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It is time” So Nov Ir Hakohanim deserved death for disobeying shaul?” Yes. According to the meforshim, they were Mored B’ma;chus. Please see the Chida (pesach einaim) on this where the mere fact they allowed Dovid to use the Urim Vtmim, King Shaul ruled they were Mored Bmalchs and deserved to die.
anon1m0usParticipantit is time: “When the chashmonaim battled the yevanim to defend religion and freedom, did women fight? Were they even permitted? !
In Dovid Hamelech’s army, did women fight? Were they even permitted? !
In kibush ha’aretz under Yehoshua and later,did women fight?Were they even permitted? !”That is two separate questions: Did they fight? No. Were they permitted? Yes. Again, please see the mishna.
anon1m0usParticipantIt is time: Who knows what will be when Moshiach comes. He may well be just like Queen Elizabeth or he may be like a real king. I do not presume to know what will be when Moshiach comes. All I am stating is the halachic requirements of what a Jewish Army can be comprised of. Will we have Korbanous? Who knows and I do not worry about it. My job is to make sure I do my part for him to come. What Moshiach decides after, it is up to him.
anon1m0usParticipantIt is time: What does Devorim have to do with anything? It has nothing to do with an Army, but with horses, wives and gold. Also, after Saul, Israel had a regular standing army in addition to citizen solders were required to serve to fill the ranks. In Malachim 1, Perek 10 has Shlomo Hamelech have 1400 chariots and 12,000 horsemen. The pasuk says he stationed them in certain cities to show that this is a REGULAR STANDING ARMY who were stationed throughout Israel and not just Citizen solders who are called into battle..
anon1m0usParticipantPlease try to keep your posts shorter. Thank you
anon1m0usParticipantAvi : what are you referring too? I am saying that Dovid DID have a private army. We are saying the same.
anon1m0usParticipantMdd1: Where did you get your source that a king cannot have a private army. Please provisde.
Bloody History??? Please read Nach again.
anon1m0usParticipantMentsch1: Do you really believe the rishonnim would argue against tanaaim (this is an explicit Mishna is Sotah)? Also, I never said mixed. I said they can be in the army.
mdd1: Actually, I believe that is incorrect. According to the Rambam (perek 5), he needs to ask permission from the Sanhedrin if he takes the “people” to a discretionary war. But I do not believe this applies to his own army. He can wage war using his army without permission of the Sanhedrin. In addition, even the rambam agrees that fighting for the survival of Israel and Jews would fall under a Milchemes Mitzvah which does not require the Sanhedrin’s approval .
Regardless of the halacha, in hindsight, if our kings actually listened to the Sanhedrin we would not be in today’s galus and our history wouldn’t have been so bloody.
anon1m0usParticipantJoseph & Mentsch: My point is not to point out our questionable history, but the concept of a “Jewish Army” following Halacha is a foreign concept. A Jewish Army follows the halacha, not because a King tell them to follow the halacha or because of the Sanhedrin. They follow it because each individual in that army follows the halacha. As stated, the Army follows the king, not Sanhedrin. If a soldier decides to follow Sanhedrin and not the king, he is killed for Mored B’Malchus.
Menthsch- Yes, hashem performs miracles but ein somchin al haness. After all is said and done, there are halachos that require people to serve in the army; even women! (see Sotah Perek 8) which I am sure the Sanhedrin would also force. So while it is a nice story, the reality is that whoever is required to fight must fight, and as Rashi explains they had officers standing in the back lines with axes in their hand to chop off the legs of people who wanted to run away.
So to summarize, a Jewish Army Al Pi Halacha is an army that each individual upholds the halacha. Al Pi Halacha, this army can contain Men and Women. This Army can fight on Shabbos and when moshiach comes, will also ask Sanhedrin regarding halachic issues and since the king will be Moshiach, there will be no issues. Until then, the army follows the Prime Minister and asks all halachic questions to the chief rabbi.
anon1m0usParticipantMDD1: Actually, Avner was punished for his passiveness in allowing them to be killed. Please see Sanhedrin 20.
Even though there were conscious objectors, the army DID kill out the city on the command of a mercenary, Doeg. So my premise stands. 1) The Jewish army did contain mercenaries. 2) The King controlled the army, not the Sanhedrin. 3) the army did what the king commanded, not to upkeep the Torah. If The king decides to enforce the Torah, the army would comply as we see by Yehoshya. The Army was also used to kill innocent people like Saul, Menashe, Yannai, Alexander, and the rest of the dozens of Jewish Kings that used to army to kill innocent people.anon1m0usParticipantHappy: You obviously did not learn nach in yeshiva! How many king’s can you count that enforced the torah? I can only name 2-3, can you name more? I would like to know!
Throughout Jewish history, the kings used his army to fight civil wars (that means killing other Jews), kill talmida chocomim, kill Bnai Yisroel who wanted to be Orla Regel!, the armys killed out almost ALL of Beni Dovid on the orders of Queen Athalyah. For your sake, I hope this was NOT a Jewish army, but mercenaries because how could the sanhedrin who were the top commanders have allowed this!!!!???? Please go learn some Nach and you may be shocked that our history was bloody and cruel!Dovid Hamelech’s army was comprised of outcasts, see Shmuel 1, perek 22, which clearly states that his initial army, and later the core of his regular army were outcasts. Yes, there may be 1 or 2 famous people, but the majority were not!
Yes, you can bring the medrish of Ben Sora Imorah, or that it never happened etc…but the HALACHA still remains!
How would you classify the current IDF? Milchemes Mitzvah or Rehus, or Cheyuv? Based on the Ramban it would be a mitzvah and according to the Mishna in Sotah, there are not exemptions (there is a machlokes) and even WOMEN must go fight or help!
So again, please show me ONE instance throughout the torah where the King says do A, and then Sanhedrin says do B, the army listened to the Sanhedrin???!!!! All I need is ONE instance! Until then, I will stand by my premise that a Jewish Army was there for the King to order them to enforce the torah (if he felt like it) or kill other jews! They were not there to enforce the torah, but to enforce the Kings word.
If Dovid or Saul wanted them to enforce the torah, like Yehoshaya, then they did, but that was not their job!
anon1m0usParticipantLilmod: Based on your standards, I would rather have a “non frum Army” who is worried about being court marshaled than a frum one. Don’t we have the parsha of Isha Yefas Tohar? This gives a blanket waiver to any soldier to capture, rape, and even marry a non jewish woman captured in battle.
Imagine the outcry from the frum communities if the Israeli army did that in 1967 to the Arab women?The point of a Jewish Army is to protect the land of Israel, not the Torah. The rabbanim and sanhedrin are the Jewish army for protecting the Torah. No where in our history was the Jewish army ever required to follow the rabbonim. In addition, throughout our history, a large part of our army were mercenaries starting back from Dovid (maybe even Shaul) and on.
An Israeli army would have every male eligible drafted in the army. In your downtime, open a gemara and learn. Not even in today’s Israeli army do they stop someone from learning on their downtime.
Yes, they will need to work on Shabbos.When moshiach comes, they can put down their guns and go back to learn, which I doubt as the gemara in Shabbos discussed if the soldiers would be allowed to carry a sword on shabbos once moshiach is here. So it seems that even then we would need an army.
anon1m0usParticipantI’m sick and tired of being sick and tired….by the great Reb Ozzy.
All we are is dust in the wind.. Kansis.
Trust in who you are, because nothing else matter…..Yeshiva of Metallica.
Wow, the list goes on and on and on.
anon1m0usParticipantstupid question. Get a life
anon1m0usParticipantJoseph: It would be neglectful to not point out that under Muslim rule, we had limited rights to the Kosel. The beautiful plaza that we currently have was forbidden under the Ottoman and British rule. As with the current access to mokom kedoshin under the PA rule, we would be murdered if we try to vist the Kosel under the PA rule.
anon1m0usParticipantNo issue going and no issue using a towel as it is derech lichluch. See gemara shabbos 147B
anon1m0usParticipantYou have Ponavitch, Mir, etc….lots of MO are there discussed as shtark yeshiva bochurim.
anon1m0usParticipantsimple…if you are not gonna listen to your rav anyways and listen to us, don’t wear a hat period. Avoid the whole issue.
anon1m0usParticipantNothing to discuss. Shocked it is even open for a discussion. Learn misechtos Brochos. Discusses davvening on a donkey, tree, etc
July 2, 2015 12:47 pm at 12:47 pm in reply to: Non religious argument against same sex marriage #1089848anon1m0usParticipantFirst off, the federal government has no rights to what transpires in the bedroom. This should be a state issue. The same way one state can ban guns while others allow it.
2nd….based on the logic that equality includes all, incest and polygamy should also be permitted based on the notion as adults we are free to love whomever our hearts desires. The only rationale was based on religious law that forbids these marriages so now that this no longer applies, the other types of marriages should be allowed. Especially if I want to marry my dog Bernard as we are so close and love each other.
May 6, 2015 3:19 am at 3:19 am in reply to: Emunas Chachomim: Accepting Advice of Chachom is learned from Moshe #1075661anon1m0usParticipantB”H for this thread. I always needed to cut out some of davvening. It is getting to long. We can cut out Atah Chonen Ladam Daas. Who needs Daas when we have chachomim.
Who needs plumbers, I can call my Rav and receive a brocha!
anon1m0usParticipantAll i know was the wings were great and the salsa was awesome!
anon1m0usParticipantA better question is: Do you want a college or a continuation of high school?
anon1m0usParticipantThis week’s parsha also says: ???-???????? ?????; ??????? ???-??????-??????????, ??????????.
A person needs to do hishtadlus.
@FFBBT613- Do what you like, but it is selfish of you to expect someone else to support you. Either support yourself or you need to accept your lifestyle. As you stated, this is not a question of your parents accepting a kollel lifestyle; since it seems they do. They won’t support nor it is their responsibility to support you. If you feel you are old enough to get married and raise a family, you should also be old enough to support yourself.
The decision is ultimately yours, no one else. As people explained, it is hard. Be ready to accept not getting new clothing, limited amount of choices of food and not always paying your bills. As people explained, it is doable, but don’t make the decision lightly.
anon1m0usParticipantWhat everyone is forgetting is that when moshach comes,we will know who amalak is and we do still have a mitzvah to kill them. Would you pick up a gun a blow an infants brains out?
That is the argument Isis is making. Their “true” Torah tells them what they are doing is just. We will be saying the same thing.
anon1m0usParticipant“My guess is you are much more careful with all those other things you own more than the internet. “
Trust789: That is an incorrect statement. All my chainsaws are not locked up and any of my children can start it, if they want to. In addition, if you ever took a gun safety class- given by police officers- one of the things they tell you is to allow your children to hold the gun, help clean it etc. (of-course it is not loaded).
My children do not have internet access. Once they are old enough to use it, I will teach them how to use it responsibly, like a gun.
anon1m0usParticipantB’h I own a gun, chainsaw, miter saw, chop saw,jigsaw, AND the internet. The only harm that it has caused is seeing some really idiotic posts.
anon1m0usParticipantThose who shower often have no yiras shmuayim.
By abstaining from this unholy activity, one can gain tremendous OIL Machus Shamoyim! They can give a whole new meaning behind chanukah.
June 19, 2014 1:01 am at 1:01 am in reply to: Would U let U'r daughter marry some/1 with that yarmulka? #1020598anon1m0usParticipantGreat thread!!!
YES, I would allow her to marry a guy wearing ANY type of yarumlka, as long as I do not support them 🙂
anon1m0usParticipantRising: What are the halachos? Where in Shulchan Aruch do we have the halacha of how long skirts, shirts, styles should be?
Don’t quote books, shiumrim or rabbies. All that is based on their perspective which other rabbi’s may disagree. I would like to know the Halahach from the source.
anon1m0usParticipanta BETTER Poll would have been, would you let your daughter’s marry someone with that yarmulka 🙂 You probablly would get different responses.
anon1m0usParticipantAll I will post is that B’H I am no longer Yeshivish. The blatant chutzpah people have calling Rabbonim (even if they are not yours) by their initials is a lack of derech eretz that ANY Gadol or Daas Torah would object too. While a Gadol can call himself as he wishes, the klal has no right.
October 29, 2013 1:00 pm at 1:00 pm in reply to: Would you intervene or let nature run its course? #988526anon1m0usParticipantNo such thing as nature. Hashem wanted that duckling to be eaten same way he wanted you to watch it so maybe you’ll stop watching videos. So think of it this way, that duckling died because you were watching a video! If you were not around, this whole scenrio would not have happened. Now please cancel your internet/cable service so more innocent animals don’t die on your behalf.
anon1m0usParticipantI agree with karagnostic and cannot believe this is even a question. Today one is not mor desireable that the other. It is what an individual prefers.
In the olden days, Males=money. They grow up, work the fields, caary your family name etc.
Girls =expenses. They cannot work, so they are an extra mouth to feed, they have dowries which equates to the male getting more money and they do not carry your family name. This is common sense, and those who think you need miforshim on this; i guess lack this common sense. I wonder when pure human intellect was thrown out the window?
anon1m0usParticipantI would just call the police….finishe!
anon1m0usParticipantCuriosity: The issue is self defense, not subduing a person. Krav Maga is used to disable an opponent by attacking vital parts, eys, throat, etc. For law enforcement, subduing criminals it is part of their job. The OP wants self defense so for self defense Wing Chun would be better suited.
anon1m0usParticipantDidn’t we learn one of the avoraos for the churban was that the Jews did not keep Yovel? Instead of freeing the servants (jewish slaves) they set them free and right away they enslaved them again. Isn’t this slavery? While the Torah explicitily prohibits this type of slavery, the Jewish people did not fully follow the Torah.
anon1m0usParticipantIf you are looking for a defensive MA, look into Wing Chun.
anon1m0usParticipantWith popcorn, all you can make is popcorn.
Also, why wouldn’t the same kulah that one makes about milk be the same here. Workers woul dbe afraid to cook anything in the popcorn maker because they can get fined /fired?
anon1m0usParticipantWasn’t Yaakov Avinu punished because he did not want Deena to marry Eisav? I think any non frum person is better than Eisav who was a murder.
anon1m0usParticipantMy yeshiva called me for a donation. I told them they did not support my ambition to work then so I will not support them now either since my money should be considered treif and donating would be considered Mitzvah Bo Bavayrah.
“The Nazis didn’t confiscate any guns in Germany. The Weimar government had banned guns in 1919, before the Nazi party even existed. The Nazis actually relaxed Germany’s gun laws so that their thugs could terrorize people legally. “
anon1m0usParticipantFrankenstein by Marry Shelly is a great classic.
There are tons of great books, but the definition of clean is subjective.
anon1m0usParticipantAll- Please do some research on the ‘Blind’ Mexican Cavefish. Here you have a species that evolved depending on the location to the proximity of the mouth of the cave. Evolution in progress.
anon1m0usParticipantToi- It’s pretty sad that you think women do not have the same YH. The difference is, our society encourages men to act upon that YH without consequences. If a woman does the exact same thing she is referred to names that one can not publish on this site. I always found it amazing how some yeshiva bochurim are not shomer as teenagers but are “red” good shidduchim, while the girls are ostracized for being untznius. The problem is with society on how we find the behavior of one demographic excusable while the other is abhorrent.
anon1m0usParticipantWisguy- A better question is, what does it mean it was only applicable in his time? The answer i always hear is meshana habrios. Does this translate to evolution of the species?
anon1m0usParticipantMonsey– in the right neighborhood, you can buy a house for high 200’s-300’s. Yes, you will need to walk 15 minutes to shul, but that is how you can afford low priced housing.
anon1m0usParticipantWe were not a nation until Matan Torah. Prior to that, we were tribes so if some tribes died, they were considered separate than us. Even after Mattan Torah,when we became a nation, people still held to the notion that you could only marry within your tribe. Cross marrying is unheard of! So as long as 4/5th were not part of my tribe, people did not care. In addition, not everyone worked. Shevet Levi was a complete tribe that did not work, but other tribes individual people had a good life. They went to the theaters of the goyim, and they moved out of Goshen and settled among the goyim.
Plegesh Bigeva, the whole tribe of Binyamin was almost wiped out but we do not have anything special. Even the Jews at that time did not care if Shevet Benyamin would be exterminated until it was brought to their attention that Klal Yisroel needs 12 tribes.
So by 4/5th dying, I do not see it a big deal among the survivors. It is not like today where we intermarry among various shevatim. Back them, you kept to your own.
A bigger question would be, the meforishim state that they died during this makka so not to make a chillul hashem. Imagine if the whole state of Israel, about 6 million people, just disappeared, wouldn’t that also be a chilul hashem? Who and where did they bury 6 million people in 3 days?
March 8, 2013 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm in reply to: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion? #938713anon1m0usParticipantWhat many of you fail to understand is this was the nursing homes policy, if you like it or not. No one is forced to attend this Home, but if you do, the rules apply.
You may believe the State of Israel is apikorsis, but if you attend an MO yeshiva you will be expected to march in the Israli Day Parade.
What you fail to understand is the business aspect of saving a life. If a person signs a DNR and one performs CPR, the nursing home or hospital can be sued for millions! If one performs CPR outside the hospital and fails or messes up, that person or hospital is liable for damages since the insurance coverage of the hospital does not extend outside the hospital. There are a lot of financial and legal considerations that Nursing Homes and Hospitals need to consider in a country where everyone loves to sue!
March 8, 2013 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm in reply to: Everything is great, but I'm not sure if there is chemistry! #953711anon1m0usParticipantI think the OP already knows the answer but is afraid to face it. I personally think that she should call it off. His great middos, makes her laugh sometimes, etc. is all havel by the mention of one statement: “At times I am attracted to him, at times not.”
This man may be the greatest person in the world, but if you are sometimes not attracted to him then everything else means nothing. The times that you are attracted maybe forced.