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  • in reply to: our dor and the dor hamabul #1207637

    regarding earlier posts about causes of mabul:

    meshech chochmah (parshas b’shalach)suggests that while the individual is mainly punished for bein adam l’makom, communities are punished for bein adam l’chaveiro (see there many sources). Therefore, he says, the arayos of dor mabul, while making them deserving of punishment as individuals, would not have caused global destruction, but as a tzibbur they deserved punishment for gezel, shalom etc.

    As far as our generation, I don’t think we need worry about the global effect, because it is clear from all the sources that after Matan Torah, only Jews have a cosmic spiritual effect.

    Can someone explain to me why we feel the need to protest laws against mishkav zachar ? It is not the only thing labeled as ervah for bnei noach, and others are quite legal and common, and yet we don’t lobby for legislation for them!

    in reply to: Motzai Shabbos chizuk thread #852939

    WIY – thanks for the thread. I like the weekly format – when you just read vort after vort, you can become a bit inured by them. By starting the week with a few nice thoughts, you can really think about and try to learn from the ideas.

    I also hope it sticks to divrei chizuk, not just any vort – your piece was perfect.

    in reply to: FOOD. #850956

    Do you love food or do you have an unhealthy relationship with food ? I don’t want to start a discussion whether the program is “kosher” or not, but diets just don’t work for those who have the latter problem. “OA”, in one form or another – only solution.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851232

    Much progress has been made to help older singles – true. To close the gap – I’m not aware, please specify. And as I said earlier – while its definitely worthwhile to close it somewhat, it is not possible to close it completely, and if so, according to this way of thinking, many girls are and will always be doomed.

    in reply to: Goyim Copying Yiddishe Minhagim #859385

    R’ Yakov Kaminetzky suggests that the presents is also copied from us (though perhaps he meant from our giving gelt).

    Another example: R’ Akiva Eiger in beginnning of Hilchos Tefilah – we no longer daven with our arms raised, because they copied us.

    I would imagine the issue is doing avodas Hashem in a way that looks like them, even if they copied. Does anyone have such examples which we didn’t stop ?

    Other things would just be a question of “bechukosayhem”, which depends mainly on motive, as was pointed out above from R’ Moshe.

    in reply to: #850685

    adocs – I agree. I just didn’t read the original version cynically, and I assumed it was obvious that it was intended as a prayer for those women who are victims, not assuming all women in such a situation are not at fault. On the other hand, by posting a “more accurate” version, 147 was clearly dismissing the possibility of the father being at fault – which besides being unrealistic, as you pointed out, I felt was extremely insensitive.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851229

    DY –

    of course, I understood he was doing that, but that is not relevant to the discussion of pinpointing the problem in communities where it is a problem.

    I understand the logic of the age gap, just am not convinced of its ramifications. For example, from what i understand, the concept of girls marrying younger is not an historical anomaly, so I wonder whats changed.

    I agree – my suggestions as well would in no way serve as a comprehensive solution. I was just pointing out that if I were totally convinced that the age gap problem is whats its made out to be, and since it doesn’t seem feasible to ever close it, that means we are forced to the logical conclusion that X% off girls are doomed. I don’t know how I’d sleep at night if I thought we were facing that. (not that that proves anything, just pointing out what the ramifications of the age gap theory really are)

    in reply to: Motzai Shabbos chizuk thread #852936

    MP – chazal say the yetzer harah, satan, and malach hamaves are the same. First he gets someone to sin, then he prosecutes the case against him, then he comes and takes his neshamah.

    A nice remez for this: the word satan, and “nachash” (representing the original yetzer harah) are the same letters, except one has a “tes”, and one a “ches”. the nachash has a ches, which “faces” down – his job is down here. Then he becomes the satan – the tes faces up, then his job is being mastin in shamayim.

    in reply to: Motzai Shabbos chizuk thread #852935

    MP – thank you,and thanks for the welcome!

    I absolutely agree. The sifrei mussar caution against “too much, too fast”, because the overload can cause the opposite reaction than intended, by triggering feelings of rebellion and resentment.

    Alei Shur cautions against making kabbalos in the externals, without really feeling the inner need in your avodah.

    in reply to: #850683

    Every ? EVERY ? I won’t bother writing examples of the women I know who don’t fit that description. You’re obviously in no shape to have a reasonable discussion about this.

    in reply to: The Motzei Shabbos Problem #851011

    uh-huh. sure. everyone’s in pizza stores and who-knows-where-else cuz they haven’t found a shiur they like…

    offering a shiur to “our kinderlach” who want to hang out is really gonna work… maybe we should try to understand our kids, and legitimize their want/need to relax and spend some time having fun. Then they’d be open to suggestions like oomis’, like kosher alternatives.

    in reply to: Motzai Shabbos chizuk thread #852933

    This is from the Ohr Someyach, Hilchos Talmud Torah.

    The difference may be subtle, but it can have an enormous effect on your attitude towards your obligations – If we realize that our personal difficulties with our obligations will not only be taken into account at Judgement Day, but that Hashem originally, in the Torah, only asked of me what He feels I can do today, we would act differently.

    This, he says, is the meaning of the passuk in this weeks parshah (18,20)- “v’hizharta osam etc”, and afterwards “v’hodata etc” – first the chukim and toros, thats equal for everyone, then the “derech” they should go on, and the “ma’aseh” they should do – thats a separate part of the passuk, because that’s according to the individual.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851224

    “(or it’s a minisucle factor. since the vast vast majority of boys get married quickly adn don’t sit around waiting for next group of new girls.)”

    true – the 25 yr old girl doesn’t have many prospects, because most boys got married at 22-25. But if i’m right, we can minimize the amount of girls getting to that point in the first place.

    If the age gap is a rea; problem, we can basically give up now – we will never have boys in the market at 19, the gap will never be closed.

    in reply to: #850681

    147 – I’m sorry, I think that’s a bit callous. Are there not agunos in pain ? Did the original version claim to be the only sad scenario out there ? Why would your version be “more accurate” ? Let us pray for help for all those in need, and not point fingers and decide who is the “usual” guilty party.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851223


    i fail to see how chasiddeshe families factor into the equation. We are discussing the crisis within a community where my logic does hold true. You want to change that – go right ahead and try. But the way things stand, what I said is a big factor in widening the gap – the fact is the older boys keep on dating 19-20 yr olds. Go to Lkwd and ask a guy a couple of months out of the freezer whats up with his dating, you’ll often hear how he exhausted the more “attractive” offers he had, and hopes to receive more from the “fresh” girls…

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851222

    cantoresq – did you hear me equating the two ? You said that a system cannot be correct for you if it doesn’t work for you. i simply gave an example showing that that is not true.

    You are entitled to label something arbitrary. But if someone disagrees – as I assume those ascribing to the shidduch system do – then they are entitled to help from those who are part of that system. You believe its arbitrary, so those trying to help the shidduch crisis are not addressing you.

    in reply to: Attn: The Wolf. #852835

    This is from the Ohr Someyach, Hilchos Talmud Torah.

    The difference may be subtle, but it can have an enormous effect on your attitude towards your obligations – If we realize that our personal difficulties with our obligations will not only be taken into account at Judgement Day, but that Hashem originally, in the Torah, only asked of me what He feels I can do today, we would act differently.

    This is also a thought which allows you to have regret, but not guilt – After all, today that I must do Teshuvah, this is what He wants from me now – what He wanted yesterday is irrelevant!

    I’m working here with the premise that your being honest, not just bashing yourself as a way of making a point (though you’re certainly doing that as well!)

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851218

    squeak – just to ckarify: as my last post explains,

    I’m not disagreeing with the shortage,just suggesting that there are many factors, and we can take care of some of them.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851216

    az, daasyochid –

    If indeed there is an age gap, then the only true solution is really closing it. That having been said, I still believe it could be alleviated.

    The common age gap idea is based on “shidduch island” – more 19 yr. old girls entering shidduchim than 22 yr. old boys. I think there are other factors as well: Even with 50/50 entering, the boys have an advantage. As they get older, more girls enter shidduchim, and they can marry them as well. As a girl gets older, her prospects only get slimmer. My idea would help this specific cause of the ga, because:

    1)I know many terrific older singles, but lets face it: A gorgeous, rich etc. etc. girl has a better chance of geting the guys to look at her despite her age. Evening out the field would marry off more girls who dont “have everyhting going for them”, and the others will still get looked at, giving more prospects to older singles

    2)Boys will be less confident of their advantage, and not always think they can “wait around for next years batch”, and therefore more girls will get married before the new ones hit the market.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851214

    cantoresq – how can a system be right if it does not work for you ? Lets consider an extreme example – does the Torah work for an Agunah ? Should she go OTD in order to get married ? We all sacrifice personally for our beliefs. Of course, this assumes my previous point – that these girls believe they are doing the RIGHT thing. Can it be this is an important enough issue to sacrifice a family for ? Good question – but not your original point.

    AZ – I know i was pretty vague, i’ll clarify soon

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851213

    cantoesq – and if you feel its nothing more than “party line” standards, then yes, you have no moral obligation to help.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851212

    cantoresq – if it would be arbitrary standards, you would be correct. However, people who date within the shaddchan system believe that is the right way (I hope), as do all participants in that system. If you believe in a system which will break down for a large of number of participants,you should feel obligated to make the system work.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851209

    I would like to post an idea about the “shidduch crisis” I don’t believe is much discussed.

    The assumption seems to be that if there really is an age gap, any measure taken that does not narrow the gap cannot help much.

    I suggest:

    It is in the hands of Shadchanim to redt shidduchim as they please. If we simply took away the advantages the boys have today, the field would be evened out considerably.

    If shidduchim were redt simultaneously to the boy and girl, suddenly girls too would have long lists. The girls would say more no’s, the boy would no longer be so confident to say no, and he would begin to have more realistic expectations. This would give girls who used to sit and wait for dates, more of an oppurtunity.

    Also: With an even playing field, many more girls with “less attractive” resumes would get married earlier, some who do have those “qualities” would be around longer – and an older girl with looks, money, and all other “important” qualities definitely have an easier time to keep on getting dates.

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851208

    cantoresq –

    a very good point, but not very fair. One may stay in a system they consider correct, even if it they are having problems within it. And if so, it would be the resposibility of all those who are part of that system to do their best to make it work for all “members”.

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