VIDEO: NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Receives Endorsement From Bukharian Jewish Community

As the campaign for State Comptroller begins to attract the attention of voters, Thomas DiNapoli the NY State Comptroller received the unified endorsement of the Bukharian Jewish Rabbinical Leadership, Bukharian Jewish Community Center and the Bukharian Jewish Congress of USA & Canada.

In a meeting with the political and Rabbinical leadership of the Bukharian Community, Comptroller DiNapoli spoke about his commitment to divest from companies that do business in Iran as well as remaining vigilant that countries remain commitment to human rights. 

In addition, Comptroller DiNapoli spoke about his strong support of the State of Israel and the purchase of State of Israel Bonds.

Comptroller DiNapoli enjoys the support of the broad spectrum of the Jewish community and throughout his public career has demonstrated a keen understanding of its unique needs both in the non–for–profit sector as well as a strong public record to use the power of the Comptroller’s office to express his strong support of the State of Israel.

The office of State Comptroller manages the over 125 Billion dollar pension system of New York State employees and is one of 5 statewide elected officials.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. One Rabbi endorses him and the Friedlander Group considers it like the whole community is supporting him. Please.Im sure many Bukharians will be voting for Harry Wilson, the Republican nominee for State Comptroller.

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