VIDEO: Even NYPD Call Chaveirim For A Boost!

The NYPD held some type of drill on Wednesday evening, on 8th Avenue and 49th Street, in Boro Park. Dozens of of NYPD vehicles participated in the drill. At the end of the evening, a police van belonging to Patrol Borough Brooklyn South, was not starting, and instead of calling their own department for assistance, they called Chaveirim, who were on the scene in minutes, to offer their assitance to the members of the NYPD.

Founded by R’ Aaron Yitzchok Cohen and a group of concerned individuals immediately after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, Chaveirim was launched to provide non-emergency, volunteer aid that would be within the capacity of a grass roots organization. Working to assist motorists stranded due to minor hurdles, such as car lockouts, flat tires or running out of gas, as well as helping the elderly & handicapped in our community with their daily needs, the Chaveirim hotline has been handling hundreds of calls daily, with more than 100,000 calls logged to this date.


2 Responses

  1. I must relate a huge chessed that Chaverim did for me last week. My family has availed ourselves of Chaverim many times in the past but this story is special. We had just made a vort at home and I drove my car over my lawn to the front door to load up the borrowed table and chairs. I didn’t realize just how soft the grousnd was. When I tried turning around in my lawn my front tires sank into the ground and I was stuck but good.
    I called chaverim and one of them took a look and informed me that I was too far from the curb for a regular tow and that I needed a hoist with a long cable, something that chaverim didn’t have. I resigned myself to calling a towing service and since I was really late for my chavruso I told my wife to take care of it. While walking to shul a Chaverim chaver stopped me and asked if I’m the one who’s stuck because he has a cable. He drove me home where another chaver was waiting for us. With true ingenuity the other chaver said that he didn’t think that we needed the hoist. The 2 chaverim were able to push me out of the rut with me behind the wheel steering as per their directions. This incident displays Chaverim’s single minded pursuit of chessed as well as their resourcefulness.
    Shlomo from Monsey

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