Avi K

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  • in reply to: davening from electronic device #1116389
    Avi K

    If a person’s kavana is increased by davening from a grandparent’s siddur than that is better. However, the main thing is to see the letters (this is discussed in Nefesh HaChaim). One large advantage of the i-phone application is that special tefillot, such as “yaaleh veyavo” pop up on the proper days so one cannot forget unless he is on automatic pilot, in which case nothing will help.

    in reply to: Yeshiva's reading rules #858477
    Avi K

    I guess “On Top of Spaghetti” is out. What about if a wife calls he husband “Tzvi”?

    in reply to: Cellphones in Shul #856467
    Avi K

    BT, Rav Moshe wrote that there is no marit ayin by mistakes in halacha. People are required t learn. Marit ayin is only where a reasonable person could make a mistake regarding a fact (e.g. if somebody walks into a treif restaurant to buy a Coke). However, he was machmir on himself.

    Regarding emergencies, these are obviously exceptions but someone whose wife wants him to pick up something on the way home can hear it afterwards on the voice mail.

    in reply to: murder mysteries #857692
    Avi K

    The murderer is always caught which is a good message. “Murder on the Orient Express” has an interesating ending which could be the basius for a discussion.

    in reply to: Cellphones in Shul #856428
    Avi K

    This is a violation of the kedusha of the bet knesset even when nobody else is there (Orech Chaim 151:1).During the Chazarat HaShatz it is much more severe (124:4 with Mishna Berura subsection 17 and 124:7 with Mishna Berura subsection 27).

    in reply to: murder mysteries #857676
    Avi K

    Also Agatha Christie.

    in reply to: Immigrating to the United States #854107
    Avi K

    Hopefully very difficult so that they will make aliya instead.

    in reply to: Kamtza & Bar Kamtza #942050
    Avi K

    I did not mean that to be the Maharal’s interpretation. I heard it in a shiur and it seems to me to scream “darsheni”.

    in reply to: Kamtza & Bar Kamtza #942048
    Avi K

    The Maharal asks why Kamtza is also blamed when he wasn’t even there.He says that the atmosphere of divisiveness was so strong that the baal haseuda chose Kamtza as a friend solely because he was an enemy of Bar Kamtza. Bar Kamtza being a Tzadukki would fit in with the idea of two factions. However, in light of the Maharal’s interpretation it could be that Kamtza was not a worthy person in other ways but he was one of “unzer mentschen” simply because of his enmity towards Bar Kamtza. The use of the “bar” could also signify that things got to the point where families were split. In addition, the fact that his anger was such that he slandered the Jews to the Romans (and used the term “Jews” rather than “rabbanim’)may indicate that he felt himself it got to the point where the two factions considered theselves two separate peoples.

    in reply to: Kamtza & Bar Kamtza #942043
    Avi K

    I heard from both Rav Reuven Netanel and Rav Avraham Korman that the background of the story was political. Rav Netanel pointed out that “Bar Kamtza” means “son of Kamtza” and said that political disagreements even split families. Rav Korman pointed out that “kamtza” is Aramaic for “grasshopper” and that it has a characteristic of forming a swarm that eats everything in sight and then flies into the sesert or sea and dies.He then said that Chazal were talking about two different political parties. He did not say this but it could be that Bar Kamtza was a breakaway faction of Kamtza.

    in reply to: Post-Yeshiva Dressing for Work and Everyday #853998
    Avi K

    Sam, ???? means red.

    CG, “the real English Geordies” are not a problem? Not even before and after soccer games?

    in reply to: Post-Yeshiva Dressing for Work and Everyday #853985
    Avi K

    CG, I thought the UK is Gan Eden? What’s this about going “undercover”. BTW, by wearing a baseball cap aren’t you targeting yourself for anti-American types? BTW, red is a problem (Rema Yoreh Deah 178:1) although Rav Yitzchak Elchana Spector is meikal where there is no clear Goyish custom on this (Darchei Teshuva there subsection 16). I do not know if this heter applies to the UK where red is definitely a national color.

    in reply to: What country besides US and UK are you from? #853545
    Avi K

    The UK is in a terrible state.

    in reply to: What country besides US and UK are you from? #853539
    Avi K

    CG, is there no country that will hold on to you? LOL

    in reply to: Wht it is time for Jews to get over the Holocaust #875953
    Avi K

    The Holocaust cannot be forgotten just as the Churban habayit cannot (until it is rebuilt bb”a). The problem is the cottage industry that has grown up around it with whole shelves in bookstores being dedicated to it. IMHO, this is obscene and counter-productive. We should be looking towards the future, building our state, always improving.

    As for prohibitions on “racist” speech, that can be a double-edged sword.As Rav Zalman Melamed pointed out, one could make a case for the Havdala nusach (“who differentiated us from the other peoples”) as falling under the prohibition. Bettter to err on the side of free speech unless there is a real danger of violence.

    in reply to: jeans……?? yes? no? black? white? #856760
    Avi K

    Jeans are the true beged Ivri as they were invented by a Jewish peddler named Levi Strauss for miners who need strong pants. Later they were adopted by farmers and later became popular among the general population.

    in reply to: Mutar To Go To Mekubalim? #857431
    Avi K

    He must be mekubal.If he is someone like Rav Mordechai Eliahu his advice must be taken very serious. However, he was a rare exception (according to his aide Rav Zafrani there a only a few such people in each generation). In other words, he must be a gadol (in which case he will deny that he is a mekubal – and, in fact, Rav Eliahu did not discuss Kabbala with his son and heir Rav Shmuel, or at least Rav Shmuel says). Unfortunately, there are many charlatans who tell people breeak up marriages, rip off people for money and even tell people to do severe aveirot (with them and I will not go into detail).

    BTW, neither Rav Kuk nor Rav Soloveichik would give absolute advice. They would set for the alternatives and their ramifications (which they received from their analytical abilities developed over years of learning at the highest levels) and then give the questioner responsibility for his life. Even Rav Eliahu gave alternatives. I had a neighbor who went to him on some personal matter and he suggested that she add a name. He then gave her a list from which to choose.

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943749
    Avi K

    Sefat Emet (Vilna, 5636 [1876]), p. 32b

    HaShem decreed that just as all the men who have seen My glory (BeMidbar 14:22) – meaning, the generation of the spies will not see the Land, the same is true of future generations. Anyone who spreads an evil report about the Land will be stricken and will receive the punishment of the spies. This is the meaning of [the

    next verse] And all who provoke Me shall not see it (ibid. 14:23), which refers to the future.

    ??? ?? – ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?????, ????? ????? ????? ????? ????:

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    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943748
    Avi K

    CG, what about all of the “regular” crime – like the recent riots there? When the first Gulf War started the chevruta of a friend of mine receievd frantic phone call fom his mother. When she finally calmed down she evry matter-of-factly said “BTW, last week your brother was held up at gunpoint”.

    In nay case, we live here because EY is a part of us (see the beginning of “Orot” and see Chesed LeAvraham Mayaan Shelishi on people who succeed here and those who do not and spend their time being motzi dibata) and because of the mitzva.I even know someone who went to Chutz LaAretz for three weeks to visit his brother and became physically ill from Galut.

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #853001
    Avi K

    It depends on the needs and desires of the generation (Heemek Devar Devarim 17:14). Thus Rav Kuk and Rav Uziel, who lived during a time when views on this were changing, disagreed as to whether women should have the right to vote and hold office. Rav Kuk felt that it was immodest and would harm shelom bayit. On the other hand, Rav Uziel did not see any immodesty in putting a ballot in a ballot box or discussng public business. He also pointed out that the same shelom bayit argument could be used to deny the vote to sons who are supported by their fathers. Denying women the right to vote could also lead to resentment (see Haggiga 16b that women were allowed to do semicha on korbanot to please them and Rosh HaShana 33a Tosofot d”h ha Rabbi Yehuda ha Rabbi Yossi that according to Rabbenu Tam women were also allowed to make berachot on mitzvot asseh shehazeman grama for this reason).

    See also Gittin 88b Tosofot d”h velo lifnei hediotot and Baba Kama 15a Tosofot d”h asher tasim regarding Devora. See also Rav Shaul Yisraeli Amud HaYemini 12:5 that an official position in a democracy is not called a sarrara as the incumbent does not hold the job for life and does not pass it on to his son.

    in reply to: Taking home Shampoo from a Hotel #853171
    Avi K

    Writersoul, how do you know? It is absolutely prohibited to steal and it does not matter if the victim is a Jew or a Goy Choshen Mishpat 348:2 and 359:1). If they really would throw something away maybe it is considered hefker. Rav Belsky writes an e-column called “Honest”. I suggest referring specific questions to him or one’s LOR.

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943745
    Avi K

    CG, as a matter off act I walk through the “Moslem” Quarter (the old Jewish Qyarter now being restored) every Chol HaMoed for the traditional Yom Iyun at Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim.I don not have reason to go to the other places you have mentioned – and neither have I been to Tel Aviv or Haifa in several years. Simply no reason.

    in reply to: Kibud Av V'Eim OR Yishuv Ha'Aretz #852158
    Avi K

    CG, virtually all of the poskim agree that there is a mitzva d’Oraita to live in EY (Rambam Hilchot Ishut 13,19-20, Rif Ketubot 110b, Rosh there 13:18, Semag Lav 81, Piskei HaRid, Ritva, and Nimukei Yosef there, Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 75:3-4 regarding compelling one’s spouse to make aliya even from a pleasant town to an unpleasant town and even from a Jewish area to a non-Jewish area, Pitchei Teshuva there seif katan 6)and is equal to all of the mitzvot (Sifi Re’eh 53).It pushes off kibud av ve’em (Shulchna Aruch Yoreh Deah 140:12) even if they told him explicitly not to make aliya (ibid Halacha 15). Of course, he can leave temporarily from time to time to visit them (Mishna Berura 531:14).

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852683
    Avi K

    Toi, you are preventing them from doing a mitzvat asseh d’Oraita (Rambam Hilchot Melachim 5:1) and making them over on a lav (“al taamod al dam ra’eicha”). By refusing to vote even though you live here you are in fact voting for secularism. Thus you sin and cause the public to sin. See Rambam Hilchot Teshuva 4:1 on the severity o these aveirot.

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943740
    Avi K

    Health, according to Yechezkel the US. Or they could miss slightly and hit Ramallah.

    CG, Britainastan? Are you kidding?The wife of a friend of mine went to Manchester for a bar mitzva. She said that the moment she left the Jewish area she was filled with fear.

    Both of you are over on hotzaat dibat haAretz and the Chetr HaMeraglim.

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852681
    Avi K


    1. Where do Chazal say that is was because of the three oaths? Apparently Rabbi Akva did not hold that way. I was under the impression that it was because he said that he did not want Hashem to hinder or help him.

    2. Bavel was a special case (Rambam Hilchot Melachim 5:12 see also Yaavetz Siddur Bet Yaakov and Rav Tzvi Kalisher Derishot Tzion).The Baal HaFlaah says that the oaths only apply to Bavel.

    3. The Chafetz Chaim’s son, Rav Leib, disputed the obligatory nature of the three oaths. Rav Chaim Vital wrote that they were only for 1,000 years (Intoducttion to “Etz Chaim” – interestingly that was when the Crusades began). Ramban rules in his Sefer HaMitzvot that it is a mitzva d’Oraita in our time to conquer EY.The Gra says (Shir HaShirim 2:7 in his siddur “Likutim al Derech HaNistar) that the oath not to make aliya “like a wall” only applies to an aliya whose purpose is to rebuild the Bet HaMikdash.

    4. The Chatam Sofer says that one who paskens from aggadata makes kelayim (Responsa Orech Chaim end of Siman 51).

    5. Rabbi Shlomo Kluger (“Maaseh Yotzer” on the Haggada), Rav Hillel Kolomeia(“Rav Shalom” to Rav Shlomo Adler of Sadigora) and Rav Natan Tzvi Friedman (Responsa Netzer Matai 10:5) say that the fact that the Goyim violated their part absolves us from our part (see Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 236:6).

    6. Obviously the oaths were not forever as that would negate the idea of Mashiach. The great Zionist awakening was a sign that it is yom pekadi (Responsa Yehuot Malcho 66 and “Em HaBanim Semeicha”).

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852675
    Avi K


    1. Where does the Maharal say that? That is truly amazing as only the big three are yehareg uval yaavor. In any case, in Chiddushei Agadot on the Gemara he says explicitly that all three are the kiyum of the Galut.

    2. There is much that you are missing.Obviusly Rav Meir Simcha is talking about a forcible aliya before the time like Ephraim. However, being that the other nations agreed that is a sign that it is not before the time (and certainly not by force) it is not the case so we do not need a navi.

    in reply to: Kibud Av V'Eim OR Yishuv Ha'Aretz #852151
    Avi K

    According to Ramban Eretz Yisrael is the place for the mitzvot. In Chutz LaAretz they are just so we do not become rusty. Iy”H you will be able to visit, skype, telephone, etc. You can also appoint a shaliach. In fact, I have several friends whose parents made aliya after they did – even though their other siblings live in Galut.

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943737
    Avi K

    BTW, many Jews in Britain and the Continent, especially, but not only, frum Jews are buying “insurance policy” apartments here as the atmosphere there is similar to that of just before the Holocaust.

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852670
    Avi K

    Toi, if you really care make aliya, become a citizen and at least vote for change.

    in reply to: Giving A Year To R' Elyashiv #892999
    Avi K

    So would I. This sounds like suicide. Maybe he only had one year left. Even if he had 120 it’s suicide by gramma.

    in reply to: Speaking Yiddish #851820
    Avi K

    Crazybrit, what about American? Does the common language still separate us?

    BTW, if one wants to discuss anti-religious, the biggest were the Yiddishist Bundists. The stood in front of Orthodox shuls on Yom Kippur and ate ham sandwiches.

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943734
    Avi K

    CG, I do live in Israel and have not renounced my American citizenship (I hold dual citizenship). As I previously posted the State Dept. makes it virtually impossible to do so. Even Lee Harvey Oswald did not succeed despite having defected to the FSU during the hight of the Cold War. Actually, I haven’t bothered to renew my US passport even though it expired a few years ago. However, I am planning to do as it would be nice to visit my family and not have to request a visa. Also one never knows if one will need to attend to some personal matter at the drop of a hat – as happened when my father z”l passed away unexpectedly. I was referrring to the idea of a passport as an “insurance policy” in case Israel goes down c”v.

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852658
    Avi K


    1. It’s a sevara. The three shevuot are a package deal. If they do not persecute us “too much” we will not rebel. The Maharsha alludes to this. He also says that not making aliya “like a wall” refers to making aliya by force and building walled cities like Nehemia. The Maharal says (Chiddushei Aggadot) that the three together allow the Galut to exist. Thus, if one falls they all fall.

    2. Your quote was obviously either written before the Balfour Declaration and San Remo conference or was simply a commentary on the pasuk. After these events he said that the walll had been broken down (“HaTekufa HaGedola” pg. 175 quoted in “Torat Eretz Yisrael” pg.289 footnote 28 and “HaTor” second publishing year, third edition quoted there pg. 234).

    in reply to: Americanishe Meshugasim #854164
    Avi K

    Bark mitzvas. Separate kitchens for Pesach in private homes. “Glatt kosher” gambling cruises.

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852651
    Avi K

    I invite anyone who does not understand the difference between a medina, a regime and a government to open negotiations with me as to tuition for Political Science lessons.

    in reply to: Speaking Yiddish #851806
    Avi K

    CG, Ivrit is a living language, developing language. Many new words were indeed “invented” by scholars (their religious levels here are as irrelevant as the fact that the Ford Motor Company was founded by one of the more dastardly anti-Semites in American history). So too are all modern European languages as they contain words which were coined by scientists as they made discoveries (generally from Greek). English is a mix of French and German for historical reasons. Yiddish is a mix of Germanic and Slavic with some Hebrew as well as borrowings from other local languages (hence “American Yiddish”).

    Moi aussi, I neither hate nor love Yiddish. It is for me a quaint relic to be dusted off when the great-aunt who gave it visits and then put back in the closet.

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852649
    Avi K

    Longarkel, Emir Faisal agreed to a Jewish state and even signed an agreement with Weizman. The Mufti messed up everything because of his dream of establishing a Caliphate with himself as head – and was financed by the Nazis.

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943728
    Avi K

    Bear, today we live in a global economy where everyone depends on everyone else.People who are unhappy here would have also been unhappy there (and I know several). The point is that it is a mitzva to make aliya and participate in some way in Israeli life.As for Israel (some of them “Charedi”) drug dealers, let them lie in jail and stop causing tremendous damage.

    in reply to: Speaking Yiddish #851795
    Avi K

    Toi, maybe the problem is with your vorts.

    in reply to: #851480
    Avi K

    Rav Mordechai Eliahu zatzal was once approached in a dream by a recently deceased talmid chahcham who told him that he was not being allowed into Gan Eden because he did not repay a debt before being niftar. Rav Eliahu wentto the lender who agreed to rip up the shtar. The deceased then came back in another dream and thanked Rav Eliahu. BTW, I knew a rav who before going into the hospital for a stomach cancer operation paid all his debts. Unfortunately, the operation was not successful.

    in reply to: Speaking Yiddish #851771
    Avi K

    Let the dead language rest in pieces (considering all of the dialects).

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852633
    Avi K

    Ymb, the three shevuot are null and void (if they ever were obligatory – they are not paskened in any of the halachic codes) for the following reasons:

    1. The Goyim were over several times on their part of the bargain not to persecute us too much (Crusades, Gezerot Tach veTat, pogroms, Holocaust).

    2. They agreed to establish a Jewish state at the San Remo Conference so it is not rebellion against them (Rav Meir Simcha).

    3. The dod has knocked.

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852627
    Avi K

    Actually, only people who are descended from Yehuda are Jewish.

    in reply to: #851477
    Avi K

    147, according to Kabbbala, people do get new bodies even before tehiyat hameitim. This is part of the process of tikkun – and actually telling the neshama that it has to come back here is more painful for it than for a live person to hear that he is dying.In nay case, it is obviously within Hashem’s power to reconstitute a body if He wants so I think that you misunderstood Rav Miller.

    in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852624
    Avi K

    Toi, there are two aspects to Jewishness. Nationhood, which is not subject to bechira, and religion, which is. Both Rav Soloveichik and Rav Kuk discuss this.

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943703
    Avi K

    me, anyone who wants to “keep his options often” as “hishtadlut” is oevr on the Sin of the Spies (unless he is already receiving benefits as a citizen of another counntry and woiuld lose them).You are also incorrect about keeping your US passport current. The only reason for that is to be able to visit your family and friends in America without need of a visa. However, even if it lapses you can renew it if you have proof of citizenship such as a birth certificate issued in the US. It just costs $25 extra if the old passport was not issued within 15 years. In fact, a friend of mine let his passport lapse as after his parents also made aliya he saw no reason to go back – then he was invited to a wedding and decided to go. You are correct, however, regarding America’s acceptance of dual citizenship (the way it is conferred here, ditto doing the Army – apeak to someone at NBN or AACI). In fact, the State Dept. very much does not like to revoke someone’s citizenship and even makes it difficult to repudiate it. On the other hand, without Israeli citizenship one cannot participate in the political process (big mitzva as is doing the Army for a boy) or hold certain jobs.

    in reply to: wouldnt it be great if israel attackes Iran on Purim #851347
    Avi K

    oomis, if you want to be technical, he said “Purim-Fest 1946” (in German obviously).

    in reply to: Whose Minhagim to follow!?! #851512
    Avi K

    Greatest, according to Rav Yaakov’s Artscroll biography he adopted that minahg because he used it as excuse not to eat by someone without offending or embarrassing him. He then kept it so as not to ahve told a lie. His second wife was Chassidic so that may also have been a consideration.

    in reply to: wouldnt it be great if israel attackes Iran on Purim #851344
    Avi K

    Stalin ym”s suffered a stroke on Purim (and died four days later) after having all but signed an order to exile all of the Jews to Siberia and do away with them.

    There is an also an interesting story regarding the Nuremberg trials. In the parasha of the aseret bnei Haman (after Esther asks “the king” on today and tomorrow) there are three letters written very small:?, ? and ?. In ??? twelve Nazi war criminals ym”s were sentenced to hang (despite the fact that military executions were usually by firing squad). One, the efffeminate Hermann Goerring ym”s committed suicide in his cell (= Haman’s daughter?) and the other Martin Bormann ym”s was not present (unknown to them at the time he had also committed suicide in the bunker). When Julius Steicher ym”s mounted the gallows his last words were “today is Purim” although actually it was Heshvan.

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