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  • in reply to: Davening for ….. and is it good? #811248

    everytime I see your sn I am reminded of my Babbeh’s delicious kapusta :p


    Glad to be of service.


    in reply to: Pictures on resumes #811477

    How about the young men having resume’s?

    I don’t think its as common, but I have heard of guys having resumes.


    in reply to: Sick of NY #812157

    I don’t know about tickets for garbage but for parking tickets its possible to write a letter and sometimes its excused.


    in reply to: Sick of NY #812154

    Yup, you’re here.


    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920017

    AYC, +1


    in reply to: Teshuva for Forgotten Sins #811382

    A baal teshuva would have this problem multiplied many times over.

    We should all be zoche to be Ba’alei Teshuva. B’makom Sheba’alei teshuva omdim…


    in reply to: Do Married Guys Do Laundry? #1074883

    I think a big part of it is a result of the home they were raised in.

    Ok ill bite what is sponga?

    In Israel they have a drain in the middle of the kitchen (and bathroom?) floor(s) that makes for easier cleaning.


    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1155152

    Yiddish Country:

    A pile of bills, old cheap thrills

    Working late night at the old stone mill

    These cars and lies, French and fries

    What do you see if you close your eyes?

    New boots on the floor, sign on the door

    You got your gold neck ties, sweet pumpkin pies

    What do you see on rodeo drive?

    I can hear the sages say

    Make it happen all today

    A little bit is still okay


    Di vos villen heren, heren

    Di vos villen zen, zen

    Di vos kenen kenen, kenen

    Men darf nor vissen ver un ven


    But you opened your doors to tired men, to lonely passersby and angels from heaven

    Your kindness and your care were known far and wide, father of a nation your soul is alive.


    Avraham are we the children that you dreamed of?

    Are we the shining stars you saw at night?

    You know its true, we still call you avinu

    A child was born just the other day, and all those gathered there heard his mother say


    Your courage and your might, kept the pharaohs up at night

    No hand could hold you, no stranger would forget you.

    (from jewishlyrics.blogspot.com)


    in reply to: shifts for mods #811514

    I do. 🙂

    Actually I really like it, but I don’t think the mods get paid and I feel like since they’re already doing the modding, and I’m the one benefiting from their work I shouldn’t be the one to complain.

    (I think there are mods in different time zones, or there used to be anyway, but maybe this is the big season for mod vacations.)

    Good idea, though.


    in reply to: Teshuva for Forgotten Sins #811378

    Theres a mashal about a young girl standing on a street corner selling apples. Someone comes over and knocks over the bucket and the apples start rolling all over the place. The girl just stands in her spot, watching the apples rolling. Someone else runs over and tells her to grab what she can.

    For Bein Adam L’Chaveiro, if you can’t get everything, get whatever you can now.

    Disclaimer: I’m not a rav



    in reply to: Cleaning Lady Horror Stories #1020239

    LOL but she never took a THING if their was a 100 dollar bill on the floor

    You leave $100 bills on the floor? When can I come?


    in reply to: black eye peas #811219

    Last year we had a bunch of the simanim that hadn’t been cooked yet (rice, black eyed peas, squash, leek and some other stuff) so we sauteed some onions and added the other ingredients with tomato sauce and honey (its Rosh Hashana, right?) and it came out good. You just need one, and for the rest they’ll get “lost” in the whole thing. Black eyed peas are more or less beans. How many times do you make a whole pot of beans with nothing else?


    in reply to: kiruv- no interest in shabbos? #812394

    Would something like NCSY be for her? I know Aish has something for college age but maybe if you contact them theres something for teens. (Unless you want to start something…? :))


    in reply to: Davening for ….. and is it good? #811238

    Maybe add in a part that it happen if its good for you…?


    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #1050851

    oomis, that was very nice. Thanks for sharing.


    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #919995

    Refuah Shelaimah.


    in reply to: NOT TZNIUS "BUBBIES" (also some fish, honey, and vinegar) #1200291


    my friends call me 80

    well best is to mix the honey and vinegar together

    its not good for much by itself,

    but if you add some oil, garlic and salt youll have a great salad dressing

    I’d change the first two lines slightly, but that was really deep. Well said.


    in reply to: kiruv- no interest in shabbos? #812381

    I’m not a rav, so I don’t know if this is in line with Halacha (please ask before doing anything) and I have no experience in Kiruv (not yet anyway 🙁 ) but maybe its possible to build up a little bit at a time. For example if she feels Shabbos is too much, maybe she can keep one part and then add to it over time. The benefit is that mentally it might seem easier and it gives her time to get used to it. Either way, tell her not to stop lighting candles.



    in reply to: shidduch dating, advice needed #810860


    I hope she never has any health issues. Thats a looong name.

    Thanks for explaining.


    in reply to: Does food have zechuyos? #810264

    Rabbi Wallerstein once said that certain neshamos come back in the form of fruit (or something that grows) and waits as it grows from a seed to a fruit and when someone makes a bracha, it gives the neshama the tikun that it needs.

    I would imagine it would work for fish too.

    I have a feeling its a lot deeper than that. Anyway its a scary concept.


    in reply to: shidduch dating, advice needed #810854

    Rochel Baila Sara!, Rochel Baila Sara!!!!

    Chaya Miriam Dina!!!

    Have a nice time Rochel Baila Sara Mindle!

    Poor guy, he must have been waiting forever! Her name was changed twice!

    (That and your last post on this thread are both great btw. Anything to add to the funny shidduch stories thread?)


    in reply to: OOT vs. NY #810656

    Sorry I already have a twin. You can be my triplet!

    Ooh, yay!

    About the animation thing- I was considering going into it at one point, and a teacher told me she’d had a student that did it at Brooklyn. Animations are starting to become more popular in the frum community (Oorah, some kids dvds etc) but its probably close to impossible to get work. If you ever hear of a way to do it for fun without breaking the bank, let me know!


    in reply to: maaser money #809725

    Is there a certain Mitzvah you feel strongly about? If Chessed, maybe a place like Hatzalah. For aniyim, maybe a place like R’ Meir Baal Hanes or Tomche Shabbos. Kiruv, you can try Aish or Oorah. Maybe a place like Chai Lifeline or a place for Hachnosas Kallah. Send it to an organization you can (in some way) relate to.

    (If you know someone who benefited from a certain organization, maybe you can send there as a way of showing appreciation.)

    Tizku L’Mitzvos!

    (Mi K’amcha Yisrael! That wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg.)


    in reply to: Relationship advice! #1049283

    I don’t want to be the bad guy here, but is it possible to steer clear of the suicide stuff?

    This is a great thread btw.


    in reply to: OOT vs. NY #810651

    QB: Are you my long lost twin or something? I’m from Brooklyn.


    in reply to: Growing through falling #1194780

    Similar idea; I remember once hearing that if a person sins, and then regrets the sin so much that he will actually take upon himself extra and become a better person through it, the sin is viewed as a Mitzvah because that was the factor which brought about the positive change.

    (Hope that made sense)

    Thanks for sharing.


    in reply to: SUPPORT for WTC trauma survivors #809300



    in reply to: Gas-saving tips #809500

    I’ve heard that doing over 65 and going in reverse (not at the same time) uses more gas. Don’t know if thats true.

    Find the cheapest gas in your area on gasbuddy.

    The best gas saving tip (at least for your wallet) is get a ride. Or walk.

    Always keep a lookout on the stretch of road ahead of you so you can plan ahead

    Also a good idea to avoid any detours to the hospital (c’v)


    in reply to: OOT vs. NY #810638

    IME, OOT is more laid back than in town.


    A few comments:

    1. I could have written what you wrote under “B” myself. For weddings I like to dress a little “under” what everyone else might be doing. I’m guessing you’re also one of those with a good supply of long skirts (as opposed to short) and sweaters.

    2. (E) I don’t think its a MO thing but today everyone loves labels. If you do ______ you’re obviously such and such. I think its just that someone with (I don’t want to put anyone down) ___ Hashkafos may take issue with movies, books etc (in and out of NY) and somehow people who don’t fit that mold are called MO. I think the group in between MO and Yeshivish somehow melted into the other two groups.

    3. (G) From what I’ve seen, OOT there may also be the same “groups” but the borders are flexible.

    4. (H) Sounds like a regular NY/everyone in a rush kind of thing.

    Hows that for rambling?


    in reply to: I Voted For Bob #809316


    Lol. So then what happens to the people around your corner?


    in reply to: Am I the oldest person in the CR. Anyone else nearly 50 #810404

    mods can you change the title to CR not CF? thanks. Im not sure why but its making me nuts….

    Any other requests?


    in reply to: Working with guys. #809175

    Am I the only one that thinks this thread is on its way to getting closed?


    in reply to: SUPPORT for WTC trauma survivors #809298

    I was thinking it was really a shame I didn’t think to look at some of the footage over Tisha B’Av. While I’m not c’v comparing, it makes it easier to relate.


    in reply to: random question #809082

    i was once that older girl who had a younger girl call me so I know what that other older girl might be thinking. I also gave her my number but prayed silently that she wouldnt use it. She did! and HOW! she calls me all the time and its a little annoying but I will tell you that the reason why its annoying is because she tells me all day how she thinks my advice is teh most amazing thing in the world and I sometimes feel like shes squashing me!

    It doesn’t have to be an older/younger relationship for that to happen. (See the relationship advice thread)

    OP: I guess you’re the girl, not the counselor? As other people mentioned, I think its fine as long as no one goes overboard. It doesn’t always have to be heavy stuff, you can also call to keep in touch, before Rosh Hashana etc.

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Relationship advice! #1049267

    Lol, very good!


    in reply to: Election Day rant #809116

    What good would a call like that now do? If you already voted anyway, what difference does it make if they like your choice of candidate or not? (Or maybe its another push for Turner…?)


    in reply to: Enforcing your Kasruth Chumras on others – Rant #809666

    im trying to say, listen to icot

    his advice is sage and Emes.

    As usual.


    in reply to: Enforcing your Kasruth Chumras on others – Rant #809661

    Mazal Tov on the Simcha and Hatzlacha with the Kashrus thing (and the rest of the Simcha).

    but please make sure the cake is yoshon and gluten free and sugar free and nut free and baked in a special bakery that is a 2 hour drive.

    Two hour drive? Huh?

    bpt, lol!


    in reply to: Platonic Relationships #810073

    OP: I’ll leave the advice part to the other CR folks, but just wanted to wish you Hatzlacha. One thing, you’re a human being with normal emotions and take time for whatever emotional healing may be necessary.

    A relationship to opposite genders is never platonic unless you are a Toievanik!

    I always wondered about that… (Joking. Not that such things are funny.)

    As Rabbi Wallerstein says, until you have a ring on your finger, and a kesubah in your hand, you have nothing.

    Good quote. Was that from the magic touch Shiur? (OP, thats a great Shiur btw, you may want to give a listen.)


    in reply to: Relationship advice! #1049264

    I’m not one to turn down free advice… Lets see what the good doctor can come up with…

    1. Someone I know, never especially friendly with her, very sweet, not socially awkward but socially something, seems to be looking for a new best friend (though by now she may have realized I don’t exactly rush to return her calls).

    2. Always had a good relationship with her, but seems to fall off the planet when its not convenient (sometimes for months at a time) wakes up and acts like nothing happened.


    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #856352

    Welcome, methinks. 🙂

    Where has MG gone? And WIY?


    in reply to: Platonic Relationships #810059

    I second what Jam said about the speech from Rabbi Orlofsky. I think its also available on TorahAnytime.com

    Basically (as I am told) a platonic relationship can not exist.

    If you google, there is a list online of 71 reasons not to talk to guys. I would think that if they’re family it would only make it harder at some point down the road.



    in reply to: Popa bar abba's gone missing!! #1115362

    Anyone check BJJ?


    in reply to: Yup, the girlies thread #809470

    popa, usually by this time you’ve commented. Whats taking so long?


    in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811301

    ill let you know if you win as soon as they cut my cord.

    Mooooood!!!! You took my line!!!


    in reply to: Elul-wake up Am Yisroel! #808612

    Its possible. Any tragedy is terrible, but they seem to be happening a lot lately. Theres obviously something we’re not doing or not doing right… We need Moshiach already.


    in reply to: Good bye!!! #809224

    …and you can pick up some cocoa on your way out…

    For all the new high schoolers (and almost in high schoolers): There are two hardest parts of the year; the beginning of the year is the first. Everything is new and your head is still on your summer break. Things usually start to settle down after Succos. The second is November (give or take a week or two) when most teachers will need a mark for the end of the semester and you have a regular day plus homework. Take one day at a time and you’ll get through it all fine and well IY”H. 🙂

    i think i’m leaving soon too..

    I don’t want to encourage you to do something you don’t feel comfortable about, but you have one request here to stay. 🙂


    in reply to: What's up with the kookie glasses? #810009

    Whats next “Bozo the Clown” shoes?

    I don’t know if its still the case now, but when I was in high school these huge (and if you ask me) ugly x 10 rubber rain boots were in. Sort of what a 5 year old would wear to jump in puddles but on an adult. They were covered with polka dots and other really umm… ugly designs.

    upside down letter D

    Ding, ding! Great way to describe them.


    in reply to: #816381

    Tums, you raise a strong point, but for some who need help, I can imagine how an online forum would be a tremendous gift. People who are not emotionally involved in the situation can give an objective opinion and the internet allows many people (some helpful, some not as helpful) to provide experience, insight and advice to someone who may need it and has no other way to get it.

    Of course one should be careful with info from unknown people on the internet.


    in reply to: Honesty #813494

    I think he may have avoided it because it was a first date. I agree with those who mentioned to ask him about it. For right now, don’t make it into a big deal but keep your eyes open for other things. (A good idea anyway when it comes to dating.)



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