Oomis, please take note of the difference between Lashon Kodesh, the language of the Torah, and, lehavdil, Ivrit, the language of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda.
They are not the same thing, although there are many linguistic similarities. (Interestingly, I’ve heard that Ben-Yehuda tried to incorporate Arabic words into Hebrew.)
While many of us speak, read and write Ivrit, we do not make Brachos or daven in Ivrit (excepting the private Tefillos we may offer our Creator straight from our hearts, that are acceptable in any language we use).
As for translating p’sukim- many of us translate them into English, French, Russian… Rav Shamshon Refael Hirsch famously translated the Torah into German (or a dialect of German known as Hoch Deutsch). And of course there was the Targum Shivim many years before that. I don’t think that lends these languages any holiness.