AUDIO: Winner Of School Cancellation Recordings

Just about every Yeshiva, Seminary, Bais Yaakov etc has a recording (hotline) which is updated to let parents and students know if their school will be cancelled in case of bad weather. The hotlines were updated each night of the blizzard, and this one recording sticks out. The name of the seminary has been removed from the recording.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

28 Responses

  1. Here’s my discussion of Tzaddik V’ra Lo: all I want to do is go sledding on a snow day, but my school is making me do a project. What have I done to deserve this?

  2. I’m sorry but these girls should go on strike. This is absolutley ridiculous. Snow days are a blessing for hard working students and workers. A day or two to breathe. Older children like seminary students can help their parents take care of their siblings who are off from school, they can do the shopping at the local grocery for the elderly neighbor who’s afraid to step outside for fear of breaking their hip, they can cook supper for the family so mom can also get her well deserved breather, they can take out a sefer and learn WHATEVER THEY WANT, etc etc.

  3. Lol! I know this seminary and recognized the lady’s voice second I heard it. Soooo typical for that seminary. I can hear the student’s groan now

  4. My nieces school had the following announcement.

    There will be no school tomorrow (wednesday). Please call after 8:00 to find out about bussing.

    But that was better than my sons cheder which had a problem with the snow line and did not call any parents to spread the word.

  5. Hmmmmm….Why are we laying blame on the school?? These girls made a decision to attend this seminary. If they don’t like the curriculum, they always have the option of quitting. Unlike high school, they wouln’t be considered drop-outs – that is of course unless their yenta neighbors foolishly spread information about them.

  6. #10 – you just don’t get it, it’s not about the school or the woman who attend it. It’s the fact that someone can actually put that on a recording and think it’s normal.

  7. i also think that schools should let kids live but this was for Wednesday, they already had two days off and they are in Seminary, especially these girls are in intensive because they want to spend the year growing in Ruchnius. Even upper elementary boys already had school on Wed. so there was nothing wrong asking the girls to spend some time doing a report.

  8. How about encouraging our sons/daughters to shove the steps of the elderly, almanohs and single moms?
    Make the snow day a Chesed Project to pick up milk, eggs, medications for our older neighbors.

  9. Further proof that our priorities are confused….

    Wanna know what true Gedolim and Yarei Shomayim would be doing during this time?? They’d be helping their families shovel snow and ice from their sidewalks…They’d be babysitting their younger siblings who had school cancelled so that their hardworking parents wouldn’t have to miss work….They’d be checking on elderly people in the community who were snowed in to make sure that had adequate food and heat,etc.

    Sorry you’re missing school days, Mrs. Minahelles – but apparently, you’ve also missed a fine teaching moment in middos and chesed.

  10. Kudos to Yeshiva World for posting this very important news piece for no other reason than to make fun of a Frum school.

    Now I know why I turn to you for wholesome Kosher news.

    I may or may not agree with the school’s curriculum but I would’ve thought twice before publicizing it to the world just so you can poke fun.

    You have outdone yourself again!

    Keep up the great work!

  11. I went to this seminary last year and this is very typical of them. I understand that they want the girls to have some ruchniyus to their day, but to give reports is taking it a little too far, in my opinion. I am very happy that I graduated already!!

  12. I’m a graduate of this seminary, and boy am I glad it didn’t snow like this in my days. But what bothers me more than the assignment is baboos’s comment that these girls decided to attend this seminary and commensene who says that the intensive girls want to grow in ruchniyus. Stop fooling yourselves, my friends. Even if girls choose to undergo a year of intensive academic learning and personal growth, NOBODY needs an extra assignment! And you think these girls are going to grow as they research the topics? They will complain and grudgingly look up the mefarshim and bother their parents for help. If there’s someone who enjoys the assignment, she is the one exception. I wholeheartedly agree with those who wrote that the girls can spend their days very productively helping and putting all their learning to action. I am apalled and I hope they did not work too hard on the assignment.

  13. firstly, I personally find this recording hysterical. 2ndly, the message gives away the seminary even if the name of the seminary has been removed, because there is only one seminary in new york that consists of “half day” and “intensive”

  14. To Nuts: i agree that the girls will probably spend their time kvetching away as they do their assignments but these are sem girls not little kids and this was the THIRD DAY of unplanned vacation with little ability to do much else except spend the time around the house. presumably they have already spent parts of the first two days helping out those in need. if these girls had chosen to take office jobs instead of going to sem they would have spent hours trudging through mountains of snow to get to their jobs because most people who do not work in schools had no choice but to go to work. I think the sem was right on target by expecting these girls to do something at home!

  15. Since YWN knows (by now if not before) which seminary this is from, maybe you should send them some of these comments to get thier response. Wouldn’t that be fair to them and of interest to us?.

  16. DO you know wha – I think that this is funny.


    Do I also laugh at some other sects of Judiasim different than my own?


    DO I think that school is a little over the top?


    DO I think it is Totally Inappropriate for this to be spread around by YWN?


  17. I didnt hear the message because the link is not properly displayed in my browser (YWN seems to have a couple of kinks when used with Safari). Whatever the message to the girls, is it proper for “The Yeshiva World” to make fun of a seminary, as foolish and misguided as you think the message may have been? Come on YWN, you know better then that. As some posters point out, the name of the seminary is fairly obvious from the message as well, so you are guilty of rechilus and whats worse, is that with all the speculation as to what seminary this might be, it will just compound the lashon hara and rechilus. I think YWN editors should take down this entire thread.

  18. haha!! i know this school! the seminary and the high school is nuts!! someone actually sent me the phone number to this recording on tuesday night!! this school is crazy!! its soo theyr type of thing to do!! whatever.
    this comment is my favorite!!
    Dan Daoust says:
    December 29, 2010 at 3:38 pm
    Here’s my discussion of Tzaddik V’ra Lo: all I want to do is go sledding on a snow day, but my school is making me do a project. What have I done to deserve th

    now does everyone understand the shiduch crisis?? the girls learn more then the boys!!! and if a girl chooses not to go to seminary she is a bad girl so there is kind of no in between!!

  19. Common Sense: It may be your type to relish an assignment after 2 days of vacation, BUT MOST GIRLS ARE NOT LIKE THAT!!!! Believe me, no one enjoyed the assignment. Oh – and they could’ve used the day to prepare for their weekly parsha test – I remember going over the parsha for HOURS.

  20. Huh. I guess I’m the only one who was actually favorably impressed – with the first part of the message, anyway. Isn’t it a GOOD thing for the (half-day) girls to take a few minutes out of their vacation day to say some tehillim so that the whole sefer can be completed? I don’t think that was demanding too much.

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