I. M. Shluffin

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  • in reply to: Texting #1012389
    I. M. Shluffin

    My friend once mentioned to me that she has less of a relationship with friends whom she texts. If you text them once a month, it turns into once a year, etc, til it’s a different type of friendship. More distant. Nothing to really talk about, cus it’s hard to have real conversations over texting. I feel that way, too. I won’t really often text a person just to say hi. I’ll text them for a favor or a question.

    Text is so superficial. It’s hard to express feelings without a physical hug, or smile, or punch. It’s not real. That’s one reason why it’s a bad thing – people will say different things and act differently if there is cyberspace as a barrier.

    I received news of my friend’s father’s death over texting. It felt so weird. The person who told me about it couldn’t break the news in person. Even over the phone would have been better, but it was too loud to talk where I was, so I asked her to text me what she wanted to tell me. It was just words – but there was so much more to it that couldn’t be relayed through texting.

    So, yes, there is an eis l’text, and an eis l’be a person. Texting is very convenient in many situations. I find this true even if I’m texting someone who’s on the same couch as I am. It’s nice to have a shopping list in front of me, instead of trying to remember what was told to me. But some times call for real people, instead of words they wrote.

    in reply to: Why Do We Jump? #1016451
    I. M. Shluffin

    It’s more of a rising to the toes, like trying to reach the level of malachim, than an all-out jump. Yes, I’ve heard that it has to do with taking three “hops” by kadosh, kadosh, kadosh. It may be a reminder that even if you’re not finished taking your three steps forward, but the chazzan starts kedusha, you should join in then.

    in reply to: 1:00 AM Lurkers #1011187
    I. M. Shluffin

    ?. U… that’s ingeniously adorable! As is East of Yiddishkeit. I would join you there, but I’d rather live in Yiddishkeit proper.

    Yes, I did, BH. And last night – wait for it – I went to bed before eleven! I should really throw a siyum or something.

    in reply to: The Men's thread! #1011343
    I. M. Shluffin

    Hey, rebyid, thanx for bumping this. It’s a fun way to procrastinate during Pesach cleaning. Your post was correct (in my humble opinion) until the part where you said it’s not true. And it all went downhill after that. If a=b, and b=c, then a=c. It IS correct. Neither premise is wrong. The problem is that clothes also make the woman. Heaven knows they appreciate clothes more than men (or at least own more than men). Thus, man and woman make each other. What do they make each other?


    in reply to: Inside Jokes #1011362
    I. M. Shluffin

    So if they’re really interested, the newcomers can research the joke by referring back to old threads. I’ve done that, and a lot made sense. But you don’t have to ruin the jokes by explaining it.

    in reply to: cleaning our brain for Pesach #1010969
    I. M. Shluffin

    You have to clean your brain from all the chometz shmutz on the internet. This can only be done professionally, like by a hammer or machine gun aimed at your source of internet. If that doesn’t do the trick, aim it at your brain.

    in reply to: Laughing at tpyos #1011218
    I. M. Shluffin

    I can’t laugh so much if regular people (they DO exist!) make mistakes, like on online chat rooms or notes in school. But I find it really funny if professional books, which have probably been thrice proofread and edited and re-edited, have typos or mistakes. Just goes to show that we’re all human, no matter how many times we try to reach beyond that.

    in reply to: 1:00 AM Lurkers #1011181
    I. M. Shluffin

    If those coordinates are correct, then I know in which city you live. You should have given me the L&L of some place in the middle of the ocean, like our GPS does. That would have been funny!

    I think I’ll try to get to sleep b4 1:00 this morning. I have 20 minutes to go…

    in reply to: 1:00 AM Lurkers #1011177
    I. M. Shluffin

    Where do you live, in relationship to the equator? Give me longitude and latitude.

    in reply to: The Fifth Son� #1011065
    I. M. Shluffin

    notasheep: Really? I guess I ‘m usually asleep by then.

    in reply to: The Fifth Son� #1011061
    I. M. Shluffin

    You have a good argument, but that ruins the whole “4” theme of Pesach.

    in reply to: 1:00 AM Lurkers #1011175
    I. M. Shluffin

    1:00 AM is my peak for posting. When else would I have time? So, aye!

    in reply to: Blood-Red Moon this Pesach= War? #1100975
    I. M. Shluffin

    I feel bad for our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren. There will be no more eclipses in a few million years. And they’ll lose the rings of Saturn over time (50-100 million years). And the falls part of Niagara Falls will have eroded by then. In the year 7 million, Mount Rushmore will not exist. They also won’t have me. Then again, the Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way in 4 million years. They’ll get to see awesome supernovas and galactic collisions. That would be pretty cool to experience.

    This is all completely true, btw. I got my info from a very reliable source. You’re on it now.

    in reply to: What to do when your bored #1010463
    I. M. Shluffin

    I practice my tambourin, jog a few hundred miles, feed my pet giraffe. graffiti the Great Wall of China, or visit my buddy the King of Sweden, and sometimes I check out the CR. What else is there to do in life?

    in reply to: Does Your Wife Help With Pesach Cleaning? #1010304
    I. M. Shluffin

    Does your husband help with Pesach cleaning?

    in reply to: Who To Trust in the Coffee Room #1066626
    I. M. Shluffin

    @crazybrit: that’s my goal, yes.

    : rebyidd was correct about the first part, i think. “It” is not gender-specific. L’mashal: “It is a dog” – It could be a girl dog or a boy dog. “It’ could be a gender, in many sentences. Not sure about the second idea, that an it has no thoughts.

    in reply to: inspiration for your coffee room name #1010635
    I. M. Shluffin

    reb yid’s name…. hmmm. I’m betting you’re jewish.

    wolfishmusings probably has pointy ears, is furry, and likes to think.

    i.m. pretty self explanatory.

    in reply to: Who To Trust in the Coffee Room #1066617
    I. M. Shluffin

    I trust everyone. I guess that makes me pretty untrustworthy.

    in reply to: Engaged on 3rd date #1027006
    I. M. Shluffin

    Wow! K’nayna hora! Mazel tov! I can’t personally beat that. Of course, Im not married…

    in reply to: Need place for this shabbos #1010171
    I. M. Shluffin

    We weren’t separated at birth. We were separated after kindergarten, because my parents had just had enough of yiddel stealing all my crayons. They sent him to Alaska. I haven’t seen him since, but now the Goq solved the mystery. Hi, bro! Give me back my crayons. I know you still have them.

    in reply to: Do You Post in the Coffee Room? #1010199
    I. M. Shluffin

    So confused – you want me to post whether I post or not? Do I post in the CR? Sure. Where else would I post? Not the post office, thats fsure.

    in reply to: Need place for this shabbos #1010166
    I. M. Shluffin

    We have a tent. Do you want to borrow it? We also have a few dollhouses. Oh, wait – you posted this 8 months ago. I hope you found a place to stay in the end.

    in reply to: Saying Good Shabbos To Passerbys #1010764
    I. M. Shluffin

    It’s nice to be nice. In my community, everyone greets each other (maybe cus we all know each other). There’s never a problem of girls greeting bachurim, cus they’re always on opposite sides of the street. (We’re super-tznius here.)

    I also experimented saying Good Shabbos in other cities – I felt so happy when there were actually one or two people who answered me!

    Good Shabbos, everyone! (It’s actually Sunday – don’t judge me)

    I dare you to answer.

    in reply to: Imagine a World Without Coffee! #1220584
    I. M. Shluffin

    I would love a world without coffee! It would mean I can breathe again! No offense to those who like the smell of coffee, but I don’t. I kinda feel bad for people who can’t survive without their morning joe, but then again, I’m similarly addicted to sugar, so I can’t say anything.

    in reply to: Where were YOU on 9/11 2001 ? #1010046
    I. M. Shluffin

    I must have been in kindergarten, but I don’t remember hearing anything about it. I actually didn’t hear about it until a few years later. I”m pretty slow on the uptake. And I just realized today that the Hebrew date (23) is the day before my Hebrew birthday. I always felt weird having my birthday in such a sad month.

    in reply to: if you found out youre a goy… #1010423
    I. M. Shluffin

    Such horrible answers! How can you even entertain the idea?! I would cry, but I wouldn’t, cus I wouldn’t have time if I wanted to do a geirus within a minute.

    in reply to: Normal People ONLY #1029161
    I. M. Shluffin

    Phew, reb yid! It’s a good thing we have you around. Speaking of, I have some people you need to meet. All these normal people are scaring me.

    in reply to: Brain Freeze #1009999
    I. M. Shluffin

    Or when the same person asks how old you are (if it’s still ok to ask that question) and you have to seriously think about it. It’s happened so many times to me, and I’m not up to the forgetting stage in life yet!

    in reply to: Smartphone?! #1010072
    I. M. Shluffin

    The smart phone was probably originally intended for smart people who were supposed to use the phone for talking and getting information quickly and efficiently. Problem is, we gave all the smartphones to dumbpeople. And everyone knows what happens if you give a mouse a muffin. These people find more attention and love in a metal device than anyone ever gave to them, so what is stopping them from hanging around with something that wants them/doesn’t mind if they are around? Smartphones are dangerous if used in the wrong ways – a person could become blind and deaf to the real world, and forget that it exists.

    When I first got a smartphone, I told myself that I would never become one of those app-slaves. But it happened anyways. Solitaire sucked me in, amongst other silly games. They weren’t really hurting my neshama, I thought at the time. But they took up so much time that I could have spent doing other things, like studying for a test, spending time with human beings, and helping around the house. It really hit home when a close friend reproached me for constantly being in front of the little screen, and I was worried about the strength of our relationship. I was ignoring my friend, and replacing her with a phone. So, in front of her, (yes, I was crying), I deleted all my games on my phone and kept only the essentials. And I’ve been happy ever since. I now have more time; I’m on close terms with my friend again; I’m not attached to my phone. I can even go places without it!

    So yes, it’s hard to stop, once you’ve started. It’s an addiction. Pity the fellow you wrote about. He’s wasting his time and his life. Hashem only gave us so much, and I’m sure He did not intend for us to spend it wastefully.

    in reply to: A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet #1009412
    I. M. Shluffin

    Update: Government is telling citizens that the plane crashed in Indian Ocean, near Australia. Australian divers found parts that they think may be part of the wreckage. Many refuse to believe it (esp. family members, friends of passengers). Many are satisfied with this, even though there is no concrete evidence.

    in reply to: To the citizens of the former US of A (humor) #1143496
    I. M. Shluffin

    I’m moving to Antartica.

    in reply to: name games #1010312
    I. M. Shluffin

    If I am me, and you are me, to you, then who are we?

    in reply to: Frum way to propose #1010348
    I. M. Shluffin

    This is so exciting! It has to be good – she WILL care. Maybe go to the mall or a pizza shop with her and arrange for a flash mob to start when you two come in. She’ll watch it with you, but won’t notice that it was actually arranged by you until they come to a wedding song and circle around you both and you propose. Is that frum, do you think?

    in reply to: Caterer for Bermuda #1008839
    I. M. Shluffin

    I’ll be your caterer if you’ll fly me to Bermuda! I can make some really good muddy buddies!

    in reply to: #1028923
    I. M. Shluffin

    You don’t have to brush your teeth. It’s not a mitzvah mid’oraysa. We dont’ brush our dog’s teeth (course, she has horrible dog breath).

    However, you are required to take care of yourself. There are many stories of people who neglected their teeth in their youth, and it came back to haunt them in their old age in the from of dentist bills.

    If Hashem had given us built-in toothbrushes, then I don’t know how I’d kasher my mouth for Pesach if I can’t just throw it out and get a new one. (Plus, we’d have to change it every three months – could you imagine the pain of surgery?!)

    in reply to: Losing your breath when saying Haman's 10 son's names #1008515
    I. M. Shluffin

    The trick is to practice it beforehand. Twice a day, when you wake up and before you go to bed. Take water with it. Try to get it down to all the names in 2 seconds. I’m sure it’s not impossible.

    in reply to: Malaysian flight theories #1008541
    I. M. Shluffin

    Is Israel paranoid, or wise, in what they are thinking? Is America all-knowing, or hiding fears, in what they are thinking? I vote Israel is wise to be cautious. If they think it’s actually a possibility, then maybe it is. On the other hand, let’s not tiftach peh l’satan…

    in reply to: Confessions of Caffeine #1008306
    I. M. Shluffin

    Thank you, Mr. President.

    in reply to: Good major in college for a bais yaakov girl #1008497
    I. M. Shluffin

    There’s a place called ONet (it’ll be the first site that pops up when you google it ONet) that gives information about different jobs. Tells you what the job entails, what you need to know, what skills and abilities you need to have, what level education you’ll need, wages, employment rates, etc.

    in reply to: Confessions of Caffeine #1008304
    I. M. Shluffin

    Real world? Where exactly would I find one?

    Thanx for the justification – you know all I was really asking for was that.

    in reply to: Women who don't recognize their inferiority #1055498
    I. M. Shluffin

    Behind every successful man is a woman who was laughing the whole time.

    in reply to: What did you cook/bake today? #1007961
    I. M. Shluffin

    I watched my mother make challah for Purim – each strand of the six-braid is a different color.

    in reply to: I am Rocky Zweig. Ask Me Anything #1017812
    I. M. Shluffin

    K, Rocky, I’ve got a question for you. When Moshiach comes, will I still be able to post in this CR? Will all the moderators be out of a job?

    in reply to: Look for an out of town day camp #1007778
    I. M. Shluffin

    Al Cohen Day Camp in Chapman Lake, PA. There’s a whole Jewish community there in the summer. There’s a shul, a beis medrash, a lake, and, of course, the day camp.

    in reply to: Confessions of Caffeine #1008302
    I. M. Shluffin

    Thanx, crazybrit 🙂

    reb yid, is that supposed to wean me off? I’l try that. I hope I don’t spill it on the keyboard.

    in reply to: Brocha on Pizza #1007803
    I. M. Shluffin

    I spelled offense wrong, didn’t I.

    in reply to: Brocha on Pizza #1007802
    I. M. Shluffin

    @writersoul – if you made an initial mezonos on slice, because you had only one slice in mind, then proceeded to eat another, you can eat it and then bentsch. Don’t forget to clean up when you’re done.

    Note to the general public that I’ve already seen expressed in other threads: please don’t use psaks from the CR unless you’ve asked your LOR about it. Ask for sources. Many might be personal opinions. No offence intended to anyone. I’m sure you’ll all make great poskim one day.

    in reply to: The Kumzitz Thread #1016597
    I. M. Shluffin

    I always knew it was a bad idea to sit on the fence. It really hurts, you know.

    How would I play that on my ukulele? Especially in the dark (since you shut the lights)?

    What gender kumzitz is this? Am I allowed to join?

    in reply to: Idea for friend #1007977
    I. M. Shluffin

    reb yid – that’s really funny!

    in reply to: Idea for friend #1007973
    I. M. Shluffin

    Tye dye: Mordechai was wearing colorful argaman and techeiles, etc. The Teens and Twenty-Somethings Cookbook has a recipe for tye-dye cookies. You can give bowtie pasta salad (or actual bowties). You can put in one thing for each color of the rainbow, if you remember what those colors are. Just make everything super-colorful!

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