VIDEO: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Meets With Agudah Leadership

With the midterm elections just a few days away, a delegation of Agudath Israel met with US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. In her two years in office, Senator Gillibrand has shown herself to be a good friend of the Jewish community. The leaders commended her on her staunch support for Israel and spent most of the meeting discussing domestic concerns. Agudah Executive Vice President Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel gave the senator an overview of the of the federal and constitutional issues facing the orthodox community. These include rights relating to religious accommodation in employment, zoning and other areas. Senator Gillibrand pledged to work closely and to be a strong supporter of rights for orthodox Jews in the Senate. (The meeting took place at Office of Shlomo Werdiger)

The meeting comes days before Agudath Israel is scheduled to have their Inaugural legislative Breakfast which will feature dozens of elected officials as well as community leaders coming together. The breakfast will take place this Sunday October 31st at the Broad Street ballroom in NYC.

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(Press Release Submitted to YWN)

6 Responses

  1. Get rid of the blood suckers out of washington. Everybody wants the government to give but they need to take from somebody and the people who are working are getting screwed. Take more to give more and when it passes through
    the politians it sticks to their hands, their friends hand
    and other people along the way. Who knows how to better spend your money than you. How much more in trillions of dollars of deficit does she support. She voted for obamacare which means grannie dies before her time; and you get a health service where you can’t choose your doctor THROW HER OUT

  2. ANY non democrat is better!!

    Remember, on Nov 2 you are voting for the Democrats/Obama OR you are voting for AMERICA. VOTE FOR AMERICA!!

  3. Our political system stinks. This race is a perfect example. On one side you have a crooked ex-congressman who worries more about lining his own pockets than anything else. On the other side you have a former congresswoman who was appointed (not elected) to this office and has done absolutely nothing of note except rephrase her own beliefs to fit in better. What a disaster.

  4. Look:

    Agudah has to take care of business with the person who, if the polls are to be believed, will be the next senator from NY State.

    However, we need to do our part, which is to register our opposition to those who support the moral downfall of our society–people like Schumer and Gillibrand.

    By the way, did Agudah get an O.K. From the Moetzes Gedoei Hatorah to give Gillibrand this backhanded endorsement?

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