VIDEO: Footage Of Leiby Kletzky On 44th Street & 18th Ave


This video from a surveillance camera is from 18th Avenue and 44th Street. It is the last known location that 9-year-old Leiby Kletzky was at, on Monday evening.

NYPD Detectives are still looking at other footage from the neighborhood.

The tzibur is requested to daven for Yehudah Ben Ita Esther for his safe return home.

To watch this video from a mobile device, click HERE.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. Is it my imagination or does he seem to suddenly start running? If hes running that can mean hes running from someone…

  2. I also got the impression that he is running in this video. I am soooo scared right now for him and for his family! Hashem, please return him safely to his parents!!
    Yaasher koach to all those assisting in the search!

  3. I think it’s a very big mistake to offer 100k. 10, 20, 30, is pleanty and proven to work if anyone has information.

    When we come accross as “the Jews with the big crazy bucks, we just asking for more trouble…

    Just an opinion…

  4. I got an impression that he was scared to cross the 18th ave and he went back to bp area by dahill.
    He looks like the type to keep walking straight down. Anyone checking Sunset park? Greenwood cemetary?

  5. Does anyone know exactly what time this video was taken? If the time is knows, it might help people who were there remember something.

  6. It seems like he is lost and confused. Maybe he wasn’t paying attention when he was walking and wound up on 18th instead of 13th and the higher numbers. He might have been crossing Avenues instead of streets. He might have been counting the blocks as he crossed and thought he was in the right place.

  7. It is crystal clear from the first surviellance video that the kid made a 180 following the dude with the white pants and beird, and it also seemed as if they were running.
    In the 2nd video he is following the very same dude.

    In the beggining of the 1rst video that dude was standing at the corner across the street. He crossed the street going toward the right side of the screen and cut a very sharp left toward the kids direction.

    Who is he? Where did he come from? Why was the kid following him?

  8. I see in the video what looks to be a Yiddishe man sort of showing him where to go. Who is that other person, looks like a young person, who is walking alongside him. Or am I seeing shadow images? Please, Hashem!

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