PHOTOS & VIDEO: Boro Park: Large Search Underway For 9-Year-Old Child Who Never Returned From Day Camp [VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SEARCH TUESDAY MORNING]

10:40PM EST Monday: [UPDATES & PHOTO LINK BELOW] Hundreds of volunteers are searching the streets of Boro Park, Monday night, for a 9-year-old child who never returned home from day camp.

Boro Park Shomrim, Hatzolah, Shomrim from Flatbush and Williamsburg, Chaveirim, and the NYPD, are all looking for the missing child, who has not been seen since 5:00PM.

The tzibur is requested to daven for Yehudah Ben Ita Esther for his safe return home.

UPDATE 7:00AM (Tuesday): Unfortunately, the child has not been found. Thousands of people searched the streets of Boro Pak all night long, but have come up empty-handed.

Shomrim are looking for volunteers to help Tuesdy morning. If you are available to assist, please proceed to the Shomrim Command Center on 15th Avenue and 57th Street.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Hillel Engel


Click HERE to watch video from a mobile device.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

32 Responses

  1. #2 – If you click on the link there is a description and a picture — I’ve copied the description here:

    “He responds to the name “Leiby”. He was wearing black sneakers, navy pants, grey and white blue striped shirt, and has light brown hair, and has black glasses.”

  2. Copied from BOROPARKSCOOP.COM:

    9-year-old Leiby Kletzky. He responds to the name “Leiby”.

    He was wearing black sneakers, navy pants, grey and white blue striped shirt, and has light brown hair, and has black glasses.

    He was last seen on 12th Avenue and 44th Street at approximately 5:00PM.

    The tzibur is requested to daven for Yehudah Ben Ita Esther for his safe return home.

    If you have any information, please call Shomrim at 718-871-6666.

  3. The missing youngster, who answers to the name Leibby, has light brown hair, black glasses and was wearing a grey and light blue striped shirt, navy pants, black sneakers, a blue knapsack bearing the words “Nechmod Day Camp” at the time of his disappearance. Surveillance cameras from nearby businesses show the boy walking up 13th Avenue to 50th Street but there is no footage of Leibby after that point.

  4. did anyone check the stores or banks that are opened late or all night, could be he hid behind something there to shelter himself from the night.

  5. People in WB, Crown Heights & Flatbush, even Manhattan, should be on the lookout too. It may be he traveled to another frum neighborhood & somehow got lost. Keep your eyes open as you go about your business. And pray.

  6. ” Surveillance cameras from nearby businesses show the boy walking up 13th Avenue to 50th Street . . . ” If this information is true (it is in neither this article nor the BPScoop one linked), perhaps we should contact the MTA and the private van services that run up 50th Street.

  7. 13th and 50th is a bus stop. If he wanted to go a few blocks, he could have gotten on a wrong bus and/or gotten disoriented (or fallen asleep).

  8. Can they add details like height, weight, eye color to the description? It doesn’t seem as though his clothes were distinctive so more details would help.

  9. 1. The BP scoop link has a picture. You can see what he is wearing.

    Stop complaining and get to BP and join the search I’m on the way from Flatbush now.

  10. We as Yidden all feel for one another. Yet, when you know someone it hurts even harder. Leiby is a very cute a most polite boy. Frequenting the building often to visit a homebound person, if he’s in around he will politely open the door, hold the elevator and help in any way he can.

  11. It’s truly amazing watching the link of how klal yisroel is joining together. Mi Keamchcha Yisroel!!! In this zechus may Yehuda b’ Ita Esther be found safe and sound bekoriv!!!!

  12. Perhaps the LOST posters should be printed in Spanish as well.There are many Spanish speaking only people in our community who are working in many of our institutions,stores,homes,etc.

  13. I qould love to join athe search but they only take men but waz at a chasuna last nite wen i got the email adndwe all said tehilim in middle of mitzvah tanz may we hear besoros tovos in the next few min

  14. Why is he referred to as “Leiby” – a Jewish name if his Yiddishe name is Yehuda. Is it only “Yehuda b. Ita Esther”? Is anyone sure this is the correct name to daven for?

  15. I suspect G-d knows whom we mean when we say Tehillim. As Tzirel says, all men should join in the search. If you think someone else will do it, think of the “someone elses” who have been searching all day in the heat & need some rest. Time for new eyes.

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