VIDEO: Islamic Anti-Semitic Demonstration In Front Of The Synagogue In Tunisia

In a shocking, horrible video posted on YouTube, hordes of Western, modern-looking Muslims attack the Great Synagogue of Tunis to the chants of “Allahua Akbar!” and the genocial Islamic death chant:

“Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad saya’ud,” which means “Jews, remember Khyabar, the army of Mohammed is returning.” This cry relates to an event in the seventh century when Muslims massacred and expelled Jews from the town of Khaybar, in modern-day Arabia.

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(Source: The Jawa Report)

14 Responses

  1. As frightening as this appears, it really is very exciting. The recent changes and upheavels taking place throughout the arab world is the next step in galus yishmael playing itself out. It’s obvious that all this will lead to the US relationship with these countries, being terminated. The US will then have to choose between the entire arab world or Israel. The answer to that is obvious. Once that is set into place, then we will begin to see the final act of this drama come into play, which of course will lead directly to Eliyahu,Mashiach and Hashem Hu ha’Elokim. This is really taking place very fast as it was by geulas mitzrayim, ke’heref ayin.

  2. RSG…

    You wrote… “It’s obvious that all this will lead to the US relationship with these countries, being terminated. The US will then have to choose between the entire arab world or Israel. The answer to that is obvious.”

    It’s NOT “obvious” at all.

    Yes, things can happen k’heref ayin, and Mashiach IS knocking at the door, but…

    Have you forgotten that the president of the United States is Barak Hussein Obama?!?
    Don’t count on the U.S. to be in Am Yisrael’s corner as history is played out.

  3. RSG, are you some prophet that can accurately predict the future? People love making all sorts of predictions and theory but the truth is, noone knows what will be, when it will be or how it will be. I distinctly remember during the first Gulf War, all theorists were coming out of the woodwork with all sorts of proofs that this is it, the geulah and Moshiach, and?????? Instead of making false predictions, everyone should perfect themselves thereby allowing Hashem to fulfill his promise on his own without all sorts of misleading prmises from plain flesh and blood humans.

  4. based on reality im having trouble understanding the basis for jews today using the term “anti-semitic” as in this headline. genetically speaking there are far more muslims that are categorized as semitic than jews, even percentage wise. we’re using labels that ultimately lead to semitic people being persecuted, for instance chechnya is highly semitic region that is facing open persecution and genocide, yemen and saudi arabia is high percentage and guantanamo is 94% semitic inmates, there are areas in afghanistan that are semitic and they’re being murdered without trials for being nomadic herders. it doesn’t hurt us to talk about it because its already very open knowlege to our enemies, it only helps. to be honest i’d rather be around people that are fully semetic on their mother and fathers side than people calling themselves “jews” and so would abraham. can we get some x-dna results from israel and “jews” please before they mysteriously disappear like american indians? there’s wide open anti-semitism and your only helping

  5. HZ1W3J…

    What ARE you talking about?!?

    I don’t know you so I don’t know if you realize that you are taking the same approach that the Jew-hating yishmaelim take, claiming (wink-wink) that “we are semites, so how can we be anti-Semitic?!?”

    Yes, we know that technically arabs ARE Semites, but everyone knows that the term “anti-Semitic” as it is used today MEANS anti-Jewish.

    So WHY are we playing games with semantics!

  6. To: AinOhdMilvado
    The obvious that I clearly refered to, is the same conclusion you arrived at.As to drate a kop’s question, no one really knows, however based upon the Malbim in sefer Yecheskel, I would say that current events seem to be heading in that direction. Perhaps Git Meshiga should read this posting too.

  7. #1: You could use that same argument that the Jews should have celebrated Kristelnacht, since the Germans were showing their true colors.

    Al tesaper l’Soton. We never invite gezeiror ra’os lo aleinu.
    It’s also been said that gedolim have commented they did not want to be around during chevlei Moshiach since they are not supposed to be easy times.
    May Hashem protect us all!

  8. Is it that HZ1W3J(comment 6)is logically challenged; or is he simply not Jewish? He definitely sounds more like an islamo-nazi sympathizer. His ludicrous take on history/geography/biology is dazzling.

  9. expert, the title of this article says “Islamic Anti-Semitic Demonstration”, i have a problem with the title because this definition of “anti-semitism” is of immense benefit to the high tech racists of modern day in that it allows them to openly target actual semitism (being very specific genetics) at an alarming rate while we sit complacent because it doesnt fit the definition that non-semites gave us. they are targeting the very centers of the genetic populations of semitic dna while we assist them with our divergence of reality.

  10. Isn’t it G-d’s four-letter name that we don’t pronounce at the center of the Magen David in front of the shul? If so, it seems strange to me. Could anyone who lived in Tunisia or maybe is just Sephardic explain this?

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