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Ben yehuda intentionally inserted specific words for specific uses to remove their prior lofty meanings, i.e. “chashmal” which is a holy kabbalistic word was inserted into the mundane electricity.

I’m not well versed enough to give all the examples but ask any old-time EY yid & they can tell you.

They specifically used it in the Sfardi havara to totally dissasociate it from the “old shtetl yid”. The idea was to create a “new jew” with a new language.

The Gedolim at that time even put a cherem on Ivrit speakers.

Granted the Chazon Ish said (50 years later) to teach in Ivrit, however the sole purpose of that was not to lose children to the tzioni reshaim.

As soon as he instructed the local cheder to teach in Ivrit he opened a parralel cheder which continued in Yiddish. The Steipler (the Chazon Ish’s brother in-law – they shared a house at that time) sent his son R’ Chaim to the Yiddish cheder.

The Chazon Ish himself maintained till the end of his life (as do all Gedolim till this day) that Ivrit is a Treife language. It was founded as everyone knows & have pointed out by a rasha gomur & the fact that it has become the spoken language does not infuse it with holiness.

BTW, although R’ Avigdor Miller Zt”l was American born & wrote all his seforim in English as well as delivering his famous shiurim in English – at home to his wife & children spoke ONLY Yiddish.