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“Coming Home” can mean a lot of different things. Yoel Gold’s 2024 Film Coming Home will touch your soul this Tisha B’Av on every level.

Donald Trump on Sunday accused Kamala Harris of using AI technology to manipulate images of crowds at her rallies. “Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport?” Trump wrote

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is kind of hard to properly translate the term, “Zrizin Makdimin L’Mitzvos.”  We can use the term, “the “Vigilant Perform Mitzvos at First Opportunity (VPMAFO).” 

The great inflation spike of the past three years is nearly spent — and economists credit American consumers for helping slay it. Some of America’s largest companies, from Amazon to

Deputy Knesset Speaker Chanoch Milwidsky spoke about the behavior of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara who not only ordered that bnei yeshivos must be drafted but now also cut daycare subsidies to

An official in the Kursk border region of Russia on Monday urged more residents to evacuate due to the “very tense situation” in the area, where Russian forces are still

Hosted by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer: 3 Incredible stories of rescue, survival and perseverance. Including  – The boy who was rescued from Gaza by Yad L’Achim  – United Hatzalah members recount

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Yes, it is true. And Rav Yisroel Salanter said it.  Our growth on Tisha B’Av according to Moreinu HaRav Yeruchem Olshin, can equal that of our

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The Gemorah in Gittin relates the story of a rich man who lived during the time of the Churban Bayis Sheini. He threw a huge party

The Lebanese Al Joumhouria media outlet reported that Hezbollah recently evacuated its main headquarters in southern Dahieh in Beirut. According to the report, the terror group has relocated its entire

Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group launched one of its deepest strikes into Israel in mid-May, using an explosive drone that scored a direct hit on one of Israel’s most significant air

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant spoke with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Sunday and told him that the Iranian military is preparing for a large-scale attack, Axios reported Sunday

The IDF on Monday morning announced that a soldier was killed in battle in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday. He was identified as Sgt. Omer Ginzburg, H’yd, 19, of

A vast landfill site in the Ugandan capital has collapsed, killing at least 18 people, the Red Cross said. Fourteen other people were injured when the Kiteezi landfill, which serves

A stone fell from the Kosel wall onto the plaza on Sunday morning during Neitz. In a neis, no one was injured in the incident. The stone fell from the

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The primary dictionary definition of the term “disrespect” that is often found in dictionaries is, “the lack of showing respect.” Other dictionaries offer the following definition:

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian on Sunday proposed former nuclear negotiator Abbas Araghchi as the country’s new foreign minister and also sought to appoint a woman as roads and housing minister.

The well-known Maggid, HaRav Baruch Rosenbloom, spoke in his weekly shiur last week about how the entire country is trembling at the threats of Iran and its proxy Hezbollah to

 In the most unexpected twist of fate, a former secular individual, once part of a missionary group, emerges as a passionate disseminator of Torah, surpassing many of us in his

A discussion about the Attorney-General decision to cut daycare funding for the babies and toddlers of Chareidi families whose fathers are eligible for the draft took place at Sunday’s Cabinet

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