VIDEO: Satmar Chassidim Protest In Crown Heights Today

A dozen or so Chassidim from Williamsburg came Thursday to the neighboring Crown Heights, home to a large Lubavitch community, and were anything but polite guests.

They held up signs, shouted pesukim from Tehillim and some unclear words in Yiddish. Some of them were wearing little ID Tags which read: “Judaism Rejects Zionism”, identifying them clearly as members of the radical Neturei Karta group.

What brought them to Crown Heights?

A store in Williamsburg.

Iris Sherman, a popular sheitel macher and owner of Iris Salon & Spa at 1416 Kingston Avenue, recently opened a branch on Lee Avenue which caught the ire of these locals.

“Why would you be the first to start such a business in public, thereby breaking the Tznius fortress in our community,” one of their signs read.

Another less modest sign, addressed Mrs. Sherman directly: “Iris! Please do not desecrate the kedush of our neighborhood.”

After protests in front of the store in Williamsburg didn’t help, the vocal group decided to take the battle to the branch in Crown Heights.

Police were on hand but there didn’t seem any reason to worry, as the protesters were met by an amused bunch who didn’t mind some action on a regular Thursday afternoon.

(Source: COLLive)

28 Responses

  1. You have to respect them for standing up for Kedushas Yisroel and what they believe in – tznius. It is also interesting to note that the police protected them and allowed them to peacefully protest. In Israel such innocent protesters would be charged upon by police on horseback. At least there is free speech and freedom of religion in the United States.

  2. There is no reason for Chabad to interfere with Williamsburg and none for the Neturei Karte to interfere in Crown Heights. The same stands for Chabad not to budge into Boro Park or other jewish communities. Each one of us have our own derech of serving The Ribboine Shel Oilem, and no one has to impose their own derech on others. In terms of Tznius, there yes, credit has to be given to Williamsburg!

  3. These people are disgusting….they’ll have a nice play on the level right above Osama in gehenom.
    Their chillul hashem is unparalled.

  4. How ironic, these same wives travel to crown Heights to use Iris’s services, so she opened one nearer to them and now their hubs protest?!!!

  5. Darchei Noam,

    Tznius is beautiful and I think Williamsburg deserves a lot of credit for theirs. But even they who have a high standard of Tznius consider this radical and fanatic. As you can see the article states that they took their protests to Crown Heights after those in Williamsburg didn’t help.

  6. Don’t call them Satmar cuz it didn’t have any thing with Satmar at all! it was a group of 10 Neturei Kartah ppl and that’s it! don’t blow up storys on a Chasids which didn’t protest at all! not today in CH and not the last few weeks in Williamsburg! So please stop bleming a Chasids for no reson at all!

  7. To Darchei Noam: Israeli police does allow Hassidim to protest. Personally I dont understand why they do, since what theyre saying usually is a personal attack on the israeli police’s beleifs. But they are certainly allowed to protest… Unfortunately.

  8. Nahapochu: I learned in Jerusalem for three years, and don’t give me this belony that the Israeli police allows peaceful protests. We were marching down Bar Ilan St. Peacefully, and suddenly, those vicious Yasam Police on horses and motorcycles arrived and were just beating up chareidim with their clubs.A different time, I was just walking near a protest talking to my mother, who lives in NY, and those animals just threw me down on the floor and were kicking me for no reason. So don’t talk if you don’t know the facts.

  9. I think there is a very important concept that is lost in this derech of yidishkite: that is that Torah needs to be expressed in a pleasent way “derkei noam”. There is room for disagreement in Judaism, and we dont subscribe to a liberal way of living in which we indulge our fellow Jew to follow a path that is not congruent with Torah. Thus, we are obligated to protest a Jews actions when we disagree with them. HOWEVER; the way it needs to be done is in a way that communicates love for our fellow Jew. I fear, that our brothers here appear like a gang of crazies as opposed to sincere, holy Jews.

  10. For some chassidim sheitels are just as assur
    they have every right to protest and stand up for their mesorah

  11. We are counting the omer, mourning the talmiidim of R’Akivah who died due to sinas chinum and acting inappropriately to one another. Hasn’t anyone noticed how many tragedies have been reported on YWN which involved children??? Enough already. Those who protested could and should have done it much differently to avoid embarrassing the macher, themselves, and all orthodox jews in nyc to boot.

  12. Shaitels are not assur in Williamsburg so they have no reason protesting it.
    They have not ONE Rav backing them.

  13. in response to 14. Joey No Nonsense

    if you were my kid i would personally beat you also

    1. were you there to learn or to hack around til you got a decent shiduch .. if learning was the goal what on earth were you doing outside of the bais hamedrash being mevatel torah !!

    2. you were a guest in another country .. where did you get the chutzpah / lack of derech eretz / lack of hakaras hatov / to think that you have a right to demonstrate in THEIR Country, against THEIR government. Try it in Iran or Syria .. betch that you wouldn e walking anymore

    you and all other bachurim like you cause a great chilul hashem every time you march

    shame on you

  14. They don’t need a rav to back them now
    they have every rav and Chassidic rebbe going back hundreds of years backing them
    If you don’t like their mesorah which
    Potentially could be everyone’s
    mesorah including our litvisher rabbanim’s mesorah
    Dont criticize them
    Criticize the Person breaking the mesorah or keep quiet And understand that you don’t understand

  15. Don’t beagolem: I was in the holiest city in the world and I had a moral and halachik obligation to be moicheh on a Sedom parade in hashem’s garden called Jerusalem.

  16. in response to Joey No Nonsense last comment

    my rebbi in high school used to tell us ” .. who died an apointed you G-Ds cossack on earth”

    some gaivah to think that you are the sole defender of what you percieve as right

    indpendent of your latent homophobic feelings – your tafkid was to sit in bais hamedrash and learn not to go into the street and create a global chilul hashem

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