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VIDEO: Yom Ha’atzmaut Fireworks In Yerushalayim

While the celebration of the 63rd Israel Independence Day – Yom Ha’atzmaut – is controversial in many circles, hundreds of people, charedi and secular alike, gathered by the Haas Promenade – Tayelet by Armon Hanetziv in the Talpiot neighborhood of Jerusalem to watch the fireworks display. Most of the people there came to participate in the festivities, while others came only for the display, watching the fireworks from a distance.

Video courtesy of Kuvien Images

(Adam Cohen – YWN Israel)

19 Responses

  1. Why does ywn have to tell us that its controversial? Just report the fire works display, noone cares about the controversy involved.

  2. Very difficult to go from mourning on Yom Hazikaron to celebration on the 5th of Iyar. It is a free day from work and a vacation day enjoyed by many.

  3. Chag Sameach and Yom Huledet Sameach. Yasher Koiach to all that will say Halel tomorrow (or at least will not say tachanun or said Halel today) and wow to those that will be saying anything bad about Israel (ie. curses, slichos, negative comments)

  4. Chag Atzmaut Sameach!
    Tfilla Chagigit + Shofar last night, Hallel + Bracha this morning.
    Ze HaYom Asa Hashem Nagila Ve’Nismecha Bo!

  5. As Olim Chadashim, we are all the sudden experiencing another side to Yom Ha’Atzmaut….. an uglier side. There are billboards put up by the City that wish everyone “Chag Atzmaut Sameach.” In Yerushaliim, some of these billboards have been defaced with black spray paint – the “chag” was crossed out and “Ason” (tragedy) is written in its place and the “sameach” is completely crossed off to read “Ason Atzmaut.” The flag with the magen david was X out. Other billboards have been defaced to read “chag Atzamot” (the holiday of bones).
    First of all, everyone in Israel knows that some or a substantial group of Chareidim are against this holiday, and to deface these billboards is a HUGE hillul HaSh*m. I complete understand the controversy of this holiday because of what it is associated with – tzionut. I completely understand all the wrong doing and the disastrous results that the tzionim did to our heritage, our culture, and our emunah. Those that were weak, failed and were pulled into the pit of secularism. Those that were strong remained faithful to HaSh*m Yisboroch!

    A HUGE disappointment for us as new olim is the fact the charedim (those who feel this holiday is controversial) cannot separate the Yom Hatzmaut from the effect of the tzionim. In our humble opinion, Yom Hatzmaut is not the problem, it’s what followed that is the problem and the tragedy! Yom Hatzmaut merely celebrates the fact that Israel has a right to exist and has finally became independent. It’s merely a celebration of Israel’s independence and NOT a celebration of zionism!!!!!! I doven and doven that Jews will stop causing hillul HaSh*m resulting in more hatred towards us. Please doven with me.

  6. I don’t quite get it. I am very happy that we are able to live in a country which is not being run by Arabs. But how does that override the obligation of Availos during Sefira?

  7. #7 many more dont keep shabbos in israel than do. does that prove anything unfortunately a secular government that believes in כוחיועוצם ידי is not considered controversial to be a representatives for klal yisroel, to ppl like you

  8. #7:
    Just like, unfortunately, there many more non-frum than frum yidden.
    To ehrliche yidden, yom haatzmaut is not controvertial, it is either meaningless or mournful.
    In the true yeshiva world (not the site), Lakewood, Mir Etc it doesn’t exist. In Boro Park, the largest Chareidi center in Chutz L’oretz, it is almost completely ignored.

    The Chazon Ish was Sandek by 3 Brissen and said Tachnun “Lhoitzi Milibon”.

  9. As a secular Holiday, similar to July 4th, I don’t think it’s very controversial. As a religious holiday, that’s another matter, among other reasons, because it falls during Sefirah.

    Whether or not to say Hallel is a matter of Halachic controvery. Rav Soloveichik held that it should not be said.

  10. To me Yom Hashmutz is a sad day for Jews and Jewish History. How Sad is it to see all those Apikorsim celebrate a day with the saying of the holy Halell and associate halel with the establishment of the heretic state of Israel. How sad is it to watch Jews convince themselves that the State Of Israel is the answer to our troubles. How sad is it for these Jews to support a state whose entire belief is contrary to what we believe in. Lets not forget that the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Elchonon Wasserman and the Satmar Rav ZTZL were vehemently against this Zionist conquest and by saying Halel on a day that was shunned by our Gedolim is a slap in the face to all those that fought against it.

  11. #13 The Mir Rosh Yeshiva and Tzaddik, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel thanks his biggest donors (the Israeli government) annually for covering the majority of his budget.

    Baruch Hashem, since the days of Reb Chaim Shmuelevitz, kanousdik behavior towards the state and government has never been a part of Mir Yeshiva.

  12. #13 Boro Park is probably the largest Chassidish enclave (not Charedei kehilla).
    OTOH the Bostoner Rebbe zt”L would look for those having a bris on 5th of IYAR and invite them gratis to have the simcha in his shul in Har Nof in order not to say tachnun.

  13. Attention #13: Boro Park is considered the largest enclave of Chassidish yidden B”H (not Charedei only)

    OTOH The Bostoner Rebbe zt”l of HarNof would look for and invite families to have a bris in his shul gratis on the 5th of IYAR in order not to say tachanun.

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