always runs with scissors fast

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  • in reply to: When life hands you lemons… #818173

    BSD, read Garden of Emuna. And then depending on whether you are female or male, please read the corresponding book Women’s wisdom or if male, read Garden of Peace.

    in reply to: Survivor #817947

    Oh Goq, why??? I just read a few of his posts in the last 10 mins, for the first time, and I think he is already a hit and a riot around here? Are you feeling threatened? Why do you want to get him ousted?

    in reply to: Trophy Wives #819991

    Oh, by the way, have you ever noticed where old trophies always end up? THink. After a few decades you can buy a whole box of them for a dime at a yard sale.

    in reply to: Trophy Wives #819990

    Regarding trophy wives, or trophy lives …..or anything that begs the public to believe they have what to desire and cause attention, for that matter, is really only -(according to my husbands’ theory) a decoy to mask serious underlying issues which they couple or family might have. Whether you want to call it trying to covering over a real issue, or using it as a decoy…its always the same thing. Or you could say its even an egotistical way of battling inner feelings of inadequacy.

    in reply to: opinions on strollers needed #818185

    I’ll be honest. I’ve got an obsessive fetish about carriages and strollers. So i researched a lot of them before buying. So it depends on what your needs are. Will you mostly be busy walking around the neighborhood doing your errands or are you in suburbia, driving to get groceries.

    Do you live in the artic or in Canada where you get a ton of snow and still have to manuveur a carriage daily.

    If you want my opinion, Id say Inglesina pram is the best if you want to turn heads. And mia moda from ebay for $60 is practical if you just want to get on the city bus with something thatll do.

    Maclaren is best middle of the road choice, but not great for tundra snowfalls.

    Something like a pram from INglesina or Peg Perego or Queen Bee is good for snow cause of the wheels.

    I suggest looking on ebay as they have very reduced cheap strollers which are new. By the way I wonder why you like 3 wheels better than 4.

    in reply to: Laugh and Cry #816112

    whoa am yisrael chai, you have really got a good idea! i will certainly try it. thanks.

    in reply to: Laugh and Cry #816110

    YEs, even I, as a little girl, being raised by a goy, was very much entrenched with the message “JEWS FAST YOM KIPPUR”. I remember asking so “Why then mommy don’t we do it?” But at least she gave me the knowledge with a firmness.

    I just have to share with you all that yesterday was probablly the most holy day of my life. I felt like a malach in the sense that I went 26 hrs with out getting annoyed, frustrated, angry. I felt my head was clear, my heart was pure and my thoughts were so focused and clean. But right after the z’man I crashed back to Earth. My husband walked in the kids started kvetching, havdalah had to get done, I was kvetching back at anyone who kvetched at me. It was awful. What happened? Why can’t I maintain my sincere repentence? ach.

    in reply to: Help!! #815952

    yeah, we’re all wondering.

    in reply to: Help!! #815940

    you really should ask your local orthodox rav. This could be a serious matter and you trying to be a martyer by fasting when seriously ill is not required of you. However, only a rav can determine if you can and should be drinking and eating as this is a seriously holy day. Refuah shalaymah, and please post your name as we can daven for you.. Right now you could take in a warm salty chicken soup and take a ginger capsule to settle your stomache.

    in reply to: Rosh HaShana thoughts: #973186

    Aries2756 that is the most profound and touching post I have EVER READ. I really enjoy reading your comments. So beautiful. DId you really write that? why don’t you send that into Mishpacha or Bina magazine? I could cry from those words. G-d bless you. And wishing you a k’siva v’chasima tova.

    By the way, how do you deal with all your losses? I too have had my share. It still hurts. i recall the past with a great deal of sadness. I regret many things.My husband always advises me to “Throw it over board” but I can’t. I still remember them all. And love them. Despite the hurt.

    in reply to: Does every family have an element of Dysfunction? #812580

    aries2756, baruch hashem for that! Amen

    in reply to: Princess Dianna #812481

    well she was married to a piece of garbage for a husband who cheated on her, and demanded she have her nose surgically reconstructed before they were even married. and he never loved her or gave her any honor.

    She may have been unhappy and therefore made a mistake.

    in reply to: Does every family have an element of Dysfunction? #812569

    LOL ok!

    in reply to: Lesson of bitochon in SHIDDUCHIM… #814024

    thats weird.

    Are you saying that you feel now more calm and at peace about your original hurt, since having had that dream?

    Maybe the dream is suppose to inspire you to forgive him.

    in reply to: I payed $21,000 for my daughters misery! #813297

    i suggest that under NO circumstances should you bring her home. Make her grow up. …even if its the hard way.

    in reply to: What is the meanest thing you've ever done? #812247

    aries – I do see your point. I actually thought the same thing recently. But not when I first read it. When I first saw the thread title I took it lightly…like a jokeingly. But now that some of the posts seemed without regret and really just reporting factually the details I got disturbed.

    in reply to: What Should I Do? Earlobe Infection…=( #812872

    stick polysporin on a needle or end of a earring and insert. Put a glob on the outside too. Then always massage around the whole ear daily, to add blood flow. You may have noticed the whole earing hurts or tingles at this time.

    in reply to: who in the world is popa_bar_abba? #812281

    half of poppa is funny. the other half. …i dont know.

    in reply to: Princess Dianna #812477

    Squeak what is wrong with this thread? Its nice to hear anything about someone who was a princess in the true sense of the word, especially for a non jew, who was not raised in Torah, yet she spread loving kindness by sitting with the sick, giving hope to the needy, holding the hands of the hospitalized in the middle of the night, when it was especially going to be least likely to be recognized. She did it for the mitzvah. Not for the honor.

    welldressed007 is that really what is written on her tombstone????

    in reply to: What is the kindest thing you've ever done? #812407

    I don’t think I have ever done anything kind.

    But if I have, then maybe it was take small honey cookies and pretty peckalach to old ladies in nursing homes Erev Rosh Hashana and wish them a good new year with my little girls in tow.

    Once a lady who stopped to ask me for tzedakah and I took her on a shopping spree for everything she needed from the market to pampers. I had to stop though when it was obvious she was really taking me for a ride after she started down the toy isle of the pharmacy and needed rubber bouncy balls and expensive drinking cups for toddlers.

    Once I bought the fabric and sewed up little girl dresses for a lady who arrived from another country so her girls would have pretty tznius dresses for summer. I also use to buy all her children outfits and shoes.

    One time in the snow we created a tomchei shabbos on our own. We loaded a sled with a box full of food for a family who really didn’t have. Literally close to nothing. We shlepped it to them and then rang the bell and ran. My daughter just caught the last words she heard the little girl cry “Mommy look,,,,fleish…fish….beans!!!!”

    in reply to: Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry? #812733

    As far as I understand Yes, that is correct. As far as the couple needing to remarry according to Halacha. They will separate, and re do the whole process, and mikveh and everything.

    But your reference to mamzeirim I think is incorrect. This is NOT an issue of mamzeirim at all. To my knowledge (which is very limited) I think a mamzer is only is a woman had a child of another man while she was halachically married.

    in reply to: Growing through falling #1194792

    wow I just got this email its words of inspiration by Rav Avigdor Miller…very fitting for this thread. THought I’d share.

    It’s all with plan and purpose

    After the eigel hazahav (Golden Calf), everyone was downcast because they had lost favor in the eyes of Hashem. The general mood was repentance, remorse, and humility. Yet at that time Moshe Rabbeinu put in some of his greatest requests that he ever made of Hashem.

    It’s remarkable that these great entreaties of his were not made at a more auspicious time, when they were in favor with Hashem. He could have made them at the receiving of the Torah, when Hashem was so pleased with His people. At that time Moshe Rabbeinu should have put in a request.

    But the Chovos Halevavos teaches us that sometimes a sin can help a man become better than a mitzvah. And he explains if somebody because of virtuous deeds, maasim tovim, begins to feel a certain pride, he becomes somewhat puffed up, then he loses status with Hashem because he is now being bereft of that grand quality of humility.

    Humility is one of the most glorious attributes of mankind. And even if because of your righteous behavior you are impelled to lose some of your humility, it doesn’t pay. And therefore sometimes, he says, a good deed can do a man harm and a sin sometimes can do him great benefit.

    If he feels so downcast because of his sin, he’s so disheartened and he despises himself because of what he did, and he is contrite and he comes with humbleness before Hashem, that is an achievement that can outweigh by far any harm he did by his sin.

    (Now don’t go doing sins in the hope that you’ll become humble. Try to become humble while you’re becoming a big lamdan (scholar) or while you’re making a lot of money. When you are riding on the wave of hatzlacha (success), that’s the time you should be humble.) (Tape 579)

    Growth with action: Even times of misfortune may present an opportunity for growth. Think of a mistake you made recently and how you might have used it as a springboard to grow in your Middos or service of Hashem

    in reply to: What is the meanest thing you've ever done? #812226

    This story of mean I am about to tell bothers me very much and I am still haunted by it. I deeply regret my actions.

    Once I was friends with a woman who really needed my friendship in every way. She was bound for life handicapped in a wheel chair by Cerebral Palsy. Her speech was impaired, her daily living and her mobility.

    Anyways, one day I ran into her downtown as I was hurrying to get somewhere, and she told me that she was looking for someone to help her eat her lunch. She had had her homecare givers prepare her a lunch and gone out to a convention of some kind, hoping a friendly spirit would offer. She wasn’t able to even feed herself a sandwich. Every bite would require an assitant to literally put it up to her mouth.

    I said “oh thats nice. Good luck”. and ran on my way.

    What a stupid person I was. I missed out on an opportunity to do good for another person who really needed help. I am ashamed.

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811216

    since y’all have been so kind sorta guiding and walking me through this, I been thinking how I can upload the finished result photos to share with you.

    I actually gave up hope today at making them stunning pieces of wood furniture and have settled to just get it over with without further sanding because I was doing all the sanding by hand as i do not have a sanding equipment machine. Hence, my hands have turned numb from the grinding.

    I am thankful I am just slapping on 2 coats of varnish and who cares. ….we just won’t analyze the job.

    in reply to: What is the meanest thing you've ever done? #812196

    i am really sorry to admit this publicly but when I was a kid, I hit my little sister with my violin bow. I lost my temper.

    Then one other time, she was taking a nap on the couch, and I thought it would be sort of funny, if…I went up to her ear and blew my trumpet real loud. She didnt think so.

    Another mean thing we did as kids was call people up (before caller id was invented) and pretend we were some little kid they had in their life. Like when they asked who it was, I’d say “Guess” as if i was just being heimishe with them. So they’d say a name and I would say “yep”. THen they’d ask me how the wedding was, and what mommy was doing. And I’d answer all weird, not normal answers. and we’d tape record it and laugh for days listening back at it. We were like 11 or 12 years old.

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811213

    i am glad you all like this work. I am near tears. Its almost midnight and I am still staining. I am under pressure of this project to get it finished by Rosh Hashana. I hate it. I wish I had never started. I just read the varathane can while taking a break a moment ago, and it said it recommends 3 coats….WHOA

    lets see…6 chairs times 3 coats means I have to go over the area of the chairs 18 times. I feel like crying.

    If I had have known how much work this would be I never would have started. It doesnt even look good after all this!!!

    in reply to: Growing through falling #1194788

    Sorry Emunas Itecha. I am not being disrespectful. you should know I hold a lot of respect for Rav Arush also, by the way I am in the middle of re-reading “women’s wisdom” again.

    Do you live in Israel? How does one get a personal appointment with him?

    in reply to: What does a shofar sound like? #832693

    i ain’t surprised poppa has never heard a shofar.

    I hope his first impression will move him.

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #919981

    A refuah Shelaimah. We will daven for you.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810599

    lolface, there are going to be times as a Jew when you’re called upon to stand up for Hashem and Emes. If you aren’t willing to do that in the name of “pleasing the nations” and appearing so cordial and considerate that you miss the opportunity to do as the CR member Yid.Period above wrote :”end of perek shlishi in mesechet megillah 25B it says it is muttar to mock avodah zara and goes in to all sorts of fun examples.”

    For example, one time, another non jew, idol worshipping Hindu in my husbands firm was talking about how all their gods have wars with each other. My husband asked him, how come all these powerful gods have all these big wars going on and we never hear about it in the news? It should be making headlines.

    My husband said you could see his blank expression set off the wheels in his mind turning, and realizing how futile his own words and beliefs were.

    Isn’t that what being a jew is about? To bring about acknowlegement of Aibishter’s name? When you get an opportunity you do it. That is a Sanctification of G-d’s Name! Not remaining passive and quiet because you’re afraid to offend.

    lolface, what would you do if you were on a subway in New York and a crazy man pulls out a gun and shouts “everybody get down and bow to me, I am g-d. Whoever doesnt do it is going to die.”

    Well if you’re religious you wouldn’t bow. YOu wouldn’t. You’d choose to die rather than bow to worshipping a person.

    in reply to: Growing through falling #1194784

    Sam2, when one says “we don’t accept something” it IS NOT A LACK OF RESPECT. Satmar doesn’t hold by that concept that if one sins we can simply say it was the Abishter’s will. I personally know of an individual who read the Yiddish version of Garden of Emunah, came across that idea and asked a shailah,and was told no.

    In fact, in all spheres, Klal yisrael has its own sects who hold by different sheetas and whatever. Its not a lack of respect if belz doesnt hold by something in lubavitch.

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811206

    jl- in the case of where I have applied too thick a stain and its come real dark and ugly looking, should I sand this down with sand paper and start again? Or once I put varnish over it its not going to show up so bad anyways?

    If i skip the step of smoothing down the stained wood with the steel wool, will it matter?

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811205

    jl- in the case of where I have applied too thick a stain and its come real dark and ugly looking, should I sand this down with sand paper and start again? Or once I put varnish over it its not going to show up so bad anyways?

    If i skip the step of smoothing down the stained wood with the steel wool, will it matter?

    in reply to: Does food have zechuyos? #810272

    All objects whether animate or inanimate have souls. Even a soda can is a tikkun /gilgul. I read it somewhere. It must be true.

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811202

    jl -what is the point of sanding in between coats of stain?

    Wouldn’t that just remove the stain job I’ve just applied?

    in reply to: Question about revarnishing old dining room chairs? #811200

    itchesrulik- you can strip a stain from raw wood? or only sanding is necessary?

    in reply to: shabbos for charedi cops #809861

    Bombmaniac, are you asking because you are thinking of becoming a Police Man?

    I think the police are great, but its not for a yid. Dont do it.

    in reply to: Growing through falling #1194777

    emunas Itecha, you have to be careful how you interpret and say

    “So, Hashem occassionally davka causes a person to fall on some level, so that he will recognize his inferiority, thereby causing him to turn to Hashem Yisbarech! “

    Be careful because is a fine line. There is reference to this in Rav Shalom Arush’s book Garden of Emunah, which we do not hold by. He says dont worry about it if you sin because it was Hashem’s will to let you to do the sin. FALSE!

    Never blame Hashem for our errors.

    But I liked everything else you said.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810589

    yeah sam2 maybe that was the miracle. That someone got in there.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810586

    Can I share a funny story here, with you all?

    ONce in my younger years I had a room mate who was a Yoga fanatic. She opened a Yoga Class studio in our living room dining room. Well one night I come into the kitchen late at night and over the oven, where on a shelf SHOULD have been a microwave was a huge stone statue of some hindu god.

    I was working around in the kitchen, and this thing was giving me the creeps so I threw a kitchen towel over it’s head. I thought I had done the right thing since, even though I hadn’t been raised frum, my mother hammered it into my all my years that idol worship is wrong and statues are wrong.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810585

    Goq what would you do if someone came with glee to report that a miracle happened. Last night they set out food in front of an idol and GUESS what??? …it ate it all up!

    ??? That is not called being rude. My husband is a very kind well respected-by-everyone in the workplace mentch.

    He goes out of his way to even help them with personal loans when they get stuck.

    Putting out food and drink for a stone idol and claiming that it drank and ate is so obviously a ridiculous story that by asking him a question as to how real his idols are, whether they can even make and excrete waste is not rude. The question is only asking him to WAKE UP????????? without making fun.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810573

    GOQ you are way off! I even spit sometimes when I pass a bais avodas zara all for Hashem’s name. For Hashem’s Glory.

    If you had have said “dont mock others nations” then I would have accepted your advice. But we are Jews. We are loyal to our King.

    When we see stupidity and evil we must point it out.

    in reply to: Girl wearing tallis and teffilin #809024

    i DON’T UNDERSTAND why they didn’t throw her out on her backside? Into the street?

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810560

    sle: You know something funny, once my husband was in conversation with a non jew from Sri Lanka, and the man told my husband that there had been a miracle recently in his village back home, that in their temple of g-ds, where they set milk out before the idol it was GONE the next day… and everyone has been talking about it in the Hindu community.

    So my husband asks “Oh yeah? So did it go to toilet as well?”

    The guy was mad and just walked off. LOL!!

    SO next time you see that ask them why don’t they also provide a little toilet for their idol, with a smile, of course.

    in reply to: #816366

    baloney. and if it is true then this guy had a cognition impairment.

    in reply to: BIG sale!! #808012

    BUt isn’t it complex? I mean i’ve never used snapfish before, what is there to it? Can you explain? Thanks

    in reply to: #816361

    I am upset with Poppa_bar_abba’s original question, as first posted above.

    “Would you let your daughter marry a sefari, then”?

    Completely inappropriate and offensive to many.

    Secondly, this is not the first thread I found his comments to be off color.

    in reply to: The other kids dont let my son play #808453

    I know it hurts. I am a mother also. I have also been on the “neb” list as a young child at times, so I understand about being left out and not being included. It hurts, but it probablly hurts the mothers more.

    I think you should not make an issue out of it because this is the way it is. You and I know that Hashem has sent this to him, and we as adults may be able understand that not all kids are socially invited, but he, may be better able to actually brush it off practically, and go on with life and what other things he could do at recess besides feeling sorry or angry at “the way it is”.

    As a mother your job, and influence should and can be to show him, (indirectly) just how to move on, and accept things.

    So he doesnt get to play the games at recess. Its not so terrible.

    Let the kids work it out themselves. If you get involved it can make things worse sometimes. It can make the boy feel weak and more vulnerable when he sees your emotions as per how you’re handling it and being upset for him.

    You’re not “Stuck” as you wrote above, this is his lot, for now.

    Your job is to help him deal with it positively and perhaps this is Hashem’s blessing and opportunity for him to stick around the other kinds of boys who are also not playing, and what I have found in life, is that each “missed opportunity” was in fact a blessing in disguise. Maybe the boys not playing games are in fact smarter or more studious, and destined to be learners.

    in reply to: Should We have a Yeshivah World Chatroom with instant Chat? #807753

    Yeah, and today I was thinking that we ought to take our cr and screen self names on over to facebook.

    Everyone here would create an account under the user names they use in the CR. THen we could all share more.

    in reply to: midwives.. #807250

    Geshmakke I just ask you one thing. Promise us you will never do homebirths and that you will remain skeptical of the crunchy hippy wanna be’s that are putting babies and mothers at risk with their incompetancy.

    Maybe you’d enjoy medicine and obstetrics as a bais yakkov girl more, since you have a yiddishe kop.

    Please check out the website SKEPTICAL OB

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