Ames, I have one word for you – Stay.
Ditto, Squeak.
Please don’t let the attitudes of a few chauvinists, prevent you from expressing your opinions. I have enjoyed reading your posts,even when there might have been occasions when I did not 100% agree. You have always expressed yourselves respectfully, and your Ahavas Yisroel is SO obvious.
Ames, there was nothing wrong with your original question. No one was able to answer your question, because the “holiness” which we attribute to Yiddish is in the CONCEPT of Yiddish being a universal connecting language for Jews all over the world who did not speak Hebrew at one time, but it has no holiness in and of itself, except for the Hebrew words contained in it, which are loshon kodesh.
As Jews moved to the USA and the generations eventually approached the last thirty-forty years, it became obvious that Yiddish is no longer THE language of everyday Jews. Except for chassidim who mostly speak Yiddish at home, msot people here speak English, because that is the language of this country in all our fifty states. If you think of Europe much like the US, it would have been more like Europe was a US where every “state” spoke its own language, and that’s why Yiddish came in handy. But that is NOT the case in this country, and we do not need Yiddish for the purpose for which it originally came into being. And to call it holy when intrinsically it is not, well, you may as well call English holy, too. More Jews speak English worldwide,than they do Yiddish. And many of those who spoke only Yiddish were NOT religious in the slightest.
I know that you and Squeak are upset by the tone of this CR at times, but I hope you will reconsider and stay despite the few glimpses of negativity we have seen here. I happen to like what you have to say, and I think you are warm and caring people. That’s all I had to say.