UPDATE: Hagon Rav Scheinberg Released From Mount Sinai Hospital

YWN has just been informed that Hagon Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg Shlita, the Rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Ohr in Yerushalayim, has Boruch Hashem been released from Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan.

As YWN had first reported last week, Rav Scheinberg had been admitted to the hospital with an infection in his gallbladder. Doctors were unsure whether to perform the surgery on the 100-year-old Rosh Yeshiva or not. Antibiotics has apparently been working, and a decision was made to discharge the Rosh Yeshiva earlier Monday.

Rav Scheinberg Shlita arrived approximately two weeks ago on his annual visit to the New York area for fundraising, and to attend the dinner benefiting his Yeshiva – which was held last Sunday.

Rav Scheinberg turned 100-years-old just before Sukkos this year.

The public is requested to daven for Chaim Pinchas ben Yosefa.

Below is a moving video taken in 2009 of Hagon Rav Scheinberg visiting Hagon Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita, who was suffering from severe back pains. In an extremely moving video of two Gedolei Hador Shlita, Chacham Ovadia cries to Rav Scheinberg that it’s hard for him to learn from the pain, and asks Rav Scheinberg for a Bracha.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. All this Ashkenaz vs Sephardic is such non sense, especially when you see two Gedoleh Hador’s love for each other and especially for each and every Jew.

  2. Such a beautiful video, such Ahava one for the other, you see how Rav Chaim Pinchas was crying because it hurt him so much that Rav Ovadia is in pain. Such Gadlus.

  3. “All this Ashkenaz vs Sephardic is such nonsense” – It’s not nonsense. It doesn’t really exist. YOB, Ner Yisroel (Baltimore), Mir (Brooklyn) all share a long history of accepting Sephardim as does Chaim Berlin.

  4. @ #5: It definitely does exist, particularly in EY, but not anything close to the level the rabble rousers and trouble makers would like us to believe.

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