VIDEO & PHOTOS: Leil Tisha B’Av 5771 At The Kosel


While millions of people around the world are bemoaning the events that have rocked the globe and the world economy in the past few days, Jews around the globe are mourning the destruction of our holy Bais Hamikdash. On Monday night, thousands of people in Eretz Yisroel gathered at the Kosel, to recite Kinus and Eicha.

Hundreds of police officers are at the Kosel throughout Tisha B’av to ensure that the Tefillos are held without disturbances by Arabs on the Temple Mount, where several Jewish groups also are visiting although forbidden to publicly pray there.

Credit: Yitzchok Russek – Kuvien Images

Click HERE for photos.

To watch this video from a mobile device, click HERE.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. WOW! Thank you so much for bringing us this amazing sight to those of us not zoche to be there in person. May we be zoche to be in Yerushalayim together, in joy, with Moshiach, Bimhera, biyamainu, AMEN!

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