yeshivot should move away from learning gemara and should learn Nach instead. And we know that he affiliated with a party that wanted to move people OTD.
Saying Learn Nach instead of Gemara is NOT a benign statement.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantPicasso was extremely prolific.
No doctor EVER said that ONE TIME can have an effect.
If you are worried about the few minutes less to do Mitzvot, any movie is MUCH MUCH longer than a few minutes and no one is doing Mitzvot while watching a movie. Certainly not any of the contemporary movies.
And watching almost any of contemporary movies is AGAINST the Torah. Does that mean ANYONE who watches a movie is off the derech. You CERTAINLY seem to be saying so.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“lu – ill let my boys do something else as a “teenage outlet” instead of smoking h’h.”
I suspect you do not have teenage boys.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“I do find it disturbing that people think that going to a movie is worse than smoking”
Going to a movie one time can have a permanent adverse affect. (No, not every movie and not every time, I know).
Smoking a cigarette one time will not have a permanent life altering effect.
September 8, 2016 11:31 pm at 11:31 pm in reply to: Coffee addict post in the news article about Monsey crash #1178038nishtdayngesheftParticipantHealth,
What is wrong with being near a country road???!!!
And, in areas that are mostly country roads, it is not only frum people who walk along them.
Not in the Catskills, not in Ramapo, not in Lakewood.
September 8, 2016 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm in reply to: Coffee addict post in the news article about Monsey crash #1178037nishtdayngesheftParticipantCoffee,
I hate to do this as I usually try not to share personal information (Its really none of your b – i beeswax), but I have been on route 202 many a time. If you go to the Wesley Hills area of Monsey when traveling South on the Palisades, it is often shortest to go on Route 202. Route 202 is NOT a highway, it is not different from Route 306 in Monsey. A two way street with a line down the center. Much narrower than any of the avenues in Brooklyn or Queens.
There are schools, houses, senior centers and stores all along Route 202. Some parts are more wooded, but that is the suburban nature of the area.
What does sometimes happen is that when there is not much traffic, drivers will speed.
A school sign on the road would not slow anyone down, certainly not a t midnight. In fact a car in front, waiting to make a turn didn’t slow the driver down.
And as it turns out, there was a C of O in place, so there was absolutely no reason for a violation from 3 years ago to be included in the story as if that were the main issue here. It was soooo important for the writer to include information that was meant to rile up hateful comments on the LOHUD website, (the edit above was to change my pet name for that rag) that he spent to the time to put all the unnecessary information in the first posting of the article (and also to talk about the Rosh Yeshiva’s home) instead of doing just a bit of research to find out the tactual current situation.
September 8, 2016 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm in reply to: Coffee addict post in the news article about Monsey crash #1178011nishtdayngesheftParticipantI do not agree.
It is not like they boys were out on the road running around.
They were in the driveway and the driver of the Lexus tried to pass illegally.
Following Coffee’s illogic, you would say the same in any accident, that the person would not have ben injure/ killed had they not been at that location.
The location where they boys were was no a location that was in and of itself hazardous for what they were doing.
They were not adding to traffic at a high traffic time.
There is no question that the Journal News is highly biased in its reportage and seeks to inflame hatred.
This is not something new.
September 1, 2016 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm in reply to: Kollel Life in Eretz Yisroel is More Difficult and a Greater Sacrifice than Army #1176797nishtdayngesheftParticipant“You think they stay up at night figuring out ways to harm chareidim?”
Most do not, however you have partiers like Yesh Atid which absolutely was doing that and you see the number of seats they got, so there is a very significant amount of Chilonim and unfortunately those in the US who definitely do plot and agitate against chareidim.
“I will take my rabbis who are well learned and trustworthy over some anonymous internet commenter who often distorts Torah and may not even be Jewish.’
Couple of points, you are the one who gets all riled about comments and you have the nerve and audacity to make the comment about Joseph’s Jewishness?
Joseph has certainly showed himself to be exceedingly more knowledgeable about halacha than you. And since you have oft times shown that you are OO, he certainly has shown more fealty to halacha than any of the OO rabbis.
And once you are questioning the Jewishness of people, you need to start with your own Sean Yanklowitz who publicly statetd to the NYT that his mother was not Jewsih and we know that the head of the IRF’s conversion board was described as apikorus even by Yissoscher Katz, one could rightfully wonder about the Jewishness of your own rabbi.
“The Chazon Ish was a gedol. But he did not live in America, and was not familiar with the American legal system.”
So you are opining that the American system is in concurrence with Halacha?
How ludicrous. What a typically ahalachic response from you.
August 30, 2016 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: Punishing innocent children because you think their parents are inferior #1175168nishtdayngesheftParticipantGAW.
“I’ll disagree with this premise. Why do you make the assumption that a Kollel family is more “Torah-dike” than other families”
The following quote from LU applies to what you just did. ” I know for A FACT that she has written things that weren’t true.”
Yekke2 specifically added “[and yes, i KNOW that the two are not directly related etc. etc.] ” to his post.
Gold star for you, nisht (just for the second part). Check out Yekke’s response which wasn’t up yet when you wrote this
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhere in the Bronx would a Yeshiva go?
The only place that is Urban at all is Riverdale, which is too expensive and even the Yeshiva if Riverdale has not had an easy time.
On top of that, OO is based out of there and a Yeshiva would not want o be influenced by the Tumah of HIR. Being in the area.
How does ??? ?????? “get shorter each year” ? It is still from after ??? ???? until ??? ???? ???????, from ??? ???? ???? until ??? ???? ???? and from ???? ??? until ??? ???? ????. If anything , it is more common now to start a bit earlier.
Joseph can openly comment about what is taught in colleges only if he went there himself? Otherwise he is one “Who sits in a dungeon and describes a rain forest? Who sits in a desert and describes what rainstorms look like?”
That would exclude most of the comments from some of your favorite commenters who are clearly less informed about what they comment than Joseph is in these matters.
What is taught on campuses these days is readily available information. The schools themselves write about it.
Any sane person knows that Joseph’s comments are not what put your children at risk. Willfully and gleefully ignoring deios kozvos that are antithetical to the Torah and having them taught to your children is what puts them at risk. Colleges are certainly not known for their moral outlook and for moral activities being practiced there.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“I guess it’s another reason why I’m “Left wing”. The Emes is essential, and Sheker has no feet”
You apparently like the teetering sensation.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“I was waiting for you”
So you were wondering the same?
No, but that was actually quite a funny response
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“your own lying eyes”
I don’t think Joseph ever said it was ZD’s eyes that were lying.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“(And Obviously English)”
And how is that obvious?
I was waiting for you
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAccording to the OU app for this item, there must be a symbol of the product.