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Donald Trump told a group of evangelicals they “cannot afford to sit on the sidelines” of the 2024 election, imploring them at one point to “go and vote, Christians, please!”

Misaskim LA on Friday performed its 5th Mes Mitzvah since Shavuos, with the latest instance being particularly noteworthy due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the individual being laid to rest.

Floodwaters forced people out of their homes in parts of Iowa, the result of weeks of rain, while much of the United States longed for relief Saturday from yet another

June 23, 7:30 pm Email for OPEN HOUSE  link: [email protected] to join the Open House – ONLINE. Why consider a career in Business Analytics? With a median starting salary of $100,000 (according to the

The Italian coast guard has recovered 14 more bodies from last week’s shipwreck in the Ionian Sea off the southern Italian coastline, bringing to 34 the number of known victims

The IDF carried out an airstrike on Shabbos to eliminate Raad Saad, a senior Hamas terrorist who served as the head of the terror group’s operations division. The IDF believes

The IDF on Motzei Shabbos announced the death of a reserve soldier who fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip on Shabbos. He was identified as Sgt. First Class

An Israeli man was shot to death in his car on Shabbos morning in Qalqilya, a city in the Palestinian Authority. The man was identified as Amnon Muchtar, H’yd, 67,

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fought with neo-Nazi troll Nick Fuentes on X, a platform that has allowed him to post again despite his history of hate speech, making for a hilarious

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Mordche Shlome Shpirer Z”L, who was struck by a vehicle and critically injured on Monday night. He was 67 years

As YWN reported earlier this month, a special fund is being established to aid yeshivos and kollelim in Eretz Yisrael that are facing an unprecedented financial crisis after the government

Nearly all protesters charged with storming and occupying Columbia University’s campus during anti-Israel demonstrations won’t face criminal charges, Manhattan prosecutors announced Thursday. District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office dismissed cases against

An incredible new photo has emerged from an incident that occurred during the Hamas massacre in southern Israel on October 7. During the attack, a Sefer Torah was nearly seized

Several months after Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the Supreme Court halted funding to yeshivos with bochurim eligible for the draft, the Chechnov Yeshivah in Jerusalem, one of the oldest yeshivos

A new poll released by Emerson College/The Hill on Thursday has brought welcome news for former President Donald Trump, who is leading President Joe Biden in every major swing state.

Houston police have apprehended two migrants from Venezuela, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, in connection with the brutal murder of a 12-year-old, Jocelyn Nungaray.

Live at Genazym Auction

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman According to all accounts, the Adirei Torah event was a remarkably inspiring event with an incredible message,  The link below was re-edited without permission and gives

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced on Friday morning the names of two IDF reserve soldiers who were killed in battle in the central Gaza Strip: Sergeant First Class (Res.) Omer

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of R’ Yaakov Yisroel HaKohen Goldfeder z”l. He was 76. The Niftar was one of the original founding members of Rockaway Lawrence

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