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Another random fact – I’m learning to drive, and I often sing while I drive. If I’m signaling, then I automatically sing in time to the signal, which is really annoying coz then I try to sing at the right speed and I can’t 🙂
cozimjewishParticipantPAA – I thought my family was the only one with a record player in the 21st century!
BTW – i just tried talking while playing piano, and I could do both at the same time. Although, the conversation wasn’t really flowing in a logical sequence (meaning, I started talking about one random thing and then just started saying other random things that popped into my head.) Also, I often stopped talking for a moment when there was a pause, or I had to hold a note, in the song I was playing. But I was still talking while playing piano!
cozimjewishParticipantBTW – that doesn’t contradict what I said in a previous post. I do think I have talents that I haven’t used to my full potential. And it goes hand in hand with this. Coz I am in an extremely talented class, ba”h, I always feel really inferior to my far-more-talented classmates. I often think, “Why should I ______(sing/dance/write etc.) if ______ is so much better than me?” I feel guilty coz I don’t use my talents – but I am too scared to use them when I know others can do a better job.
cozimjewishParticipantGood question. I have thought about this before. I guess the unique thing about me is that I have never seen anyone else as average as I am! I don’t mean that in a bad way – but it is true. Meaning, I’m not smart, not dumb. Not overly talented, but don’t lack talents any more than the next person. Not pretty, not ugly etc etc. Just middle-of-the road for everything. I think that’s pretty unusual.
cozimjewishParticipanteftach – do you always answer popa?
cozimjewishParticipantlg – i think most people thought about their username (or maybe I also took it too seriously?)
cozimjewishParticipantLG – Yes you do make sense.
Randomex – could you answer me please???
cozimjewishParticipantAlright, but shwekey’s Ilan is very popular. Lots of people think it’s stunning. Idk if it’s the best song for a chuppa – to me, it seems a bit random. (Although that could be because the song isn’t my taste)
cozimjewishParticipantI haven’t really heard her. In general, I don’t really like female singers (with the exception of Chanale, who I love!!!) I also haven’t really heard Yosef Chaim Shwekey, I think he’s also related – my friend has his cd
cozimjewishParticipantWow randomex, a politician and a hidden tzaddik….can I get a bracha too??
cozimjewishParticipantI’ll need to think about this…..thank-you LG
October 6, 2014 3:04 am at 3:04 am in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152513cozimjewishParticipantsecretagentyid – just saw your subtitle – hilarious! I love it! (Then again, I’m partial to anything that I’m supposed-to-but-haven’t-yet-managed-to grow out of 😉 )
cozimjewishParticipantShwekey sings it on his album Ad bli Dai. It was composed by Yochanan Shapiro
cozimjewishParticipantYes I know. I haven’t gotten it yet. I’m too embarrassed! There’s also a new R’ Shachter cd. I admitted to my friend that I wanted to buy it but was too embarrassed, and she said, “When you buy it, can I borrow it?!” lol
cozimjewishParticipantMe, duuuuuuuhh. If not then Randomex 🙂
cozimjewishParticipantLG – awwww sweet! I agree 🙂 (now we just have to wait for popa to disagree…)
cozimjewishParticipantRandomex – not that I want you to go, just the opposite! But didn’t you say that “this will be my last post til after yom tov”? Like, five posts ago?
cozimjewishParticipantDon’t worry, I am a HUGE Shwekey fan as well! 🙂
cozimjewishParticipantLG – thank-you so much. I really appreciate it. Although, I do realize that It’s not “Me vs. Hashem” chas vshalom. I know that Hashem is willing to give me chance after chance. But why do I have to keep using them all???
cozimjewishParticipantRandomex – good job yes, it does stand for I can relate 🙂 what do you mean, “those like you” meaning, those born on Shabbos? I didn’t really understand your post. I don’t want to say where I am from….but I am curious why you think I’m from England/Israel and not America! (Is it coz I said learnt, not learned?) Another thing to keep in mind: (not that I’m denying that I’m not from America – just saying): I post at crazy hours of the morning (e.g. 4am) I’m a teenager, that’s what we do. 🙂 So time of my posts doesn’t necessarily indicate time difference.
cozimjewishParticipantThank-you lg:) always a plez to help out fellow music lovers;) Actually, I don’t remember who it was, but thanx to whoever posted the link – I love that thread!
Sorry to annoy you, ivory
cozimjewishParticipantIvory – I love old threads.
cozimjewishParticipantI like the message. I’m just not crazy about the tune.
SDD – i don’t agree. Music makes everything nicer, and far more emotional. Also, a song remains in people’s memories. A person will often associate a memory/feeling with a certain song.
cozimjewishParticipantWell I’ll try not to be too offended, considering you threw in that K&T reference ;P
cozimjewishParticipantdy – were you implying something there?;)
cozimjewishParticipantYes, OK, maybe popa took it a bit far, but I prefer other shwekey songs
cozimjewishParticipanteb – dnftt definitely applies in this case
cozimjewishParticipantDon’t want to say too much – don’t want to give myself away
October 5, 2014 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm in reply to: Why do the moderators delete all the posts? #1034530cozimjewishParticipantI read them. I still didn’t see what rule I violated, but…..
cozimjewishParticipantwhat she (lg) said!
cozimjewishParticipantI’ll havta listen to those….I only know Keep Climbing! Yes, I love it – Avraham Fried is my favorite singer (in terms of voice, not necessarily songs, but I love most of his songs. Especially My Fellow Jew and Father Don’t Cry, I think other people have mentioned those already)
cozimjewishParticipantDY – I was thinking of 4 and 5!! I totally agree 😉
cozimjewishParticipantSimcha Leiner sings a stunning one – I think it’s called “Pischi Li” – not sure.
Tefillat Kallah – Yaakov Shwekey (Album: Kolot)
There are a lot of nice old songs – Mi Adir from Alumni (Yerachmiel Begun), Asher Bara by Shloime Dachs (Not sure what album – I think Avinu but don’t quote me).
Meheira – Miami BC (Album: Yovo) Nice song; not sure it’s the best for a chuppa though
October 5, 2014 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152512cozimjewishParticipanteb – yes you sound young at heart 😉
cb – LOL!
cozimjewishParticipantAnother thing is that I was born on Shabbos, and we learnt that if someone is born on Shabbos they have an attachment to kedusha. But how can I have an attachment to kedusha in this generation? I still do have an attachment to kedusha – I really want to be better. But I am also attracted to other things, and that’s when I do things I shouldn’t do. Also, in your original post, did you mean that you feel you have talents but you don’t use them to their full potential or for the right things? ICR! 🙂
cozimjewishParticipantBTW – glad to have found you at last, that was quite a moving scene 😉
cozimjewishParticipantYes I wondered if I sleepwalked and wrote the original post, except that it has your username next to it 🙂
It’s so hard!!!
cozimjewishParticipantLOL!! that’s hilarious dy! I saw goq’s post and i was wondering what he was talking about! 🙂
cozimjewishParticipantlvt – i love the word whatever! Maybe it’s coz I’m a teenager….?? My former English teacher HAAAAAATES it when girls use the word “like” for just about anything – “Like, I went to the store, and I was like, “Do you have these shoes in like, pink or something?” And she looked at me like, “What’s your problem?” and she was like, “Um, no,” so then I decided to go to, like, another store”…….
cozimjewishParticipantThe Artist – Sheves Achim 2 (Shimon and Moshe Bell)
Rochel – Simccha Leiner (STUNNING, STUNNING SONG!!)
Watch Over Me – Lev Tahor 2
Tefillat Kallah – Kolot (Yaakov Shwekey)
Another song that made me cry – I’ve only heard it once so I don’t know what it’s called or who sings it, but it made me cry – something like “Aleph, beis, gimmel, daled hey….there was a time when these words I would say…” I think it’s a story about how in Communist Russia, a soldier catches Jewish boys in a secret cheder – he asks the boy what he learned that day and the boy replies “Aleph, beis…” it turns out the soldier is a Jew…and he says to his fellow soldiers there’s nothing here….something along those lines
October 5, 2014 1:50 pm at 1:50 pm in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113493cozimjewishParticipantKay I found it on Mostly Music 🙂 Thank-you SIDI for the link:)
cozimjewishParticipantbendit – is that supposed to be the Jewish version of “not the sharpest tool in the shed”? It’s cute!
October 5, 2014 1:35 pm at 1:35 pm in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152509cozimjewishParticipantWhy would you want to shorten it, ivory? I think it’s awesome, and matches his/her username very well! Go cb 😉
cozimjewishParticipantsqueak – everybody admires different middos and personalities. I might say I like people who are outgoing, confident and fun to be around. You might say you like people who are soft-spoken, gentle and humble. It all depends on what a person values most.
October 5, 2014 12:49 pm at 12:49 pm in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113491cozimjewishParticipantNo, I didn’t know, interesting! I can imagine why Memories took so long to write! It’s a beautiful song! BTW – does anyone know a song by Abie called “Kavei”? And if you do, what album is it on?
cozimjewishParticipantRandomex – your SISTER?!
cozimjewishParticipant“I’ll tell you when you get older.” Only now, there’s no way I remember all those questions I had when I was seven, eight, nine etc. years old!! 🙁
cozimjewishParticipantI like people who do crazy stuff and are fun and easy-going. Also people who are comfortable with themselves – don’t live their lives as a show. And yes, I am definitely more attracted to people who are musically inclined!
cozimjewishParticipanteb – are you my long-lost twin???
October 5, 2014 5:52 am at 5:52 am in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152506cozimjewishParticipantI love writersoul’s new st!