VIDEO: HASC Adults Celebrate At Misaskim’s Hachnosas Sefer Torah

They danced, they sang, and they rejoiced with every fiber of their being. All, in their own unique way, expressed pure joy as they rejoiced with the Torah. HASC adults, who volunteer each Monday at Misaskim’s headquarters, were invited to join Misaskim in a unique Hachnosas Sefer Torah celebration – one that symbolizes the spiritual and physical survival of Klal Yisroel. The HASC adults and their counselors were accompanied on this special occasion by Executive Director Rabbi Shmiel Kahn and Clinical Director Dr. Wakslak.

“It felt great to dance with the Torah,” exclaimed Chanan, one of the participants. “Everything was great — the latkes, the soda, and the music.”

Gedalia, another participant, eagerly pointed out his favorite part: “Dancing with the Torah and singing on the mike.”

This special Sefer Torah was donated to Misaskim by the Eisenberger/Sytner family in memory of their dear parents R’ Aryeh Sytner and his wife, Henya Yehudis A”H. R’ Aryeh and Henya Yehudis were the sole survivors of their families after the Holocaust. They courageously built a new family after facing total devastation.  These two heiligah neshomos mustered every bit of strength at their disposal and dedicated their lives to building a home in which Torah permeated every aspect of their lives. After the passing of their parents, the Eisenberger siblings agreed that it would be most fitting to dedicate their parents’ yerushah to the writing of a Sefer Torah.

The decision was made to donate the Sefer Torah to Misaskim, where it will be used almost every day of the year. This Sefer Torah is the 18th to join Misaskim’s family of Sifrei Torah. Misaskim delivers these Sifrei Torah to families that are sitting shivah. In some instances, the Sifrei Torah are delivered to cholim who are homebound on Shabbos or Yom Tov. It then becomes possible to organize a minyan in their homes thereby easing their isolation.

Misaskim is committed to providing support and assistance during a crisis or at a time of tragedy. The organization has cultivated a network of relationships and processes that have now become integral to our community. Misaskim continues to be at the forefront of innovation in community services — handling one crisis at a time.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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