VIDEO & PHOTOS: Yom Ha’atzmaut 2011 In Yerushalayim

[VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS BELOW] As reports of controversy in Bnei Brak over the proper celebration (or defamation) of Yom Ha’atzmaut make their way over the Internet, many in Yerushalayim stood together and watched as four El Al jets flew over the city (during bein hasedarim) and Jews of all forms and colors, secular and charedi alike, made use of the free admission at many museums and monuments in peace. Whatever ones belief’s are of the day’s holiness or lack thereof, the fact that Jews can walk the streets of Yerushalayim together in freedom is enough – the images speak for themselves.

Click HERE to see the photos.

(Note: On Monday evening, YWN Israel brought you video which was taken at the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration In Yerushalayim. Click HERE to read (and watch the video in) that story.)

Credits: Chaim Schvarcz / Kuvien Images

(Adam Cohen – YWN Israel)

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