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VIDEO & PHOTOS: Mass Transportation Problems In Jerusalem

Traffic came to a standstill in the late afternoon as two main traffic arteries were blocked by public transportation. In the Geula neighborhood, a bus broke down, requiring a special bus tow truck to remove it. On Highway number 1, a light rail train stalled in the middle of a major intersection. The congestion wreaked havoc as people went about their erev shabbos shopping, as buses were disembarking their passengers away from their destinations.

Credits: A.D. Auerbach – Kuvien Images –

Click HERE to see the photos.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile devie.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Road 1 is somewhere else.

    Road 1 goes from Mevaseret Tzion (Mechlaf Harel) into the valley (Tzomet Ramot) via Ramat Shlomo to French Hill Junction, then along the bypass road between French Hill and Shuafat ‘refugee camp’, and then joins with the “tunnel road” from Har HaTzofim (the continuation of Bar Ilan – from Ramat Eshkol) towards Maaleh Adumim. Road 1 ends at the junction with Road 90 near the Dead Sea.

    I am completely at a loss to explain why people continue to refer to Sderot HaTzanchanim, which is part of Road 60 and which is the road the light rail travels on from French Hill Junction until Kikar Tzahal, as “Road 1”. It is NOT Road 1. It is Road 60.

    Road 60 goes from Pisgat Zeev down along (well, underneath) Kikar Tzahal, and then Derech Chevron, then via Gilo and the “tunnel road” to Gush Etzion.

    When will people ever stop this crazy habit of calling Road 60 Road 1?

  2. breslauer its good your on top of the situation- we needed that clarification. i almost couldnt sleep this shabbos without it.

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