MULTIPLE VIDEOS: Thousands Attend Protest In Manhattan Against Desecration Of Kevarim In Jaffa

Thousands of people attended a demonstration in Manhattan, organized by Satmar & the Hisachdus Horabbonim, against the desecration of Kevarim in the port city of Jaffa, Israel.

The protest was held outside the offices of RFR Realty in Manhattan, to express outrage at the company’s refusal to stop destroying the graves where a construction project is underway.

Many Rebbes attended the protest, among them the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg (Rav Zalman Leib Teitlebaum Shlita), the Toldos Aron Rebbe, the Bobov Rebbe (Rav Mordche Dovid Unger Shlita), and many others.

RFR Realty is building a luxury hotel on the grounds of an ancient graveyard. Proposals have been suggested that would allow the construction to continue while preserve the ancient burial grounds. Although the Israeli partner in the construction is open to methods of preserving the graves, RFR has refused to consider any of the proposals and refuses to meet with organizations involved in preserving ancient burial grounds, sparking outrage and condemnation from Jews worldwide.

The demonstrators have one message for RFR and its owner Aby Rosen: “Preserve the ancient graves!”

This past August a similar protest was held at the same location, and this past September a protest was held in Connecticut outside the realty companies offices.

The protest was addressed in English by Rabbi Moshe David Neiderman of UJO.

All videos courtesy of Dee Voch.



6 Responses

  1. Mr. Helpful, is this the way to go in a country where we are ‘strangers in a strange land’ (meaning AMERICA)?
    Why have many Gedolim & Poskai Hador disagreed with this mode of behavior?

  2. The chareidim feel much safer and secure with more religious freedom in the great USA, then in the current anti torah government in Eretz Yisroel.
    the protest yesterday was attended by thousands of people, and there was not one incident of any altercation between the protesters and the police, which is unheard of in Eretz Yisroel.

  3. BTW #3, were the POLICE called NAZIS, TERRORISTS, BULLIES, GOYIM, etc? Was the property (squad cars, equipment, etc.)of the Police ransacked, destroyed and demolished?

    There was zero altercation with the ISRAELI POLICE when the Charedim demonstrated against the Supreme Court. You need to get your facts straight and look at both sides of the coin.

  4. mr. zionflag. your so concerned when satmar protest i wanna know if you are concerend when the zionist are protesting obama witch is a big chilil hashem?…

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