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  • in reply to: What's wrong with Kabbalah Maasis? #1088835

    This generation is clearly not able to handle the realm of Kabbalah in and of itself. Even getting close to the esoteric is a challenge. Kabbalah is on a different plane than the one we are tuned up for.

    in reply to: Sleeping tablets #1037861

    Hi showjoe. Adequate sleep is very important for so many reasons. Yes, we can get away with sleep deprivation for a while, but I can only suggest you try to make it an important goal of yours to try to get the sleep you need to feel good the next day. It does make a big difference.

    in reply to: Soccer #1037778

    Hi showjoe. Yes, you are right. I should have posted more carefully. Usually I react and hit out a quick response.

    in reply to: Soccer role model #1066497

    sirvoddmort, with all due respect, you could not be more wrong. Making a declarative statement that something is irrelevant does not serve as a proof.

    The fact remains, aside from your clouded emotional outlook, that football as played in America and Canada, even on the professional level, has no other name associated with it other than football.

    Soccer, wants to be known by two names: soccer and football. Sorry, only one name per sport. Stop hogging up two names; one of which refers to another sport entirely.

    No more ambiguity. Soccer will retain soccer and leave the term football to football. With the new rules in effect, there will be zero confusion as to what soccer is and what football is.

    Cased solved!

    Thank you for you attention to this matter.

    in reply to: Stupid ASPCA commercials #1040113

    Curiosity, I am sorry but your views are not in line with the Torah. They are the cultural and predictable party line of those whom I have heard from before, with little concern, experience, or understanding of animals to begin with.

    Because I dont have the time to expound on all the laws of precious thoughtfulness to precious animals, or examples of our ancestors and their delicate and thoughtful care of animals, I will go on to say, in brief, the greatest guidelines for animal rights, as well as examples of kindness to animals, as well as the Creator’s loving view of animals, are all contained within our own Holy Torah!

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1058172

    I think techeilis on tzit tzis look beautiful. I dont wear them, but I equally dont understand the machlokes about them, especially since we daven about them each and every day.

    If a chassidish rebbe poskins they know the creature that gives them the valid blue dye to make techeiles, then who is anyone else to disagree? Litvish certainly have numerous rulings on the same question.

    Long story short, to all who wear techeilis, thank you. It is always a nice thing to see them.

    in reply to: Stupid ASPCA commercials #1040111

    Animal cruelty and abandonment is a very real and tragic thing. The ASPCA is doing “some” part (as I believe they do selective euthanization – and are not a no-kill organization). PETA does a much better job at lessening tzar balei chaim.

    For those not so conditioned to think animals are not just “animals”, if someone wants to work on behalf of animals, or someone wants to help animals, G-d bless them.

    in reply to: Soccer role model #1066480

    Football = NFL style play

    Soccer = What those other countries do chasing and kicking the ball to each other.

    There is no term “American Soccer” so by default it is best to use football to mean the oblong pigskin, and soccer to mean that round black and white ball kids use around the world.

    Also, sirvoddmort, America does have a language of it’s own. It’s called Spanish. But before Spanish hit the mainstream, EVERY language was borne of stock that predated the language anyone speaks now.

    Thank heaven, the Americans do not speak the “Kings English”, to a large degree.

    Ironically, sirvoddmort, America still is heavy on ounces and pounds, etc., while kingly influenced countries have moved to metric.

    in reply to: Soccer #1037775

    sirvoddmort, I respectfully have to disagree with you.

    Football is football. Soccer is soccer. There is no term “American soccer” versus soccer.

    The term football belongs to the NFL. Period.

    Now, the logic that 10kg of equipment equals and short bursts of play does not equal a sport, is clearly a flawed syllogism.

    While I understand people speak about sports in terms of emotion, football indeed requires great training, skill, and talent on behalf of each athlete and their respective jobs. And this includes speed; great speed, which you identify as a negative.

    Further, the strategies played out by team members in each individual position to work to an overall objective (play) and win, or lose and try to come back and win, is indeed a sport of all sports; which can only be played by those talented and conditioned to do so.

    In a way, football is like chess where all the pieces move at once simultaneous to the opposition also moving at the same time to defend against the offense.

    It is a great sport!

    in reply to: Isis has fighter jets #1036947

    showjoe, not sure where to begin. You’re asking someone who has put many years into thoughtful political, economic, and sociological study to be able to spit it all out in a posting.

    In very short, I have learned a long time ago that the dividing line between political “stated” policies and their “backroom” policies has been moved way to the side of “backroom” policies; and that is where the powers that be take action.

    If you are so inclined, I recommend you follow various news sources and put some intuition to work, so as the years roll by, you can recognize patterns. Again, if you are so inclined to feel comfortable in that kind of pursuit.

    Otherwise, please feel free to post your thoughts on the matter.

    in reply to: Sleeping tablets #1037852

    showjoe, you get a medal for not trying to get 8 hours. : )

    in reply to: Isis has fighter jets #1036945

    There is way more to this story than meets the press.

    in reply to: Sleeping tablets #1037845

    I asked my MD about melatonin and he said try 1gm to 3gms and see how it works.

    On those long days where I cant unwind fast enough to get 8 hours, I have found Zzzquil liquid to do a very nice job the few times I need it.

    Wishing you a great night’s sleep!

    in reply to: where can I get a husband? #1036364

    My first thought on such matters always starts with: Target versus Walmart! Home Depot versus Lowes?! I don’t know much about husbands, but I wish you Hatzlacha Rabbah to find a FANTASTIC guy you truly are inspired to be with.

    in reply to: Kabbalah #1036468

    Interesting post. My first reaction is the other nations already have a genetically modified version our our Torah. Nothing we can do about that. It should not stop us.

    Secondly, I do believe Kabbalah should play a larger role in our studies.

    While it is great to do things because we are told by great people what the good road is, I have learned from studying a few Kabballah influenced texts by the Ramchal, for example, that without some understanding, no matter how basic, of the spiritual ramifications of what we do here on earth, everything can grow to become a laundry list of things to do.

    Kabballah “flavoring” makes doing Jewish things more dimensional, and helps to keep practice performed out of inspiration and less from being done from rote.

    More Kabballah influence, please!

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036454

    There is a good point here that may involve shul politics.

    Galila in my shul is usually given to kids or those perceived to look and be less frum.

    The chashuva people who usually get aliyahs never seem to be asked to do galila when on the Shabbos they are not given aliyahs.

    Personally, I have been asked a few times to open the curtain when they take the Torah out, and I once said I prefer not because I lose my place in davening at some point. And for me, I am there to daven to Hashem.

    Anyway, I was conflicted between accepting the honor versus losing my place and concentration in davening.

    Aside from the objectivity everyone is offering, I see the point of the poster regarding the politics of the shul.

    Such roles should be given out equitably so that on one perceives a trend of which honors are given to people “perceived” to be more Godly.

    in reply to: time to get a new belt. #1036338

    I usually avoid such provocative and controversial threads, but I could not resist chiming in….Zzzz..Zzzzz….Zzzzz

    in reply to: Soccer #1037767

    Man United? That’s not real football. That’s soccer. I am on the British site or something? Let me check.

    in reply to: Bored #1036370

    To answer your question for today, I checked out this website and renewed my forgotten password.

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037241

    Ironically, kids may be listening to you even if it does not look like they are. On the other hand, they may look attentive, but are just letting it go in one ear and out the other. My point is, you never know; but you just have to keep on addressing matters as you see fit regardless of how kids seem to react. More may sink in over time than you would ever realize.

    in reply to: dvar torah on parshas noach for wedding anniversary #1036481

    That in addition to the chosson taking care of his family, they should also have pets.

    in reply to: #1101183

    Agreed, popa!

    in reply to: Soccer role model #1066470

    Any of the great champions of the past and present can be fantastic role models for their dedication, perseverance, working as a member of a team, and getting back up to win after failure. Specific names may vary from fan to fan.

    in reply to: Social anxiety #1033723

    Hatzlacha Rabbah! I dont want to share anything because I am afraid you will….I am afraid you may….What am I afraid of??

    in reply to: Doesn't anyone care about Israel? #1023686

    The situation in Israel is not only insane, but it is disgusting as the whole just sits back and watches.

    Hamas is not even a state or a country. It is not like Israel is at war with France or something. These guys are a band of terrorist guerrillas shooting missiles into a sovereign country. Who would put up with such bandits? Why is Israel taking so long to wipe them out? No one wants to see tragic killings on either side, but we have no choice. It’s like a lyric in a great song, “I asked him for mercy. He gave me a gun. Well, you know sometimes these things just have to be done.”

    Additionally, where does this Hamas find the funding to fire so many missiles for so long, and now they sent in a million dollar drone? Would that money be better spent on schools, stores/malls, health care facilities, housing projects? Contrary to popular belief, they do live somewhere.

    The world has to think past the propaganda, and despise Hamas and the Palestinians for threatening the quality of life for all decent people. The world must realize Israel has no problem with Islam or Palestinians. Within the borders of Israel there are many productive and well-to-do muslims. Further, mosques are open for them to pray in every day. Yes, inside of Israel muslims flourish.

    So the world needs to realize Hamas has no point. The world should be ashamed of itself for standing by watching. And Israel should stop being a sucker for the opinion of outsiders who do not really care anyway.

    Obama has military operations in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, and now Iraq again; and often supports the wrong side. BUT..he makes no apologies to anyone and describes nothing truthful about what is going on. Israel first makes a phone call to the enemy, gives a warning shot…..both countries have policies of nonsense.

    Sadly, political Israel needs to learn a lesson from Obama in that being warm, understanding, kind, etc. to terrorists does not yield positive results. They are not misunderstood. They are evil. And such a policy makes terrorists stronger and more determined in their mission.


    in reply to: Straw Hat Poll #1023700

    I just want to say that for many elections already, I decided the right candidate is not out there. Who says that among two people running, one is better?

    Politics has come a long way from being defined as working for the will of the constituents. The political parties put together a sales pitch they think people will find appealing, but it is the backroom policies which are the priorities of all the candidates. The only difference is each party has their own band on “supporters” who will benefit from their candidate winning.

    in reply to: the shidduch system #1202984

    I just want to comment on the shallowness and superficiality of the shidduch system.

    In the outside world, profiles of candidates admit if they have less than perfect and are often realistic regarding what they are looking for in a person.

    In our system, too much falsehood prevails. The consequences can, chas v’shalom, be defeating toward the goal of a happy and healthy marriage.

    Firstly, by us age is a critically important variable, even by as much as one year. The chemistry between two people is not really a concern for all the other people involved.

    Secondly, while it is important to look nice and look your best, losing 50 pounds for a few months only to gain it back afterward, is not representative of the real you. There is too much pressure on people to be a perfect, 8″ x 10″ glossy photo of their ideal self.

    Thirdly, every tzaddik can find people to endorse the fact they are a gem. But also, every trouble maker finds supportive people who tell the world they are a tzaddik, as well, just to get them married off. In short, and in general, every boy is a tzaddik no matter what, and every girl is loaded with middos and acts of chesed before the marriage.

    What about the notion of dating someone you find you really like in a three dimensional way whether they have perfect middos and are a low BMI, or not?? It aint gonna happen here unless youths go off on their own to see who is out there; and that has it’s own tangled web of possibilities.

    A (not the) solution? The boy and girl should feel comfortable to be honest about who they are; their likes and interests. Forget the status quo and build-ups. None of us are wholley the person everyone else says we are when we go out on a date. That is a false image and leaves the real person and their true and unique good traits locked up inside.

    For the most part, daters are very young with little or no experience. The adults should realize it’s not necessary to schmaltz them all up, even if it’s meant with love. Finding your other half has to be internal as well as external. Trust in Hashem to help the process once you keep it real.

    in reply to: Stupid ASPCA commercials #1040102

    Animals relationship to humans, when a human is actually looking at an animal, is an emotional experience.

    The commercials appeal to emotions to get results, even if they do so in a syrupy manner.

    Someone has to care about the animals.

    The Torah contains the oldest and best animal rights statutes to be found anywhere.

    Long story short, we are here, in part, due to animals.

    When Noach’s son was asked what they did on the tayva to merit existing and surviving the flood, he responded that they took care of the animals.

    Too often we respond to caring about animals by pitting them against humans, which is absurd. In most cases a human life in more valuable (exceptions would be various stripes of y’mach shemom), but by saying humans (for the most part) are more valuable, too often leads to the neglect of caring for animals.

    Let people who want to care about animals do so without prejudice.

    in reply to: Not ladylike #1021746

    Wait a second.

    You have a right to eat your burger with two hands, except when you’ve eaten most of it and are down to a small piece. Then it looks like a mouse chomping on a piece of cheese.

    My concern is that if you are to the point of being both sick and tired of being told your behavior is not ladylike, how many times are you being told this? Is it the same person or numerous individuals?

    Also, if so many people are telling you this, think about the rest of us who notice it and are not saying anything. For every person who tells you this, there could be ten out there who noticed, but said nothing.

    I suggest compromising with the world. Maybe try using a knife and fork with your burger. BUT..after cutting a small piece of burger place the knife down, switch the fork back to the other hand, and then prong and eat.

    Chewing is whole other story.

    in reply to: Has my wit become too acerbic? #964259

    Is it actual acerb, or just acerbic? If it’s the latter, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. The good news is you have some self-awareness and want to do the right thing, which I trust you will do.

    in reply to: Embarrassed by association #953011

    Brony, they are Jews.

    Being Jewish does not give someone immunity from middos problems. We are luckier and more obliged to be better because we have the Torah.

    In fact, I have heard it said by a phenomenally great rabbi that yidden are the fiercest nation on earth, but it is to be tempered by Torah.

    You would think if someone looked and acted the part that it would be enough. Well, they (all of us) have to dig deeper at times.

    in reply to: OOC: Who's Joseph? #953107

    I would argue that Joseph thing is a “troll topic”.

    I have seen the Joseph factor deteriorate into unpleasantness of various sorts not fitting a yeshivah world.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956782

    Hey OneOfMany! : )

    in reply to: A Complaint About The Terms 'Frei' & 'Shiksa' #1049059

    mdd, I hear your well-meaning response. It is understood. But “a rasha is a rasha” an argument in and of itself, is outside the scope of the terms “frei” and “shiksa”, unless you mean all such terms should have blunt, simplistic, and negative connotations, which I dont agree with. BUT….your point has been duly noted.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #953568

    Hatzlaha rabbah! And may you succeed in all the areas where you want to improve coming closer to Hashem and living in accord with His will for us. The reward alone is greater than any beat or melody to someone’s song.

    Maybe make up your own music on a keyboard or something?

    in reply to: What exactly did we get on Shavuos? #1018401

    It was exceedingly crowded and it seems many here have a different recollection.

    I guess the ones who were up front are more credible than the well-meaning ones way in the back.

    in reply to: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis? #1071603

    Since when does not having smicha stop someone from becoming a rabbi? 🙂

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956779

    Maybe the age gap wouldnt be such an issue if people were more concerned about the compatibility gap.

    I still cannot get over the idea that dating a 20 year old is considered an injustice if the family found out a 19 year old is “on the market”. Really?

    in reply to: Chassidush school in Brooklyn bans thick glasses #953270

    From what little I know, the choice of these frames is not random. It is a stylish style being sought after these days. So, the school has a right and obligation to do it’s part to discourage that pursuit.

    in reply to: Awesome Stuff Yeshivish People Say #956065

    Toi, Very funny, and innocent….

    in reply to: A Complaint About The Terms 'Frei' & 'Shiksa' #1049028

    Of course there is a valid perspective that intellectualizes those words so they seem harmless adjectives.

    On the other side of the coin, they are lowly words for anyone to use, once they think about it.

    Frei is used, in reality, with only negative connotations. It assumes the person is holding “zero” in yiddishkeit, and gives a feeling of exclusion, which is not right. It also throws into the garbage all the other concepts we should hold to such as dan l’chaf zcheus, tinok shenisba, only Hashem can take someone’s cheszbin, etc…etc. And, almost 100% of the time, when someone inquires if someone is frum or frei, upon hearing they are frei, all interest goes out the window.

    Shiksa is also used as a lowly, degrading term.

    Arent we suppose to try to avoid speaking about people, even out-and-out bad people, in a lowly, arrogant manner?

    Was not Pharoah afforded some degree of humanity? Did not Hashem prefer to speak about “non-pure” animals as a way to teach us to try to elevate how we refer to things rather than denegrate?

    in reply to: Giving Tzedaka to Beggars #926760

    In a shopping center where I live, there has been an increase in panhandling from people living in a wooded area.

    On the few occasions someone came up to me asking for a dollar or so, is there any way it would be better if I asked if they were Jewish and proceeded to not give them a dollar if they were not, rather than just reaching into my pocket and giving them a dollar or two without screening them first?

    in reply to: Yom Kippur Attire #897636

    Hi BaalHabooze,

    Thank you very much for your response, and for your wishes.

    Gemar Chasima Tova and a Gut Gbentched year to you, too!

    PS. If anyone else answers, I probably won’t have time to answer back, so I want to thank anyone who answers in advance: Thank you!

    in reply to: Joseph Bach Suits #897200


    in reply to: Confiscating Shoes #994326

    Hi yerushalaymer.

    I think you should meet with the director of the camp and complain.

    Who is the counselor to employ such a method? Are they a Rebbe? Teacher? Anyone licensed to deal with children?

    Children run around in camp. It shows a lack of leadership in the counselor to do that to any camper.

    What else are they doing to keep control over kids?

    I suggest the camp learn about children before going into the camp business.

    In fact, I would like to call the camp and tell them a huge boundary was crossed by an incompetent and ill-suited counselor.

    The counselor went too far and owes you and your child an apology. They abused their influence as an adult.

    Hatzlacha in getting justice.

    in reply to: Do Your Laundry #886257

    Thank you for the reminder!

    in reply to: Should I stop listening to Matisyahu? #983743


    Since my last postings, I have a different view now.

    I was a very big fan, and was greatly inspired by M, and even to this day, when I am tired and had a long day on Shabbos or its hot in shul while davening, his songs come to mind and motivate me to try a little harder.

    Having said that, it seems to me he has concerts on Motzei Shabbos. So, maybe he is doing Shabbos in the hotel.

    But he seems to also have concerts during the Three Weeks.

    I am not going to hate on him. But A LOT of the wind has gone out of my sail about him as an inspiring Jewish artist.

    I am disappointed. How can he have professed to know and feel so much, and then retract? To me, there is no going back, chas veshalom, and certainly not justifying it with a new view of things.

    Okay…so then I start to think he did it to ‘some’ degree as shtick to become famous.

    But, at this point, I am getting off the Matisyahu bus as I have other things to worry about. And we, as Jews, have just lost a truly truly truly great Gadol Hador!

    In being on topic with the thread; goodbye Matisyahu. You are always welcome back home!! Hatzlacha!

    in reply to: White Shirts #883567

    Thank you so very much! All the suggestions covered all areas from high end to affordable and how to preserve the shirts longer from the machine only or the dryer, too. Thank you very much!

    I see some of my threads were way out of order. When I posted the “this thread is sinking…etc,” there was not one other comment for what seemed like a few I apologize for that.

    Again, thank you very much! And to Choppy; I wear my white shirts proudly, because for some reason I am at my Jewish best (if that makes sense), when I wear at white shirt. : )

    in reply to: BUYING SEGULOS #884927

    Hi yekke2.

    Great point! On the surface, these things seem a little too superficial to be genuine.

    Now I am no expert, but for many reasons money can have great significance in spiritual matters and mitzvos. Even money, chas veshalom, from a rasha, like haman, can capture heavenly attention.

    I think, like in davening, the intent, focus, concentration, etc., are what make it work or not.

    in reply to: Why Do Threads ALWAYS Change Direction? #883616

    Hi yekke2.

    Great point about one poster writing something slightly off the point and then it’s all downhill from there..

    Wouldnt it be better to say it’s sidehill?

    lol @ your point about the missionary question and the rest of the people posted nothing on

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