Forum Replies Created
There’s no minhag of wearing a mink jacket.
JosephParticipantCan anyone describe what Mr. Lipman’s latest outrageous comments were?
JosephParticipantBrisk doesn’t vote in elections.
Elections are in 2016, not 2015.
December 3, 2014 12:42 am at 12:42 am in reply to: ??? ?? ????: Differences in dates between Eretz Yisroel and chutz la'aretz #1045152JosephParticipantHow did you add it in shma koleinu? Is what you were told the universal way it’s practiced?
JosephParticipantYou have a heter (i.e. parnassa) to walk the pritzus streets of Manhattan if you work there. Obviously you need a heter for a valid reason if it will inevitably encounter issurim such as seeing immodesty.
JosephParticipantEven if the gym is half the pritzus of the subway you still lack the heter to see even that much immodesty.
JosephParticipantThe subway you have a heter to travel despite the immodesty due to the need for parnassa. That certainly does not apply to seeing pritzus in a gym. (Which is immeasurably worse than the subway.)
JosephParticipantEven if it is tzar baalei chaim, your attending it doesn’t make it any worse tzar baalei chaim.
The real issur is the non-tznius.
December 1, 2014 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm in reply to: Do not assume they don't understand your language. #1045321JosephParticipantYou mean to tell me that when I’m talking to my colleague while we’re inspecting factories in Beijing that the Chinese assembly-line workers might understand Yiddish?
JosephParticipantYou could do nothing different so why are you questioning yourself. Nothing else you could hav done would be better. You did just fine.
December 1, 2014 12:26 pm at 12:26 pm in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046186JosephParticipantThe Rebbes catch yourself spoke of are not the gems; they are the norms. In schools of 20 teachers they probably average close to 19.
December 1, 2014 4:06 am at 4:06 am in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046182JosephParticipantcatch yourself: +1. x1,000,000!
JosephParticipantLet it go.
The title doesn’t mean a whole lot these days. Every yodle calls himself rabbi.
November 30, 2014 8:51 pm at 8:51 pm in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046178JosephParticipantLittle Froggie:
Beautifully and correctly said.
November 30, 2014 8:45 pm at 8:45 pm in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046177JosephParticipantLegal action against a teacher for “verbal abuse”, other than clearly illegal speech, is a dead end that will lead to nowhere other than wasting your time.
JosephParticipantIf you were saying that (and thankfully you’re not), I would say you’re nuts. If someone is suggesting (are you?) that it used to be bad for females to be taught TSB”P but now it is no longer bad, how would or could they explain why it used to be bad?
JosephParticipantTo be blunt, the first one is referring to someone who became less frum while the latter one is referring to someone who became more frum. Note the first one may be frummer than the latter, but importantly they are moving in opposite directions; one for the worse and one for the better.
November 27, 2014 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm in reply to: Finding the best airfare and travel prices #1044113JosephParticipantHow’s Skyscanner more comprehensive than other travel sites?
Google comprehensively summarizes the lowest cost fares?
JosephParticipantSimcha: S”A says not to teach her.
PAA: Are you suggesting Chazal got it wrong in asserting it is bad?
November 27, 2014 3:23 pm at 3:23 pm in reply to: Finding the best airfare and travel prices #1044110JosephParticipantTzum tzveita mul.
November 27, 2014 3:21 pm at 3:21 pm in reply to: Dating someone whose parents are divorced #1050025JosephParticipantYet statistics clearly demonstrate that children of divorced parents have a significantly greater marriage failure rate themselves, at least double the average divorce rate. (Triple when both spouses come from broken homes.)
JosephParticipantDY is 100% correct. There are girl schools that don’t even teach Rashi, since that is T”SBP.
JosephParticipantwehavegotit: Obviously you’re 100% opposed to expensive ($1,000+) sheitels.
JosephParticipantgaw: An example would be Yated’s strident and unyielding objection to drafting yeshiva students versus the magazines being more sympathetic to the secular’s position on the issue (albeit subtly while officially standing opposed to it.)
I disagree with the Novominsker being even comparable to Rabbi Schachter. Zionism is a big differentiator, and a major issue, and isn’t the only of their ideological differences.
JosephParticipantWho remembers Country Yossi’s first magazine issue? Who remembers Country Yossi’s kids radio show? (Now it’s adult only, no?)
JosephParticipantEnd birthright citizenship. Pass an Amendment now.
JosephParticipant646, rap music is no less Jewish than the tune for Shalom Aleichem?
JosephParticipantubiq: Ami in no way whatsoever promoted Lev Tahor. They simply defended them against a blood libel of the openly anti-Semitic Quebeqis false charges. If de Blasio was falsely charged with assault, your defending him doesn’t mean you’re supporting leftist causes.
gaw: I would characterize Yated as being on the right. BTW, YU interprets Torah with a modern lens trying to fit it into contemporary society, so you can’t compare them to the Novominsker.
JosephParticipantThey’re to the left of the general American yeshiva oilem. They might be more in sync with the more so-called “modern chareidi” man-in-the-street type of working gruffs.
JosephParticipantgaw: Another example would be (and I think this is what you’re alluding to) is that overall the Chareidi rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel are somewhat more right-wing while their American Chareidi colleagues are more moderate. A highlight being in EY they encourage longer term learning for a larger part of the oilem whereas in America it isn’t pushed as strongly. But the two magazines under discussion here are to the left of even the American Chareidi rabbinic world. That was my essential point. But make no mistake about it, the American Chareidi rabbonim are far closer in hashkafa to the Eretz Yisroel Chareidi rabbonim than they are to the non-Chareidi American community.
JosephParticipantgaw: There is certainly no “tremendously wide gap between Rav Shteinman and the Novominsker”. One being a litvak and one a chosid is not a tremendous difference in terms of core Torah hashkafa. Of course between any two rabbonim you’ll find differences and some disagreements. (Remember what Ed Koch said?) What differences between them are you referring to?
JosephParticipanthealthcrazy: Girls should admit they listened to non-Jewish music by at least the third date, no?
JosephParticipantYour work doesn’t require access to news sites. So get a filter at home and set it to block news sites (and shmutz – something you should’ve have a filter all along for.)
JosephParticipantA Rov asking someone for a favor or to send a message in no way constitutes an endorsement. Rav Dovid doesn’t read Ami, doesn’t know its contents and certainly does not endorse it as you implied. And it clearly has an ideology as I mentioned. And most certainly no one should be using Ami as their guide on the right way of living a Torah life. There are far far better, and greater, sources for that purpose than ANY weekly magazine. Ami is a for-profit enterprise in the business of selling magazines. And controversy sells and they supply plenty of it.
JosephParticipantWhy take the risk? Be nice to everyone and avoid the possibility of l”h, o”d and all other sorts of risks.
JosephParticipantPAA: I haven’t noticed a significant differentiation in the ideological leanings of the editorials versus the articles (or “news”) in each magazine but comparing the overall, though generally (but not always) very subtly expressed, weltanschauung of each of the periodicals I’ve found a noticeably greater left-leaning outlook in Ami than in Mishpacha. And without doubt these prejudices are visible on the editorials as well as the feature articles and news coverage present, respectfully, in each publication. But both journals are to the left of the moderate yeshiva world. (Defining moderate as being the worldview of, say, Rav Shteinman, Rav Chaim and the Novominsker versus the more right-wing worldview of, say, Brisk, Rav Auerbach and Rav Shternbuch.)
JosephParticipantWhy do you call that deteriorating? While it may be OT (par for the course in the cr), discussing what a magazine’s hashkafa is or isn’t is a reasonable discussion imo.
November 19, 2014 12:21 pm at 12:21 pm in reply to: Yeshiva Rabbi Shlomo Kluger (Ch'san Sofer) #1042766JosephParticipantwritersoul: The next time someone needs info on it, this very thread will serve as an informative source. (YWN is usually a top 10 Google search result for Jewish issues that were discussed here.)
November 19, 2014 12:05 pm at 12:05 pm in reply to: Caution: People in YWN-CR may be lesser than they appear #1043118JosephParticipantYou should want to look at folks as positively as possible in any event.
So this is a positive.
JosephParticipantRandomex/writersoul: From a Chareidi perspective both Mishpacha and even moreso Ami are on the left of center regarding religious issues. From an MO perspective they’d be somewhat more on the right.
JosephParticipantDash: In which case the person being spoken about would fall under the non-anonymous category.
November 19, 2014 1:22 am at 1:22 am in reply to: Yeshiva Rabbi Shlomo Kluger (Ch'san Sofer) #1042763JosephParticipantThank you. (No idea what bad you’re referring to or if that was a gag.)
JosephParticipantThe malach hamoves distracted Dovid HaMelech from doing mitzvahs, by causing him to trip while he was learning, in order to get him. (Or am I thinking of someone else?)
JosephParticipantGiving tzedaka.
JosephParticipantIt might depend whether the other poster is anonymous (and therefore negative information is not being said about a person the listener knows who it is) or if the poster is not anonymous, in which case it certainly would be l”h.
November 19, 2014 1:05 am at 1:05 am in reply to: How to answer questions regarding a shidduch #1042638JosephParticipantThe OP in this case had concrete information on the subject asked about.
JosephParticipantHow much respect should we give Elliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner?
JosephParticipantMishpacha’s target audience is the religious left-of-center.
JosephParticipantTake a culinary course so you can cook good meals for your family.
November 17, 2014 12:25 pm at 12:25 pm in reply to: How to answer questions regarding a shidduch #1042623JosephParticipantThe OP wasn’t ambiguous in her knowledge of how the potential shidduch dresses, so there was no concern about relating misinformation when she knew the answer. Her concern was how to address a question where the response would truthfully reflect negatively on the person. And in a case of a shidduch, it is tachlis for the other side to be aware of the truth prior to considering the potential match. That is my take on the situation as described.
I don’t understand your point about hiding it. If asked, obviously the questioner is unaware of the situation which is why she asked about it.