Bemused, nobody who speaks Arabic or Persian claims it to be anything other than their home language (although the Ibn Ezra would say that Arabic IS a holy tongue). Many who speak Yiddish do so because that is the language that they’re taught in. I have no problem with that. My father knew Yiddish from his father, and I’m still disappointed that we did not speak any Yiddish at home. It is a beautiful language (the colorful Torah-dig expressions, not the amaleikishe Germanic core) , and many shiurim today are given in Yiddish.
However, there are some who have elevated yiddish to a mitzvah, and have called it heilig, the same way they say Boro Park is a Yerushalayim. Yiddish is a golus language. When Moshiach comes, Torah will not be taught in Yiddish. Europe was one stop on the golus journey. Why is one stage of golus more heilig than another? Why have we adopted the Holocaust worship of the irreligious and twisted it into “der heilige shtetl” (the holy European town)? Torah was learned before the Jews migrated into Europe, and Torah is learned by Jews who have no European roots.
I have no hatred for anyone who speaks Yiddish, and have no hatred for anyone who claims Yiddish is heilig. I just would like to see a source for this. So far, I have yet to see a source for the claim that yiddish is heilig, other than “the velt thinks so”. Oilem Goilem (better left untranslated). Show me a Torah source, please. That’s all I ask. Because My Rebbe Muvhak ( a native Yiddish speaker from Lita) said the exact opposite, and I have yet to see any real source to contradict him.